Bullets and aliens.

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Bullets and aliens.

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 21 Jul 2015, 13:10

Classic CM
This guide tells you how many bullets it takes to kill an xeno (and stabs).

The alpha update is just to add in tips.
Also to clarify:
There will be no content in essance to how many bullets it takes to kill an alien.
All stats from the guns are for PRE-ALPHA.


Friendly tip:Shoot on sight (without meta gaming)

One bullet (and marine combat knife stab) will do!


Same thing with the pulse rifle/shotgun shell and revolver but it will take a few shots with the SMG and pistol



Due to their ability make walls and run away,you need to close the space between you and the drone as the planet is massive and with open space,they can easily run away.
And if they start dropping huggers,you're walking into a visible landmine.

Friendly tip:They will build resign walls or doors to stall their death or increase their chances on escaping from the wall of bullets you just fired so it would be unlikely to kill one (unless it's an idiot).

Marine Combat knife = 5 stabs.

M4A3 Pistol = 7 shots.

44 Magnum = 4 shots.

M39 SMG = 9 shots.

M41A = 6 shots.

M37 Shotgun = 5 shots.

L6 = 7 shots.



These tricky bastards got buffed,meaning they can take down an entire squad with just two carriers attacking you.
Ones enough to take three down if it's lucky.
All you need to do is have vision on the target,meaning getting your area to be lit up by flares so you have the advantage of having a 15X15 field of view that is lit up.
Also bullets can stop huggers so keep shooting,as well as huggers only react when you move so stand still and keep firing.
You will need helmets,lots of them.So the best place for me to fight is in prep.

Friendly tip: If it has huggers and you are alone,pray that you still have your helmet (and to RNJesus) that you will win.Best to fight with atleast 2-3 people against these.

Marine Combat knife = 6 stabs.

M4A3 Pistol = 8 shots.

44 Magnum = 5 shots.

M39 SMG = 10 shots.

M41A = 7 shots.

M37 Shotgun = 5 shots.

L6 = 8 shots.



They are slow,bulky with a good amount of health but most importantly they are slow,so all you need to do is keep shooting.

Friendly tip:If you are alone and it tackles you,you are fucked,nested and maybe hugged. Always fight with friends!(Same thing with the escape on drones but less likely to live due to inability to vent crawl).

Marine Combat knife = 10 stabs.

M4A3 Pistol = 13 shots.

44 Magnum = 8 shots.

M39 SMG = 16 shots.

M41A = 11 shots.

M37 Shotgun = 8 shots.

L6 = 13 shots.



Is they spit at and you're in the same row or column,all you need to do is take a step out of that row or column to dodge it,simple as that.

Friendly tip:Since it can spit at you,you can either pray to RNJesus,dodge it,block it with a shield (while praying to RNJesus) or have buddies with you.

Marine Combat knife = 6 Stabs.

M4A3 Pistol = 8 Shots.

44 Magnum = 5 shots.

M39 SMG = 10 shots.

M41A = 7 shots.

M37 Shotgun = 5 shots.

L6 = 8 shots.



Same thing listed with the sentinel but with a heavy spit that burns you.Can't harm you that much if not treated
They are also INCREDIBLY slow even on weeds so you have a good enough chance in killing one.

Friendly tip:Same thing as the sentinel but this one is a small bit more tanky(50%) and it spits two toxins.

Marine Combat knife = 9 stabs.

M4A3 Pistol = 12 shots.

44 Magnum = 7 shots.

M39 SMG = 15 shots

M41A = 10 shots.

M37 Shotgun = 8 shots.

L6 = 12 shots.



They have armour that deflects bullets,causing no damage and yet again,since they are tier three they will be slow and tanky-ish. Eventually with enough bullets you can kill them with ease.
And for the tips,same thing with the spitter.

Friendly tip:Same as before,more tanky,spits two different kinds of toxins, 1 v 1 is either you win or the alien wins.

Marine Combat knife = 12 stabs

M4A3 Pistol = 16 shots.

44 Magnum = 9 shots

M39 SMG = 20 shots.

M41A = 14 shots.

M37 Shotgun = 10 shots.

L6 = 16 shots.


They are fucking weak and if you fall to one of them,shame on you since they STILL take four-five shots with a pulse rifle to kill them and less with the shotgun and revolver.

Friendly tip:
Most of the time runners will run off scared after they are hit seeing how weak they are. And if they do manage to pounce you and they can not face hug you this is where your pistols take effect, Given the runners HP if you hit it at least twice with the M41a rifle before you are down if you get up and start shooting with that pistol I can guarantee a kill if you actually hit it. SASoperative

Marine Combat knife = 3 stabs.

M4A3 Pistol = 4 shots.

44 Magnum = 3 shots.

M39 SMG = 5 shots.

M41A = 4 shots.

M37 Shotgun = 3 shots.

L6 = 4 shots.

Warrior (A.K.A the Hunter)


Lethal,stealthy,with the claws as sharp as ever,you're fucked if they get to pounce on you. BUT in alpha there is no more auto-tracking aim pounce,where now they must AIM at you to pounce and if they bonk into a wall,GG it's dead if you still have ammo in your gun.
And if it did pin you down.You're FUBAR with possibly your head chopped off.

Friendly tip:From experience 1 v 1 a warrior is 4:6 of one of us winning all the time,(4 being the marine and 6 being the warrior),Riot shield to stop pounce (while praying to RNJesus).

Marine Combat knife = 8 stabs.

M4A3 Pistol = 10 shots.

44 Magnum = 6 shots.

M39 SMG = 13 shots.

M41A = 9 shots.

M37 Shotgun = 7 shots.

L6 = 10 shots.

Ravenger(that tank over there)


The ones that are HIT and fucking RUN. It's charge ability is able to take down tables and A marine rendering the marine stunned and fucked if the ravager manages to kill you.
This Xeno is weak in the open so take GREAT care in tight spaces where it can just give you a does of guerrilla warfare if it's smart enough to actaully conduct it.
Anyway a 1v1 is still a death sentence,you need space and a lot of firepower to take these guys down.
And by the way,fire gives them a speed boost.

Friendly tip:No matter what always have open space to fight these things and buddies to help.

Not so friendly tip:1 v 1 a Ravenger is a death sentence (unless you are robust enough).

Marine Combat knife = 15 stabs.

M4A3 Pistol = 20 shots.

44 Magnum = 12 shots.

M39 SMG = 25 shots.

M41A = 17 shots

M37 Shotgun = 13 shots.

L6 = 20 shots.



She can gib you. That screeching bitch that lays all the eggs and jelly is here to stay until it all the aliens die horribly.
She has armour and a fuckton of health but that doesn't mean she's invincible.
A three man team fighting a Queen in the open is the best option,where fighting a Queen in tight spaces is another death sentence. Unless you have grenades or a grenade launcher of course but that ain't gonna happen with out help.
Smoke her out of her hidy hole and BLAST HER TO BITS.

Friendly tip:A grenade to soften her up and light her up with bullets,under no a few circumstances are you to be engaging a 1 v 1 with a queen.

Also for the love of god and all competent marines DON'T RUSH INTO A HIVE ALONE OR GO RAMBO!

Marine Combat knife = 20 stabs

M4A3 Pistol = 28 shots.

44 Magnum = 16 shots.

M39 SMG = 35 shots.

M41A = 24 shots.

M37 Shotgun = 18 shots.

L6 = 28 shots.

EMPRESS(The likelihood of her even spawning is out of the question.)


No info given since I haven't fought one yet.

(If anyone has tips please tell them to me).

Marine Combat knife = 28 stabs.

M4A3 Pistol = 40 shots.

44 Magnum = 23 shots.

M39 SMG = 50 shots.

M41A = 34 shots.

M37 Shotgun = 25 shots.

L6 = 40 shots.

If you think this is inaccurate I got my alien health sources from here:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... edit#gid=0

And also another thing:

If you think the aliens need a buff from what you have read,you sir are absolutely WRONG.
Want to know why?
Okay then:

In the alpha the warrior (renamed to the hunter) can chop off limbs and heads.

The Ravenger is now LETHAL AND has armour in the alpha

They already had buffs thanks to Abbysant.

We are more than likely are to miss most of our shots.

The marines have derp marines.

The aliens can swarm the Sulaco with clever thinking (or dumb luck).

Ambushes can be everywhere on the Nostromo and on the ground map.

Thanks for reading! :)

(Will update for the alpha when I get the gun stats). Those guns stats aren't going to happen.



They are weak,feable but they have enough health to last 7 smartgun rounds but less with more damaging weaponry.
They are the bain of all FOBs so if you're sitting there,camping about and suddenly an acidic cloud of acid comes right next to you. Prepare to pray that you can get out in time cause I'm gonna assume you haven't burnt to death,with your flesh melting away.

So bascially got after them. If the aliens are sieging the FOB go flank them. If they are surrounding you MAKE an escape route with a squad to go FLANK THE FUCKER. He's only going to be a pain if you sit around all day so get to it,chop chop.
Or did you all die due to the lack courage of not getting up off your bum to go kill something or were you evacuating from the FOB?



The have an armoured crest at the front that has a higher chance to deflect bullets and a stomp ability with an area of effect of 5x5 so keep your distance.
Their front maybe armoured like a tank would be as well as the sides which as the armour of a ravager but every tank has a weak spot and that's its ass.
No specialist weapon? No problem when you have AT LEAST one other buddy with you,as one can be the bait and the other,as the gunner.
Also weapons such as the sniper rifle and the SADAR are quite useful since the AP rockets can pin one down causing a good amount of damage,with just enough time for the rest of the marines to kill them off.
While the sniper rifle can just shoot them from a far,burning the target and forcing it to move back. Although this is only useful for stalling the inevitable of the FOB being lost,you still have a chance to win.

Also a note that knives penetrate armour but let's face it. How many times does it take to take a crusher down with a knife. I don't thnik you would have enough time as you would more or less die due to the slashing and the stomping.
They also have the ability of momentom where they can ram into something,for example a marine and knock him/her back and if the crusher goes to ram an acidable object with enough force into. That thing that got rammed is as good as gone. They can also step on people,crushing them. Leaving whoever was underneath baddly damaged.
They are also mine sweepers.

And the tip for fighting them if you though of the TL;DR

Last edited by Sargeantmuffinman on 08 May 2016, 04:54, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Surrealistik » 21 Jul 2015, 14:43

Damn, the SMG is _weaker_ than the shitty handgun? Wow.
Sur 'Druglord' Lahzar; Field Engineer, Perpetually Understaffed and Exasperated CMO/Doctor/Researcher
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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by 5crownik007 » 22 Jul 2015, 02:50

actually the m39 smg has higher firerate than the pistol so

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Surrealistik » 22 Jul 2015, 03:45

Sure, but it's a main arm vs a sidearm, and it's larger; higher firerate or not, you'd expect its projectiles to output at least comparable damage.
Sur 'Druglord' Lahzar; Field Engineer, Perpetually Understaffed and Exasperated CMO/Doctor/Researcher
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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Youbar » 22 Jul 2015, 04:43

You're wanting to look at DPS, Surrealistik, at which the M39 SMG far outdoes the M43A pistol.

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Surrealistik » 22 Jul 2015, 11:27

No, I get it, higher DPS, but again, we're talking about a low calibre pistol outdamaging a low calibre SMG on a per shot basis; just a verisimilitude thing, even if it pans out in terms of gameplay.

Anyone know what the exact fire rate of the SMG is vs the pistol? Or have exact numbers for the weapons in general?
Sur 'Druglord' Lahzar; Field Engineer, Perpetually Understaffed and Exasperated CMO/Doctor/Researcher
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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by snow5445 » 16 Sep 2015, 20:18

Surrealistik wrote:No, I get it, higher DPS, but again, we're talking about a low calibre pistol outdamaging a low calibre SMG on a per shot basis; just a verisimilitude thing, even if it pans out in terms of gameplay.

Anyone know what the exact fire rate of the SMG is vs the pistol? Or have exact numbers for the weapons in general?
They both use pistol caliber rounds man. Yes a .45 is a more effective round than a .9.
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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by GingerCultLeader » 16 Sep 2015, 21:38

I should probably consider grabbing a 44 then as my secondary weapon.

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Jack McIntyre » 17 Sep 2015, 01:08

Just want to say me and Weeter were able to take out a queen by ourselves and I was using my knife while he was using a SMG, so don't knack the SMG or a handy knife, tip from your uncle Adam, carry as many knives as you can. You get good fighting with them and the xenos will get upset when you are running around the hive killing drones because you are swoll! :p But just some advise I trust a good knife over a sidearm even a .44 since it has a slow fire rate any day. Just my two cents to add to the posts, knives are not to be underestimated.

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 17 Sep 2015, 12:11

Adam Hunter wrote:Just want to say me and Weeter were able to take out a queen by ourselves and I was using my knife while he was using a SMG, so don't knack the SMG or a handy knife, tip from your uncle Adam, carry as many knives as you can. You get good fighting with them and the xenos will get upset when you are running around the hive killing drones because you are swoll! :p But just some advise I trust a good knife over a sidearm even a .44 since it has a slow fire rate any day. Just my two cents to add to the posts, knives are not to be underestimated.
A reminder that this is classic CM not the alpha.

(Unless this is about classic so go ahead).
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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by GingerCultLeader » 17 Sep 2015, 20:17

I love knives. They are so useful. Almost better than guns.

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 17 Sep 2015, 22:35

SMG's seem strangely powerful to me, i seem to get more kills as a sulaco doctor who pulls an SMG in an emergency out then as a standard marine with a shotgun (regardless of whether i have a bayonet and i get the occaisional stab with it or if i have a barrel charger)

where is the crusher in this list? in retrospect it may be appropriate to make an extra post just for the various resin creations as well

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 18 Sep 2015, 11:29

Mycroft Macarthur wrote:SMG's seem strangely powerful to me, i seem to get more kills as a sulaco doctor who pulls an SMG in an emergency out then as a standard marine with a shotgun (regardless of whether i have a bayonet and i get the occaisional stab with it or if i have a barrel charger)

where is the crusher in this list? in retrospect it may be appropriate to make an extra post just for the various resin creations as well
My friend....this is pre-alpha.

And I might make the resin thing.
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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Mark Valentine » 18 Sep 2015, 21:56

This is quite helpful for Marines in terms of marksmanship and how they feel about their weapons in terms of reliance.

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Jack McIntyre » 18 Sep 2015, 22:04

Yea I meant pre alpha since I talked with a few vets from those times who still play. I tried it with carrying about two knives and must say was a game changer for me. So my bad Sarge for try confusion, but aye I meant both really.

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Dyne » 29 Sep 2015, 05:56

Pro-tip on Carriers- your bullets have a chance of "stopping" a hugger mid flight, so shoot it first, and shoot it a lot.
Weapons with high ROF are really good.
Carriers are dangerous undetected or in a hunting pack, you can take one easily otherwise.
A good pair of marines with rifles can safely engage single Drones, Carriers, and Boilers.
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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Gelonvia » 29 Sep 2015, 23:52

You are gonna think I'm crazy but great ways to engage Queens with two or three people is two gunners one smartgunner, smartgunner keeps distance the other two swarm and block escapes and if you get injured rush her immediately with you knife while the smartgunner shoots past you. You can literally have no casualties and any Queen can be solo'd aslong as you get them to waste their screech and keep your distance sense they are slow.

The North tile, north western tile and western tile are best to engage a queen in Melee as their head blocks your icon and aswell puts them at a disadvantage where they need to take time to accurately click you.
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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 29 Dec 2015, 09:07

Added in tips for Alpha.
George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by RoswellRay » 29 Dec 2015, 12:15

So these damages are up to date,right? If so the fact that the .44 takes less hits than the shotgun really needs to be fixed.

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 29 Dec 2015, 12:50

RoswellRay wrote:So these damages are up to date,right? If so the fact that the .44 takes less hits than the shotgun really needs to be fixed.
I did not say anything about the damage and I did write (before I clarified) No damage stats.

I should have wrote:

No change in how many bullets it takes to kill an alien as the numbers has changed in alpha or something along the lines of that.

As the amount of bullets to kill an alien are obsolete in this guide as this was for pre-alpha.
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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by RoswellRay » 29 Dec 2015, 13:17

okay cool,if you have a way to test it I am pretty curious as to how powerful the shotgun is compared to the .44. Not for powergaming but more because the last several times people have shown stats for weapons the shotgun has always been weaker or insignificantly stronger than the .44 despite having a longer cooldown, pump action,manual reload and requiring both hands. I LOVE the shotgun but I can't bring myself to use it if I'm going to drag the whole team down by using an incredibly useless weapon. If it is still equal or lesser to the .44 I plan to make a thread begging for it to be buffed.

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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by RhMoore » 10 Jan 2016, 09:16

A queen only requires 20 knife stabs? (Gets idea to rally knife militia)
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Re: Bullets and aliens.

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 10 Jan 2016, 09:47

RhMoore wrote:A queen only requires 20 knife stabs? (Gets idea to rally knife militia)
Only on pre-alpha.
George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

I don't like cute things.

Good hunting.

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