Pvt. Bob Sebson, Professional Dipshit

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Pvt. Bob Sebson, Professional Dipshit

Post by Sebro » 26 Sep 2015, 17:13

Full name: Seb Bobson

Nickname(s): Pro Asshole, Dipshit, Lazy, Retard

Age: 23

Birth date: September 12, 22**

Gender: Male

Position: Private

Notable traits: Asshole, Lazy, Somewhat smart-ish, ASSHOLE, and horrible sense of humor.

Persona: Around others he is known to be sort of an ass, poking many offenses at others while at the same time being very sensitive. Like that one annoying guy from highschool who wasn't a DICK, but was still an ASS. Also his sense of humor sucks, horribly.

History: Born into a middle class family, Seb spent most of his life in school, not really doing anything of note, starting a job at WY for about a year, before being fired for dickish behavior, and not doing his work. This made him sorta want to try to change, and be more disciplined, maybe even get some action, causing him to join the colonial marines, if you see him he'll usually be getting himself nearly killed, or charging into battle like a madman...and usually dying.

Relations: He has a dog I guess? His brother is in possession of the dog now. He has a brother who works for WY? Yeah, most of his other family he doesn't want to talk about.

Basic appearance: Uncombed black hair, white, average physique, pretty ordinary except for his attitude, which no one likes anyway.

Likes: God, not the christian god, but the Unitarian god. Bacon, Dogs, Video Games, Baseball, Space Morgan Freeman, Space Arnold Schwarzenegger, Spess Nam Documentaries, VR games.

Dislikes: Jesus, he doesn't believe in im', Space Justin Bieber, Space Konami, Retro Games, Soccer, E.T., People who insult him, other people's sense of humour.

Strengths: Not many, he's ok with most technical things, and has a good education, but he's pretty average otherwise.

Weaknesses:Extremely dislikeable

Other Info: He wants his hotdog in your bun :creepy: <----One of his horrible jokes

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