Jude 'Red' Levett

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Jude 'Red' Levett

Post by Bachri » 07 Sep 2015, 10:55

Full name: Jude Marie Levett

Nickname(s): Red

Age: 26

Birth date: February 3, 2124

Gender: Female

Position: Squad Leader

Notable traits: Levett has a deceptively fragile-appearing frame, visually similar to an ordinary civilian woman. She also has an above-standard proficiency for field leadership. Not to be allowed near sources of alcohol.

Persona: Headstrong and full of profanities, quick to pull the trigger in retaliation against someone who has wronged her, but she will never make an unnecessary kill or cause undue injury, and she has an easy time keeping control of any small-scale situation. She is a stickler for orders and will usually demand hard punishment for anyone who doesn't follow them without a REALLY good reason. Despite this, she has a knack for going off on her own if she finds a source of alcohol with which to top off her private stash of whiskey. If things get particularly stressful- in which she can start to choke when given command of too many people or something terrible happens to the bulk of her Marines- she may just start to dip into her stash while on the job. If alcohol is not available to her during these stressful times, she will most likely go into an emotional breakdown and begin apologizing profusely due to a sudden inability to command during a critical moment, weather she was doing good or bad during the rest of her time in charge.

History: Jude Levett has an Ireland-based family history that can be traced back as far as 1869, when her ancestors migrated to the United States of America after the Irish potato blights essentially starved them out of their homelands. Although records from before this time are a bit beyond incomplete, it can be assumed that her family tree started mainly in Ireland. For personal history however, her biggest moments were starting her basic training at age 18, being assigned to the same regiment as her three brothers afterwards, and losing her brothers during what was supposed to be a standard drop and grab for survivors of a pirate raid. Bad intel led the Marines involved to think that the pirates did a hit and run, so nobody expected it when it was realized they had set up shop in the main administration office, planning to use the colony as a headquarters. Two of her brothers and a lot of other good men and women went down in the first ambush, including the Field Commander. After a failed push following this ambush, the third brother was put into critical condition and the chain of command had fallen apart to the point where she was the highest remaining link on the ground. The medics pronounced Jude's last brother dead, but they were unable to contact her as she rallied the remaining Marines into pushing into a defensive line while a small group snuck behind the distracted pirates. The shadow team was able to get into the office building and turn their gunner nests into kill boxes by using their own fortifications as cover, but this all happened with Levett working under the assumption that she was working to buy her last living brother enough time to get back to the troop ship that they were assigned to at the time. Jude left that colony without her family, but it gained her some recognition in her leadership abilities. Something that she deeply considered to be not worth it. Six years have passed since this incident in 2144, and she has mostly gotten over it. Mostly.

Relations: Jude still has good terms with her Ma and Pa back home on Earth, despite them begging her to leave the USCM. She has properly mourned the loss of her brothers, and their deaths are no longer a major influence in her life or career, but any grim reminder could change that. She also tries to maintain a strong working relationship with her superiors and her squad.

Basic appearance: Jude's most eye-catching feature is also the source of her nickname; the burning red-orange shoulder-length hair that she keeps tied up in a ponytail. Perfectly complimenting this are her shamrock-green eyes. Her skin is pale, an effect of living the majority of her life inside urban complexes and star ships without direct sunlight. Her muscles and figure are probably her most interesting features however, as despite her standard Marine strength and fitness exercises being performed just as regularly and ritualistically as any other Marine, her frame is almost exactly the same as any slim and fit civilian woman's at her age. Yet she can still fight and shoot only slightly less effectively than any other soldier. Must be something in the potatoes...

Marines who respect her,
a good command structure,
Marines who listen to and follow the chain of command,
Marines who know to break orders only when being marched to CERTAIN death instead of just POSSIBLE or PROBABLE death,
and getting drunk- preferably with whiskey, while hanging out with squad mates after a mission.

Marines who can't understand the chain of command,
a Commanding Officer or Bridge Officer who doesn't know how to communicate orders or plan them,
Survivor Rescue operations,
being kept from her whiskey,
knowing that her fellow Marines are dying,
being given too many Marines to keep charge of.

Red has a good head on her shoulders- she is fully capable of commanding and coordinating a small squad effectively, as well as quickly adapting to changing circumstances.
She is also effective at standard ranged combat, trained in custom-modifying and utilizing the M41A Assault Rifle to it's maximum effectiveness.

Red requires alcohol in order to defeat her memories which can consume her with grief if she is put into a stressful enough situation.
She doesn't take losses in her team very well.
She becomes less inhibited as the stress stacks up and may say socially inappropriate or suggestive things shortly before getting to a critical point.

OOC: Hoping I did well here, and I'm also hoping that I've not put in anything inappropriate or against the rules. It's pretty stereotypical, I think, but meh. My character esh mine :/
Last edited by Bachri on 07 Sep 2015, 12:02, edited 1 time in total.

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Jack McIntyre
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Re: Jude 'Red' Levett

Post by Jack McIntyre » 07 Sep 2015, 11:36

I rather enjoyed it, gave your character a good weakness and why they have it, or require it. Like any good story the characters can't be super heroes who are perfect, they need flaws and I think this was very well written and good describing why you have the flaw your character has. Good work!
Last edited by Jack McIntyre on 07 Sep 2015, 11:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jude 'Red' Levett

Post by Bachri » 07 Sep 2015, 11:54

Thank you very much for the compliment, Adam. I worked for about two and a half hours on it so I'm very glad that it was sufficient! :)

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