Madelyn-The sadistic medic

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Re: Madelyn-The sadistic medic

Post by speedybst » 26 Jun 2015, 07:28

Evilkyle24 wrote: Military ship. Therefore military training. They may be scientists and medical doctors, but this is a combat ship. They need to have the training to defend the ship if necessary.

Also, guns are designed to be easy to use. Point at target, pull trigger, target has a hole in it. Reloading? Pull out box, put in new box.
Tell me, have you ever operated a firearm in your life? As someone who has, its a case of nice idea, but its not that simple. You point firearm at target, pull trigger, and miss unless you have some decent training.

As for the military training, in order to become a qualified surgeon-grade doctor, you do sacrifice the ability to be a combatant-grade military officer. You simply don't have the time to learn how to pull someone to pieces and put them back together, and still have time to hone your ability with a firearm. Even within the canon, the doctors were non-combatants for the most part.

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Re: Madelyn-The sadistic medic

Post by Evilkyle24 » 26 Jun 2015, 18:48

Yes, I have used a variety of firearms. And its not that fucking hard to hit a man sized target at 30 feet.

I pelted a chest sized rock with a semi auto rifle using the iron sights from over 20 yards, no problem. It's not hard to use a gun.

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Re: Madelyn-The sadistic medic

Post by speedybst » 26 Jun 2015, 19:44

No, its not hard to use a firearm, it is hard to use one effectively. moving targets in stressful situations vs stationary targets in a secure situations are two very different kettles of fish, and i believe the rifle point is moot, given that they'd only be trained in the weapon they were conceivably going to be assigned in the field, so the M4A3. Now, whilst its not identical in statistics, i did find with Beretta .22-Magnum, literally the smallest ammunition you're likely to use, and it was still quite difficult to put a round into any of the moving targets. Now given the service pistol is .45, the recoil is going to be something hideous in comparison. Combine this with the fact you're a barely trained medic, in a hostile situation, being attacked a large, death-dealing organism busting down the doors, and you're going to be able to calmly fire precision shots into this? I'll certainly agree it gets easier the closer you are, but still, unless you can put the gun against its head you'd still stand a good chance of simply missing.

Hmm, i can see we could argue black and blue from dawn till dusk about this particular scrum, and this isn't the place to do it in. I'm going to agree to disagree, and i suggest so do you.

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Re: Madelyn-The sadistic medic

Post by supernamekianpenis » 27 Jun 2015, 12:33

I agree, Speedy, it's actually really dificult your first time firing a gun, unless you have someone walking you through each step in a low stress situation. A higher stress situation with A RIFLE? Nah, you're going to spray, probably be unable to control recoil and fall on your ass.

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Re: Madelyn-The sadistic medic

Post by Evilkyle24 » 27 Jun 2015, 12:53

Right, I'm not going to keep arguing either. I just think that the other personnel should know how to use a gun, and get at least basic training with it, because its a military ship.

But that's just, like, my opinion man.

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Re: Madelyn-The sadistic medic

Post by Triel Wolfblood » 29 Jun 2015, 14:57

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