"BY THE EMPRESS THE HIVE IS ON FIRE" or How to Defensive Caste

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"BY THE EMPRESS THE HIVE IS ON FIRE" or How to Defensive Caste

Post by Nick123q23 » 03 Feb 2016, 21:33

-WIP- Updated significantly, though I'm going to take a break before I finish it.

So your not robust or suicidal enough to pick runner, and you don't want to be bored to death being a drone. Welcome to the Spitin' Lizards, sister.

This guide is going to help you avoid being alien shitcurity, and be the best damn guardians there ever was. I'll be covering Larva, Sentinels, Spitters, Praetorians, Boilers, and other helpful information essential to being a xeno.

In case you don't know how you ended up here, notice how I said Defensive Caste. That's because all aliens in this caste are usually defending the hive, infested hosts, the queen, or something else important. You're going to be pretty shitty trying to play offense because if you do you're going to get mowed down due to your slow speed and low health.

As a rule of thumb, keep atleast one facehugger in your claws at all times. They stun marines in the short term, and give you more aliens in the long term. Always handy to have around, although many would say aliens are way too focused on facehuggers, that's for another thread.

If you ever do engage in combat, say Alpha squad is attacking the hive, the queen ordered to siege the FOB or attack the sulaco, keep these tips in mind:
  • WEEDS. Always stay on weeds. If you're fighting somewhere that DOESN'T have weeds, be prepared to dart the fuck out whenever your health falls below 60%. Then yell at the drones and carriers to fucking PLANT MORE WEEDS.
  • Stealth. "The darkness is a Xenomorph's greatest ally," this can't be more true than it is in CM. See that "Toggle darkvision" button in the Alien tab? That button is going to be your best friend soon enough. If you have macros, macro it. Use it whenever you're anywhere you think has lights, and even places where you don't think there's lights. Marines can't see you in the dark, though if you get detected they'll start blindfiring into the abyss.
  • Zig-zag and Cover. Ever play an FPS and die because a sniper got you? How do you avoid that? The most reliable thing to do to NOT DIE when you're being shot at is to run behind something the bullets won't penetrate, like a metal wall or even a resin wall. More on resin later. If you don't have cover, then run in unpredictable directions so they can't shoot you. Be mindful of where the bullets are though, don't do a big circle just so you can run into a pulse round and explode.
  • OTHER ALIENS. Your sisters are your other greatest ally, especially because as a defensive alien your role is largely support. Wounded? Pull back behind your friends. Spit neurotoxin on a marine and see them get facehugged with ease. Communicate with them and make sure they know what they're doing if they're in your hunting party.
Your role varies on your tier, but usually you're responsible for overseeing infested hosts, providing ranged support in attacks, defending the hive from interlopers, and protecting the queen. Above all else, listen to what the queen wants you to do. She is your goddess and you will obey her every whim, you are literally incapable of disobeying her. EVEN IF IT'S A SHIT QUEEN, follow her orders. IF HER ORDERS BREAK THE RULES, don't follow the orders and ahelp as fast as possible.

Yay, you're an alien larva. There isn't much to say about larva, they murder hosts as they exit them and scurry off to bother the queen about jelly.
Here's what you should be doing as a larva,
Congratulations, you have the easy life. Stay on weeds, they seem to accelerate larva growth, and even if they don't they should be everywhere in the hive anyway. Explore around and get familiar with the hive's layout, just ALWAYS TRY TO STAY OUT OF THE WAY OF YOUR SISTERS. There isn't anything more salt-inducing in the world then a host getting up because a larva bumped into the alien delivering it.

When you know what the hive is about, go find the queen. By this time you should be ready to evolve, and ask her what the hive needs. If she doesn't respond, us the "Hive Status" verb in the alien tab to find out what the hive needs most.
Just try not to bother the queen with "JELLY MAMMY" because larva can't consume jelly until they're an adult.
When you ARE an adult, though. get jelly as soon as possible. Jelly evolution takes a long time, and you should get started on it the sooner, the better.
Well you're probably fucked, but have faith, chestbursters have an edge in escaping because they're one of the fastest xenos alive and can move through tunnels in under a second. Here's what you should do.

TICK THE FUCKING "HIDE" VERB. Go under a table, wooden barricade, whatever. Your sprite goes under whatever else is on the tile with you. Unless a marine right clicks or alt clicks, they won't find you.

ALT CLICK TO FIND VENTS. If you're on the sulaco this will be your lifeline. Vents can go anywhere and everywhere, just be mindful that marines might start welding them like they don't need to breathe anymore if they see you using them.

When that's out of the way and you managed to escape whatever marines composed your host's squad, get your little tail to the hive so you don't get discovered by a wandering patrol and die. When you're at the hive, see above.

You've officially chosen the path of the spit, and are now a Sentinel.
You have a neat half-jogging sprite, rectangular head, and two sets of teeth, apparently. That or you keep your mouth open all the time. Either way, you're a Sentinel. Keeper of the Hive, Warden of the Infested. Yep, that's right. Warden. That's what your job is essentially.

You'll be guarding hosts and preventing them from escaping and causing damage to themselves, other hosts, or the hive. To aid you in this task, you have the ability to spit neurotoxin that, if it hits a human, instantly stuns them for a short time. This especially helps if the hive is for whatever reason, wide open space.

Spitters will probably be around to help you if they aren't busy hunting, but Praetorians will be busy with the queen most of the time, unless she's in the hive, in which case they'll also be helping you. Boilers will either be waiting in the hive being useless or on the assault with the hunting castes, they're not very dependable for hive security, but that's not their job anyway.

If there is command, the chain of command goes like this: Larva, Sentinel, Spitter, Praetorian/Boiler, Queen, Empress, Queen Mother.
Those last two aren't important because they don't exist on LV-624.

So what should you be doing? Most of the time you should stay in the hive watching hosts and acting as defenders should the hive come under attack by anything.
There isn't really that much to it. Unless you're a sentinel during roundstart, in which case you should be either giving plasma to the queen and drones to build the hive, or helping the runners with small furry hosts.

So you've evolved by use of royal jelly. You're now slightly slower than a sentinel, but you are far better at spitting, and can switch between your base, non-lethal neurotoxin spit, and a lethal acid glob. By now you're either doing the tasks of a glorified sentinel or running around with hunters to help them with capturing hosts.
If you are hunting though, be aware that you are SLOW AS FUCK. Not boiler levels of slow, but in comparison to everyone else, you're fairly goddamn slow.

Your acid glob is useful in situations where you can't grab hosts either because they're behind a table barricade or there's so many hosts that you'd die if you tried to drag them off.

Congratulations, you survived long enough to evolve into one of the tier 3s. That's not hard when you sit in the hive all day, but either way, you're a praetorian now.
Do you love the queen? This is a good role for you then, as praetorians are tasked with defending the queen and the more sensitive areas of the hive.
You still keep your spit, both types from when you were a spitter, and now you also have the ability to secrete Pheromones to aid your sisters.

There is three types of pheromones
Frenzy, it helps during attacks and general combat
Guarding, it also helps during combat, but is more focused on defending an area.
Recovery, which boosts health and plasma regeneration. Recovery pheromones are powerful and can save lives if used well.

Pheromones don't stack, and are best when used in combination with each other. Other praetorians can make pheromones, of course, but the Queen, Carrier, and Drones can also secrete the same pheromones you have. The only downside to pheromones is that it constantly drains your plasma, so make sure you're on weeds when you use them.

You, as a tier 3, also have a hardened exoskeleton. It gives you a chance to deflect bullets, and once in a blue moon, rockets, but don't depend on that unless you're the only thing standing between the queen and a murderous squad of marines. As I said, the best way to not get hurt, is to use cover and darkness.

So you like being a walking, living piece of biological artillery? So do I.
The most notable differences between you and the praetorian, is, well, everything. You're absolutely shit at doing anything except bombardment, you glow in the dark, which cancels out anything you get from hiding in darkness, and you have no hardened exoskeleton to speak of.
Although you have lost your projectile spit in favor of bombardment, you do have an acid spray now. This is essentially an alien flamethrower. Great for area denial in tight spaces, acid spray can save your life if you're being chased by marines.

Your bombardment, like the spit, has nonlethal neurotoxin gas, and lethal acid clouds. Most of the time you should be using the lethal acid, it burns the skin and demoralizes marines, and injures them, but you need around six concentrated acid shots to kill anyone outright. However if you're mopping up remnants or if your escorts can facehug everyone in time, nonlethal gas can be handy. It knocks out marines for a short time, like an area of effect neurotoxic spit.

Do you have a boiler friend? Stand side by side and stagger your fire. Rotational boiler acid is one of the best ways to break a FOB.

This is your home. Your domain. Your realm. I'll now tell you some of the most common constructions and how they work, aswell as the resin itself.
  • Resin Door: Resin doors are pretty weak, but unlike walls, they allow aliens, and only aliens, to pass through them like a door. You also can't see through them, and nor can the hosts.
  • Resin Wall: Resin walls are the bread and butter of the hive's foundations. They're the strongest resin available, and although that's not saying much, they can be destroyed in about five pulse rifle shots, they're better cover than nothing. Like doors, you can't see through them either.
Last edited by Nick123q23 on 14 Feb 2016, 15:09, edited 1 time in total.
Player of faceless xenomorphs of the species XX121, Miranda 'Mira' Laporte, Daniel Gryphon, Kia and Akl'iiya Quatza-rij
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Re: "BY THE EMPRESS THE HIVE IS ON FIRE" or How to Defensive Caste

Post by Halinder » 03 Feb 2016, 23:44

Additional notes for the second section under 'larva': Left clicking on airlocks (not emergency locks!) instantly crawls under them if they're open, giving you all-access without ever having to open a door.
https://i.gyazo.com/75f378476ef8f516e2f ... 2fa13b.png

LOOC: Halinder: p.s. the alien hive has huggers that you can use for breathing masks
LOOC: Barnabus Jones: Perfect game tips and tricks from halinder

[D] OOC: Eonoc: Hitler was a giant glowing yellow bug lizard. A very charismatic one.

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Re: "BY THE EMPRESS THE HIVE IS ON FIRE" or How to Defensive Caste

Post by Stivan34 » 04 Feb 2016, 07:08

Empress is in, It's a special admin event.
Dabbingly dab.

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Re: "BY THE EMPRESS THE HIVE IS ON FIRE" or How to Defensive Caste

Post by Nick123q23 » 04 Feb 2016, 08:35

It does but it hasn't been updated for the alpha, and from what the staff says about empress, they don't plan on using it anytime soon
Player of faceless xenomorphs of the species XX121, Miranda 'Mira' Laporte, Daniel Gryphon, Kia and Akl'iiya Quatza-rij
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Re: "BY THE EMPRESS THE HIVE IS ON FIRE" or How to Defensive Caste

Post by Grypho » 04 Feb 2016, 10:18

The sentinel should seriously always stay in the hive or at maximum bring monkey hosts to the hive. Unless it evolves to spitter, which is also not good for launching offensive, the most optimal would be to leave the hive as praetorian or boiler.

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Re: "BY THE EMPRESS THE HIVE IS ON FIRE" or How to Defensive Caste

Post by Wesmas » 04 Feb 2016, 11:24

Grypho wrote:The sentinel should seriously always stay in the hive or at maximum bring monkey hosts to the hive. Unless it evolves to spitter, which is also not good for launching offensive, the most optimal would be to leave the hive as praetorian or boiler.
I slightly disagree. A sentinel or spitter cannbe useful to assist runners or hunters by melting blockages, and they can disable a marine that comes after them. But I agree they are better off hanging back. They are a supporting caste, not an offensive one.
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Re: "BY THE EMPRESS THE HIVE IS ON FIRE" or How to Defensive Caste

Post by Nick123q23 » 14 Feb 2016, 15:10

Updated. Guide is actually somewhat usable now.
Player of faceless xenomorphs of the species XX121, Miranda 'Mira' Laporte, Daniel Gryphon, Kia and Akl'iiya Quatza-rij
Proudly played as and won a round as an Ancient Empress

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