The first thing I'll discuss in this guide are a few things to live by, that I run by, they not only aid in my RP (which sometimes deviates from it cause lol 4am) but also in my ability as a medic.
1) Every life is savable, there is no situation in which once you received a patient that you could not of righted the wrongs done to them. (only exception is a very late stage chest burst, but you have no IC way of knowing how far they have developed)
2) The Hippocratic oath is real and important. The oath doesn't just mean do no harm, it also means:
a) You will respect and understand the medicine you are attempting to do, and also share ALL THINGS THAT YOU KNOW with other medics.
b) You will treat ANYONE and EVERYONE by ANY MEANS for ANY REASON, but you will not over treat and you will not only treat the fatal wounds and clear them (unless there are other patients in triage).
c) You will not be head strong, and you will call for help if you find your abilities are not good enough.
d) You will respect your patient's confidentiality, that which they tell their doctor is a secret, and should never be divulged, even if it is dangerous
e) "Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God." This is important. VERY IMPORTANT, not only RP wise but game wise and just on a human level too. Death is a serious issue, it should NEVER EVER EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE NOT EVER be treated as trivial. On an RP level, someone just died in front of you, ACT LIKE IT. Further, they may not be able to BE cloned. On an IC level, they could become aliums, which just leads to more dead bodies. Act humble and respectful of death, you'll be one of the few who actually does here.
f) Your patient's are not cases, they are not puzzles for you to solve, they are not a scanner print out. They are a human being, both IC and OOC. Its another one those RP/IC things that benefit everyone in a number of ways.
g) Prevent further illness and such, this one is a bit less applicable to CM, but doesn't hurt to remember.
h) You are a human, never forget it, but you have a special duty to everyone, from the sound to the insane.
i) So long as you follow the oath, you're golden.
3) You are fixing people, you are treating people, you see death on a daily basis. Violence should never be the answer for a doctor. Non-Lethal force is advised (except apparently 10u of chloral will kill someone now days)
4) Pain and discomfort should not be treated as if its not important. Use anesthetic unless the situation demands it, Give out pain killers when needed.
5) Even if the command requests you not to, try to treat someone. A man who just tried to kill the captain is still human, A man who is infected that command wants to study instead of treat is still human, your abilities transcend the command chain, you are obligated to treat each and every living being that passes through your medbay. (Yes, I have infacted treated a xenomorph before, dont ask.)
Now that we have that out of the way, im sure you are wondering "How do I actually treat people?". Calm down there tiger, there is an even more important thing to consider first, the triage system. The triage system is a way for you to operate and organize and keep people alive during times of emergency.
Simply put, when given multiple patients, or anticipating an influx of more patients, you dont have time to treat people as you get to them. One guy might have a bleeding chest, but another might have 4 seconds until that suffocation damage kills him. The triage system has 4 classes of patients that you should always consider when treating or anticipating.
1) Superficial/Can wait
2) Trauma or developing condition/Has to wait
3) Emergency care or critical/ Cannot wait
4) Dead
3 goes first, then 2, then 4, then 1. In the real triage system its 3,2,1,4. But here we can revive the dead, and waiting could cause them to become aliens, so once all fatal wounds are treated, start cloning and tell Rei to stop crying over her stupid infection.
You might have someone with a fractured right arm, but if you have any inclination that more wounded will be coming, be ready to drop him in a single second and throw his ass out, arm still open.
You will be dealing with a number of cases ranging from a simple booboo to an internally bleeding, suffocating, busted heart and lung patient with 130 units of blunt trauma whos bleeding on their groin and head. As we said earlier, everything can be treated, its just about knowing what does what and how.
There are 9 damage types in the game. Heres a list of them along with the way of fixing it.
1) Brute damage - Bicardine/Bandages
2) Burn damage - Kelotane/Dermaline/Ointment
3) Suffocation damage - Dexaline/Dex+ (15u OD)/Getting to an oxygen atmosphere
4) Toxin damage - Dyvolene (Anti-toxins)
5) Internal Organ damage - Surgery
6) Radiation Damage - Arithrazine (30u OD)/Hyronalin (30u OD)
7) Genetic Damage - Cryo/Ryetalyn (only 1u is needed)
8) Brain damage - NOTE: Brute damage to the brain and brain damage are actually two different things. Brute damage to the brain is an internal organ damage. This is brain damage and is healed by alkysine and alkysine alone.
9) Low blood damage - Below 90% is just suffocation, Below 65% is even more suffocation, Below 40% is extreme toxin damage. Dex+ will stop the suffocation, Giving them a blood pill/IV will help (200u in one blood pack = 37% of our blood)
a special mention is infections, which can cause toxin damage over time. Just put some ointment on the infected wound, or spaceacillin if nearby for faster relief.
Here is a chart for every medicine that you can make or will need.

To read this chart, look for the chemical you want, say Ryetalyn, and go down the chart putting in each chemical from the bottom of the tree.
So for Ryetalyn I see itll need arithrazine in it, which will need hyronalin in it, which is made from anti-tox.
Then I make anti-tox (silicon, potassium, nitrogen), then add radium, then add hydrogen, then add carbon. And bam, I have ryetalyn. I can now seperate the chemicals and get the pure ryetalyn using the chemmaster 3000. (If you click the "send the disposals" thing itll change to "send to beaker" so you can put it back in your beaker instead of losing it.)
Now you understand basic treatment and chemistry, lets look around the medbay at exactly what machines we have to offer.
First is the general care room. It has a sleeper, an advanced scanner, an IV, and a nanomed+.
1) The sleeper: This beauty dispenses 5 chemicals. Bicardine, Kelotane, Dexaline, Innaprovaline, and Soporific. Innaprovaline will stabalize a dying patient and buy you a bit of time. Soporific is a sleeping drug, that will take effect after about 30 seconds to a minute.
2) The advanced scanner: I actually drag each person that comes to me to this before I even look at them. This wonderful machine tells you EVERYTHING wrong with a person. It tells you genetic damage/Brain damage/radiation damage/internal organ damage/Bone fractures/OH GOD THERES AN ALIEN INSIDE ME.
3) An IV: This bad boy not only accepts IV bags, but beakers. It has two modes: Inject and Take blood. Yes putting blood into a beaker and then into pill form works, Yes its amazing.
4) Nanomed+: Has a bunch of stuff, like just crazy ammounts of stuff. Even has a toxins bottle if you decide that you hate the Hippocratic oath.
On either side from the general care rooms are the surgery rooms. More on those later.
South of the general care room is the R&R ward. There is a break room and recovery rooms. Also 2 additional IVs if you need em.
Second is the chemistry room. It has a chem dispenser, a chemmaster 3000, and an all in one grinder.
1) The chem dispenser: Outputs 22 chemicals, and all but a few chemicals (including the non-medical ones) can be made with them. Choose your desired output ammount and click away.
2) The chemmaster 3000: This machine accepts beakers and pill bottles. It allows you to move chemicals around as you please, and make pills and bottles of any solution you want. If you put a pill bottle in, the pills automatically go into it, otherwise just clicking on a pill with a pill bottle will pick up every pill on that tile. Furthermore, it has two modes "send to disposals" and "send to beaker" that I discussed earlier, this lets you put a chemical back into the beaker if you say, misclicked it, or lets you safely dispose of a chemical.
3) All in one grinder: Reduces anything into its components. Turns food into nutriment and such. Grinds plasma into useable form.
Third is the genetics/cryo room. It has two cryo tubes, a marinemed, a blood bag dispenser, a genetics machine, a cloner, and another sleeper.
1) Cryotubes: The the answer, in my opinion, to only two things: Genetic damage and people who are in crit who are too far gone for say, bicardine and dermaline. You start off with 4 beakers of cryox, but cryox sux. A nice time saver is: Get one beaker of cryox, remove the large beaker from the all in one grinder, put the cryox in that, put that in the chem dispenser and dispense 30u of sodium, put that beaker back into the all in one grinder, put a single sheet of solid plasma into the grinder, grind, and bam you got Clonex which is 3 times faster at healing genetics damage. Now just use the chemmaster to seperate all that stuff and put the new bottles of clonex (30u in each) into cryo.
2) Marinemed: The single most important machine in the medbay. This outputs 4 auto-injectors (think an instant single use syringe, of course using the harm intent with a regular syringe gets the same effect) of tricordazine (5u), dexaline+ (10u), quickclot (fixes internal bleeding instantly), and clone-fix, which helps those recently cloned get their genetic damage fixed faster.
3) Bloodbag dispenser: Called the MM something or whatever, this machine has 5 of each bloodtype ready at all times, and has 10 empty bloodbags ready for filling from those unused cloned bodies.
4) A genetics machine: As said in the rules, ONLY USED FOR CLEAN SEs. No you will never need this, no I wont tell you what an SE is.
5) A cloner: AKA an invalidation of life and death, put people into the far right machine (the one that has a human shape on it). Check the console and click scan, if theres no mental interface, try about 4-5 more times over 20 seconds, they might re-enter their body. If you succesfully scan, go to "records", click their name, and click clone. Itll take 2 minutes or so, then take their freshly cloned body to cryo, and retrieve their old body with all their stuff from the cloning machine by right clicking and "ejecting occupant" from the first machine.
Fourth and foremost: Medical Storage. This room has a couple defibrilators, some lockers, and 5 types of medkits (3 of each).
Just go ahead and get what you think youll need, get some gloves on, and be familiar with what things exist in there.
-------------------------Will be continued and reformated to make clearer and concise.-----------------------------------------------------