How to successfully assault the Sulaco.

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How to successfully assault the Sulaco.

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 05 Sep 2015, 17:41

So Aphop tried to make the aliens board the Sulaco end game hmmm?
Well it seems from the win counter the marines are winning the fight due to turtling without defenses somehow.
This guide is here to MAKE IT END GAME. Or help trying

The Sulaco

The Sulaco was designed to make it so that when aliens board the marines will lose but due to marine turtling without defenses it has become a bit harder due to how well the marines are that round.

Murphy's marine law apply here:

The success of a defensive of operation is directly proportional to how good the marines are.

No matter how many aliens the hive has,how many tier 3 aliens the hive has or anything between the amount of aliens the hive has whether it is tier or numbers;the marine law above applies.
And since the marines are normally robust enough to hold down the fort till they run out of ammo OR make a mistake that will give the aliens the upper hand they will continuously need this as a way to make it end game for the aliens.

To make it end game you must know your entrances and exits on the shuttle.


3-5 low tier alien that are combat efficient must exit from the left since MOST of the times the left has little to no defense nor marines that will defend it.

Any high tier aliens (Ravagar,Crusher,Praetorian) must eliminate any threat that appears to the right side of the dropship so the queen can start a temporary hive at the hanger.

All support aliens (Sentinel,Spitter,Boiler,Drone) are to stun,plant weeds and assist in the offensive to ensure that the marines are either dead/infected and to help support the higher tiered aliens.

You will need to exit the shuttle and overrun the hanger ASAP and take control of the lower deck and KILL EVERYTHING THAT IS A THREAT!

You can also try and infect anyone that is unarmed as well to get more hosts and more importantly more aliens onto your side.(Even if no one burst it is always good to have extra lives for the aliens that died.)

The areas you need to overrun are as shown below:

The hanger:

So the marines can't escape fast enough and you can use cargo's ladder.



So you can assault from the front of the ship.


Lower deck of engineering storage:

So you can flank from the rear of the ship


This is essential to the success of the assault since we will need to flank the marines from all sides of the ship to cause chaos and disorder from the marines and to thin the herd.

The Sulaco has four main entrances to the upper deck.

The hanger ladders:

This is the kill zone where some aliens will pop in and out and die horribly.

AVOID THIS AREA AT THE START OF OFFENSIVEAn acceptation is that the marines are not prepared so go hog wild and kill them all.


Medbay ladders:

Infect or kill all the doctors and marines that are here.


Cargo ladders:

Deny all supplies the marines can get through here.


Engineering ladders:

Another way to flank the marines.


The prepping stage.

As a Queen you will need to know how many aliens you have, what kind of aliens you have and how much aliens have evolved to be able to assault the marines.

First off the hive has successfully overrun the FOB and the marines have just evaced from the planet.

Now what the hive must do is to create a small hive here:


This is the staging point where you will rally the hive to prep them all for the offensive.

The Queen will need to mass produce eggs and royal jelly for the aliens that are low tier and for them to use.

For the amount of different aliens the hive will need will vary for different assaults that can take place.

Tier one

(1-2) Drone(s): These aliens are to plant as much weeds as possible so everyone standing on them will be healed.They will also need to make temp hives at the upper deck to nest any infected hosts.(They can also be backup hivelords.)

(1-2) Sentinel(s): They are to guard the hosts until they burst or until the host goes SSD.

(2-3) Runners: These are the hit and run ( or backup line of the assault) aliens that will attack,kill and down the marines as much as possible.

Tier two

(1) Carrier: This one is to down any marine that comes within range of throw so any other alien can just nest them or kill them.

(1-2) Spitter(s): They have the Sole job of being fire and defensive support so other aliens can kill them/infect them.

(3-4) Hunters: They are the front line combat aliens that MUST kill anything in its way.

Tier three

(1) Hivelord: Plant weeds,build temp/mini nests and give the queen/boiler plasma.

(1-2) Praetorian: The main fire support the aliens get so they must assist any front line xeno to either kill or infect.

(2-3) Ravagar: Kill everything. Infected (unless nested) or not kill them all.

(2) Crushers: They are the riot shields of the xeno forces with the armored crest that deflects nearly all small armed fire.Your main enemy is the sniper rifle,the SADAR and being alone.

(1) Boiler: Your bombardment is basically a smoke screen that can either knock/kill any marine that stands in it.Your weakness is being alone and not standing one weeds.

The Queen

Lay eggs,jelly and build the hive.

A tip: If the marines are going to send the shuttle back to the Sulaco and your forces are not here yet CANCEL LAUNCH!
This also applies to when the marines are sending the shuttle back so CANCEL LAUNCH!

(Small note)These are the suggested (not recommended) amount of aliens you will need to successfully lead an offensive to board the Sulaco.

The offensive part 1.

So you have just boarded the Sulaco and now what?

The hive must do this:

Position crushers at the right exit of the drop ship and slowly move out so they can soak up all incoming fire.

The other tiered aliens are to get behind the crusher and quickly move out to disarm/kill the marines.

The Queen must screech to avoid anyone from launching the shuttle back planet side.

Get the runners to either go to engineering or bridge(once the hanger is clear) and kill any crew members and marines on the upper deck and generally cause havoc to delay the marines from setting up a proper defense.

The offensive part 2.

So once the Xenos wipe out any threat on the lower deck it is time to prepare an offensive from engineering or R&D.

Get a crusher to R&D facing north to soak up incoming fire and get those hunters and spitters ready to launch an attack.

Get another crusher to engineering facing west to soak up fire and get Ravagers and spitters to get ready to kill anything.

From here you should be able to swiftly wipe out the marines with ease.

Hold on we are not finished.

If the marines manage to setup a defense in briefing and have aft secure then here is where things get interesting.


George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

I don't like cute things.

Good hunting.

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Re: How to successfully assault the Sulaco.

Post by Dyne » 06 Sep 2015, 03:36

Things dont get interesting unless marines counterattack with heavy weapons.
If marines hold up in briefing for some time- they just get into a battle of attrition they cant win.
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes

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