Bob Sunday
= Bob
= Sunday
= Gardenhose (Some dude told Bob he couldn't shoot for shit.)
= Lardass (Bob ate 8 burritos at one point, then someone kept calling him Lardass for the entire time.)
Birth date:
-July 20, 2129
-Standard Marine
Notable traits:
-Bob will ask you a lot of useless questions.
-Bob has orange-ish hair.
-Bob is sort of a clepto.
-Bob Can't hold his liquor
-Bob is about 5'10 ft tall.
-orange-ish hair.
-Has a sort of goatee on is face.
Kind of looks like this:
=Grim-Dark situation where it feels like there's no hope.
=People who're willing to listen to him.
=Good Command Structure.
=The super sekret fight club
=Bad Command.
=People who don't do anything to help.
=Military Police.
=People who aim for the heads.
=Blonde Hair.
=Stays with his squad as much as possible.
=Will follow orders if they're not too suicidal .
=Bob is willing enough to sacrifice his life if it can save the mission.
=If he died, his soul will be the most saltiest thing ever.
=Bob has a slight tendency to misjudge the situation.
=Bob is very selfish with his items.
=Bob can't aim for shit, but get's mad if you call him out because of it.
+No friends yet sadly.
Shit List
-Bill Carson (He's a meme so I have to dislike him)
Other Info: