How to Rambo Guide (Possibly the best guide ever)

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Re: How to Rambo Guide (Possibly the best guide ever)

Post by Fitchace » 17 Oct 2015, 18:12

Adam I was in a arma unit, what unit and mod were you using?
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Jack McIntyre
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Re: How to Rambo Guide (Possibly the best guide ever)

Post by Jack McIntyre » 17 Oct 2015, 18:50

Arma 2 and Three

Started in 11th ACR, then moved to 11th SFG, then from there went to PMC group that I was in with some guys I played Day Z with (we actually were better the most units due to the fact that we all knew what we were good at and communicated very well over a whole fire team who were arguing and such.) We disbanded due to some drama between two of the head guys, so then I joined up with 1st SFG, hated it since most of the guys there had the ego of they were the hottest thing ever when most had never been in the military so finally ended up with 11th again before leading the 17th MEU when I was asked by all the officers to take it over due to a 17 year old being in charge and they hated it since he was always bringing drama in. Led it for a year and then kinda of got out of the mil sim community.

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