Angel Laveau

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Angel Laveau

Post by Aicean » 16 Nov 2015, 14:13

Name: Angel Ysabeau Laveau

Age: 28

Birthdate: 10/16

Gender: Female

Languages: English, French

Position: Squad or Sulaco Medic and Sometimes takes on leadership roles.

Notable Traits: Has a PH.D. in Diagnostic Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science. Bachelors in Surgery. She's very unsure about surgery. Very intelligent but, little combat training.

Persona: Angel Laveau is slightly impatient if all she's doing is standing around. She likes to be prepared for whatever might or might not happen. She tends to be very vocal and isn't shy about speaking up. She can come off very cold.

History: Angel grew up in New Orleans and was raised by two loving and very religious parents. Her parents were a Houngan and Mambo of the French quarter actually. She herself was also a semi-devoted follower of Voodoo. She aspired to become a doctor though after a time and graduated high school early to pursue a career in becoming a Diagnostic Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science. After going and getting her Ph.D. in both. She went on to earn a degree a in surgery but, decided to discontinue her training in it and instead got hired onto a Medical research facility. There she was in charge of a team trying to create new medicines and applications of them. After successfully making a chemical to help heal ones organs internally. She was asked by We-Yu if they could borrow her expertise for an undisclosed amount. She initially declined and she hired another team in the facility she was in and headed them both. Than later the same month, a fire mysteriously destroyed the facility. We-Yu sent her another offer of joining the Colonial Marines aboard the Sulaco to which she reluctantly agreed too. She's currently been with the Sulaco for 3 months and in that time has been trained as a squad medic.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relations: Two 48 year old parents in New Orleans.

Love Interest: None

Basic Appearance: Long black hair and mocha colored skin with green eyes. About 5' 9"

Religion: Vodun or Voodoo

Dislikes: People who don't listen, sitting around doing nothing and people who misunderstand her religion.

Strengths: She's very vocal and is constantly relaying and asking for information to better formulate an answer to situations, Will not disrespect people unless they disrespect her and She believes the Loa will give her strength in harsh times especially Damballah; The Serpent Loa and Legba; Crossroad Loa.

Weaknesses: She sometimes tends to look for information alone or stand still and makes for an easy target, She has very little combat training and Belief in Voodoo may be exploited.

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