A badass rambo marine is always hungry when awakening from cryo, like any other.
But this type of marine needs a lot of iron on his diet, so his hunger is only satiated by grabbing some guns first.
Ignore the cafeteria by now, and head straight to the prep room.
How a Rambo marine should equip himself?
Collect and dress in all that typical marine's gear from the locker.
Boots, helmet, armour, gloves. And don't forget that uniform, huh?
But take our your backpack and stuff it in the locker.
You won't need it.
( Rambo's focus is on blasting and shooting his enemies. Not on being a packrat of any sort. XD )
On prep room's armoury, this is the ideal loadout for a Rambo.:
Boot Slot
-> Marine Knife (That sweeeet sharp knife, for killing and gutting your enemies.)
Armour Slot
-> A beautiful pulse rifle, with that pretty grenade launcher included. (The most versatile weapon.)
Armour Pockets
-> Two pulse rifle magazines.
Marine Belt
-> Another marine Knife (just in case you need a second knife for that climatic melee fight with the enemy general).
-> A pistol (Your last resort gun. Basically a peashooter. But carry it anyway.)
-> A lot of pulse rifle magazines, at least half of them with AP bullets.
Strapped to your back
-> A second pulse rifle. Or course, with it's grenade launcher.
Carried by hand
-> A Third goddamned pulse rifle. With another cool grenade launcher in it. (Now you got it, right?)
Right pocket
-> A flashlight
Left pocket
-> Another pulse rifle magazine, in your favourite flavour.
And on cafeteria, you must get:
On your mouth
-> A lit up cigarrette. (After all, as everyone says? "Smoke kills." )
Helmet slots
-> A metal flask with water in it.
-> Another metal flask, but filled with coffee instead. (The combat stim from pre-WW1 age!)
-> A pack of cigarrettes with a cheap lighter in it on the place of that cigarrette that is in your mouth.
On your belly
-> A lot of food. You will need the calories!
Now go to the bathroom. Turn on a shower. And get inside it.
Now you look as sweaty as a true Rambo typically is!
Your last stop before shutte? Requisitions.
That no man's land where people kill themselves for petty reasons.
But if you are lucky? There you may get some fancy items...
Shoulder Holster -> For carrying a revolver in it. (A revolver, not a pistol!)
Or a Webbing -> For more pulse rifle magazines.
And/or some interesting attachments, of course...
Magharness -> For the rifle in your armour's slot. So you will never lost this one.
Power charger -> For packing more power in one of your rifles.
Pulse Rifle's stock -> Good for pairing up with the power charger.
Red dot sight -> For added accuracy. Also because anything is better with lasers!
Quickfire -> Makes you shoot faster and is THE upgrade to your burst fire mode.
Bayonet -> If you can't grab anything better. (And mind that bayonet + magharness turns your rifle into a war boomerang.)
Important bit? Don't use any attachment that nerfs your weapon's firepower (you need more Dakka, not less Dakka), or that will need you to remove the grenade launcher for equipping it. (Same reason.)
Also don't mind that machete. (You are Rambo, not Jason.)
And don't ever think about carrying medikits or something similar. (The true Rambo heals himself by cauterizing his wounds with gunpowder!)
Now get into the briefing room.
Not that you need to be briefed, as you are Rambo!
But sit there anyway, wait for the commander to stop talking, and rush to the dropship/droppod.
While the shuttle is flying or right after it landed, do the following.
1 - Turn on your armour's light.
2 - Turn on that flashlight in your pocket (it enhances your vision's range while in the darkness).
3 - Turn on the grenade launcher attachment in all of your three rifles.
Get out of the shuttle, and go alone minding your own business.
Take a walk in the jungle, go for the buildings no one mentioned in the briefing, or something like that...
Ignore any orders you may get through the radio. (You can even turn it off or throw it away. Rambo needs no one but himself.)
When you meet a hostile? Fire a grenade at him, then proceed on peppering it with bullets.
Stunned by the grenade explosion, any enemy other than a crusher is vulnerable.
And you ever stumble on a crusher, dodge his charges and induce him to bump on a wall - that will stun him.
Of course you need to master the grenade launcher's use. That will take some time.
A tip?
The best place for you to fire the grenade is on the path your enemy are more likely to take.
Usually it's in from of it, if it was charging at you, or after it if it's running away.
Since you are carrying three rifles? That means you have 6 grenades to launch at your foes.
If you meet a large group of enemies? Induce them to funnel when going after you, and fire a grenade in!
When high tier aliens start appearing - or before the final assault in their nest, change to the AP bullets.
To aurofire or not to autofire? That is the question. (Do as you want.)
For the rest, rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat... until you - or them - are gone.
And don't forget the last pearl of rambonic combat wisdom: focus in taking them out one by one. (Don't toss yourself in the snake's nest until you are sure they are low in numbers.)
- You got yourself captured? A true rambo is never really salty - ever when he's getting electrocuted by the enemy in a torture room. Resist, resist and resist. Just that. (Here, having the rifles already prepared to launch grenades will be of importance. - Nothing is more amazing than Rambo freeing himself from a nest and blasting his foe, or himself, with a launched grenade.)
- The answer to any complicated question, is a blast from your weapon. Bullets are the seeds of victory, so plant them everywhere! (On this, being an one man's army is a bonus. As a rambo, you are alone, and that way you usually aren't going to cause any friendly fire incident.)
- Are you seriously harmed? Missing a leg? Coughing up a lot of blood? Those can't get fixed by you...
Or are you out of dakka, because you took the last advice too literally and sprayed bullets everywhere?
Time for a tactical retreat. GET TO THE CHOPPA! (I hope you didn't actually tossed your radio away. Kekekekeke :P )
- You found some grenades? Of interesting weapons? Use them. But mind the ammo, and how them can affect your tactics.
- Be prepared to die many times if you go out ramboing alone. (As in real life, the lone wolf's chances against an entire army aren't that good. - Don't expect yourself to defeat the entire threat only by yourself.)
- You actually finished reading this guide? Congrats.
But keep in mind I wrote this more for humour than for it being a good tactical guide.
Going rambo is usually a BAD tactic, more likely to get you killed than anything else.
But are you going for it roleplay reasons because your character was designed as a "rambo"?
Or because you want to play CM as if it were one of those "singleplayer AVP themed FPS games" out there?
Go for it then and have fun.