USCM Dossier - Edward 'Knight' Sholl

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USCM Dossier - Edward 'Knight' Sholl

Post by Killaninja12 » 04 Apr 2016, 09:38

Full name: Edward James Sholl

Nickname(s): Knight, or Whiskey

Age: 30

Birth date: July, 2120

Gender: Male

Position: Lieutenant Commander

Notable traits: Black hair, Blue eyes, and a goatee. Usually smoking a cigar.

Persona: Despite an often laid back and sarcastic demeanor, Edward is described as being a decent and honorable man that is well liked by those under his command. Sholl is always willing to do the right thing, no matter how difficult it may be. He is also described as being fiercely loyal to his friends and his cause, willing to put it all at risk for the protection of those who cannot defend themselves. It is this loyalty that causes deep resentment in Edward when he is betrayed by those he trusts. Although often displaying an overzealous attitude, Sholl is well respected by his men as a dynamic and reliable leader who always tries to ensure his troops survive the day, even when he’s responsible for getting them into a bad situation. Sholl himself acknowledges that he isn’t the most intelligent man there is, but he has shown to be extremely resourceful and persistent in the face of unfavorable odds.

History: Sholl was born on Earth to a small family in a little town out in the middle of nowhere in Arizona. He always longed for adventure as kid, seeing the small town life as a nice one, but not for him. While he didn’t care much for school, he did enjoy his time attending ROTC classes, and took up more of an interest in joining the military. After high school, he decided he’d take up what chances he had and applied to West Point, to which he was was accepted, and attended for a time. Afterwhile, he took his place as a low ranking officer amongst a standard Company typically doing security duty and the likes.

In his early years of being in the USCM, he was shown as a tactical and brave leader, caring for his men’s lives, along with that of civilians. Throughout the years, he’d gained the trust of his men, eventually gained the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and gained the attention of his betters. Thereafter, they decided he was a good fit for the duty of XO to the 2nd Battalion Bravo Team that is currently residing amongst the USS Sulaco.

Relations: Likes Joseph Skinner, considers the man to be a close friend, and trustable ally. Respects Brian O’Gibbs heavily, and considers the man to be an honorable and tactical soldier. Believes Bill Carson brings a rather comedic value with himself, but respects the man nonetheless for his actions. Likes Dayton Mann, and considers him to be a resourceful ally, but immature.

Basic appearance: Image

Likes: Alcohol, preferably Whiskey. History, cigars, and while it is old, heavily values and respects the Knights Code of Chivalry.

Dislikes: Disrespect, pessimistic attitudes, failure, and leaving good men behind.

Strengths:: Honorable, trustworthy, brave, and determined.

Weaknesses: Drinks fairly often, smokes quite a bit as well, and is overzealous.

Other Info: Cowboy Whiskey is his drink of choice.

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