Wanted - Reward, 1000000 Thalers

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Wanted - Reward, 1000000 Thalers

Post by speedybst » 28 May 2015, 01:31

FULL NAME - Kaeli Hawke.
NICKNAME(S) - Kae, Kid, Birdy.
AGE - 32, relative (non-relative, approximately 200, hard and soft records lost/destroyed).
BIRTH DATE – 29/07/2358.
GENDER – Female (natural).
POSITION – Dedicated Sulaco medic/ squad medic; Civilian volunteer.
NOTABLE TRAITS – Calm under pressure, generally unflappable, but doesn’t suffer fools lightly.
PERSONA – She is an extreme chirpy person, all the time. She’s prepared to have joke, even at her own expense, and is just as ready to get down in the muck to do a job as anyone else.
ETHNICITY – Caucasian.
NATIONALITY – Australian, mix ancestry.
VOICE – slight husk to it at all times, but it carries clearly across a room. A heavy Australian accent colours her words and influences how she speaks – quite often she can be heard yelling “You bloody bastard!” amongst other, stronger insults, at incompetents.
RELATIONS – Currently holds few relations with any active marines of the NSS Sulaco, but maintains an open, friendly personality for those who don’t give her reason to dislike them. One inactive marine, Alice Jackson, still maintains a jokingly flirty friendship.
SEXUALITY – Bisexual, with lesbian tendencies.
LOVE INTEREST – She’s got a girl she’s in a serious relationship with offsite, the lovely Cora Esther, who occasionally serves alongside her.
BASIC APPEARANCE - Walking up to you and popping a chewing gum bubble in your face, this punk-rocker wannabe is anything but class. She looks good and she knows it. Her every move has a swagger to it, regardless of the situation. No matter what company regulations say about it, she continues to smuggle in and wear a "...and justice for all" shirt.
With rockstar hair covering her face most of the time, it’s hard to make out any details. Sharp jawline, small nose, chrome eyes and pouting lips are the main features you can identify.
Once she actually brushes her hair back, you can a smattering of freckles, a small but nice nose, large pouting lips and a chrome eyes, all framed by black hair and a sharp jawline.
Clicking gears, flashing diodes and gleaming chrome are the main features of her eyes, but that’s generally lost behind her hair.
Well-toned and strong to look at, she looks like someone who enjoys a brawl for the sake of the brawl.
A pair of faded black jeans cover her reasonably shapely legs.
Her hands have an interesting array of scarring on them, some of it chemical burn pattern, some of it incendiary burn pattern. Due to the nature of them, occasionally the scar matter snaps and cracks, causing her hands to bleed slightly. Usually, a pair of skin-tight, black leather fingerless gloves cover her hands, creaking softly as she flexes them
A pair of old, worn leather boots are sitting, unlaced, on her feet.
DISLIKES – Fools, cold weather, banana products.
FEARS – Virology departments, wasps, abandonment.
LIKES – Choc-mint, strong tea, relaxing and cuddling friends, cats, leather jackets.
STRENGTHS – Extremely level headed in situations where needed: Her skill with medical studies means that she has been observed completing surgery in adverse situations, such as slow-leak breaches, mutinies and active combat zones.
NUMBER OF YEARS SERVED – 3 years, active service, 6 years non-active, reserve service
VIEWS ON THE SERVICE – Personally holds no real either for or against the Corps – she has a job to do, and it’s going to get done, no matter how many she must step over to do it.
SPECIALTIES TRAINED IN – Basic medical training, Advance medical training, Basic surgical training, Advanced surgical training, Specialist surgical training, Basic chemistry training (non-combative), Advanced chemistry training (non-combative), Specialised chemistry training (non-combative), Basic fitness training, Basic firearm training.
(All medical training passed with high marks, see attached criminal record for details)
###Search name: Kaeli Hawke
###Searching_Hawke, Kaeli###
###Clarify term “Harvesting”
Last edited by speedybst on 11 Jun 2015, 02:42, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Wanted - Reward, 1000000 Thalars

Post by MrGabol100 » 28 May 2015, 09:27

Just three things.
1. It's thalers.
2. Bisexual/lesbian punk wannabe bad girl, >mfw.
3. *Click* Noice. :^)

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Re: Wanted - Reward, 1000000 Thalers

Post by speedybst » 31 May 2015, 20:13

*cough cough* Legit am 2. IRL...
and title edited!

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Re: Wanted - Reward, 1000000 Thalers

Post by apophis775 » 10 Jun 2015, 14:39

Why would anyone who is wanted, be part of a military branch, that closely tracks all it's members?

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Re: Wanted - Reward, 1000000 Thalers

Post by TopHatPenguin » 10 Jun 2015, 14:54

Maybe they caught her and forced her to work but still kept the bounty on her to make sure she knows that.. if she leaves she will be hunted down? ( not really sure where i'm going with this)
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Re: Wanted - Reward, 1000000 Thalers

Post by speedybst » 11 Jun 2015, 02:42

Because thats the back story i've been using for 5 years, and i can't be bothered to reinvent kaeli a 4th time. And as the saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer - any antag can tell you that one.
Also, minor revisions added.

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