Valdemar Finngeirsson

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Valdemar Finngeirsson

Post by Felkvir » 07 Jul 2016, 10:05

Image Full name: Valdemar Finngeirsson
'High quality' picture of the man in question.
Nickname(s): None


Birth date:
December 21st


Common roles:
Squad marine (mainly) and potentially Specialist

Notable traits:
Relatively quick on his feet, moves a lot in a fight
Has glorious long hair and beard, long hands, agile frame

Eccentric, brave, easily confused, easily forgiving (and forgetful), honest


Valdemar was born on earth, in Ireland to Icelandic parents.

Being a fairly shy lad in his childhood, he evolved mostly in his teen years like most where he would join his father on business trips to mars and generally be really edgy and commit questionable acts. In time he learned to be a better person though, through some disciplining as well as self-reflection when progress in his life slowed down. The eccentricity kept with him though, and was always frequent in his interactions with colleagues and friends.

In his twenties he moved to the US for job opportunities. After living fairly unstable a few years, and through a lot of talking, a friend managed to convince him to join the armed forces. His military history consists of many routine deployments, and his record of participating in offensive operations is extremely small. Throughout service, he has been eager for a chance to get into the thick of 'real' combat.

Anyone who doesn't use him as a means to an end is pretty alright.

Advancing quickly in a combat situation, using melee and close-up weapons (like the shotty)

Most high-end executives and otherwise filthy rich people.

Other Info:

I suck at keeping multiple characters and I'm probably never going to keep more than one so, marvel in the glory that is my one and only attempt at a dossier. Wooo.

Well, maybe if I play here a really long time again I'll make more, iunno. ᖍ(ツ)ᖌ

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