Jasmine 'Red' Reichard

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Jasmine 'Red' Reichard

Post by Shalsta » 27 Jun 2016, 00:59

Byond ID: Shalsta

Full name: Jasmine Reichard

Nickname(s): "Red"

Age: 25

Birth date: November 11, 2125

Gender: Female

Position: Sargent

Notable traits: Sarcastic, Incisive, Bipolar, and Bizarre

Persona: Jasmine 'Red' Reichard Lives to be a walking contradiction. While appearing confident and playful, her past experiences pushes her to become quickly angered and sarcastic. She remains to be both outspoken and introverted, commanding and passive. Her time in the Corps refined her intelligent and calculating behaviors. Jasmine puts herself and her friends before other things, and is willing to make sacrifices to save the ones she loves.

History: Jasmine grew up on the war-torn region of Martian Hesperia Planum, in a small unnamed village, held hostage by rebellions, rabid drug abuse, and lawlessness. Her day to day life avoiding the combat shaped a deep resentment for war, and the Capitalist ruler of Mars: Wayland-Yutani. When she was only 12, a group of rebellious village members rose up and were cut down by PMC soldiers, her parents among those killed in the massacre. Using hyperzine and its illegal mix with native plants, "Red Dust" or simply just "Dust" to any martians, Jasmine was able to buy a small apartment in the martian hub to the solar system. After seeing an ad for USCM recruitment, she knew that would be her only salvation to escaping her old life.

Relations: With most of her known family gone, she has nothing back home to look forward too. She remains shy, so she has only a few to look to for companionship. She holds two old names memorialized in ink, simply "Sky. C" and "K. Six", unknown to most the importance. Rumors surround the relationship between Jasmine and a third name, Xur 'Ghost' Dergens, many know of the suggestive meetings the two hold, but remain unaware of the true relationship the two held while on mars.

Basic appearance: Jasmine stands at 5'7 and weighs roughly 140 ibs. She is skinny yet built, and remains mostly scar free, presenting a green look. She has belly-length red hair, tied tightly into a ponytail draped over her shoulder. She holds a few tattoos; Mars with a rifle and a pickax in a crossbones pattern with the USCM symbol faded over, and an almost unnoticeable open dirty hand, holding an olive branch, with a red dirt background, which reveals the two names.

Likes: Satire, humor, and large explosions.

Dislikes: Mentions of family, drug usage, Mars and her past.

Strengths: Sarcasm, false-optimism, and logistics.

Weaknesses: extroversion, and non-robustness

Other Info: ((information may change based on positions per round))

May change things, hopefully its fact checked! if not don't be afraid to point it out
"You ever see a bunch of junkies hopped up on 'Dust'? Nothing makes a childhood like watching naked men and women hemorrhaging rapidly while assaulting private security forces... I love my home" -Jasmine 'Red' Reichard

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Byond: Xurphorus

Re: Jasmine 'Red' Reichard

Post by Xurphorus » 27 Jun 2016, 04:46

I just edited my dossier to give mention to yours ;D

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