USCM Personnel File- J. Ochsner

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USCM Personnel File- J. Ochsner

Post by Frendermen » 23 Mar 2016, 11:20

Full name: John Landon Ochsner

Nickname(s): John, Okie

Age: 31

Birth date: 21??

Gender: Male

Position: Sergeant- Specialist, Squad Leader

Notable traits: A thick rural accent, foul language, sense of humor, curly hair

Persona: John is a laid back fusion between a redneck and a surf-bum, easy going but fully capable of aggression when needed. He doesn't take anything to seriously and can find a joke even in very dire situations. John has an intense love of food, though his body wouldn't suggest that he eats as much as he does. He has an intense desire to protect the people around him, even if he doesn't afford them any respect. He views any suffering under his watch as a personal failure and takes any harm done to his companions as a personal insult. If someone happens to fall on the wrong side of Johns temper its nearly impossible to win back his acceptance.

History: Born in Northern Oklahoma to a farming family, the youngest of 3 sons he found life difficult in the rural setting. Technology and colonies meant that farming was a dying job on Earth so life was hard from the very start. Jobs were hard to come by in the desolate county and John and his friends grew up in the back of pickup trucks helping their parents with what work they could find. As he came of age John spent much of his time in bars and other seedy environments, looking to find some solace from his boring life.

In a moment of clarity he decided to go to college, not wanting to become what his brothers and parents had been. However, being from a dying town he was desperately poor. He joined up with the Colonial Marines at the recruiting station in Tulsa and was soon training in bootcamp. After only a short time in the service he saw his first combat in the savage brush of Angola. He picked up a love for combat there and decided he would become a professional soldier, choosing to re-enlist rather than go to college. He has been serving on the Sulaco ever since that decision.

(None as of now, let me know if you'd like to get in here)

Basic appearance: 6 foot with dirt blonde hair that he keeps in a headband, his face is worn but still attractive and he bears the shape of someone who has fought for years.

Likes: Food, Loose Women, Trucks, Guns, Excitement, Good Jokes

Dislikes: Alcohol, Bad Humor, Cowards, Defeat

Strengths: Smart, Tough, Experienced

Weaknesses: Overly Caring, Arrogant, Stubborn

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USCM Personnel File J Ochsner

Post by Therorek » 04 Apr 2016, 08:13


Send me a PM with your email address and I will send you the file when I get back to Carlisle
next week.


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