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Post by Abbysynth » 14 Aug 2015, 17:47

So what the heck is a Crusher?


This is!

Crushers are brand new tier 3 xenos, which evolve from Hunters. Where Ravagers are heavily geared towards offensive capabilities, with serious damage and general tankiness (and charge. And fire immunity), Crushers are meant purely for defensive melee.

The first thing you'll notice is that Crushers have very few actual abilities. Two exactly - Stomp and Momentum. Momentum I'll get to in a second - Stomp however is a close-range ground pound that knocks over people nearby. It's probably a bit OP and expect it to be tweaked from time to time until the balance is right.

A few other words about Crushers first - they are immune to explosives. Yep, even orbital strikes. Mines, grenades, RPGs.. all just tickle a Crusher due to the thick layers of insulation under its exoskeleton that forces kinetic energy through its legs and into the ground. Unlike Ravagers however, they are not at all resistant to fire.

Crushers have extremely heavily armored head crests, which they use to block most attacks from the front. Some will still get through with enough persistence, but small-caliber rounds like the M39 will almost never penetrate when facing the Crusher head-on. Even M41 rounds have a very difficult time. However, this armor is directly related to the angle between you and the target; from the sides, the Crusher has about the same armor deflection as the Ravager, and from the rear it has next to none. This makes it essential to try and flank them to take them out.

Certain weapons can harm Crushers very seriously. The number one anti-crusher weapon is the sniper rifle. It punches through any amount of armor and does a disgusting amount of damage. Second - the AP rockets from the SADAR rocket launcher. While the Crusher won't feel the explosive, it will definitely feel molten hot metal punching into its flesh. Third - flamethrowers. While Crushers move too quickly to be caught in one for long, a few good blasts from a flamethrower will make them think twice about squatting there and soaking all the attacks.

Which brings us to the real fun part of Crushers -- Momentum.

Momentum is a system whereby a Crusher can be used as a mobile battering ram. When you begin moving in a straight line, the Crusher will begin to build up Momentum (you can toggle this off to just walk around normally in the Alien power tab). If you continue both running and more importantly, FACING in that direction, your momentum will build up to a certain maximum. Whatever you slam into will have different effects depending on your current momentum-- you can knock aside other xenos or untethered objects, smash people into walls, destroy many objects outright, or even cause a miniature earthquake if you slam into a wall at maximum speed. If someone is lying down and you run them over, you'll also trample them for disturbing amounts of damage.

Woh, hold on there, don't just go rampaging into walls just yet! There are a few downsides to using momentum to barrel around the map at warp speed.

Momentum uses plasma depending on your current speed. The faster you're moving, the more it'll drain, and when you completely run out you'll just skid to a halt - so it's important to pay attention to your meter. The faster you're moving, the harder it is to stop, leaving you stunned and vulnerable for a few seconds afterwards. This is particularly true for slamming into dense, immobile objects. You'll have to find out which things can be crushed and which can't on your own -- a good bet though is if you can't melt it, you can't crush it.

Slamming into things without building up enough momentum can also be troublesome. If you're only at half momentum and you hit a wall, you'll just bounce off it like Ravagers and Hunters do when slamming into things. It's also essential to coordinate with the hive when you're performing a charge, so they get out of the damn way and don't halt you in your tracks, and so they take advantage of the opening you create. It's very easy to charge into a group of marines - not so easy to keep your ass from getting kicked straight afterwards.

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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by Kyrac » 14 Aug 2015, 17:53

Any idea when it'll be up for public use? Looks amazing.

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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by MikeBluer » 14 Aug 2015, 18:15

Amazing, also when it will be for players?

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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by Abbysynth » 14 Aug 2015, 19:47

It'll be up for play next round. (as of 7:45 EST)

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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by Siserith Vassada » 14 Aug 2015, 23:25

Extremely balanced. perfect. the one downside is the lag that tends to make it hard for them to hit anything. yet also unavoidable for the marines.

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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by Dyne » 15 Aug 2015, 00:10

Lag is the only issue so far. And massive Crusher attacks are really hard to fend off, if they ignore mines.
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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by Steelpoint » 15 Aug 2015, 08:49

Late game Crusher's can level FoB's and most fortifications, not a bad thing inherently. I've also noticed Crushers utterly nullify Mine's as they can simply walk over them without sustaining damage.

My only suggestion is that Crushers should not be immune to Orbital Bombardments, it gets old seeing Crushers intentionally walking ontop of a activated Orbital Strike beacon just to demostrate how they are utterly immune to the incoming barrage.

Nothing should survive a orbital strike.
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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by 1138 » 15 Aug 2015, 11:04

Tier 3 alien pop limits are desperately needed. Runners last round all went and massed crushers.

They annihilated during the invasion of the USS Sulaco. Hardcap is very much required on most of the T3s.

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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by Surrealistik » 15 Aug 2015, 12:09

Immunity to orbital strikes, supermatter explosions, ground zero of demolition charges/massive bombs, and other annihilation level explosions is pretty damn silly; these should kill crushers (and anything else) dead.

Explosion 'immunity' is definitely and materially superior to fire immunity, and the Crusher's other metrics should be weaker than a Ravager's to compensate.
1138 wrote:Tier 3 alien pop limits are desperately needed. Runners last round all went and massed crushers.

They annihilated during the invasion of the USS Sulaco. Hardcap is very much required on most of the T3s.
Not at all surprising.

Immunity to the most devastating weapons in the marine arsenal? Check.

Almost full frontal immunity, with high deflection at the sides? Check.

Ability to annihilate barricades with casual ease? Check.

Ludicrous speed? Check.

Massive damage output? Check.

I wonder if a lack of flamethrowers had anything to do with this, since they're not taken nearly as often as other weapons however.
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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by Artyom » 15 Aug 2015, 17:38

1138 wrote:Tier 3 alien pop limits are desperately needed. Runners last round all went and massed crushers.

They annihilated during the invasion of the USS Sulaco. Hardcap is very much required on most of the T3s.
Did Marines FOB/Shuttlecamp the whole game?

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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 16 Aug 2015, 07:05

At least it makes snipers useful.

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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by FatalEYES » 16 Aug 2015, 19:06

Sargeantmuffinman wrote:At least it makes snipers useful.
Only to a degree however. I'm not able to speak fully since I haven't seen a Crusher in action yet, but from the sounds of it, they're rather fast. And sadly, the sniper isn't too good up-close are at range(The long bullet travel time), so you won't be doing much with a sniper before it's either A: Move out of the path of the bullet, or B: Moved up to you and is already stomping you into the ground.

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Re: Cruuuushhhhhhhhhhhers

Post by UNDUS » 17 Aug 2015, 11:35

I killed quite a lot of crushers, they are not fast. About as fast as a spitter unless they have a 20-tile runway of open space to charge on.

Two sniper shots kills them

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