Guide to being a good MP.

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Guide to being a good MP.

Post by Officialjake » 15 May 2015, 02:09

How to be a MP that isn't terrible
Modified Baystation wiki security guide.

What are MP's?

Military Police are usually assigned at the very beginning of the round by pre-joins and proper preferences being set up. This means, you’ll likely never get this role until you’re chosen for it out of the hat.

Military Police have the distinct duty of defending the Sulaco and keeping order amongst the Marines. They hold higher power over the squads and squad leaders but aren’t equal to LOs and Commanders. You’re equipped with a stun baton, riot shield, and riot shotgun(equipped with beanbag rounds, nonlethal) and some handcuffs for detainment. It’s usually advised to not decide to carry your own lethal weapon without confirmation of xenomorphs aboard the Nostromo. Note that brig times are gauged with a law book, and disregarding it can result in a job ban.

The Hierarchy

The Commander holds authority over the Sulaco and all it's departments.

You are to follow his orders unless they violate marine law. The commander can be arrested for violating marine law.

You are above squad leaders but below LO's and the Commander. Do not use this position to order Squad Leaders around.

The Equipment

You start out with the standard MP uniform. In your locker is the follow items:
  • One extra uniform
  • Riot armor and helmet
  • Black gloves
  • A flashlight
  • Sunglasses
  • A riot shotgun
  • A taser
  • Three extra headsets
  • Two riot shields
  • Three boxes of bean bag shotgun shells
In the SecTech vending machine there is:
  • handcuffs
  • flashbangs
  • flashes
  • frosted donuts
  • evidence bag boxs
  • ammo boxs

Marine Law is a list of crimes with some sentence times. Follow it or else expect a PM from the staff. wiki/Marine_Law

Standard Procedure

Responding to Calls

If someone calls for MP's an officer should respond. Additional officers should be dispatched as needed.

Upon arriving at the scene, the first responder is expected to gauge the exact nature at the scene.

If the scene is clear:
  • Radio in the situation at the scene.
  • Ensure the safety of any crew in the immediate vicinity.
  • Identify witnesses.
  • Proceed to 'Collecting Evidence'
If the scene is not clear:
  • Identify nature of threat.
  • If threat is able to be handled by officers on scene: Proceed with mediation/detainment.
  • If threat is unable to be handled by officers on scene: Request immediate assistance. Upon requesting assistance, await said assistance before proceeding. Ensure your safety before ensuring the safety of others on scene.

Collecting Evidence

  • Autopsies are secondary to cloning of non-criminal employee bodies. Autopsies should be performed within the morgue after cloning attempts have been made.
  • Disrupt standard station operation as little as possible around the crime scene.
  • Officers on scene are expected to ensure scene security. Officers are also expected to secure evidence on scene. (There are no detective jobs)
  • Witness statements should be taken (either via recorder or on paper) and physical evidence should be secured.

Handling Evidence

  • Ensure gloves are worn to prevent contamination of evidence.
  • Items that can be, must be held in evidence bags for transportation.
  • Crime scene must be preserved until all evidence is collected.
  • After evidence is collected, cadavers may be removed to the morgue and area may be cleaned up.

Proceed as follows during the event of detainment:
  • Announce intention to arrest and charges vocally.
  • Request the suspect surrender peaceably. Do not flash and cuff the suspect without asking them to come peacefully first.
  • If suspect resists, attempt to handcuff. Verbal disagreement or swearing is not resisting. Verbal threats of violence, damage, or death are considered resisting arrest.
  • If suspects fight back or run, apply needed force to cease flight and detain suspect. Remember there is no such thing as resisting arrest in marine law.
  • Remove suspect to brig for processing.
For witnessed major/violent crime:
  • Immediately attempt detainment of suspect, with charges read out when suspect is secured.
  • Remove suspect to brig for processing.

Processing and Jailing

  • Bring prisoner to an empty cell. Open the locker and move their body over the locker. (NOTE: Lockers are currently bugged and can be opened by prisoners, search prisoners outside the cell for now)
  • Check prisoner’s pockets (coat/jumpsuit), pack, and any containers within pack.
  • Confiscate any contraband/evidence found. Note: Evidence must have pertinence to the case. If there is no direct correlation, evidence should be returned to person after release.
  • Remove the following from the prisoner and keep them in the locker: Mask, Eyes, Head, Belt, (Exo)Suit, Backpack. (If the sentence is under 10-15 minutes it's not worth it to change them into a prisoner uniform)
  • Keep personal items the prisoner was deemed able to keep upon release in cell locker.
  • Move the prisoner to the bed and buckle them to it.
  • Remove handcuffs from prisoner’s person within secure cell if able to do so without severe risk to own wellbeing.
  • Set cell timer to appropriate time and secure cell.
  • Ensure records are properly updated to reflect prisoner’s crimes/status.
  • Inform the commander or LO of the arrest so the prisoners respective squad leader can be made aware of the arrest.
  • Questioning should be done in the brig.
  • If the person is not a suspect, do not handle them as an offender (handcuffing, stunning, or flashing them is not okay).
  • Ensure usage of recorder during interrogations; ensure the suspect/prisoner/witness is aware they are being recorded. Ensure the suspect/prisoner/witness states
  • their or has their name/occupation stated at the beginning of an interrogation.
  • If person remains uncooperative, make note of this. Seek advice from the commander or LO's.
  • When timer expires, an officer should always be present to escort former prisoner from the brig.
  • Have a high risk prisoner? Use a pair of handcuffs on orange prison shoes to make handcuffed orange shoes. This will make the prisoner much slower.
  • Do NOT make up charges that are not in marine law or sentence longer times than in marine law.
  • Do NOT leave the Sulaco unless ordered to by the commander.
  • Application of lethal force is often not the only solution to an issue. Lethal force should only be pursued if all other routes fail. (If you use lethal force in retaliation to being attacked you forfeit admin assistance as per rule #1)
  • Do not needlesly escalate situations, you should be working to defuse any potential hostile situation, rather then resort to your weapons.
  • Apply escalating force as deemed necessary by suspect’s actions. Minimal force as required by a situation should be applied.
  • Minimal force should be used at all appropriate times, but not at the risk of your own life.
  • Talk first (unless the suspect lets their weapons do the talking).

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