This is supply division of Sulaco, your job is to order and deliver requested materials, tools, and other stuff. This guide similar for both RO and CT, there is no difference, what position you got, your job will be the same. In case if there are both of you, distribute your duties: RO should work in main work place, accept/deny requests, order crates, give requested attachments, webbings and other stuff. CT should unload/load crates from/to shuttle, prepare "standard care package" and other requested crates for supply drop.
This is your main work place:

Normal day in Requisition office.
Merging crates!
Both RO and CT: First thing you should do is to order 1 or 2 webbing crates in requests console. Take rubber stamp here and clipboard, put them in pockets.

Rubber stamp and clipboard on table, look at red circle. Console is lower.
Request shuttle. Now you have approximately 1:40 (actually, shuttle can late for 10 more seconds, do not panic). You shouldn't waste this time! Go to storage, which is closed with shutters, open it, find freezer crate and open it. There will be two boxes of donk pockets. Now go to your MECH. Yes, in Requisitions you have your own cargo MECH. No one has and you have. You should be proud of it. Take hydraulic clamp next to MECH and attach it to Ripley. After that get into MECH. Now go and load to MECH all crates in warehouse. Four in warehouse, two more in east side of hangar, four in disposals. Load fueltank too.

Four in warehouse...

...two more in south-east side of hangar... Load fueltank too.

...five in disposals. This is where all trash comes. Sometimes, go and check, what arrived there. One time I found suicide note. Gave it to MP.
Now head back and put fuel tank in warehouse or somewhere near Ripley. Caution! Try not to move on shuttle launch pad, go near wall.

Landing pad of Cargo shuttle.
Shuttle arrives! Go into it and unload all loaded crates. If someone doesn't know, why you have to do this. Each crate placed on shuttle and sent to CC adds a good amounts of supply points to you. Now move Ripley into it's recharge station. You won't need it in short time. Go back in shuttle, open all two webbing crates, mark manifests with your stamp. Now put manifests on floor, and put all stuff from these two crates into one (I use word "merge" for that action). Fastest way to do that: take one crate, open it and push it away; take another one, move it exactly on that tile with webbings, open and close crate. Now all webbings from crates are in one crate. Use that method in future for similar crates. Pull that crate into your main work place.
In your main work place:

See this valuable equipment, just lying on floor? (Red, 1) Don't do that. Will you put valuable and important stuff just on floor? Of course! No, of course you won't. So, don't do that. Near RO sitting at his desk, you can see two tables. One to the left normally used for holding rubber stamps and screwdriver. One to the right has useless pan and paper bin. (Green, 2) We don't need them, so take pen in hand, pull paper bin and put them on that table near disposals. (Blue, 3) While pulling paper bin, click with empty hand on floor tile under table, paper bin will be moved on table. Put all webbings you brought on that now empty table. Also, you will put there new attachments that you will order later. Now, put metal and glass, that are lying on table, into autolathe.
Okay, now you are ready.
The most active and interesting part of RO job has begun. From that moment (but most likely, it is already happening) your lovely Requisition Office will be sieged by greedy and egoistic marines in search of your precious treasures, mostly attachments and webbings. Remember, RO should be greedy enough, but not too much.
First of all, at your office you have this:

It's USCM Requisitions Office Directives. Here are they:

Well, let's see:
- Good.
- Normal.
- Totally outdated, don't follow it.
- Good.
- Good. But remember, attachmetns - pretty important piece of marine's equipment, don't deny giving them attachments without really good reason.
- Perfect.
Webbins are accessory items, which you can attach to your uniform and allow you to storage small items in them. There are 3 types of these items in CM:
- Webbing/Load Bearing Equipment — despite different names, it's the same item, without any other differences (as far as I know). 3 slots.
- Holster — accessory, which allows you to store handgun in it. Doesn't have slots. Allows to carry handgun.
- Brown webbing vests — same as standard webbing, but have more space in it. Dream of engineers and medics. Also, if I'm not mistaken, there is also black webbing vest. 5 slots.
- All marines getting 2 attachments + webbing for standards, SL and Specs can ask for 3. SL can ask for webbing. However, on low-pop rounds or middle or near-end rounds you can issue 3 attachments to every marines.
- Flashlights don't count, cause they can be printed on autolathe and made into rail flashlight by using screwdriver. Bayonets don't count also, because they can be made from Marine Combat Knife and wires and they aren't so popular anyway.
- You can give Standards webbing and load bearing equipment on request. Specialists and Engineers now have webbings in their vendors, so they may only need brown webbing vests for more space. If any of them asks you of standard webbing, don't give them, tell that there are webbings in their vendors. SLs, though, have holsters in their vendors, therefore, they can ask you for a webbing. Medics don't have webbings in vendors at all, they should be in priority in receiving webbings.
- Never give Standards brown vests, it's a waste. Prioritize medics and engineers on getting webbing vest, then Specialists and SLs.
- Holster can get any marine by request.
- Reserve barrel chargers for Specs! It's the only attachment, that can be attached to smartgun, also it can be attached to M42C Sniper Rifle, if I'm not mistaken, making it much more dangerous and effective weapon.
- Non-combatant personnel, including MPs, can not get any attachments or webbings, except flashlights, in normal circumstances.
- Situations, when non-combatant personnel CAN get attachments and webbings:
- Sulaco medic is going to the FoB.
- XO is going down to the FoB (like field commander, for example)
- Sulaco invaded by aliens. In that case, if you have time, put everything you have in hall, so everyone could take what they need.
- I saw RO, that ordered one webbing crate, and pulled it out of Requisitions to marines. Standards took everything and engineers and medics had to wait while RO order another crate. He did same with second too. Some specialists didn't get webbings again. I nearly shot that RO. Never do that, or you will be cursed. No jokes.
- Also, standard attachments for:
- M41A: flashlight, bipod/grip/underbarrel GL, bayonet;
- SMG: supressor, red dor sight;
- Shotgun: flashlight/red dot sight and grip. It's for that cases when marine know nothing about attachments and ask you to help him with them.
- You have 50 cardboards on table near metal and glass stacks. Use them to make boxes and give marines on request. (Almost nobody ever asks for them.)
In that process, you may or may not have to deal with people, that order something via console. Usually, it's engineers, that want metal and plasteel, Sulaco medics, that want Surgery crate or Specialists, who keep ordering rockets crates even before deploying. You should accept these requests, it's normal and important. If it is something else, well, you should decide, is that request is really should be precessed or not. It's part of your job, anyway. For RP purposes, always put Approve or Denied rubber stamps on Requisition Forms and put them in your clipboard in your pocket.
After you finished with that line of marines, order three crates: Underbarrel, Rail and Muzzle attachments crate. It's in Operations submenu. New people will join middle round, so you will have some marines coming to your desk from time to time, so, if you are not busy, better sit at your main work place.
Also, good RO always make this:

Table with 5-6 flashlights and screwdriver on it. No need to screw them by yourself, marines are pretty competent (at least, believed to be) to do that by themselves.
"Oh god, crate landed right on Jack!"
Time to learn very important part of Cargo duty — Supply Drops.
Here you can see squad's supply drop's launch pads:

I hope I don't need to explain, what coloured letters means.
Right now it is time to prepare "standard care package" as I call them. Go to console and order Explosive crate and Medical crate. After they arrive (don't forget to put stamps on manifests and leave them in shuttle), put them somewhere here (Red, 1):

You can see stuff from Explosive crate, lying on floor near ladder. 3 Fragmentation Grenades, 3 Incinerator Grenades, 1 box of mines (4 mines inside). (Blue, 2)
Open explosive crate and let stuff laying on floor. Don't worry, in merging and other actions it's okay. Also, it's very unlikely, that someone not authorized will come into hangar. Take empty, now, explosives crate and go to marines armory. (Yes. You read it right. You have to go to armory and take ammo there because our developers still didn't change ammo crates and they are STILL useless, except exotic and explosive ammo crates. Also they didn't add flares crate. And I said about these problems in previous month) Take three belts, two M41A and two SMGs there. Fill belts with 10mm ammo, 9mm ammo, flares. Put all of that in crate, return to your lovely Requisitions. You can use boxes instead of belts. Now, put stuff from explosive crate back into it. Congrats! You have "Standard care package" ready for drop!
So, one of SLs or OOs ask for supply drop. Ask what squad they are, what exactly they need, tell that to CT, order crates if needed and keep working. CT should prepare crate, after ir's done, check content of crate, if everything okay, move it on squad's launch pad and tell in command or squad's channel, that crate is ready. Make sure, that crate loaded and dropped, after that you can return to work place/start preparing next crate. Be carefull, supply drops mechanism has 6-10 minutes recharge time, so you should prepare crate from first try.
Well, that's it. General guide is over. I will add few more information down there.
Content of Weapons Attachment Vendor at round start:
- Suppressor = 8
- Bayonet = 15
- Recoil compensator = 4
- Extended barrel = 8
- Barrel charger = 2
- Rail flashlight = 20
- Red dot = 10
- Magnetic harness = 8
- Quickfire = 2
- Forward grip = 10
- Gyro = 4
- Bipod = 4
- Burstfire = 2
- M37 stock = 3
- M41A Marksman stock = 3
- 44 Marksman stock = 3
- Underskug grenade launcher = 5
- Masterkey shotgun = 3
- Underslug flamethrower = 3
- Webbing = 3
- Machete = 5
Additional usefull info for advanced work:
- Switch all channels ON in your command headset. It is difficult to filter all unnecessary chatter of squads, but, believe me, if you get trained to do this, your work will become much more productive, because you will know what squad need what directly from marines, not from OO.
- You should foresee future requests. If marines actively use beacons, order Beacons crate, if their FoB always under heavy attacks, order few Explosive, Metal and Plasteel crates.
- If you move towards windoor, it will open for a few seconds and then automatically closes. If you click on windoor, it will remain open untill new click.
- You have ladder directly to hangar, it is usefull if supply drop mechanism is recharging, simply pull crate to shuttle.
- Closets can't be dropped. Believe me, I tried, only crates work. No orbital deploying.
- Always have one empty crate for immediate supply drop, if you didn't prepare "standard care package".
- How to restock attachements in vendor? It's simple: screwdriver the maintenance panel open, then click individual attachments and webbing into it. Can only load basic webbing though. Thanks to Silene. But be advised - if SM goes BOOM, vendor, most likely, will be broken.
- I undestand your willing to take some attachments and webbing for yourself, but do that only after biggest amount of marines got their stuff and Briefing is over.
- Underbarrel, muzzle and rail attachments crates — have attachments in them accordingly to their names. Special Operations submenu.
- Sentry turret crate - crate with all parts for Sentry turret in it (unexpected) minus tools. Weapon submenu. It costs 120 points. But if you give it to good, competent engineer (like me
), it will be good investment in victory.
- Explosive crate — has 3 mine box with 4 mines each, 3 fragmentation and 3 incendary grenades. Special Operations submenu.
- Incinerator crate — has three flamethrowers and three phoron tanks. Tanks not full. Weapons submenu.
- Description of ALL crates.
In case of alien invasion. First of all, you or CT should print welding mask and welding tool on autolathe. Fill welding tool with fuel using fueltank, put on welding mask, go downstairs and weld door to hangar. Weld door to RO office. Then, in warehouse, weld door to sleepers, after that go into disposals room, weld CE's office maintence hatch. If you know already about aliens being able to use vents, weld vents too.
Now, you have two options depends on status of emergency shuttle: was it called or not.
Shuttle was called.
You are lucky, order some metal, plasteel and incinerator units crates. (Actually, you should always have one-two spare full stacks of metal and at least one stack of plassteel). Be carefull, sooner or later, alien will pop up from ladder, you should be ready for that. Put tables or barricades around ladder. Go and grab armor, helmet, weapons and ammo. Return to Requisitions, be carefull, it can be already overran by aliens, also, control hallway to Engineering, they also have ladder to lower level. If marines are holding good, bring those incinerators and metal to briefing. If not, bring them to Escape hall. In that case don't go back, stay near pods. If you can, fill tanks with MT's or Engie's help. If marines are still holding, order two explosive crates, one-two incinerator crates and one medical supply crate if you don't have any. Bring all of that to Brief or Escape hall. Once you done that, put tables in hallway directing to east. It will help a bit if aliens will breach in engineering. Stay in the hallway, if someone need something, go, order and deliver, after that stay in your position in hallway. Good luck.
Shuttle wasn't called and there is no hope it will be.
Well, you are fucked, lay down, cry, get up, shoot yourself. Cargo with good and competent RO is really a pain in the ass for aliens.
Gather as much marines as you can in Cargo.
Order 1 metal, 1-2 plassteel, 2-3 incinerator crates, 1-2 explosive crates. Place as much barricades as you can. But be careful, you can throw grenades through barricades only when standing on their tile.
Green rectangles — tables or barricades, Red "X" on doors — welded doors.

This is your last stand battle room. Green rectangulares — possible positions of tables or barricades.

If aliens started melting hatch to sleepers — close warehouse's shutters, but don't do that immediately after aliens boarded, because in that case, you woudn't know, that they are already in warehouse. Load flamers, prepare grenades, set up tables. Wait for aliens. Fire them up with frags and flamethrowers when they try to get in. Die a honourable death, take few aliens with you.
Also, I never tried this, but you can try to call shuttle right before aliens melt/break in. If you do that, dun to landing pad for a last stand, aliens probably won't notice shuttle coming. You can take some of them with you to hell. Good luck!
Mini-guide for marines: "How to behave if you come to His Majesty The Ruler Of Requisition Kingdom."
If you come to Requisition Office, this treasure house of Sulaco, for begging few precious treasures for yourself, follow this simple rules:
- First of all, do not argue about amount of attachments or behave rude with His Majesty. Or you will get bayonet, flashlight and His Majesty's boot as third attachment to your ass.
- Do not push in line. It is very annoying both for marines and His Majesty. Also you will be probably got tazed by MP.
- If you need to order something via console, do that before standing in line. It is very annoying, when somebody comes to desk and start ordering something on console for two minutes, delaying the queue.
- After His Generous Majesty gave you your attachments, don't start to attaching them immediately. Take all of them, step out of queue and then you can attach them to your weapon. This way no one will shout at you for delaying queue.
- While requesting something via Console, look on amount of available points. If your order needs 50 points and there are available only 53, be ready to wait, because, His Majesty may receive another request from high command and, of course, He will permorm that one first.
Thanks to Derpislav for some help with guide.