HG; A Survival Guide

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Byond: Swagile

HG; A Survival Guide

Post by Swagile » 30 Mar 2017, 01:00

Updated as of 03/30/2017

Well, you've stumbled upon a Feweh sponsored HG game. You are bald and have no idea how to survive! You keep dying of pain crit, KO's, or getting things thrown at you; heck, even slipped! Well, chap, let me tell you how to survive in HG without supply crates (because your probably not a popular static namer anyway).

Step One: Backpack This is CRUCIAL for later installments of this guide. If you cannot obtain a backpack, steal it from someone else! You can find these in random spots in the jungle, in the buildings, or in fixed places like LZ2 (one spawns here almost all the time for some reason).
Step Two: Flashlight You start off with a flare in your pocket for illumination. This is NOT ideal AT ALL, and will be discussed in further sections of this guide, but suffice it to say you will want a flashlight. It is infinite (flare will die out), can be turned on and off at the press of a HUD button, and can even be used as a last resort blunt weapon with a higher KO chance than your bare fists..

Step Three: Medical

This is even more important than getting weapons or stun items because later parts of the game will literally be determined by who can outlast the others the longest. In the later game, people will have embedded objects in them, fractures, even broken bones; your job is to minimize these injuries. But that is nearly impossible when you are constantly fighting, hence where medical equipment comes in.

You must either raid Medbay (dangerous) or go for Security Office for the advanced medical kit (even more dangerous, but has SPLINTS and TRICORD). It is recommended that you go for Security Offices when you are at full health and bust open the window then grab and run. Trust me, medical is even more important than the next article. Heck, even if all you can find is some gauze on the floor in the jungle, that gauze might be the difference between bleeding to death or staying alive for a couple more minutes.
Step Four: Stun Items This is more important than getting weapons. Banana peels, flash bangs, water bottles filled with water, flashes. The reason it is so important is because this game revolves around stuns; the moment your down you are dead. So if you have stuns, you can stun someone with a two handed weapon they cannot put in their backpack then killing them, ensuring you now have a weapon yourself while eliminating your potential rivals.

Step Five: Throwables

This isn't really needed, but it is highly advised to get throwables. With the removal of guns, this is more prominent, as throwing knives are super robust. However, there is a unused strategy by others that anyone can do as long as they have a crowbar, and that is to go to a secluded building and tear out all the floor tiles. Now you have a reliable brute throwable that you can use to pressure your opponents with! This is extremely powerful as you can have up to 60 throwtiles in one stack and you can pull one out with your other hand then keep throwing to deal damage.

This is the preparation steps; now onto...



So you thought that flashlight was useless, huh? Think again. You can turn it ON and OFF at ANY TIME; which means, you can turn it off in a dark area then stun someone running by who has no clue you are there until there's a banana peel thrown right under their feet. This is the same tactic a Ravager uses; dipping in out of nowhere, doing high amounts of damage, then dipping out. Think of yourself as a glass canon; even one hit can be a potential KO, a fracture, or even broken bones and YOU CANNOT AFFORD THIS IN HG. Therefore, ambushing someone with a flash in the dark, hitting them to death, then dipping out before anyone notices is a valid tactic.
Turtle I do not recommend this as this strategy will backfire on you due to the fact that admins like to bomb people who use this strategy, so be forewarned. However, if you do not like coming to your enemies, you can entice your enemies to come to you. Place down traps around a room in the Nexus, and place a valuable item like a flash nearby, which will bring people to take it... then they will walk right into a banana peel hidden under a floor tile and die to you! You can then strip them of valuables and repeat this bait and lure strategy till you get bombed by an admin.


I do not recommend this strategy as its rather boring and you will have to kill your pals anyway, so they might backstab you much earlier than you think. The premise is to find like minded individuals who want to team up to kill other people till the end. The problem is that most likely you will have shitty gear because everyone you kill will have their resources distributed among the group, so you will most likely be stuck with nothing good. Ive only ever used this strategy twice and I died as I never had enough resources for myself to survive / my teammate was stupid, so only do this strategy if you spawn in the jungle and can't find anything good.

Misc Tips
Embeded Objects
If someone throws shit at you, and it embeds; DO NOT PULL IT OUT! You will do more damage to yourself AND make yourself bleed than the jostling within you. You can stop jostling by healing the area with a bruise pack and splinting; however, pulling out a embeded object might give you a fracture, broken bones, or even instantly kill you depending on how much damage you had initially and the object being pulled out!
Supply Crates
If you get one of these, congratulations! You have just marked yourself for death by every other jealous mother fucker out there! Why? Well, the location of the supply crate AND the name of the winner is broadcast to EVERYONE. This is BAD early game because everyone wants equipment, and some people might even dismiss the above tips just to kill the one guy who got a supply crate, even when the only thing he got was a toolbelt. This is due to the percieved value of a supply crate which means now everyone believes you have a valuable item. Even if you do get a valuable item, you better believe everyone will try to kill you, so your best bet is going underground and ninja'ing it.

Authors Foreword

I will update with more tactics / tips if we have more HG rounds, but the above allowed me to place myself as the victor of a HG game without using a single supplies crate (I killed a dude for his energy axe while fighting two other guys for the items he dropped, but thats about it).

Oh, also, armor is shit so don't bother. Armor only mattered when HG had guns, but without guns, one slip and now your armor means nothing to the guy taking your arms and legs off. The only armor that matters is Commando armor, and that only ever happens if the stars align and your a popular static namer via supply crate, so don't depend on bullshit like this.

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Re: HG; A Survival Guide

Post by Azmodan412 » 30 Mar 2017, 01:05

Sponsored by Moon Moon.

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
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43 Xenos and counting.

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Re: HG; A Survival Guide

Post by Mister Jeether » 05 Apr 2017, 18:24

Before even reading this guide,i already used the ''ninja'' tactic,as it is really effective on solo people,but shit against teams,since you will need RNJesus on your side to ' hit KO that guy,Already won HG using the ninja tactic,since i was using the ninja tactic since the begin,I couldn't loot much or even find a safe place to loot my kills,in the end,had to fight a commando guy,he saw me incredibly badly wounded while aiming a pulse rifle in my head,he holstered his gun and started a fist fight with me,in a few hits,i managed to KO him and eventually rip his head off (Still while in crit!),Good guide.
I play Sydney 'Lilly' Wood, the totally not depressed doctor, And the marine Dylan Bell, that probably joined the USCM by accident.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions related to research.

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Byond: Sagasword

Re: HG; A Survival Guide

Post by SagaSword » 11 Jul 2017, 05:49

The beset tactic to use against teams is to file them up in a chokepoint and spray death onto them one by one. Or just go throwing fanatic everywhere while running away screaming.
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Byond: Mook476

Re: HG; A Survival Guide

Post by Mook476 » 11 Jul 2017, 14:50

Nice guide
ImageImage Joakim 'Mook Sundberg some meme aka BIG DOG.
Image Image Bakuub R'ka some pred.

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