USMC Dossier - Sophie Rifler

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USMC Dossier - Sophie Rifler

Post by Russell-454 » 23 Jul 2016, 17:10

Full name: Sophie Henrietta Rifler

Nickname(s): Newbie -> Supermatter


Birth date: [REDACTED]

Gender: Female

Position: Combat Engineer

Notable traits: Quick temper, she gets pissed off easily

Persona: Rifler is pretty approachable, and is willing to help anyone with short/no notice. However, if someone does something unthinkably stupid, she typically 'loses her rag' and makes rash decisions. She is often seen whilst not on duty getting into drunken brawls in the bar, before stumbling home as a victor (or more often to A&E) at the end of the night. She never really says much about home life, preferring to focus on the job in hand instead.

History: Applied for USMC program, refused due to lack of fitness. Re-applied as a ship engineer, accepted and transferred to the USS Cyberiad. Caused the SM engine to de-laminate and explode, destroying the engineering wing of the ship. Kicked out of her role. Undertook physical training to become fit enough to pass the entry test, succeeded and trained with the USMC to become a Combat Engineer. Currently serving aboard the USS Sulaco, however she is not allowed in the engineering department due to her .... history.

Relations: No formal relations with any of the marines, typically avoids the bald males however, as they seem to be ESPECIALLY dim.

Basic appearance: Deep red hair tied to a ponytail to the right side of her head. Pale complexion. British accent.

Likes: Cheap alcohol, working without interference, mechanical things which she can 'tinker' with.

Dislikes: Assholes - people who think they are all that...full of self importance - Assholes again - People who tell her what to do without knowing anything about the thing she has been told to do. Assholes.
This is how I got the nickname Sophie 'Supermatter' Rifler


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