The M37, Field Medicine, and YOU!

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The M37, Field Medicine, and YOU!

Post by razerwing » 07 Jan 2015, 21:45

Introductions! I'm sure you've all read Infernus' Field Medic guide. What?!? YOU HAVEN'T?!? Well I suggest going to take a look, since it provides a rather nice guide to everyone. I know I'd learned a thing or two. However, I noticed that Infernus' loadout was fairly heavy on the medicine part. He used a medical belt, which would definitely limit your ammo capabilities.

Also! You'll notice in the title the letter-number combo some people seem to take for granted. The M37 Pump Shotgun! Yep, our favorite little, incredibly unwieldy pump-action shotty! While I wouldn't call it the best gun in the game, it definitely packs a whollop and I've managed to take down a Runner in one to two shots. Just imagine what you could do to a Praetorian!

Right. Here is Razer's guide to Combat Medicine!

Welcome to the Corps! Congratulations! You're now serving aboard the NMV Sulaco as one of the four squad's Combat Medic. Your job is to treat possibly life threatening wounds not only caused by those nasty little Xenomorphs you know nothing about, but also wounds inflicted by a Marine's worst enemy... himself. Most of the cases you'll be treating are friendly fire and if you can save your buddy from that random slasher that just ran down the hallway, more power to you.
What you'll need! ((If you haven't read this already, you really should. I know most of what I know about Field Medicine from this guy.))

Have you taken a good look at that list yet? Okay. Nix the medical belt. It might help keep you organized but I promise you you'll want a few extra clips and room for your flare(s).

You'll also want to add one thing of Hypospray to the pockets located conveniently on your armor. It'll give that wounded soldier just enough strength to either go down kicking and screaming (if you fucked up) or walk his wounded ass back to the shuttle so you don't have to drag him the whole way (if you did it right).

And for the love of God, don't forget the stasis bag. Hell! Grab two if you think your squad sucks! Internal bleeding can't be fixed by your fancy little med-kits, no matter how hard you try. You need surgery for that, and replacement blood.

MEDICAL TIPS AND HINTS! -Hypospray is filled with Tricordrazine, a very broad-spectrum medicine. DO NOT RELY ON IT!
-The Autoinjectors in each medical kit is filled with Inaprovaline. Use this when someone is in the red to buy yourself some more time.
-If you have a lot of contacts and a person is bleeding internally, DO NOT immediately stuff him inside a stasis bag. Wait until he hits 65% blood. Extra hands, even if wounded, can often mean the difference between walking home and being dragged into a nest.
-TRY not to leave your dead behind. Ghosts want to play too, and better it be a human than an alien.
-For the love of all that you may or may not find holy, DO NOT EVER leave your medic BY HIM/HERSELF when she's TREATING INJURED PEOPLE!

Now that you've gone ahead and read over that little section, it's time to talk about the M37, and whether or not it's a reliable gun, especially for a Combat Medic.

The M37 Pump Shotgun certainly has its drawbacks. It can't hold nearly as much ammo as the M4A1 Pulse Rifle and if you don't have your macro set (I use Ctrl+C to pump mine) then it can be a real pain to pump every shell. Not to mention you can't even screw a flashlight on it! However, it can take down a low-caste Xeno in one to two shots, and can be damned useful against the rogue marine. Hopefully you never have to experience the latter. Aside from setting the Macro for your pumping action, I've discovered a little trick that makes loading this thing a little easier.

Step 1) Put the box of shotgun shells in your pocket. No, not your armor pocket, your regular pocket.
Step 2) Click-drag the box to your sprite. If you did this correctly, then you will have opened up the box without having to put the box in your hand.
Step 3) Load that badboy up with as many shells as you need and go pop some Xenomorphic heads!

You can in fact fit boxes of shotty shells in your belt, but you can't fill the belt with them. I'm unsure why, but we have to deal for now. You can fit about five boxes of Shotgun shells in your marine belt, two on your armor (which you shouldn't do because you have Hypospray), and two in your pockets (which you shouldn't because one of those pockets should probably have the flashlight).

If your squad has any idea what they're doing and the LO's haven't seriously screwed up your squad balance, you should have the Squad Leader, one or two engineers, one or two standards, and you, the medic. The Standards should have either pulse rifles or a Riot Shield/SMG combo (and yes, the riot shield blocks pouncing. You just have to have it in your active hand.) The Engies, should probably have pulse rifles, and the Squad Lead will do what the Squad Lead does. If you stick together, then you won't ever have to even USE your shotgun, and if you do it'll be to plug away at the Runner/Warrior that just pounced your best friend. Easy targets.

Remember your training, buddy up with people you can trust, and nine out of ten times you will make it back to the Sulaco in the final minutes of the round to make that heroic last stand. Alternatively you could join Delta, steal the beer keg from the bar, and get everyone in your squad drunk in the bridge! Thanks Infernus for teaching me so much about Baystation Medicine and how to keep my asshole friends alive! I hope this little guide helps some people out too. If anyone has any suggestions or corrections to possibly faulty information I've put up, please lemme know and it will be fixed. See you on the battlefield!
Kelly Mason says, "We taking the gun?"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Ofcourse"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Not leaving my future ex wife by herself"

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RE: The M37, Field Medicine, and YOU!

Post by MrGabol100 » 08 Jan 2015, 13:39

As i usually play as Delta Squad Leader and i try to keep it like this until i stop playing in this server (I hope that means never) i'll try to keep the keg safe, thanks.

P.S: I was joking, actually, i'll drink all of it by myself.

P.P.S: Amerika, amerika, coca cola wonderbar.

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RE: The M37, Field Medicine, and YOU!

Post by razerwing » 09 Jan 2015, 14:30

Glad I could give you an idea MrGabol. Also, it's going to take some playtesting on my part, but sooner or later I will have some loadout guides up I think. I've noticed a lot of people go for the same exact weapons, so you end up with three shotguns, people dual-wielding L6's, and a bunch of people running around with rifles. Maybe some team cohesion things. Who knows.
Kelly Mason says, "We taking the gun?"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Ofcourse"
Xur''Ghost''Dergens says, "Not leaving my future ex wife by herself"

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