USCMC Dossier: Martin Halyeko

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Byond: desolane900

USCMC Dossier: Martin Halyeko

Post by Desolane900 » 10 Aug 2016, 04:20

Full name: Martin Halyeko

Nickname(s): n/a

Age: 27

Birth date: 02/14/2119

Gender: Male

Position: E-4 Corporal, Combat Medic.

Notable traits: Childlike and Sanguine.

Persona: Halyeko is a man who always has a motherly, almost loving tone of voice to anyone around him whether it be civilian or enlisted. His demeanor is often questionably childlike and heavily flamboyant in nature, causing most around him to show obvious doubt in his capabilities. Martin consequently pushes himself past his own physical limits on numerous occasions, showing more concern for those around him than himself. He always seems to carry the weight of his work like a feather, never showing any type of burden from his job nor the wounded he treats, staying upbeat and almost naively optimistic about any situation whether it be tying off a severed artery, carrying a screaming marine to CASEVAC, or taking heavy fire from opposing forces.

History: His girly voice, pink hair, and childish behavior landed him at the bottom of the barrel well into Boot Camp and moreso in his TC3 training, finding himself alone and regarded as an outcast from his peers. This, and seemingly nothing else, caused any sort of emotional effect on Halyeko, his caring and cheerful tone remaining unscathed throughout his enlistment no matter how grim things got. He excelled at his work and treated it less like a job and more like a mother caring for her young, accepting the bad and trying to shine light on the good, all while making dark times out to be "not that bad" as he did what needed done.

Relations: n/a

Basic appearance: Standing at sixty seven centimeters with tan skin and bright pink hair.

Likes: Down time, tea, casual conversation, riddles.

Dislikes: Alcohol, cigarettes, donk pockets, coffee, chemical stimulants.

Strengths: Friendly, Caring, Works Fast.

Weaknesses: Little Self Concern.

Other Info: This Dossier is still very much a WIP and since it's 5AM at the time of making this, I'm saying fuck it. I'll work on it later. [Edit: Eventually.]

(Forums have messed up video cropping so double click the video to actually watch it)

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