Lazarus Landing Survivor Guide

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Lazarus Landing Survivor Guide

Post by Gamarr » 13 Nov 2015, 01:30

Found only one other Survivor guide pertinent to the current map/mode and it left me wanting. I'll cover a few things ranging from items of interest to you as a survivor, surviving in a safehouse within the colony against the prowling xeno menace, and a look at the (albeit little) survivor mechanic and ooc topics regarding it such as meta knowledge later on.

This list of items could almost never be complete depending whom you ask, and remember there is generally a finite amount of things in the colony/you are on the clock from round start, which will be looked at later.
  • Firstly, the large wooden boxes stashed around the colony contain a variety of randomized items, from toolbelts, gloves, combat boots and marine uniforms (superior built in defense) and useful, high-cap power cells. Crow-barring the crate opens them permanently, yielding the unknown insides and providing a few planks of wood. These crates exist all over the colony, with a useful number found in areas logically dispositioned to them like Storage NE of the Nexus or the QM office at the Nexus center.
  • Insulated gloves is not a necessity, but advanced hacking of airlocks and APCs along with more tricky feats such as shocking grills for defense will require them.
  • Toolbelts and a Multitool are more worthwhile than a marine/security belt(if somehow lucky enough to find one), freeing up your hands and until you loot a corpse or dorm for a likewise as useful backpack.
  • Medkit healing has its uses, if limited. If alone it is better than nothing but rarely will you get the chance to make use of it. Medical wing of the colony has a random, scattered allotment of medical aids for those with the surgeons hands.
  • Stacks of metal cannot be underestimated in utility and value. There will usually be some in the Storage nexus, though in a pinch you can decon various racks for metal though it is time consuming (and thus detrimental to your health) and tedious. Glass can likewise be found here though it's utility is a fraction of metal. However, sometimes (Autolathe) it has its uses, so if room can be spared, grab it perhaps.
  • Plasteel for the sturdier defenses, but is in very short supply around the colony.
  • Gear and clothing, or more specifically better jumpsuits if you can at all find one (Security has some armor, etc.), boots, webbing, armor vest, helmet (which does indeed protect from facehugging temporarily to some degree), and a backpack of some sort. While always a priority, the supply of these is very limited in quantity. More storage on your person is good, because fleeing is one of your strongest and best tactics. When it does, being able to take off with most of your important items on your person factors into your long term survival.
  • Finally, weaponry. Obviously in short supply, the colony has a scattering of Service Pistols, and two Rifles in the security firing range {Eject the second rifles magazine and pocket it while taking the loaded one}. A few shotguns of varying types can also be found, though ammo is relatively very scarce and hard to come by.

Images for the safehouses will come if/when I feel like it.
The colony is made up of various dome structures of varying security and disrepair, with a layer of floodlights surrounding much of the outer perimeter and the walkways between the domes. For defense, particularly as a (group/solo) survivor, some buildings win out over others.

Engineering/ Geothermal plant : Is awful. You have little need to fully power the colony as a survivor atop of the possible lack of gear difficulties in repairing the geothermal turbines. The layout of the structure is awful and does not lend itself to defense in the slightest. Marines can and will have an interest here; you will not, Survivor, outside of breaking through the foam and stealing goodies that you need, and power-cells. If you are inclined, you should also grab one of the Superpacman Generators housed here with their stacks of Uranium (Behind probably depowered, bolted doors on the southern side of the dome). Acquire tools from here if you still managed to not find a toolbelt.

Let's get this one out of the way: Nexus. It's big, it's pretty, it's generally a deathtrap waiting to happen for you. The Xenos will be aware and looking for you there, so get what you want and get out. Don't talk there if you can, tell them to follow and keep doing what you are doing/running away. Even with all the (2-4) survivors working together, fortifying the nexus requires resources and some basic tools that may be hard to come by. What little there is will not go far in securing the place entirely, meaning gaps the creatures Will find and get through if they try. The Quartermasters department there in the nexus has a plethora of tools generally, and the security checkpoint a number of weapons and gear (Beware the pump shotgun, it is only loaded with beanbag rounds). The armory/vault in the checkpoint is not worth the effort to break into. You MAY fortify the Nexus as Survivor, with working as a team, and you all have tools and are fairly competent enough to know what to do without being told. It is nonetheless dangerous, as lone survivors are easy pickings and weaponry is too scarce to go around fully. Working together however will slow down vital repairs to the gaps, so it is a gamble, a big one to me and one not worth the effort. There are better structures for it, such as....

R&D wing is unique, but overlooked because of its lack of... well, almost anything of use. There's a few things of note however that make it stand out. It has a mostly working Blastdoor system, and if the dome is powered with a new cell, you now have access to the functional ones, which is most save for the broken ones on its eastern side, where you enter from. Some minor work however, using tables, metal, cabinets and debris, you bar up the eastern side. Maybe make them all fake walls, for an escape tunnel if needed. This place requires weapons, and an engineering mind but it is possible. The requirement of melting through the airlocks atop of the blast doors slows xenos down plenty for you to fortify the spartan interior. There are many tables to work with, a (rare) stack of uranium for a generator, and an entirely compartmentalized dome. Fortifying the center with weapons available, and an ally survivor means you have a chance of living to marine discovery(It is never a guarantee marines will find you unless you are in the Nexus somewhere)/presence where they draw away xeno threat, giving you room to breathe and either repair or flee.

Across the river is a terrible idea as a survivor. There is some goodies over there and areas of note, but it is dangerous xeno territory, requiring your slow crossing of a river that you can easily get ran down in(good luck finding your dropped rifle if you get tackled in it, too, in the middle of a melee!), stumble across hidden facehuggers, and trudge through the slowing resin-weeds. Survival is hard enough, stay on the colony side of the river. One (of the few) upsides of note here is the balloon plant-life in the river also give off light.

Tactics, a look at solo versus teamwork, and any other OOC topics
For now, a short look at going solo or working with the others in the colony. There is strength in numbers, particularly against the xeno menace. Being alone makes even little runners brave and risk-taking even if you are armed. Also in a group, you can save eachother from implantation. Being a survivor gives you the frightening knowledge of what these creatures are about relatively, and how to avoid ending up like all the rest. One of the few advantages to going alone is that the xenos are as likely to be chasing one of the other survivors elsewhere, and focusing on them as much as you. If you get to the weapons and tools first, your chances go up a bit more though remember unarmed survivors will not keep them distracted for very long. It is considerably more satisfying to survive in a group if at all possible, with the advantages usually outweighing the downsides to boot barring really, Really incompetent co-survivors.

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Re: Lazarus Landing Survivor Guide

Post by Halinder » 22 Dec 2015, 02:07

Gamarr wrote:The armory/vault in the checkpoint is not worth the effort to break into.
A full toolbelt will allow you to break into the vault/armory without blinding you (welding the reinforced walls down without a helmet). Blindness can be further decreased if you shoot open the sec locker and grab glasses before doing so.

This can be a huge benefit to survivors because of the two C4 explosives inside, which allow them to break into areas like the command pod and secure storage. While the command pod isn't so useful, secure storage is -- blow up the first layer of reinforced walls to the north, south, or west, leaving the second wall mostly broken. Screwdriver, wirecutter, and wrench the girder, or crowbar it to make a false wall into your new base.

Inside, survivors have the Jet Pod (additional armor, xenos do not see it on thermal sight, powerful lights, multiple passenger seats, inbuilt radio to marines), a flamer, and proximity mines, all of which can guarantee survival. ... 2fa13b.png

LOOC: Halinder: p.s. the alien hive has huggers that you can use for breathing masks
LOOC: Barnabus Jones: Perfect game tips and tricks from halinder

[D] OOC: Eonoc: Hitler was a giant glowing yellow bug lizard. A very charismatic one.

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