USCMC File - Rupert Heathensby

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USCMC File - Rupert Heathensby

Post by Karmac » 30 Aug 2016, 20:19

Full Name: Rupert Tom Heathensby

Nicknames: Major, Commander Brittle

Age: 47

Birth Date: Aug. 2103

Position: Commanding Officer

Notable Traits: Missing Right Eye (Covered by Eyepatch), Both legs replaced with prosthetics, Typical Absurdly Curly Moustache.

Persona: On the outside, he's a rather cheerful man, always looking on the brighter side of things and very rarely gets angry at anyone. On the inside, he's a cold-hearted Officer that would disregard humane ethics if it furthered his goals.

History: Born on Mars, he was the son of a British family that had traveled to Mars and the Heathensby name carried a lineage of many leaders, none of them successful. Following in his ancestors footsteps he eventually made his way through Officer school, being taunted by his compatriots for his relatives failures. His first assignment was as a Bridge Officer assisting the Commander of the USS Orion in the deployment of his marines onto a planet that was purportedly being assaulted by rogue-Iron Bear soldiers, almost immediately after Briefing was finished and the marines went planet-side in their transports, an Iron Bear shuttle docked with the Orion and a little over a dozen of the filthy soviets poured out of the thing, they cleared out the ship in sections, killing and brutally mauling un-armed staff. As they did this the Commander activated the Emergency Escape shuttles which caused all remaining staff to rush to the Shuttles, what followed was a massacre, an Iron Bear was already stationed there with a flamethrower, and he made short work of the rushing masses that shoved and pushed to get past each other, I was further back from the initial fire, so I all I suffered were some minor burns and singed eyebrows, the Commander suffered much worse. Shortly after the Bears gathered the survivors from the incident and began summarily executing them until they reached me, they recognized my permission and asked me to hand over control of the ship, I kindly told them to "Sod off" and spat at the stocky man that smelt of aged vodka and shitty cigarettes, they responded by gouging out my right eye and shooting me once in both of my kneecaps, then taking the escape shuttles for themselves. Soon enough the marines returned due to a USCM HC Specialist coming to investigate what had occured and they'd recalled the marines after discovering our fate, the man saved my life after finding me bleeding to death from my wounds and after that I was promoted to the rank of Commander and given control of the USS Sulaco.

Relations: None, he remains friendly with all members of the Sulaco, but refrains from making emotional attachments to them, fearing the worst may come about once more.

Basic Appearance: He stands at 5'9" and has a 'blown-back' hairstyle to go with his large, curly moustache, both of which are dark brown. His physique is not lacking, but as an officer he lacks any of the 'Beefiness' able-bodied marines have, his eyes are a dark blue and his skin is slightly paler than most.

Likes: Tea, Cookies, A Jolly Good Adventure, People with initiative, and corgi's

Dislikes: Cigarettes, Doctors, Cowards, Soviets

Strengths: Keeping up Morale, Having enough intelligence to not crash the Sulaco, wide vocabulary of words most non-British don't understand.

Weaknesses: Refusal to seek aid when wounded, Bravery in the face of ridiculous danger, Inane desire to never retreat
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

Back in action.

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