Tips: Ban & Job-Ban Appeals

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Tips: Ban & Job-Ban Appeals

Post by Adjective » 20 Jan 2016, 02:46

Hello there, my name is Vrai and I will be guiding you on the most efficient ways to produce a document to present to staff to give you the quickest results to your appeal.

Positive Attitude

When detailing any kind of situation or talking about other players, always try to hold a neutral or positive tone. Staff members understand that everyone has bad days, but nobody likes browsing through a paragraph rant in an attempt to find useful information towards a resolution to the appeal.

Players who fail to maintain a positive tone and choose to hold negative feelings, comments, and actions are usually denied, regardless of how their case is presented. Staff attempt to maintain a safe environment in Colonial Marines and any comments associated as racial or sexual slurs, hate speech, threats, and bullying are disciplined harshly. This is important to remember as a member of the Colonial Marines community, whether you are in-game or posting on the forums.

Details & Format

Absolutely always pay attention to detail in any kind of document allocated towards the staff team. Documents MUST follow the pre-designed application or appeal templates. If you fail to follow the template as designed, odds are your application will be denied.

Whenever you are detailing any kind of situation or information, include all information, including information that is assumed unecessary. Include everything about the situation or scenario, down to the smallest details such as movement and character actions before and after the incident.

Paragraphs: It is difficult to read walls of text, always try to separate segments of different detail into paragraphs to break the wall of text and make the appeal easier to read.

AVOID: Bolding, Italics, Underlining, Colors, Glow ect.. They are irritating to the eyes and deter staff from wanting to investigate your appeal before others that are cleaner in appearance. An appeal that is not able to be read may be outright denied.

Screenshots and Images

Although server logs hold a lot of information about occurences in the server and the forums. Limitations and certain unrecorded events cause members of staff to have to labor through multiple hours of server logs to learn all they can about the context of situations. Any available screenshots or images of events or incidents included in an appeal assist in investigations, possibly leading to a quicker verdict of an appeal.

NEVER Modify or Edit any kind of image presented in an appeal. All image editors (Including Gimp, Photoshop, Paint.Net, MSPaint, ect..) leave traces that reveal the image was modified or altered. Any suspicion caused by modified pictures not only reflects negatively towards the person presenting them, but also forces an appeal verdict to take longer as the images have to be investigated. Always attempt to present screenshots, captures, or any other image the same as it was when taken.

AVOID: Internet Memes or Logo's, they look unproffessional and reflect childishly on an appeal that is meant to be serious.

DO NOT: Post anything of sexual or explicit content or context, this will result in immediate removal from the CM Community.

Reflective Change

All appeals now tend to be followed up with questions asking about how you have changed, questions about the rules, attitude tests ect.. These questions are not easy to answer, but the CM Staff ask that you answer them to the best of your ability. It is reccomended that you think carefully on recent things you have done since your "Violation" that can reveal you in a new light. Players who demonstrate change in attitude, action, personality, or emotion tend to answer these questions correctly.

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