Attachments And You

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Attachments And You

Post by Abbysynth » 28 Apr 2016, 14:47

This is gonna be a quick and dirty rundown since everyone keeps asking what can go on what. I realize it's difficult to experiment since a lot of the guns and attachments are very limited, so here's a simple list of all attachments and what guns they go on. BEAR IN MIND this is subject to change, but you get the rough idea.

Suppressor -accuracy
M41A, M41A/2, M41AE2
Mar-40, Mar-30
M39, MP27, Skorpion, Mac-15
M4A3, M1911, Holdout Pistol, VP78, VP70

Bayonet -accuracy, ++melee damage.
M41, M41A/2, M44 Revolver, Mar-40, Mar-30, SVD
MK221 Combat Shotgun, M37 Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun

Red Dot Sight ++accuracy
All rifles + SVD but not true sniper rifles
M39, M27, Skorpion, Uzi
Virtually all pistols and shotguns

Forward Grip ++accuracy, +twohanded
All rifles + SVD but not snipers
M39, M27, M37 Shotgun, MK221 Combat Shotgun

Gyro Stabilizer +recoil, -accuracy, -twohanded
All rifles
M37 Shotgun, MK221 Combat Shotgun, HG 37-12 Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun

Rail Flashlight (activateable)
Everything but specialist guns

Bipod -recoil, +++accuracy, +weapon size, -melee dmg, -firing speed
All rifles + sniper

Extended Barrel +++accuracy, -ranged dmg
All rifles but snipers
M39, M4A3, VP70, VP78, M44 Revolver, Spearhead Revolver, Deagle, M37 Shotgun

Barrel Charger ---accuracy, +++ranged dmg, --firing speed
M41A, M41A/2, M41AE2, M39, M44 Revolver, M37 Shotgun
M4A3, KP-9, M1911, Holdout Pistol (lol), VP70, VP78, Mateba, Spearhead, Deagle

Quickfire Adaptor ---accuracy, ++firing speed, +recoil
M41A, M41AE2, M39, M42C Scoped, M56 Smartgun
All pistols, all revolvers

Recoil Compensator ++accuracy, -ranged dmg, ---recoil
M44 Revolver, N-Y 7.62mm Pistol, Spearhead, M44, Mateba, Mar-30 Carbine, SVD
Deagle, M37 Shotgun, MK221 Combat Shotgun, HG 37-12 Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun

Burst Fire Assembly ---accuracy, ++burst amount
M41A, M41A/2, M41AE2, M39 SMG, M42A Scoped, M56 Smartgun, M4A3
KP-9 Korovin, Holdout Pistol (lol), VP70, VP78

Mag Harness -accuracy (very small)
Pretty much everything, including M42A, M83 Sadar, M92 GL

M37 Wooden Stock -recoil, ++accuracy, +melee dmg, +weapon size, ---firing speed
M37 Shotgun

Wooden Stock -recoil, ++accuracy, +melee dmg, +weapon size, ---firing speed
Mar-40, Mar-30, SVD

M41A Marksman Stock -recoil, +accuracy, +melee dmg, +weapon size, --firing speed

M44 Marksman Stock -recoil, ++accuracy, -melee dmg, +weapon size, ---firing speed
M44 Revolver

Underslung Grenade Launcher (activateable)
M41A, M41A/2, Mar-40, Mar-30, M37 Shotgun, MK221 Combat Shotgun

Masterkey Shotgun (activateable)
M41A, M41A/2, Mar-40, Mar-30

Mini Flamethrower (activateable)
M41A, M41A/2, Mar-40, Mar-30, M37 Shotgun, MK221 Combat Shotgun, HG 37-12 Shotgun

Rail Scope (activateable) +++++accuracy, -----firing speed, -burst amount
M41A, M41A/2, M41A/M, M41AE2, M42A
MP27, FN FP9000

Slavic Scope (activateable) +++++accuracy, -----firing speed, -burst amount
Mar-40, Mar-30, SVD

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Re: Attachments And You

Post by Abbysynth » 28 Apr 2016, 14:49

Also note that the M42C, M42A, SVD Dragunov and M56 Smartgun all have integrated barrels, which cannot be removed.

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Re: Attachments And You

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 28 Apr 2016, 14:49

Well,some crash course here.

Good job.
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Re: Attachments And You

Post by DesFrSpace » 28 Apr 2016, 15:15

Abbysynth wrote: Rail Scope (activateable) +++++accuracy, -----firing speed, -burst amount
M41A, M41A/2, M41A/M, M41AE2, M42A
MP27, FN FP9000
Love to have this in the wiki, so we can stare at it and glorify our guns with CM's attachments.

Though I was going to ask you about the FN FP9000 in particular. I get the assualt that is rare, for it pretty fast fire rate with quite the damage. I'm just bothered, since I and paranoid about staying from the type of "responsible" user in general since the last SL fill me up and machete me for one hit.

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Re: Attachments And You

Post by DesFrSpace » 28 Apr 2016, 15:38

This for you :3, ha ha kind of funny.
4 26 2016 2:20 PM CT
OOC: Absynth: Psst, AP rounds do less damage to unarmored targets, not more.
OOC: LocalizedDownpour: All marines. Stop wearing armor.
[D] OOC: Biolock: Seriously....
OOC: LocalizedDownpour: To nerf AP rounds.
OOC: Gentlefood: Not wearing armor doesn't reduce AP damage.
OOC: Minijar: Jack you made that joke in Msay and I'm still not impressed.
OOC: Gentlefood: AP bullets just do less damage than standard munitions.
OOC: Absynth: Also hey protip, hate getting shot by friendlies? Walk intent adds -25 accuracy to all bullets that would otherwise hit you, which is pretty seriously huge.
OOC: Absynth: So, it's your own fault really :P


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Re: Attachments And You

Post by TeknoKot » 28 Apr 2016, 16:59

Tested out some M41A variations and best I got were:

Magharness, charger, bipod/grip(dependant on how fast you want for the burst firing to be).. Front assault is just easy, especially with AP rounds.

Stock, harness, grip, compensator. Fired accurately and well, actually, like, one miss when burst fired, single shots are all just nice lines.

Also, grand daddy meele is the M37 shotgun with harness, gyro, bayonet and STOCK. Unstoppable with B18 and riot shield.
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Re: Attachments And You

Post by Edgelord » 29 Apr 2016, 14:43

Really needed this, thanks
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Re: Attachments And You

Post by Darkplasmaray » 01 May 2016, 16:45

Could you update this and split the attatchments into 3 different sections? So could you make a 'rail attachments section' with rail attachments there, then an 'underbarrel section' with the underbarrel attachments, and a 'muzzle section' or whatever the third type of attachment is. That would be helpful for me seeing as I have only been playing the server for about a month. Thanks.

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Re: Attachments And You

Post by Surrealistik » 24 May 2016, 01:50

How does the damage of the bayonet compare to the damage of the combat knife?
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