The cryo pod has its glass punched out....not him....

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The cryo pod has its glass punched out....not him....

Post by Tristan63 » 13 Sep 2015, 15:08

Full name: Benjamin Barton Werry

Nickname(s): "Big ben"

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Birthday: February 14th

Race/Ethnics: American with German decendents

Position: Second Lieutenant (Marine,SL,Spec,BO,XO)

Notable traits: Brash, Blunt, To-the-point, Hates almost everything

Persona: Looks out for his higher rankings, No bullshit is accepted, Will crack a joke here and there, has a need to butt in here and there

History: Benjamin grew up on Earth and was fostered by a mid-class family, he lived a generally stable life noticeably getting suspended from multiple schools for giving his principals swirles then claiming "It was just a inside joke". Benjamin joined the corps in collage and took officer courses and failed due to his lack of faith in the people under him. Eventually he passed his courses and claimed second Lieutenant and was stationed on the USS Sulaco for his tour of duty.

Relations: N/A

Basic appearance: Damaged eye, Black hair, Medium beard

Likes: High ranks, Surpressive fire, and good haircuts

Dislikes: Bald people, pretty much everything, the CMO

Strengths: Bulky arms allow him to hold his M4A1 fire more accurately, will take no bullshit and follow through with his plans, will help someone if he can.

Weaknesses: His eye limits his visibility, he hates being in large buildings,His prosthetic arm will short out occasionally, he can hate someone if they get on his bad side.

Other Info: He carries with him and old space helmet from a syndicate he killed on his first mission, he also has a broken teleportation armor from E-bay.

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Re: The cryo pod has its glass punched out....not him....

Post by Evilkyle24 » 13 Sep 2015, 16:14

So this:

Which is fine. He's great.

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