Full Name:
- Stanislaus Petrovich
- Cka (That Crazy Old Russian Bastard)
- March 22nd, 2143
- Male
- 43
Rank and Designation:
- Lance Corporal
- Smart Gunner
Basic appearance:
- 5'10' ft tall.
- Short, close cut greying hair.
- Dark blue eyes.
- Thin, but broad shouldered.
Notable traits:
- Former UPP citizen
- Kids these days have no discipline, or respect
- Great Patriotic Spirit
-Sometimes I miss the commissars, they got shit done
A dour and hard nosed soldier at the best of times, though he always acts with due professionalism and respect for his superior officers. However, his service in the UPP militias from a young age has led him to develop a deep resentment for incompetent officers as well as an unyielding sense of camaraderie with his fellow mud slogging grunts. Despite his time in the USCM, he still yearns for some of the more disciplined aspects of his old army and can't stand some of the more punk kids that seem to have cropped up in the corps ranks in more recent years. In the rare instances he is given the chance to command, Stanislaus attempts to utilize the lessons he's garnered from both worlds, as both the iron handed disciplinarian and the fatherly, empathetic commander.
Born on the UPP Colony of New Volgograd in the outer arm of the Arcturian Sector, the eldest son of three brothers, Stanislaus spent most of his early years working the farming communes and serving his mandatory conscription service in the planetary defense militia. Stanis and his family defected along with several others to the UA by sneaking aboard cargo ships bound for Arcturus in 2164. The following year however, after the Tientsin Campaign on Eta Boötis A III, Stanis' family faced persecution from the local UA populace and this led to declining work prospects for Stanis and his brothers. Fifteen years later, impoverished, with his brother's first daughter on the way and his parents too old to work, Stanis took one of the only options left to him and enlisted at the age of 36 to the USCM. His foreign heritage made advancement difficult and it took years before he earned enough respect and trust to even be trusted with front line combat duties, but he serves dutifully ever still, both for his family and his adoptive country.
Julian Petrov
"He gets shit done, which is more than I can say for most of the men in his squad. Also its always nice to see a fellow Ruski out here."
James Potatio
"Glorious interim-commander, led the best briefing I've ever sat through, no better guy to share a foxhole with. Still can't believe he lost that game..."
Adan Howard
"Ole' 'Drigger', damn kid's got a few screws loose with a short temper. He's certainly entertaining though, and he can shoot..."
"Alien Comrade. Every time I see this guy he ends up helping me out and following me around. Any day I see him is instantly better."
- Will perform any task to the best of his abilities without question
- Aggressive, always ready to charge forward no matter the enemy
- Age breeds wisdom, and he's seen quiet a lot in his time
- Will never leave you behind, would rather pull a gun on the SL than lift off without you
- Becomes easily disgusted with command at even the slightest hint of incompetence
- Wishes they allowed more BEs, it improves morale and thins out the chaff....
- If you get between him and the enemy, he WILL still pull the trigger
- Sometimes too aggressive, will charge the front lines alone just to kill something