Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record (out of date)

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Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record (out of date)

Post by Renomaki » 23 Jul 2016, 21:21

Full name: Reno Story

Nickname(s): Weenie

Age: 40

Birth date: June 14, 2110

Gender: Male

Position: Standard

Notable traits: His mighty beard, which sadly can only do so much to distract eyes from his bald head..

Persona: Loyal, caring, sometimes grumpy and jaded, quite social*

[persona may change depending on job]

History: Reno had a very humble childhood back in the chilly lands of Canada, The son of a farming family who tilled the soil and brought food to the people of earth and beyond. Life was rather simple, if a tad dirty... Honestly, he yearned for something more than being a dirty farmer in some chilly wannabe America, so when he became of age, he sought a business degree in college with dreams of a humble life of paperwork and filing...

Instead he ended up becoming a janitor on some shithole of a spacestation.

Turns out luck was not in his favor after going through all that trouble in college studying his life away for 2 whole years.. Even after getting fairly good marks, there were not a lot of jobs in his local area, and he couldn't afford to move out of town, him still living with his parents at the age of 24. It was only in desperation to pay his college fees that he resorted to getting a job on a space station far, far away, owned by a rather iffy corporation that seemed like it was hiding something behind it's non-threatening logo.

And so, with no where else to go and not many options to pick from, he spent the next 8 years working on what would later turn out to be a station from hell, dealing with what felt like a staff of mental asylum inmates on a daily basis and cleaning up after them. It was a disgusting career, full of puke, blood and gods knows what else.. And if having to mop up after a rather careless crew was bad enough, the station also tended to have some rather.. Hectic days. From the research department exploding due to experiments going horribly wrong, to the cargo staff deciding to form their own country for whatever stupid reason they could think up and revolting, to even random terror attacks by outside sources, Reno spent just as much time surviving as he did cleaning up after everyone. As much as he hated his job, he still worked pretty hard at it, hoping that one day it would all pay off and he would move up the career ladder to something more respectful.. Somehow.

Sadly, after 8 years of people taking his hard work for granted, insulting him for slipping on floors he clearly indicated were wet, and not even getting a single raise, he decided enough was enough. Sometimes, when shit would hit the fan, the marines would get called in to fix up the crew's mess, and whenever they would come in, they would always be praised and respected.. He figured that, since he had nothing really to lose, maybe it would be worth attempting to join the Marines and finally feel a sense of purpose for once, instead of wasting away at a shit job.. After all, if he could survive here for 8 years, how hard could it be to be a marine?

Turns out it was much harder than he had expected. The enlistment office didn't really seem all that eager to take him in at first, and it took a fair bit of convincing to even allow him a chance, which they eventually gave him after hearing of his survival skills (even if he didn't mention the fact that a lot of the time, he survived merely by running like a sissy). It was in bootcamp that he began to regret his choice, though..

Despite being one of the older, wiser and technically more hardened recruits, many of the younger folks would still pick on him, mocking his lack of muscle and his bald, bald head (which came to be due to a so called "prank" by the science department back at his old job). It was here where the nickname of "weenie" was born. Despite his best efforts to be the best marine he could be, training as hard as he could and aiming to impress the drill sargent, he would still be cursed with his nickname, the other marines never giving him a chance. It probably didn't help that he struggled in hand to hand combat, and the one time he got knocked over after firing a shotgun didn't help his reputation either.

But thankfully, he would one day complete his training and become one of many new marines, shipped to serve aboard the Sulico where he would do all manner of rather.. Well, minor jobs throughout the stars. Marine life really wasn't as exciting or rewarding as he imagined it, and the mockery from other marines for his appearance and lack of brawn still continues to bother him.. But despite being viewed as a loser among the ranks, he still strives to change that, with hopes that one day, maybe one day.. He would get to be as respected as all the other marines aboard the Sulico.. He just needs to find that opportunity is all..


Jools Kirby is one of the few marines that respects Reno, able to look past his apperance and see the hard working, loyal marine that Reno really is. The first time Reno recalls working with him was long, long ago, when he was assigned to Jools as his battle buddy. What started as disappointment of being forced to buddy up with an old fart like Weenie turned into a surprising friendship that even Reno wasn't expecting. Since then, Reno has felt more confidence and pride in his work with a friend like Kirby by his side.

Xurphorus Dergens is a man known by many, and Reno had served under his leadership before. He is a smart fellow for the most part, but sometimes his popularity among the marines gets to his head, and he has a habit of acting cocky and constantly getting in trouble with the MPs. His name is so well known that some marines worship the very ground he walks on.. Which honestly makes Reno jealous of his fame. Reno remains loyal reguardless of how he feels towards someone, of course, but at the same time, he yearns to be as popular as he is... Maybe one day, as he climbs the ranks, he too can become as beloved as Dergens is.

Noah Kirchner, in Reno's opinion, is a good kid deep down. Sure, he acts like an annoying wanker a lot of the time and constantly gets into stupid situations due to his easily bored nature, but despite all the shit he does, Reno knows and has seen his good side. He just needs more discipline is all.

Bill Carson, just like Noah, also has some good in him deep down. Reno heard many stories of his past, of all the horrible things he done to the marines, how he was perfectly willing to leave a whole squad to die if it it meant saving his own skin. Despite that, though, he feels that there is a good person deep down in there.. Right?

Lucius Pink is one of the scariest men Reno ever has the displeasure of meeting. For a man that runs around in an out of place pink uniform, his glare is enough to make even the bravest marine cower. Reno never did feel comfortable around him and the hostile energies that emitted from him. Even the way he talks has such harshness in his tone. Reno is a brave man deep down, and those who fight with him will learn this sooner or later.. But if there is one man that puts him in his place, it is Lucius.

Robert Quincy Timmins, or Caddy as he is known, is a loyal, dedicated marine that Reno can trust to get a job done. Sure, he might be a bit... Mental at times, but then again, Reno is quite used to the crazy folk by now. After all, he used to work on a space station full of them. The only difference is that Reno doesn't feel like Caddy will slit his throat for looking at him funny.

Harry Cowper is a strange man... One moment, he is incredibly cocky and eager to get into a fight, the next he is prone to panic and flee in terror when things don't go his way. He is known to be a pretty good fighter, but Reno isn't so sure. After all, if he really is as good as they say, can he kill with but a bootknife?

Osalaa Wooki is a man far older than Reno is.. Yet has a whole lotta fight left in him. Combined with his maturity and experience, he is a marine that Weenie can depend on whenever he needs a helping hand. He also has one smashing beard that looks so soft... But Wooki doesn't like it when Weenie touches his beard.

(this list is still in the works)

Basic appearance: A short, white male with a bald head and a bushy, dark red beard. If he had a viking cap, he could get away with pretending to be a viking.. If only THAT was his nickname, instead of "Reno the weenie"

Likes: A feeling of accomplishment, cleanliness, a fine glass of wine and retro videogames

Dislikes: Utter chaos, spiders, insults and feeling like an utter failure

Strengths: He puts effort into all things, and does his best to obey orders given to him. He also has an understanding of basic first aid, allowing him to help medics out by plopping bandaids on the owies while they take care of the serious stuff. He also has a willingness to learn and will try his best to communicate with his squad. He is also quite mature and intelligent (for the most part)

Weaknesses: Despite his combat training, he isn't the greatest fighter. Even after all the time he spent in the marines doing missions here and there, his skill remains as average as the average joe. He can sometimes be slow to act on orders or complete tasks, and may sometimes gets distracted. Either that, or he gets so focused on something that he may not pay attention to things outside of his focus, resulting in him getting hurt needlessly. But most of all, his desire to be somebody may drive him to do brave, yet horribly stupid things in an attempt to be a hero.

Other Info: Most of this information applies should he be a standard, but depending on his role, things are altered. In some "timelines" he is a member of the command staff, who takes his job seriously despite what people might assume of him. He works hard to earn the respect of the marines under his command, be it a single squad or the entire ship [depending on his role, that is]. In other timelines, however, he fails to become a marine, and instead ends up getting a job as a janitor or a cargo tech instead.. As depressing as such an outcome might be, at least the pay is slightly better.
Last edited by Renomaki on 11 Jul 2017, 18:47, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by Martzin » 16 Oct 2016, 01:53

a true weenie amongst men
The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by danmax67 » 25 Oct 2016, 15:56

rip Dan'Bug'Williams

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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by Renomaki » 08 Dec 2016, 22:52

Updated with new marine relations (WIP)
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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by Eenkogneeto » 08 Dec 2016, 22:55

How can anyone forgive Bill Carson after the tofurkey incident?

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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by Renomaki » 08 Dec 2016, 23:02

Eenkogneeto wrote:How can anyone forgive Bill Carson after the tofurkey incident?
Despite all his shit, he still has done some good things... I think...

People still seem to like him, so he must be doing somethin right.. Somehow.

I myself don't personally like him, and admit that, like with Xur, I get jealous of him... But at the same time, he still seems to be a decent person deep down... I think..
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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by Eenkogneeto » 08 Dec 2016, 23:03

Renomaki wrote:Despite all his shit, he still has done some good things... I think...

People still seem to like him, so he must be doing somethin right.. Somehow.

I myself don't personally like him, and admit that, like with Xur, I get jealous of him... But at the same time, he still seems to be a decent person deep down... I think..
I'll never forgive him after the time he got all our food replaced with tofurkey. That's going too far.
Other than that hes aite.

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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by Renomaki » 02 Feb 2017, 22:24

Shameless bump.

Also updated a few things, such as adding a new entry into relations and updated information to fit his current persona.
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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by XenonDragneel » 07 Feb 2017, 10:44

where iz me?
When u talk sh** to the IB

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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by Karmac » 07 Feb 2017, 17:55

I remember you being my backup engie, and then I remember you being pissed off at me because of me being a terrible team player. which is justified.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by Renomaki » 07 Feb 2017, 23:14

Carmac wrote:I remember you being my backup engie, and then I remember you being pissed off at me because of me being a terrible team player. which is justified.
That must have been awhile ago, I cannot remember it all that well at all.

I tend to forget a lot of things here on CM, heh.. We all have our days, though. I know I screw up just as much as any other marine.
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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by Skelton » 08 Feb 2017, 06:42

I remember you being our CO and running about frantically panicking because we were having a rough old time of it and then you threw your hat away revealing a big bald head and I thought you were playing a joke about bald commanders but you absolutely were not. Then we argued about retreating and an alium ate me and killed me in the vents ;_;

I also followed you to our death on a pod drop to a taken planet except it was my death and due to a lot of friendly fire.

Basically Reno. I get killed when you're nearby quite a lot. You did well as the SL when I played BO though.

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Re: Reno Story "the weenie": Marine Record

Post by Renomaki » 08 Feb 2017, 20:47

Skelton wrote:I remember you being our CO and running about frantically panicking because we were having a rough old time of it and then you threw your hat away revealing a big bald head and I thought you were playing a joke about bald commanders but you absolutely were not. Then we argued about retreating and an alium ate me and killed me in the vents ;_;

I also followed you to our death on a pod drop to a taken planet except it was my death and due to a lot of friendly fire.

Basically Reno. I get killed when you're nearby quite a lot. You did well as the SL when I played BO though.
I normally aim to do my best at any role I am given.

And Reno's been bald long before CM, before baldies were even a meme. I always find it amusing how people always express shock when their co-worker reveals his baldness. Everyone has this stigma against bald avatars being bad, but Weenie is one of the few that tries to change that.
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