Xenomorph RP guidelines.

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Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Void00 » 18 Oct 2014, 12:54

Xenomorph Roleplay Guidelines

While this may be seen as a little silly and unnecessary , Trust me , it isn't.

Drone behavior :

Do note that is a alien (film) fan writing this.

These aliens are the less aggressive of the caste.
They act as the main working force of the hive , and as such , they are rarely seen outside of it.
Drones , when forced to fight , prefer to use more stealth and tactics , rather than the aggression of the other castes.
Drones will defend the hive , only when the main force of Warriors and Sentinels have fallen.

As such , those are some guidelines :
  • As a drone , do not go patroling the station in search of prey. thats the Warriors job.
  • As a drone , do not charge any enemy you see head-on. where possible , use stealth , and deception , to capture your prey.
  • You are not superior to other castes. De facto , you are the lower caste in the hive.
  • Your duty is to build , help the queen hatch eggs , and tend to the larvas. Nothing else. If there is no hive work to be done, you would normally just assist the queen in general or if there was a lack of other castes, you would be the ones hunting for prey but this rarely happens.
  • Drones have a far superior inteligence than warriors and sentinels , as such , using the "whisper" verb and acting like a inteligent creature is reccomended.
  • You are free to walk around the station -to smash lights- or to recover prey that was already captured by warriors.

Warrior behavior :

The warrior is the main battle-force of the hive.
As such , he is the first one to charge and capture -any- prey.

Warriors will often work in groups to ambush and overwhelm prey, though they are perfectly deadly even on their own.

Here are some guidelines for the warrior :
  • You are powerful, but don't get cocky. Use your agility AND strength to your advantage.
  • Warriors are the less intelligent caste in the hive (no offense , oh dear.) , act as such.
  • Warriors tend to hunt in small groups or solitary, they can mass in larger groups, also with other heavier castes (Ravager for example) to overwhelm a heavy enemy force if necessary.
  • Warriors are to patrol and search the outskirts of the station , in search of any form of prey.
  • Warriors tackle and charge\pounce any prey. being it a armored marine , or a harmless monkey.
  • Warriors should retire immediately to the hive , if the queen is under attack.
  • Warriors are -not- to camp the hive for the whole round. That is the sentinels job.
  • You are to answer all xenos from a superior caste.
  • The queen can decide to give a warrior the role of "Xeno Commander". Yes , this is lore-friendly.
Sentinel behavior :

This is kind of an odd one , since there is no such things as sentinels , lore-wise.

The sentinel is the protector of the hive. His role is simple , protect the hive , and the drones.

As such , those are the basic guidelines , to play as one :
  • Youre a Sentinel , as your name tell you. As such , you are not to wander the hallways scrambling for survivors\Marines. Neither to go monkey hunting.
  • You are not the queen personal guard. But you are the drones and hive guard , as such , your better placement would be in the most-external outskirts of the station , protecting the drones while they work.
  • The Sentinel Attack pattern is very similar to the one of the drone , stealthy and tactics. Due to their spit a sentinel should prefer to attack targets at range , and drag them back to the hive.
  • The Sentinel Is not a Hunter\Warrior. As such , he shount run behind a prey that is fleeing whitout being infected.
  • On that note , is the sentinels job to make sure that nested prey dont escape in any form or way.
  • Due to your high plasma reserve , and good resistance , you can act as a simil-field medic , and heal downed aliens. REMEMBER TO DRAG THEM BACK TO THE HIVE.
  • Dont let your role as a guard get over your head. Aliens have no grades , and unless you want to be bitten to death , do not start giving orders around.
  • Sentinels answer to the Xenomorph Commander.
  • Do not run around smashing lights and windows. Thats the drones job. Protect the drones doing so.
  • You arent a drone. Dont help the queen hatching eggs. please.
  • You are one of the few aliens that can "camp" the hive for the whole round , use that advantage to evolve as fast as you can.
  • When the queen is under attack , you and the warriors must rush to her aid. whatever you are doing.

Larvae behaviour

Oddly enough , we need this too.

The larvae is the second stage of life in the xenomorph lifecycle.
Small , and weak , they tend to hide at first impression of danger.

When confronted , larva's use their teeth's to take down the hostiles legs.

As such , those are some Larvae guidelines
  • The larvae is small and weak. Run away from everything big and dangerous. Being it another alien , or a humanoid.
  • The Larva loves to hide. As such , the Hide button is your best friend , RP and Gameplay wise.
  • Larva's tent to stay near their mother at all times , untill grown
  • A larva will never attempt to charge an enemy. While proving no fear or any other emotion , like all aliens , their instict of self-preservation instruct them to hide in the hive.
  • Larvas are the only aliens that have permission to act in childish ways (Remember Xenomorph rule 1.) due to their nature.
  • A Larva grown in lab might end up being semi-friendly whit humanoids , due to being grown in captivity and away from the hivemind. The minus , is that they will most probably never evolve . (Ahelp , if you are gonna RP this. Also , as a reminder , your host needs to be captured to RP a similar scenario .)

I will continue adding the advanced caste evolution's later on. now I'm out of energy to keep typing in readable English.
Last edited by Void00 on 19 Oct 2014, 15:57, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Xenomoprh RP guidelines.

Post by cfitz22 » 18 Oct 2014, 14:25

This is pretty good so far actually. I like it. Also is English your first language?
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RE: Xenomoprh RP guidelines.

Post by Felkvir » 18 Oct 2014, 16:22

Very inconsistent here Void. Also the fact that you just put warriors as mindless cannonfodder-type assault infantry .. Gonna change it if ye don't eventually

EDIT: Just changed it now .. Looks better.
Last edited by Felkvir on 18 Oct 2014, 16:39, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Void00 » 18 Oct 2014, 19:21

Felkvir wrote: Very inconsistent here Void. Also the fact that you just put warriors as mindless cannonfodder-type assault infantry .. Gonna change it if ye don't eventually

EDIT: Just changed it now .. Looks better.
neh neh neh neh.

Actually lore-wise they are.

Also i was discussing VERY IMPORTANT MATTERS at the time.
Last edited by Void00 on 19 Oct 2014, 15:57, edited 1 time in total.

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RE: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by DryProfit » 20 Dec 2014, 12:22

Xenomorph Commander?

Do we have a Xeno Admiral too? Hahahah

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RE: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by HyperPwner » 20 Dec 2014, 21:22

DryProfit wrote: Xenomorph Commander?

Do we have a Xeno Admiral too? Hahahah
Or maybe a Xeno Captain? Or a Head of Xeno!
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RE: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Minimike » 20 Dec 2014, 21:49

Head of Hunting. (HoS) Head of Resin (CE) Head of Protection (HoP?)

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RE: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Void00 » 20 Dec 2014, 22:57

Wasnt this locked ?
Also , thank you roll-back for rolling back my changes to the guide.
So kind.
Now i have to spend more hours to rewrite it. (well , more like 30 minutes , but ... the point still stand. i hate you , blue forum.)

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RE: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by speedybst » 23 Dec 2014, 22:55

The blue forum ruins us all...
Also, i like the larvae guidelines.
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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by crazyh206 » 10 Jun 2015, 14:46

Just want to bump this so people actually know how to rp as had a drone who wouldn't follow my orders as a warrior when i told him to go to EVA bird and was blocking maint and wouldn't plant weeds when told to do so by a spitter
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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Lostmixup » 10 Jun 2015, 23:56

Can we stop saying mommy after the larva stage? Please? It's kinda gross.
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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Evilkyle24 » 11 Jun 2015, 00:11

Lostmixup wrote:Can we stop saying mommy after the larva stage? Please? It's kinda gross.
No, because then we get this on the shuttles:



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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Mizari » 11 Jun 2015, 02:16

Nice guide you have here, doesn't always stay like how you've mentioned but it would be good to see more alien RP instead of wham bam, thank you ma'am

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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Lostmixup » 11 Jun 2015, 07:58

Evilkyle24 wrote: No, because then we get this on the shuttles:


Mom is fine, not mommy though.
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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by crazyh206 » 11 Jun 2015, 08:08

But we love calling you mommy
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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Lostmixup » 11 Jun 2015, 08:15

crazyh206 wrote:But we love calling you mommy
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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by speedybst » 15 Jun 2015, 02:52

Read that and just sat there laughing for the rest of the round.
Was also pleased that someone else in the world comes from a culture that uses Mum instead of Mom.

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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Lostmixup » 15 Jun 2015, 07:56

Read that and just sat there laughing for the rest of the round.
Was also pleased that someone else in the world comes from a culture that uses Mum instead of Mom.
M' Mum.
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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Felkvir » 22 Jun 2015, 09:53

speedybst wrote:MAKE "HER" GIVE THEM BACK



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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by speedybst » 22 Jun 2015, 20:13

I fail to see your point, Felk

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Re: Xenomorph RP guidelines.

Post by Felkvir » 23 Jun 2015, 05:06

Nevermind, i'm becoming too much of a nazi.

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