USCM Dossiers - Erika 'hunter' Degrasse / Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric / Sadako Voorhees / Edgar Palamedes / Tylor Harkonnen

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USCM Dossiers - Erika 'hunter' Degrasse / Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric / Sadako Voorhees / Edgar Palamedes / Tylor Harkonnen

Post by Ms.Degrasse » 08 Apr 2016, 16:35

+++Note to readers:

I enjoy a lot the challenge of heavily roleplaying "3D" characters, improvising on the fly and also of adapting the characters to any roles they might get assigned to while maintaining the traits, details and keeping up with what is expected from that role.

Those dossiers are still in development.

Feel free to tell me about any incoherences including on grammar (i am not that good on english language), rules or lore, and also to ask me about creating relationships between our characters.

Resuming the characters?

Erika is the finest example of a warrior, the character I play since I started on this server and also the character I sometimes use for some experiments on game mechanics. A cigar-chomping hard-boiled veteran, with a lot of depth added in.
Erin is much more of a support character in any role, and also the one I play with when multitasking somewhat and not being able do fully pay attention to the game (as so she have a chance of freezing at the sight of an alien or to not answer someone talking to her - and if that happen there's an in character reason).
And Sadako is who I play with when going for a harder game. Also this one is an example of "how to be an antagonistic character without breaking server rules".


Full name: Erika Degrasse | Nickname(s): 'Hunter'
Age: 39 | Birth date: 2111 September 20th | Gender: female
Position: Squad Speciallist
Notable traits: heavy smoker and coffee drinker, sense of humour, sarcasm, extreme sense of duty and tomboyish behaviour.
Persona: Visibly she is the archetypical paladin / good samaritan. A good natured person who cares about the wellfare of the others. Hates unfairness, harsh judgements and unnecessary violence, but engages fiercely against those who harms the others.
Usually try to diplomatically solve conflicts instead of escalating them up, and only will hit someone if provoked beyond her self-control threshold.
She is a veteran marine with a raputation of bravery on duty.
Sometimes jokes about a situation or pranks the others, but do so very sparingly.
History: Born from a conservative family who wanted a girl in tradicional style.
Managed to disappoint them in every aspect since her childhood.
Suckerpunched her aunt when she insisted on telling Erika to pierce her ears, hates typical female attire and also displayed early bissexual preferences.
At her 22th birth her family acquired a synthetic female and obviously configured her to meet what they expected from Erika. That caused her to revolt agains her parents, she got rid of everything that could allow them to track her and left home to never go back again.

After a while, she felt her strongest inner call was to try putting some order in chaos, and so she enlisted as a security officer and then as a marine on USCM, getting promoted after some years to squad speciallist.

Her nickname was earned from her careful tactics on combat situations, consideration for her peers and the habit of setting up traps and ambushes to hostile foes, looking a lot like an experienced hunter going with his partners for a season of game.
Basic appearance: A female with hispanic features, a black hair, short hair cut and green eyes. Usually wear shades and smokes copiously.
Likes: Big guns, explosives, drinking, smoking, dating, coffee, binge eating, learning new things and experimenting with new stuff in general.
Dislikes: Unnecessary cruelty in general, recklessness that endangers the others and blatant stupidity.
Strengths: Bravery, loyalty, dedication and preparedness. Is pro-active to the extreme.
Weaknesses: Hot headed. Excessive curiosity leads her to trouble. On extremely stressful "FUBAR situations" she does imprevisible and impulsive things on desperation for fixing those or at least to cope with it while saying some nonsensical things and nervously laughing for no apparent reason.

{{{OOC comment:
This character is based loosely on some traits from Michelle Rodrigues roles on Resident Evil and SWAT films (manneirisms and tomboyishness), Ripley from Alien series (her care for the others lives, courage in battle and apparent ambiguous preferences in the forth movie) and on Harrigan and Schaefer from Predator and Predator 2 (specially in tactic she use, and also on some "typically manly behaviours"),
with some condiments from other sources sparkled over her for realist (she "shellshocks" as would a real life soldier in some circunstances).
She is as heroic as possible for a human being, but having a "FUBAR threshold" that when crossed makes her drop the otherwise careful behaviour and get into a type of shellshocked "all or nothing style" mental breakdown that usually leads her either to save the day or die trying.

Is someone who resists to the last effort (even if the effort is actually meaningless like when a unarmed and mortally wounded soldier spits blood at the face of his foe), who never surrender unless for a very good reason and who willingly sacrifice herself if needed.
For example, if infected while knowing about the alien's lifecycle, critically wounded and nested? She kills herself on the first possibility.
If not wounded, she does her best to keep fighting them. }}}

Full name: Erin Cyric| Nickname(s): 'Tin Can'
Age: 39 | Birth date: 2113 June 8th| Gender: female (reassigned at birth)
Position: Maintenance Technician
Notable traits: Tipically an upbeat person even when telling about her tragic past. Charismatic to the extreme. Physically attractive. Keep herself as tidy as possible. Usually keeps in her backpack a kit with wires and welder (for limbs maintenante), technological itens, either a bar of soap or cleaning spray, lipstick and a pair of balisong knives (butterfly knives).
Enjoys polishing her bionic limbs for showing them up to her closer friends and entertaining them by juggling and doing fancy tricks with her balisongs. (But she actually view those knives as mechanically improved and fancy tools, not as weapons.) Tends to drift away in her thoughts, sometimes to the point of daydreaming.

Persona: A competent worker at her duties, who cares a lot about her paycheck without being a workaholic of any sort. Feels a little out of place for all thing in what she's different from the others, so tends to blend in by chatting and offering herself to help when possible.
Avoid directly engaging in any combat situation, being always "the supporter on the back", as she actually recognize her innaptitude on this. She knows about the sex reassignment done at birth on her and actually enjoy being a woman - but she usually avoid talking about this to other marines.
She thinks about herself as being a powerful cyborg with augmentations instead of a handicapped individual. Dislikes her nickname a little, but does't rant or is deeply upset about it.
History: The spoiled child of a rich family, who got everything she wanted since early childhood.
This included an expensive and pimped out racer vehicle, that she crashed.
The accident almost took her life, leaving her limbs crippled and forcing her to get them surgically replaced with prosthetics.
This small tragedy changed her deeply, turning the otherwise vain and reckless teenager into a dedicated student of enginery that admires technology, mechanisms and machinery in general.
When she completed 32 years, her parents and most of her family died in an unexpected gunfight on a restaurant and so she acknowledged their wealth's origin.
- Unknowingly to her, her family's business was the smuggling of drugs and contraband of stolen goods. -
After the massacre, most of their wealth got snatched by criminal persecutions, ransacked away by their "ex-employees" or stolen by hackers of unknown origin.
Left without resources and having to seek a place safe from possible enemies of her parents, she enlisted on the USCM as a maintenance technician.
Her nickname was earned from the fact that she is a woman "surrounded by tin" (her four bionic limbs).
Basic appearance: An extremelly beautiful redhead woman of european origins, with some freckles in her face, black eyes and that is usually wearing gloves even when it's unnecessary. (She shows her bionic limbs to friends, but hides those from the public in general as she feel it's easier to blend in that way.)
Likes: Machines and technology in general, hacking things, operating the powerloader, eating sweets, radical sports and pretty things in general.
Dislikes: Psychoactive substances of recreative use including alchohol and tobacco (it's a trauma she bears), prejudice against minorities, unclean places and mess in general.
Strengths: Is a supporter someone can counts on. Creative to the extreme (sometimes too much). And someone that usually boosts the others morale.
Weaknesses: Will run away from direct confrontations, prioritizing her survival. Panics easily and tends to cry copiously when facing a dangerous or difficult task. Sometimes her excessive love for technology and/or sense of estethics leads her to somewhat silly actions as a maintenance technician.

{{{OOC comment: I based this character on Joan Lambert from the first alien movie (character in support role who isn't a combatant by nature and also the detail on her sex), with a different look and a manneirism that is a mix from a lot of sources including the female role in "The fifth element" movie (most of her appeareance and also her tendency to cry and lament when facing dire situations).
She is the complimentary polar opposite of Erika Degrasse on many things, while also being competent and a good ntured person (but is someone "much more oriented to fancyness than to effectiveness", cares more about her survival than about the survival of the others, is prone to being bribed in some contexts and isn't someone who would go directly against a "wrong doing commanding staff" for example.

Is someone easily taken over by fear, that sports some self-delusions of power as a somewhat failed attempt to overcome this.

All of her resistance efforts goes in the direction of saving herself fist.}}}

Full name: Sadako Voorhees| Nickname(s): ????? (there was only a weird rune-like mark in her enlisting form on this field, so the officers ignored it)
Age: 31 | Birth date: 2119 April 11th | Gender: female

Position: Squad Marine
Notable traits: Dark humour, cynical behaviour, habit of telling bizarre stories and tales about an entity called "marauder of death".
Smile in a scary way that typically freaks people out and display a bizarre appreciation of the violent aspects in her job as a marine.
Also sports the habit of wearing gasmasks and balaclavas on duty, even when unnecessary. Tends to combat in a "berzerkish" style, with the tendency to employ melee weapons.
Persona: Most people will identify her as a weird person of some sort, as a "too unsensitive marine" or as someone who is shell shocked beyond repair but got hardboiled to the extreme instead of breaking up, while the more sensible ones will feel something is terribly wrong on her.
She does what is expected from her role and is the finest example of "courage".
...But the way she smiles when getting tottally covered in blood, her extremelly violent and aggressive behaviour in battle field and her habit of finishing downed foes with melee weapons leaves the others feeling seriously unneasy on her presence.
History: She was found in an escape pod floating on space, where she laid frozen on a cryo chamber for 4 years.
After being rescued, she started promptly identified herself as a doctor and started working on medbay as an overly skilled surgeon and able biochemist.
She developed some efficient but rather dangerous combat drugs containing mainly hyperzine and tramadol as the main components that by accident killed some marines who ignored the instructions and overdosed in it.
During a mission, while depleted of combat personnel, the ship unexpectedly got boarded and assaulted by hostile forces, who managed to capture and hold most of the crewmembers as hostages on the bridge.
At that time she took the enemy commander by surprise, by taking out a scalpel from her pocket, stabbing him with it in the eye and subsequently mangling him to death with a bonesaw that happened to be on her belt.
This sudden attack distracted the assaulters and, prompted the crew to react by disarming and downing the hijackers and so they took control of the ship again.
The commander recognized her courage, and considering the need to refill the marine ranks promply offered her the opportunity to enlist on the combat forces as a recruit.
She passed the recruitment exams, but unexpectedly dropped the role of a combat medic and became a squad marine instead.

(As uncovered by a USCM recruitment investigation, the space station she was working in exploded after a containment failure in the reactors, an automatically sent distress call coming from this ship was logged on some telecomm servers, nothing else of that ship was recovered and she was considered just a lucky survivor of this incident.)

Basic appearance: A woman with oriental traits, long black hair, black eyes and pale skin.
Likes: Knives. Surgery tools. Throwing knives. Axes. Machetes. Being on action. Also is very found of drinking tea and soda, and very proud of her long hair.
Dislikes: Investigators in general, military police in particular and anyone bugging by asking her too many questions.
Strengths: She fears nothing. Her berzerker style on combat usually takes enemies by surprise, usually exposing them and giving other marines a chance for joining in.
Weaknesses: Obvious recklessness. Poor choices when choosing her weapons.
(She always goes to combat with throwing and marine knives, will collect and try to use axes and the like.) Apparently she dangerously disregards her safety for a chance of downing an opponent. Easily get involved on infights.

{{{OOC comment: Sadako is strongly based on the character Edwin from the Predators movie (sociopathy and tendency to kill on cold blood), with some traits from Go-Go Yubari from Kill Bill movies (violence and aggressiveness in combat), Jason Vorhees from Friday 13th movies (typical weapons of choice, tendency to wear masks and detail about passing some time frozen in space), Sadako Yamamura from the japanese The Ring movies (most of her appeareance) and with some bits from The Joker, from Batman (the dark humour elements and the cynism).

The truth about her? That isn't on the topics above because no one in USCM knows?
Is that she is a person so terrible that makes Yautjas and Aliens look like heroes when compared to.

- Storywise, she actually managed to murder the entire crew from the space station she was in before getting aboard the Sulaco, and got tottally away with this. -

BUT? She isn't a "the typically irrational maniac that decided to go on stupid killing spree, get caught and is beaten to death by other crewmembers".

Character-wise, she learned by her previous experience on that space station that self-controlling her bloodlust and murderous intents until a situation where she can carefully unleash it without being persecuted or reprimanded arises is a must do, and isn't going to fail again.

Her "courage" on recklessly charging towards the enemy is actually this trait kicking in.
Here she is doing so because it's a opportunity for killing someone or something, not because she is honouring her duty as a marine.

On eventual infights? Or if facing rioters of any kind?
She escalates the conflict up and provoke the sides, hoping for a chance of "justified self-defense". On this she is the opposite of Erika Degrasse.
But she chooses carefully the side she will align with, and if facing a situation where she "can't figure out who is the one she may kill without being reprimanded", she waits until she can sort this out.

She is also the only of my characters that would provoke a vandering Yautja to a honourable fight with melee weaponry - just because she LOVES killing with melee weapons - only going to pass this opportunity if directly ordered to not engage a predator and if there are other marines present keeping an eye on the scene.

Also, contrasting to Erika and Erin, Sadako never breaks down under stress.
She never would end her own life. (She sees death as an entity she calls "the marauder of death" and expects it to directly take her away from this world.)

She will resist attempts of capture to the last effort (just because she want to murder who or what caught her), but If critically wounded and facing imminent death at the hands of aliens or predators , she will realize she met a greater evil than her, see them as the ultimate incarnation of death and worship the foes who defeated her as a preparation for her final rest in peace.
And if infected and knowing about the xenos lifecycle, she will actually feel even more honoured about the fact that the creature in her body will wreak havoc in universe on her place.


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Re: USCM Dossiers - Erika 'hunter' Degrasse / Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric / Sadako Voorhees / Edgar Palamedes / Tylor Harkonnen

Post by Ms.Degrasse » 04 May 2016, 00:56


Full name: Edgar Palamedes| Nickname(s): Don't have one.
Age: 42 | Birth date: 2114 January 6th | Gender: male
Position: Requisitions/Logistics Officer
Notable traits: He talks with a heavy accent and lots of slangs. Is a workaholic, to the point of getting seriously upset at people hampering his work, only relaxing once every possible task is done. Is quite paranoid about his office getting exploded, destroyed or invaded by hostile forces.

Persona: A honourable and humble worker who try hard to be competent and earn his salary.
Don't care that much about anything else other than his duties and is a "no-nonsense" person, but is tipically polite and patient towards his peers.
Cares a lot about keeping his facial hairs well shaved, and his workplace organized.
Isn't fond of involving himself on conflicts, but if needed to do so he keeps his ground, being regarded as an adaptive, smart and fast to react officer but not as a specially brilliant fighter.
History: The father of three children, married to a private military contractor, who decided to finally accept his wife's tips and career coaching, and joined the USCM for improving the finances and better support his family.
Actually, he never thought it would be a good idea to be in a dangerous job.
(And no one, but himself, know if he changed his mind or only enlisted to the USCM for having her to stop the constant talks about his job.)

His career started in a ship called USS Gilderoy where he was assigned as a marine.
He was a well disciplined crewmember, but survived through a good number of missions more because of his luck than of anything else.
For his discipline command staff decided to promote him to squad leader but he implored to be assigned to administrative roles instead, becoming a quite competent cargo technician and shorly getting promoted to logistics officer.

The ship was then attacked and boarded by space pirates after it's quite incompetent commader, who failed to properly refill the ship's resources at the last docking, decided to openly broadcast a request for supplies.
USS Gilredoy suffed a massive hull breach, stalled from the orbit and burned to ashes when entering the atmosphere.
A cathastrophic event Edgar survived by rushing with some fellow comrades to a dropship and suggesting the engineers to force-launch it.

Then he was transferred to the USS Sulaco, where he finally got assigned as a requisitions officer.
Basic appearance: A tough looking male, muscular, with african features and dreadlock styled hair. Notable for his always well cleaned and ironed clothes and always shaved face.
Likes: His dreadlocks. Keeping himself clean and tidy. Well organized places. His family.
Dislikes: Nonsensical people. Disturbances on his workplace. Confrontations.
Strengths: Good reaction time. Quick thinking. On-demand adaptability. Discipline and dedication to his duties.
Weaknesses: Paranoid behaviour. Tendency fight too defensively. Easily get pissed at people messing with his workplace, being regarded as "that grumpy officer" by some marines with a tendency to mess up at the req's office.
{{{OOC comment:
His looks and overall appeareance was based on Christie (character from Alien: Ressurrection. While his personality is a mix of different sources where I tried my best to do a realistic character, with a distinct manneirism and also to answer a question to myself.
"How would be the mind of a non-combat-oriented person who joined the USCM only for supporting his family, and that was pratically forced into doing so not only by the circunstances but also because of his peers expectations?"

In some aspects, Edgar is similar to Erin (he wants to survive at all costs), but his reasons are deeper (it isn't just him, but his family too).
As such, he is braver than her in most of the situations. But not fond of combat too, and here he even lacks her enthusiasm in some aspects .
But he contrasts with her, by not being obscessive with cleaning things in general (only on keeping himself clean and keeping his workplace organized), and by being much more methodic and disciplined, and also by being tipically grumpy and quite dull in some situations.}}}


Full name: Tylor Harkonnen| Nickname(s): None. (Actually some insults, that never stuck to him.)
Age: 36 (apparently) | Birth date: ?? (Not registered) | Gender: male
Position: Bridge Officer
Notable traits: A over confident, weird, beligerant and egomaniac tanned man, with red hair and a terrible tendency to disgusting habits and attitudes.

Persona: A bizarre person. Quite charismatic only because he cares about his subordinates, but who also is inconstant, reckless, sleazy and quite violent.

Think about himself as being the greatest warrior and leader on the world.
But is a pile of bad habits, stubborness, impulsiveness, inadequated behaviour and annoying manneirisms topped with agressiveness, war mongering and a "godzilla sized ego".
History: Tylor Harkonnen is am "A.W. Soldier". An individual who came from a genetically manipulated embryo that gestated in an artificial womb.
Part of a complex USCM experiment on the effort of bolstering their ranks.

Scientists who worked on the project prepared him using the best technologies and resources available, ranging from behaviour enhancing virtual reality to biochemical phisiology enhancement and from that to intensive training..

"He will be the ideal soldier. Loyal to the USCM, a cunning warrior dedicated to combat, fearless and brave." - Said the project's director.

But something went seriously wrong...

His uncontrolled instincts and altered perception of the world, mixed with exaggerated concepts and philosophy shoved down his throat, turned into his personality into a complete mess, literally Fucked Up Beyond Any Repair.

Unbelieveably fearless and brave, only because he completely disregards his own limitations and think about himself as someone invincible.
A reckless marine who defeated many foes by using overpowered weapons, many of those inadequated to the job, wich resulted in a lot of hostage and even civillian casualties.
Fanatically loyal to the USCM, as this organization is everything for him.
He sees himself as USCM's ultimate messiah and chosen one actually.
And the complete disregard of the researchers of some important things on his upbringing made him into a being with just "power hunger" and "personal gratification" related goals.
A binge eater and drinker of a kind never heard of, a substance abuser with a taste for combat stims, prescription psychoactive medicines and recreative drugs and also a pervert with almost no self-control over his desires that organized orgies sometimes in plain view of another crewmembers and who got arrested several times for his inadequated conduct.

For his behaviour, Tylor almost got a dishonourable discharge, but since the high command had to keep tabs on him (they could not let their failed experiment come to public knowledgement), he was then adverted, scolded, transferred to the USS Sulaco and "promoted" to bridge officer where his charisma actually could benefit the troopers.

Since then, he is struggling to keep himself controlled.

Basic appearance: A tall guy, with unaturally looking red hair and light blue eyes, tanned skin and mixed features that makes hard to define his genetical demographic origins.
Always wearing stained clothes, with some grease from recently munched food and smelling of smoke and alcoholical beverages.

Likes: Food. Drinks. Pleasure in general. Combat. War. And being the best in the world. (LOL)
Dislikes: Restrictions on his goals. Cowards. Wimps. Unloaded weapons. Outdated stuff.
Strengths: He is a fierce warrior, with a absurdly high morale. Also his charisma. (He really cares about the crew and typically evaluate them positively.)
Weaknesses: Fanatic and egomaniac mindset. Erratic behaviour. Agressiveness. Recklessness. And overconfidence. Also his tendency to annoy disciplined people.
{{{OOC comment:
Tylor Harkonnen is a character I created for having an opportunity to play with the radical opposite of all my other characters, and also for the challenge of roleplaying a "flawed to the extreme individual".
I based him on some physical and personality traits from the members of House Harkonnen - from the Dune Novels. (His surname is as much of an early warning for the other playrs as is Sadako's.)
And on a lot of personality traits from Tyler Durden (the character from Fight Club movie), but his first name comes from another character that was regarded as irresponsible (I don't remind from where the other character is).

He is also a showcase of the worse possible consequences of a dystopic future where "people are designed and brewed for being combatents", being a sort of a parody of this theme.

And just for highlighting the contrasts?

Erika employs well thought tactics, and is cautious on combat situations.
Regarding the crew, she is funny and kinda a party indulging person. But self-controlled.
-> Tylor is reckless in combat. And not self-controlled in any sense, unless when something is an obvious danger. (He isn't stupid or retarded, of course.)

Sadako is an evil person. A bloodthirsty assassin. But she is also a cold hearted thinker.
She never puts herself in trouble that may get her arrested on purpose, and tipically behaves nicely towards the crew unless facing a good opportunity for getting a "free kill".
-> Tylor IS the trouble himself. An "agent provocateur" by default.
He isn't evil, but actually so agressive that he will scale up any conflicts involving him.

Erin is charismatic and creative. She improves crewmembers morale through some perks like installing arcade machines and computers, but she doesn't to anything that could wreak havoc of any sort. She is responsible.
-> "An arcade machine? Meh... It's nothing compared to several bottles of booze dumped in the cafeteria, drug laced cigarretes and a crazy party on the dropship." - Tylor's thoughts on it.

Edgar is dedicated to his duty. But he also regard his own personal safety.
Is someone in a balance between those topics, and also a disciplined cremember.
-> Mr. Harkonnen is the indiscipline personification. Actually a fanatic to his duties, but who don't even know the meaning of the word safety.


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Re: USCM Dossiers - Erika 'hunter' Degrasse / Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric / Sadako Voorhees / Edgar Palamedes / Tylor Harkonnen

Post by SagaSword » 04 May 2016, 06:09

u stole my nickname ;-;
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Re: USCM Dossiers - Erika 'hunter' Degrasse / Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric / Sadako Voorhees / Edgar Palamedes / Tylor Harkonnen

Post by Ms.Degrasse » 19 May 2016, 08:10

SagaSword wrote:u stole my nickname ;-;
Sorry, didn't intended to steal it. KKKK

But it's 'Hunter' or 'Tin Can' ? (Or would it be 'Tin Canned Hunter' by any chance?)

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Re: USCM Dossiers - Erika 'hunter' Degrasse / Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric / Sadako Voorhees / Edgar Palamedes / Tylor Harkonnen

Post by SagaSword » 19 May 2016, 09:45

Ms.Degrasse wrote: Sorry, didn't intended to steal it. KKKK

But it's 'Hunter' or 'Tin Can' ? (Or would it be 'Tin Canned Hunter' by any chance?)
A Matchbox Hunter.
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Re: USCM Dossiers - Erika 'hunter' Degrasse / Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric / Sadako Voorhees / Edgar Palamedes / Tylor Harkonnen

Post by TeknoKot » 19 May 2016, 10:04


Anyways, nice read.
:blush: "I'm a soldier, that means I'm the defendant and the judge."


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Re: USCM Dossiers - Erika 'hunter' Degrasse / Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric / Sadako Voorhees / Edgar Palamedes / Tylor Harkonnen

Post by Ms.Degrasse » 26 May 2016, 13:09


Anyways, nice read.

Thanks. ^^
I dedicated a lot of time writing those characters, and i'ts really good to know you enjoyed it.
Sometimes I wonder how would be the interactions between them. KKKK
(I even added a bit about it on my pred app.

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Re: USCM Dossiers - Erika 'hunter' Degrasse / Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric / Sadako Voorhees / Edgar Palamedes / Tylor Harkonnen

Post by Stivan34 » 01 Nov 2016, 17:38

I can already know how much time you spent writing those characters just by looking at it, 11/10. BTW, your characters have some similarities with mine's.
Dabbingly dab.

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Re: USCM Dossiers - Erika 'hunter' Degrasse / Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric / Sadako Voorhees / Edgar Palamedes / Tylor Harkonnen

Post by Martzin » 25 Nov 2016, 23:49

holy fuck so much writing

i love it here's a +1 for you
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Re: USCM Dossiers - Erika 'hunter' Degrasse / Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric / Sadako Voorhees / Edgar Palamedes / Tylor Harkonnen

Post by SagaSword » 03 Dec 2016, 03:39

Well i changed my nickname, so it's all good <3
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