This will be a guide about bullet paths and how to not kill your fellow comrades in arms.
First of all I will bring up the basic bullet lines and I will slowly layer up the info you need on each image.

In This first picture you will see me surrounded by black lines, these black lines are the basic bullet paths when you have a open area with no allies or obstacles in the way of you shooting.( There are diagonal bullet paths as well which i can add later if need be)

The RED lines indicate that you cannot fire on those paths and black paths you can. In this picture you will see a man against a wall facing south, When facing south or north remember you will not be able to shoot round obstacles such as walls or glass etc.

In this image you will see the same man as above and the same wall as above but this time the man is facing west, when facing west or east you can shoot around obstacles such as walls and glass.

In this image you will see a common concept being used which is normally called the "Wall" formation because it allows marines to cover all bullet paths/firing lanes. The PINK lines are FF lines (Friendly Fire Lines) which means if you shoot there you will hit your teammate. In the image you will see that man again, the man in the middle can fire on all firing lines besides the FF lines due to recent updates on firing guns and etc.The Two comrades can fir on the line in front,behind and infront of the man, which allows the wall formation to be very effective.
Where to Aim :
"Where should I aim?" I have heard this question asked many times on the server I generally advise aiming for the chest area.

Now it comes down to the Sin of CM which is aiming for the head

More reasons to aim for the Chest are.....
1) People won't get as pissed if you shoot them as it will do less damage to them.
2) Aiming for the chest and shooting at aliens does the same damage as aiming at the head so aim for the chest!
Reasons to aim at the Head are.......
1)If you are 1v1ing a ravager- Rarely do you ever 1v1 a ravager and live to see it die.
2)It's a Pmc Round
So in general everyone should be aiming at the chest unless it is either a pmc round or you are 1v1ing a damn ravager.
Another thing is when aiming at a close by target i.e on tile infront and you click on it you will only shoot at it if you have harm intent ready if you do it will cause a point blank shot which deals extra damage.
One last thing, marines are trained in Cpr, you can do cpr by clicking ( Help Intent )on a man who is critically injured or is having trouble breathing due to being shot by FF
( This was rushed so please tell me anything I missed out from last time )
(I also realized I may repeat myself a fair bit...ah well )