USCM Dossier - Layla O'Braenain

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USCM Dossier - Layla O'Braenain

Post by Sancronis » 22 Jul 2016, 21:30

Full name: Layla O'Braenain

Nickname: None as of yet

Age: 21

Birth date: 1st September 2129

Gender: Female

Position: Cargo Technician/Marine

Notable traits: Her right arm is cybernetic.

Persona: Her generally quite pleasant attitude can easily harden into a calm and cool manner to deal with the adversity of battle. She generally doesn't speak ill of others, but provides a special exception for incompetent officers.

History: The earth-born marine hails from Belfast, Ulster, but spent most of her childhood on board a Weyland Yutani cargo vessel run by her parents - the Gráinne Ní Mháille. Bored of the simple life of trading, she enlisted in the United Systems Colonial Marines when she was sixteen, entering a training program for officers. After a training accident involving another marine fumbling the reloading of his rifle so poorly that he fired his grenade launcher at her and a couple other cadets, she found herself in the Cargo Department due to not being fit for frontline combat, stuck in the life she tried to escape with the only difference being the chance of getting boarded and killed by Reds instead of pirates. Sometimes, however, she's able to pull some strings from her days in the academy so that health regulatiosn can be ignored and she can find herself in the troops.

Basic appearance: Pale , black hair , Either a side ponytail or long hair , blue eyes and a cybernetic right arm.

Likes: Fighting in close combat, her own code of honour (her personal rules of engagement) and a lot of old music, ranging from over four and a half centuries to just almost two and a half centuries old.

Dislikes: Incompetent or overly cautious commanders, American spellings and a large range of events that happen in cargo
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Strengths: She's a quick learner and knows how to properly run Cargo

Weaknesses: Whilst she is rapidly improving, she is currently not in possession of great skill in her favoured method of combat, she normally stays away from guns as they're just a way for her to hit her fellow soldiers.

Other Info: N/A
Image - Art by Imperaxum

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