You are either a researcher or doctor and said : DIBS, for having the chem room ?
Then, you came to the right door.
This is a humble list of useful recipes for chems apprentices. Nothing really too fancy, I just need it to be more visible so as to increase the number of dedicated chemists to help our fellow corporal medics on the ground !
First, I would like to thank this guide (and the wiki updates ) :
Objective 1 : The Beginning (Peridaxon Quest)
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If you plan to heal patients actively, head to the Doctors lockers, take a medical pouch to replace your syringe pouch. Take the 2 peridaxon pill bottles from the medvendor there. Get to the medicine storage room. Get the 4 peri pill bottles from the medvendors there. And grab a lifesavebag if you need space (toss your PDA away).
Then, finally, head to the chemroom, grab the final 2 peri pill bottles from the medvendor there. Put your 8 peri pill bottles in the Vendor Storage that is used to vend things to corporal medics or needy humans.
Most of the rounds, peridaxon is allowed, to ease the lives of the corporal medics, disminish the amounts of wounded coming back shipside for collapsed lungs, damaged heart, livers, brains, eyes and so on..
Your corporal medics peri pills are secured and ready to be distributed. Congratulations !
Objective 2 : Production before first deployment (Breaking Bad - Stressful)
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You have between 5 and 25 minutes maximum for your production, before all the battalion goes for its first deployment. It means that the corporal medics can't wait more if you want to give them something more than the peri pill bottles.
Usually, announce on the medic comms channels that a chemist is ready take specific orders, if some corporal medics have specific needs.
Personal advise, get a high priority on the corporal medics that ACTUALLY talks to you on the medical channel. At least, them, will warn you about their chem needs, will keep you in touch for the rest of the round. So, for the sake of RP, kindness and medicoolness, as long as they are cool and talking to you on the medical channels, give them the higher priority.
Your ingredients/Supplies :
- Bicaridine, Kelotane, Peridaxon, Tramadol.. well, anything you can find already with a bottle : just use bottles from the vendor, revend them for refilling them.
- Dermaline, take a largebeaker : 40u phosporus, 40 oxygen, grab a bottle of kelotane and add 40u of it : 120 Dermaline supplies available for your next batches.
- Tricordizine, Inaprovaline + Dylovene. Grab a bottle of each, set amount to 60u, pour in a large beaker : 120 Tricordizine supplies available.
- Dexalin+, 40u carbon, 40 iron, grab a bottle of dexalin and add 40u of it : 120 Dex+ supplies available for your next batches.
I prefer cooking while leaving a marin error, to avoid unforgivable ODs to patients. For overused medicine (Bica or Trico) if the OD threshold is at 30, set 15u or 20u maximum.
I strongly advise to use the bluespace beaker to produce bulk quantities.
Very easy production in bulk (less than 1 minute for a pill bottle production) :
- Dex+ : 2u pills get your dexalin+ in a 120u beaker. Just produce 2u of Dexalin+ pills each time (Reminding you, only 1u is needed for clearing ALL oxygen damages from the patient, so you can even make 1u pills). The corporal medics can use regular Dexalin pills for the rest. Take 48 Dex+ from your beaker, set your "Create multiple pills" to 14. Here you go.
Easy production in bulk (between 1 minute and 2 minutes for a pill bottle) :
- BigBica : usually, around 15u of bicaridine. (The standard pills of the Corporal Medics are 10u, which are usually given twice on heavy brute damages). It'll heal brute damage (slashing, gunshot, well, brute).
- KeloDerm : 15u Kelotane, 15u Dermaline. It'll heal extremly efficiently burn damages. Great for marines bathing in acid clouds.
- Trico pills : Chose your dosage, I would advise between 15u and 20u. (OD limit is 30u, but marines can use freely the tricordizine autoinjector).
- Quick Clot + Bica pills : 2u QC + 15u Bicaridine. Get 10 QC autoinjectors, empty them with a syringe. Add 210 bicaridine. You need 28u of QC and 210u of Bicaridine for a 14 pills bottles. (It'll save 13 inventory slots to a corporal medic).
Medium production in bulk (around 2 minutes and a half to produce a pill bottle):
- BicaDermaTrico : 10u + 10u + 13,3333u. Good for lazy medics, urgent triage when Burn and Brute damage is spotted. Use a bluespace beaker. 30 Phosphorus / 30 Oxygen / Kelotane / 90 Bicaridine / 120 Tricordizine (for 3 pills). Repeat until pill bottle is ready.
- STOP CRYING CUNT : 5u Oxycodone + 10u Tramadol (you can go with 15 Tramadol, for a longer effect, but you'll increase your production time by about 20 seconds). Get the bottles from the medvendor. You can use the large beaker if the bluespace beaker is not available. 40 Oxycodone + 80 Tramadol will give you 8 pills. Repeat until pill bottle is full.
- PeriDex+ : 10u Peridaxon, 1u Dex+. Removing the oxygen damage from the patient AND starting to heal organ damages (heart/collapsed lungs).
Hard production in bulk (around 3 minutes to 4 for 10 pills) :
- Kesserzine Type 3 : Bica 5, Derma 5, Dylo 5, Dex+ 1, Oxycodone 4, Peridaxon 10, Tramadol 15 and Tricordizine 15. It heals efficiently any light wounded in less than 30 seconds. It can help stabilize a fucked up patient (As the dylovene is only 5 and tricordizine is 15, you can add Inaprovaline without risking Tricordizine OD). You can issue a pill to some veterans marines for a field-selfhealing. The medicine is not considered as a combat stims, as it's only healing and painkilling medicine. Even if it can be used as a last-stand pill. (You only need peridaxon distribution authorization)
This recipe is compatible with additional pills of Bicaridine, Dermaline/Kelotane and Tramadol (only 1 pill of Tramadol). I would warn you about not adding Dylovene too much or Tricordizine, (in case you need to add Inaprovaline afterwards)
Objective 3 : Post-first deployment (Cooking time and/or preparing for a groundside field hospital)
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Repeat any desired recipes or prepare some specicif chems for your CMO, or fellow doctors.
Ask for groundside deployment once you have filled up on your specific chems. Don't forget about grabbing as many regular pills as you can to resupply the corporal medics groundside.
It is great if another medic volunteer for surgery groundside. You can chemically triage wounded and help him stabilize/operate patients efficiently.
Optimal loadout : chemical triage (groundside) (Thanks Gnorse for the idea)
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With a simple amount of medicine, you can hold more than a hour doing some wounded triage :
Specific chems
- QCBica : 1 pill bottle
- STOP CRYING CUNT : 1 bottle
- BicaDermaTrico : 1 bottle
- Dex+ : 1 pill bottle
- Kesserzine : 10 pills
You don't need BigBica or KeloDerm as you would be in the FOB, protected. You can let the regular Kelotane or Bicaridine pills to do the job. Add some trico if you really want those lazy marines to get up faster.
Regular chem (1 pill bottle of each)
- Kelotane (Burns)
- Bicaridine (Brute)
- Dylovene (Toxins, mainly due to OD (self ?)inflited
- Dexalin (stabilizing/reducing oxygen damage to give you time on critical wounded)
- Peridaxon (no need for the authorization, because Peridaxon is not distributed, it is directly administrated to the patient, as YOU are the doctor groundside)
- Antibiotic (you might not need it if you are not performing surgeries, but eh. In case of infection, it only takes 1 slot)
All medicine supplies you take in spare should be ready to be handed to corporal medics to resupply them, the more you spread the handy resources to the capable corporal medics, the more efficient will be your triage center.
If you can't find 1 pill bottle of each, just produce them. These are only "1 reagent compound", really easy to produce.
Non medicine
- Defib x1 or x2 (if you can, borrow a recharger, but I don't think that works like that.. I'm just thinking of it)
- Roller bed (if you need to perform surgeries)
- Surgery kit (if you need to perform surgeries)
- Hypospray x1 (use the tricord inside for soft wounds, then, you can dissolve pills such as Dylovene or Inappro for fast treatment)
- 2 Syringe (in case you need to empty a autoinjector or anything, the second in spare if the first is broken/lost or to give to a fellow corporal medic)
Enjoy being a genius chemist
and being loved by marines because you are handsome, great, medicool, really kind, humble...
PS : if you find really complicated chems to make, make the name of the recipe likes your name+zine. Just for the sake of looking cool !
I wish this guide will be useful for some of you ! Give me hugs if it is. Give me hugs if it isn't.