Telecomms - That mess of computers and you!

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Telecomms - That mess of computers and you!

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 08 Apr 2016, 22:31

Hi. This guide is going to be my notes in my ongoing documentation of how Telecomms works and is set up. First. A picture illustrating how everything is linked together in the main Telecomms room. This is going to be important if Telecomms somehow breaks.


And now, a full copy of every machines default configuration.
The machines are organized on a left to right basis. For example, the broadcasters and receivers. Going down the text list, and looking at the image, you'll see that Broadcaster A is at the far left, B is to the middle left, Receiver A is to the middle right, and Receiver B is to the far Right. Servers are done in a top down fashion, since they are in top down in the image.

Code: Select all

Power Status: On
Identification String: Broadcaster A
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: NONE
[Add Filter]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Broadcaster B
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: NONE
[Add Filter]



Power Status: On
Identification String: Receiver A
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 136.1 GHz[X]; 136.3 GHz[X]; 136.5 GHz[X]; 136.7 GHz[X]
[Add Filter]



Power Status: On
Identification String: Receiver B
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 135.3 GHz[X]; 135.7 GHz[X]; 135.9 GHz[X]; 135.5 GHz[X]; 146.9 GHz[X]; 147.1 GHz[X]; 135.4 GHz[X]; 144.1 GHz[X]; 144.3 GHz[X]; 144.5 GHz[X]; 144.7 GHz[X]; 144.9 GHz[X]; 145.1 GHz[X]; 145.3 GHz[X]; 145.5 GHz[X]; 145.7 GHz[X]; 145.9 GHz[X]; 146.1 GHz[X]; 146.3 GHz[X]; 146.5 GHz[X]; 146.7 GHz[X]; 147.3 GHz[X]; 147.5 GHz[X]; 147.7 GHz[X]; 147.9 GHz[X]; 148.1 GHz[X]; 148.3 GHz[X]; 148.5 GHz[X]; 148.7 GHz[X]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Bus 1
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Change Signal Frequency: NO
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x2009009] Telecommunication Server (Medical Server) [X]
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]
[0x2008f3e] Telecommunication Server (Engineering Server) [X]
[0x20090c7] Processor Unit (Processor 1) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 135.5 GHz[X]; 135.7 GHz[X]; 135.4 GHz[X]
[Add Filter]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Bus 2
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Change Signal Frequency: NO
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]
[0x2008f59] Telecommunication Server (Squad Server) [X]
[0x20090c8] Processor Unit (Processor 2) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 136.1 GHz[X]; 136.3 GHz[X]; 136.5 GHz[X]; 136.7 GHz[X]
[Add Filter]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Bus 3
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Change Signal Frequency: NO
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]
[0x2008f93] Telecommunication Server (Security Server) [X]
[0x2008f97] Telecommunication Server (Command Server) [X]
[0x20090c9] Processor Unit (Processor 3) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 135.9 GHz[X]; 135.3 GHz[X]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Bus 4
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Change Signal Frequency: NO
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]
[0x2008f62] Telecommunication Server (Common Server) [X]
[0x20090ca] Processor Unit (Processor 4) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 146.9 GHz[X]; 144.1 GHz[X]; 144.3 GHz[X]; 144.5 GHz[X]; 144.7 GHz[X]; 144.9 GHz[X]; 145.1 GHz[X]; 145.3 GHz[X]; 145.5 GHz[X]; 145.7 GHz[X]; 145.9 GHz[X]; 146.1 GHz[X]; 146.3 GHz[X]; 146.5 GHz[X]; 146.7 GHz[X]; 147.1 GHz[X]; 147.3 GHz[X]; 147.5 GHz[X]; 147.7 GHz[X]; 147.9 GHz[X]; 148.1 GHz[X]; 148.3 GHz[X]; 148.5 GHz[X]; 148.7 GHz[X]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Processor 1
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x20090c1] Bus Mainframe (Bus 1) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: NONE
[Add Filter]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Processor 2
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x20090c2] Bus Mainframe (Bus 2) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: NONE


Power Status: On
Identification String: Processor 3
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x20090c3] Bus Mainframe (Bus 3) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: NONE


Power Status: On
Identification String: Processor 4
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x20090c4] Bus Mainframe (Bus 4) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: NONE


Power Status: On
Identification String: Telecomms Relay
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Broadcasting: YES
Receiving: YES
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]
[0x200900e] Telecommunication Relay (Telecomms Relay) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: NONE


Power Status: On
Identification String: Hub
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200325d] Telecommunication Relay (Station Relay) [X]
[0x2005c74] Telecommunication Hub (CentComm Hub) [X]
[0x200789b] Telecommunication Relay (Station Relay) [X]
[0x2008e97] Subspace Broadcaster (Broadcaster A) [X]
[0x2008e98] Subspace Broadcaster (Broadcaster B) [X]
[0x2008e99] Subspace Receiver (Receiver A) [X]
[0x2008e9a] Subspace Receiver (Receiver B) [X]
[0x2008f3e] Telecommunication Server (Engineering Server) [X]
[0x2008f59] Telecommunication Server (Squad Server) [X]
[0x2008f62] Telecommunication Server (Common Server) [X]
[0x2008f93] Telecommunication Server (Security Server) [X]
[0x2008f97] Telecommunication Server (Command Server) [X]
[0x2009009] Telecommunication Server (Medical Server) [X]
[0x200900c] Telecommunication Relay (Telecomms Relay) [X]
[0x200900e] Telecommunication Relay (Telecomms Relay) [X]
[0x20090c1] Bus Mainframe (Bus 1) [X]
[0x20090c2] Bus Mainframe (Bus 2) [X]
[0x20090c3] Bus Mainframe (Bus 3) [X]
[0x20090c4] Bus Mainframe (Bus 4) [X]
[0x2009c39] Telecommunication Relay (Station Relay) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: NONE


Power Status: On
Identification String: Telecomms Relay
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Broadcasting: YES
Receiving: YES
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900c] Telecommunication Relay (Telecomms Relay) [X]
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: NONE


Power Status: On
Identification String: Medical Server
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x20090c1] Bus Mainframe (Bus 1) [X]
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 135.5 GHz[X]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Security Server
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x20090c3] Bus Mainframe (Bus 3) [X]
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 135.9 GHz[X]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Squad Server
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]
[0x20090c2] Bus Mainframe (Bus 2) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 136.1 GHz[X]; 136.3 GHz[X]; 136.5 GHz[X]; 136.7 GHz[X]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Command Server
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]
[0x20090c3] Bus Mainframe (Bus 3) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 135.3 GHz[X]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Common Server
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]
[0x20090c4] Bus Mainframe (Bus 4) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 144.1 GHz[X]; 144.3 GHz[X]; 144.5 GHz[X]; 144.7 GHz[X]; 144.9 GHz[X]; 145.1 GHz[X]; 145.3 GHz[X]; 145.5 GHz[X]; 145.7 GHz[X]; 145.9 GHz[X]; 146.1 GHz[X]; 146.3 GHz[X]; 146.5 GHz[X]; 146.7 GHz[X]; 146.9 GHz[X]; 147.1 GHz[X]; 147.3 GHz[X]; 147.5 GHz[X]; 147.7 GHz[X]; 147.9 GHz[X]; 148.1 GHz[X]; 148.3 GHz[X]; 148.5 GHz[X]; 148.7 GHz[X]


Power Status: On
Identification String: Engineering Server
Network: tcommsat
Prefabrication: TRUE
Linked Network Entities: 
[0x200900d] Telecommunication Hub (Hub) [X]
[0x20090c1] Bus Mainframe (Bus 1) [X]

Filtering Frequencies: 135.7 GHz[X]; 135.4 GHz[X]
Upon examination of the Telecomms Hub, you'll notice that Telecomms Relay [0x200900c] and Telecomms Relay [0x200900e] -should- be the relays near the Hub. I forgot to put their info in my multi-tool buffer to find out for sure. You'll also notice there are three other telecomms relays, that are not equal to those Hex strings of the other relays. This means they are other relays. I assume they are the prison map telecomms relay, the planet telecomms relay, and the bridge telecomms relay.

There is one problem with linking the planet and prison map relays to the hub. We do not have physical access to the Planet's relay. I don't know where the prison map's relay is unfortunately, and therefore do not know if physical access is possible. In the event that the hub is completely wiped of links, the engineering team is going to have to go to the planet, and set up a new telecomms station, complete with a Broadcaster, a Receiver, a Processor, and a Bus Mainframe, and perhaps a Telecomms Relay due to the lack of physical access to the planet's telecomms relay. Testing is necessary to further my understanding of inter-zlevel communication. I think building a separate Telecomms relay on the planet, and linking it to the hub in the main telecomms room, should re-enable communications with the planet, if main telecomms loses its linkages.

On the topic of machines, I am unsure what the filtering part of telecomms is for. I assume that by filter, it means the machine does not pay attention to those frequencies. Testing will be necessary.

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Re: Telecomms - That mess of computers and you!

Post by Minijar » 09 Apr 2016, 05:37

The other relays are always locked off in super secret rooms. With 0 access

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Re: Telecomms - That mess of computers and you!

Post by Ms.Degrasse » 09 Apr 2016, 09:58

Great work, Minijar.

Just out of my curiosity: You was the maintenance technician who asked Erin 'Tin Can' Cyric (as engineer) to inspect the telecomm servers, and then watched his boss eventually be snatched by an alien? (That scene was amazing.)

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Re: Telecomms - That mess of computers and you!

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 10 Apr 2016, 00:02

The problem with locking them in super secret rooms, is that they are unable to be relinked without admin intervention. And yes, I was. That scene was quite intense.

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