Grimley Nuhl, callsign: 'Pariah'

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Grimley Nuhl, callsign: 'Pariah'

Post by Grin_Valiant » 06 Nov 2015, 10:21

Full name: Grimley Howard Nuhl


Age: 33

Birth date: 07/14/2117

Gender: Male

Position: Corporate Liaison/Fixer/ Spy

Notable traits: Always has his hands on his pockets when idle. Automatic gesture with index finger to correct his sunglasses.

Persona: Grimley is a rather taciturn man. While he's loyal to a degree, Nuhl's opportunistic and greedy. If he feels that he's going to be compromised, he'll see fit to tie up any loose ends.

History: Grimley grew up in a nasty orphanage. He had two possible futures when he was released from there: dying inside a mine or dying on a battlefield for a cause he did not believe in. Fate, however, had other plans for the skinny green-eyed kid.
While serving in the army, Nuhl became part of a squad that ran a series of covert operations that included black propaganda, kidnapping and assassinations. After being discharged, he was recommend by Colonel Nicholas Lestrago and found himself in the security department of Weyland-Yutani, where he became a liaison between the company and the USCM, whom he despises. Besides the usual reports, Nuhl finds himself tasked with dirty deeds, ranging from blackmail to assassination.

Relations: No relations. Tends to rub people the wrong way. Even his CO Nicholas Lestrago hates his guts.

Basic appearance: A lean man with average height. He has piercing green eyes, his teeth are crooked and has a scar on his upper lip, result of a knife fight. He has shoulder-lenght black hair and a stubble.

Likes: People who can get shit done. Dromedary cigarettes. Skeet shooting. Shoegaze genre. Money. Lots of money.

Dislikes: Grimley dislikes a lot of things, ranging from small animals to being in a crowd.

Strengths: He's pragmatic, never going out of his way to commit a wrong action just for the sake of it. A good liar.

Weaknesses: A lonely man, uncapable of maintaining relationships. No one would ever save his ass if he's in trouble.

Other Info: His callsign 'Pariah' is a tongue-in-cheek joke about him being the most hated man wherever he is.

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