Losing battles, winning wars: A guide to marine Command (SL level)

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Losing battles, winning wars: A guide to marine Command (SL level)

Post by Dyne » 14 Nov 2015, 13:54

Everything provided below is a personal opinion, follow or ignore on your own discretion.
You might prosper by a totally different approach.
You have been warned.

Target audience:
Players wanting to try out non-medical Command roles.
Players that want to know what goes wrong with Command roles.
(Can't comment on the medical side much, as it is most often hands-on and not fully administrative.)

Key concept:
SL, RO, BO, XO/CO are not in this game to kill aliens.
Again- if you find yourself in a command position- you are not in it to kill stuff.
Yes, sometimes you must shoot things, but this likely means you failed in your main task.

Q:So, what is the main task then?
A:Ensure squad cohesion, give direct and clear orders, ensure squads are supplied, supply line is open, and your subordinates know what to do and what others are doing.
Inform, control, talk, coordinate.

Q: WTF is "squad cohesion"?
A: On the level of SL it is ensuring marines know what to do, with whom to do, where to do, and when to do.
Most importantly that they trust in their superior and squadmates and are willing to do what must be done.

Q: How is squad cohesion usually lost?
A: SL death/silence.
Yes, if you are a silent SL- kill yourself, you are not making anything happen.

Q: How is squad cohesion established?
A: By giving clear and concise orders, asking for sitreps, assigning fire teams, asking questions, ensuring your squad is well supplied, wounded are treated/evacced.

Q: How not to die as SL?
A: 1. Assign a bodyguard.
2. Assign a pointsman- the one who goes first- let that marine drop and drag a flare so (s)he is visible. It can be your Spc, but not necessarily.
3. Stay in the center of formation.
4. Be ready to setup field fortifications.
5. Inform of a fallback point in advance, if things go south, so your "retreat!" Order is understood.

Q: But I wanna kill ayliums with my charged gun!!11111
A: Give the charger to your best shot. Play Spc or standart.
Yes, sometimes you will have to kill aliens, but it is not YOUR main task.

Q: Why is SL dying bad?
A: You lose your comms with other squads, a direct line to command, a loud voice in the ear, most of the easy on-time resupply thingies.
And, what is most important- Command loses your squad as a cohesive unit they can use.

Q: How to minimize effects of your death/incapacitation as SL?
A: 1. Appoint an aSL from the word go- maybe your Spc, maybe not.
2. Share your beacons with that special someone.
3. If you are out of action- shout for designated aSL to take over, unless aSL is out of action already.

Q: What is a clear and concise order?
A: An order you give time to prepare for, setting clear landmarks and conditions.
Use "prepare", "rally point", and "go!" to set it off.

"Prepare to move out to hydroponics. Take and hold. Rally point- FOB north, pointsman- Rowley with a lit flare"-"Rally at FOB north"-"Hydroponics, go!"
In this example rally point also serves as a natural fallback point if things go south.

Do NOT expect your orders to be heard and understood at all times!
Give subordinates time to react and assemble.

If you arranged fire teams- at least ask for a "roger".
Communication is key to cohesion.

Q: How can we really win this?
A: Small steps. As you will soon find out enemy can out-maneuver you and out-detect you- choose and adjust your battleground very carefully.
Be ready to fortify your position on the go/fallback to a prepared position.

You need at least three guns pointed to one tango to reliably kill it.
If you don't have the guns or the location- pull back until you do.

Coordinate with other squads, you are building a net.
It's not a chain, but lose too many links and you are all dead nevertheless.[/spoiler]

Q: What are the worst to best tactics?
A: 1. Man-wave charge.
Usually ordered by command with only one starting point,
sounds along the lines of "All squads, gather in the FOB and charge the caves, urrah!"
Usually happends when squad cohesion is lost, coordination is impossible, and/or Command has no idea what is happening.

It works, time to time, based on how good your individual marines are.
Or if you outnumber the tangos by a wide margin, covering the caves in question with your bodies.

2. Holding ground.
A very simple tactic, and the ones marines revert to naturally when their SL is silent.
Danger is tangos can push you out, bit by bit, with little to no losses on their side, depending on how good your engineers/Spc are.
You can also be cut off from your supply lines pretty easily if you only do the static defense.
(Unless you limit yourself to holding one of the LZ's itself.)

3. Local counterattacks.
Can be done by one squad, if you planned your defenses right.
You want tangos to engage your fortification, then pull back a bit, while a second fireteam flanks the attacking force and finishes some of those you wounded.

Works well in relatively closed spaces- so prepare those, otherwise tangos can run off.
Essentially you want to lure them in, and close the trap.

4. Coordinated slash-and-burn.
Idea is the same as a wave charge, what differs is the execution.

Set different rally points for the squads. Set local defenses. Move slowly and set up field fortifications. If assaulting the caves- clear them tunnel by tunnel, sealing the side ones with metal. Move sentry guns with you. Set up evac points for the wounded. Lay mines vigorously.

Slow, purposeful, with sealing out areas you cleared.

Q: I am in Command. When must I order a planetary retreat?
A: Five minutes before the positions are overrun, and only if you still have general control of the situation.
Retreat is one of the most dangerous and complicated orders to accomplish in an orderly fashion.

Consider a drop of your reserve first, to counterattack the engaged tangos. Do NOT expect reinforcing defenders to work so well- in most cases they have the numbers already, just not the right location for a fight.
Seize the intiative with a counterattack, while getting wounded out and laying minefields/setting up guns/grilling it up.

This generally concludes the "squad" level of the marines op, thank you for reading, will discuss Bridge level in more details next.

1. Talk.
2. Don't die.
3. Fortify/run.
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes

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Re: Losing battles, winning wars: A guide to marine Command (SL level)

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 14 Nov 2015, 14:33

It all comes down to the willingness of the marines if they want to listen or not but good guide.
George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

I don't like cute things.

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Re: Losing battles, winning wars: A guide to marine Command (SL level)

Post by Seehund » 14 Nov 2015, 14:46

Dyne wrote: pointsman- Rowley with a lit flare
That's a dangerous game you're playing, babe.
Regardless, very nice guide.
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Re: Losing battles, winning wars: A guide to marine Command (SL level)

Post by Dyne » 15 Nov 2015, 00:15

Sargeantmuffinman wrote:It all comes down to the willingness of the marines if they want to listen or not but good guide.
Leader is always to blame in the real military.
Half the time SL gives no orders at all, so lets all get better and give poor marines a chance.

*blows a kiss to Jen*
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes

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Re: Losing battles, winning wars: A guide to marine Command (SL level)

Post by Voldirs » 15 Nov 2015, 15:27

I would like to add some points.
Q: How to get supply in time?
A: Plan supply delivery beforehand, depending on planned startegy, ask squadmates if they need anything, ask your overwatch for needed supplies in single delivery, set beacon, MAKE SURE THAT RO COPIED THAT, wait 5 minutes, get your prize.

Q: How to patrol and dont lose marines in the way?
A: Make sure that everyone is sticking close to you. Remember your initial numbers. Dont run madly, make some stops, count people, watch bino and go on. if someone walks loose, shout at him.

Q: How to storm hives located in domes?
A: Scout them first. Tell to command about strange alium fortification located there and there. Fall back to positions and discuss things with other SLs, make sure that they will not kick dicks, while you attack.
When everyone is ready, quickly move your squad in one screen to hive, yourself running close with orbital beacon and retreating. Tell your overwtch offsets, order for barrage. When first shells hit, run in, throw nades at everything that moves, make sure that the attack is as fast as possible. SADAR is best for this kind of story.

Q: How to storm caves?
A: Make sure that marines outnumber aliens greatly, so aliens are forced to stay defensive. To check that, go for like 2 patrols across the river. If no contacts made, discuss assault with other SLs. Every squad is to take only one entrance, this time combining forces will lead to friendly SADARs@screech@die horribly. Move slowly, if there is contact, move slightly back and set temporary defences, tell other squads where you had contact. Wait for them to make sure that other parts of cave are clear and then slowly push from different sides. If you meet queen, either kill it on spot or retreat a bit. DO NOT rush it mindlesly, because Queens screech is much more dangerous in caves due to limited space, wait for other squads to tight circle futher. If aliens attack you in your shaft, fall back to your temporary positions and hold there while screaming to other squads to push forward.

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Re: Losing battles, winning wars: A guide to marine Command (SL level)

Post by Dyne » 16 Nov 2015, 01:55

All fair addditions!
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes

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Re: Losing battles, winning wars: A guide to marine Command (SL level)

Post by Pillow » 17 Nov 2015, 21:17

Last time I tried to do fire teams end results were poor
Currently playing far too much nationstates

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Re: Losing battles, winning wars: A guide to marine Command (SL level)

Post by Dyne » 18 Nov 2015, 07:54

Pillow wrote:Last time I tried to do fire teams end results were poor
It depends, but it also works. I usually just arrange for pairs- most maneuverable and relatively easy to handle.
Natalie 'Snow-Cries-a-lot' Reyes

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