Doctor - Field Surgery tips?

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Doctor - Field Surgery tips?

Post by Nightcaper » 08 Sep 2016, 01:10

Earlier on (can't even remember if it was yesterday or today, heh), we had someone who sabotaged the SM (who I understand won't return). This small event lead to an evacuation from the Sulaco on to the field by Rasp, with whatever medical supplies we could scrounge up (barely got the surgery tools, an IV drip and a couple extra bloodbags out, couldn't even make bicardine or peri). I typically play as Jayson Singh, and I started the doctor role less than a month ago. I don't usually do much SS13, but I've gotten hooked to it with the Colonial Marines server now, and I'm finding out just how difficult being a doctor is. I thought I had it all down and could handle things... but that's when this situation happened, where I no longer had a convenient surgery table, or a body scanner, or cloners, cryotubes... I didn't even have another doctor up that could help with the work load. I took straight to the field, with only the few rounds of experience I had with surgery in a fully prepped Medbay with everything I'd need.

Nothing could have prepared me for the hell that was Field Surgery.

I made a lot of mistakes, some of them very costly, but the worst one was thinking that my first Field Surgery would end well. It was absolute hell, no triage was being done, half a dozen marines screaming that they were injured, I didn't bring space cleaner to clean my hands (I didn't even know you could clean your hands/gloves with that, but now I know), I had to learn new techniques for finding out what injuries someone had, without a body scanner... it was first time being a Doctor all over again.

The first thing that got me was the failure rate of tables. We had no surgical table, someone made a regular table on the fly. During surgery I often worsened wounds, sometimes damaging organs and then having to extend surgery time to fix my mistakes (remember, I had no peridaxon). I was absolutely not prepared to handle that at the time, but that was only my first mistake.

The second big mistake was setting up in an open area. It made it almost impossible to triage and keep things orderly, I was surrounded by half a dozen or more marines that had injuries, and I had a hard time figuring out which ones to prioritize with all the logs flying by. If I could have made it in to a Nexus building... or even stayed in a corner of the Rasp... I could have limited the times I was pushed aside during surgery, and made things a lot easier on myself.

The mistake I think I regret the most, but definitely not my last mistake of that round, was not immediately treating the doctor I had. I got so panicked by what was going on, that I didn't even treat him first. He could have really helped my workload and we would have stood a better chance in that botched round than just me trying to handle it alone. He ended up getting killed by the xenos after crit hell for nearly 15 minutes, definitely one of my most regretful mistakes.

I made a lot of mistakes, including confusing Soporific for Spaceacillin in the chaos (it's hilarious looking back on it, but I felt like a real idiot during the time when I found out), which I was injecting people with thinking it would handle any infections from my dirty hands... but that's why they couldn't get back up. People weren't happy with how things went, think even one guy said in OOC after the round "JOBBAN SURGEON"... but I needed the experience. I still need that experience, just like I needed it when I started this doctor role. More importantly, I need help and tips from others to make sure I don't have this bad of an experience in the future. I guess I want to share some of what I learned from my pretty bad experience, in hopes that you guys will also share tips, or maybe even correct some of mine to be far better than what they were. This specifically pertains to Field Surgery, and could be anything from being deployed down to planetside Medbay, to emergency evacuation, as long as the tips take the circumstance in to account.

Some of the small bits I have learned in this experience, more oriented towards doctors who may have their first field surgery ever like I did:
  • Find an in-door area of some sort for any field surgery. Never do it outside, it brings chaos on yourself, and puts the lives of those you operate on in danger in case of an emergency landing against xenos.
  • If you have time before going planetside for field surgery for any reason, don't just gather all your surgery tools, anesthetic equipment and an IV drip with a couple bloodbags. Get some extra stuff, like Peridaxon (or peridex), Bicardine (you'll need it if you end up doing table surgery), more quick-clot and Dex plus... I can't really give a full Field Surgeon loadout, you just have to think of what you'll need the MOST on the ground (apart from evac).
  • Do your best to minimize your workload as much as possible in all cases! Unless priority health conditions arise like embryo, lungs, and such.... take care of doctors and field medics first! The medics can triage and stabilize people who are waiting, and the doctor could stabilize the guy you're working on as you screw up table surgery... or even half your workload and do surgery in another spot at the same time!
  • Don't mistake Soporific for Spaceacillin. Words cannot describe how dumb I feel.
  • If a xeno busts in your area of operating, and you have someone open, with fractures, or any injury at all, you DRAG them (if you don't have a rollerbed). Yes, I'm serious, if the xeno is THAT close, you DRAG YOUR PATIENT AWAY. You don't have time to move at slow grab rate, yes it will probably make the wounds way worse, but an encounter with a xeno is guaranteed death of your patient if he's under. He can either die of his wounds worsening, or get captured by a xeno and infected/killed.
  • For the love of God... don't panic! The amount of mistakes you made can increase tenfold, twofold at the minimum, when you are panicking. Fix your current patient before moving on to the next one, unless they are suffering continuous damage from a busted organ, have a xeno inside them, or something very very serious. Panic won't do you any good, things only get worse if you do half the job just to be in a hurry to get the next one in surgery.

I showed you mine, you show me yours. I'm no expert, I catch on quick as I do, but I make mistakes and there are plenty of tricks I don't know. The more we know, the better chance of marines surviving field surgery. I'm not the best doctor, to many who have played for months -- even years, I might be considered barely competent. However, I like the Doctor role, and I like surgery... I'm not giving up, but your tips would really help me so I don't make rounds for others miserable if field surgery is a thing in them.

Post-Script: This is completely unrelated, but I remember a surgery I had that made me laugh. I opened up a russian girl's skull one round because supposedly it was broken... and there were not just bone chips in there, but a WHOLE BOTTLE. So many opportunities for a Russian joke... I got it out, fixed her up and that was it. Still makes me smirk to this day.

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Re: Doctor - Field Surgery tips?

Post by Toroic » 08 Sep 2016, 01:28

Several things.

1) Roller bed is the best thing after a surgical table

2) Not only can you use space cleaner, you can use soap on your gloves to clean them.

3) ghetto surgery is risky, but not so risky that it can't be managed

4) You can use doctor's delight to extend your tricord supply, and treat several kinds of issues with various juices

5) showers can be used as a ghetto cyro if you inject cyrox/clonex and set them to cold
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Re: Doctor - Field Surgery tips?

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 08 Sep 2016, 03:05

1) Toroic is right with all he posted but I want to add a few things to this.

1a) to Toroic's #5 he is a tad vague on how to set them to cold, in order to do that you would require to use the wrench the shower once believe to set it to cold (suggesting testing it first since tossing in a critical patient into a hot shower will kill them....)
1b) Continuation to #5 Don't have them strapped to a roller bed, oddly causes issue with the shower not affecting the marines temp (for some reason)

2) Make demands to the marines, to give you a proper operating suite, request a nanomed (there are 2 in the medical dome) this will help keep you stocked on resources (ie autoinjectors and tramakits)

3) This one is exclusive to ice colony but prep a extra batch of cryomix (30 clone, 20 cryo, 5 rye, 5 perxi is barebones but a simple mix to make, but 120u is always preferable) since the there is a cryocell on that planet, that is one of the only maps where you can set up a proper cloning facility on site (which rarely every happens anyway).

4) Extract blood from the dead if there is no chance at defibbing them especially to O- cadavers, since that stuff will come in handy (note you can use any kind of container on a IV so you can get really ghetto and use a coke can for blood or buckets which are located in hydro)

5) Haven't tried this one but there is a chem machine on LV ---, the doctor isn't allowed to leave the FOB but there is nothing against having a personal runner make you glorious drugs if you tell them how to make said glorious drugs but you will need to be willing to find a marine willing to do such menial tasks

6) Keep in contact with standard medical, and request drugs and supplies that are needed over medical comms

7) This one is for your own personal sanity and it is to bring earmuff with you since trusting the words from an injured marines mouth is very unwise since they like to exaggerate their injuries to be treated quicker. You are given alot of clues what is wrong with someone without a single word from them

8) highly suggesting bringing space cleaner and refilling it when you have a chance (or have your runner do it) since I have done testing and I believe you can have a 1.5 space cleaner for each 8.5u of water added (in easier terms keep it at around 15% SC and you won't slip on your ass) to quote myself from a thread about adding SC dispenser to medical I spent around an hour and half just looking into this to get this "A standard bottle of space cleaner has 250u of space cleaner in it, that would be around 25 spritzes default which can easily be extended to 166 (this was with .15% sc in the bottle) spritzes which would cover 666 Tiles (the range of a spray bottle is around 4 tiles if I remember) before you have to actually put space cleaner back into it." I however was incorrect since a spray bottle has 50 spritzes default that extend to 200+ spritzes when diluting it with water which only reaches 3 tiles so you only cover 600+ tiles at maximum BUT you are mostly spraying yourself, so pointless numbers, yeah!

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Byond: Nightcaper

Re: Doctor - Field Surgery tips?

Post by Nightcaper » 08 Sep 2016, 03:58

Toroic wrote:Several things.

1) Roller bed is the best thing after a surgical table

2) Not only can you use space cleaner, you can use soap on your gloves to clean them.

3) ghetto surgery is risky, but not so risky that it can't be managed

4) You can use doctor's delight to extend your tricord supply, and treat several kinds of issues with various juices

5) showers can be used as a ghetto cyro if you inject cyrox/clonex and set them to cold

1. I did do a check on this forum section for ghetto surgery, and I should have used a rollerbed. Whoopsies!

2. Soap AND space cleaner?! Man, I have a long way to go before I'm a pro surgeon...

3. I guess it just seems tough to me because I don't do it very often. Then again, this is my first time doing it, I don't really have the experience to decide if it's actually "tough".

4. Err... what's Doctor's Delight? Juices... this sounds like a thread I may have bookmarked...

5. Definitely remembering a thread I bookmarked now. I don't think I'll have a lot of use for a cryo once I'm down there since we don't have a cloner... but it'll help for leftover genetic damages and such. (Post-writing: I realize now that cryo can also heal general damages like brute and such. I've always used Kelotane, Bicardine/Tricordrazine and similar drugs, I've forgotten that cryo and ghetto alternatives to cryo can heal all of these damages. Yet another thing I've learned... or re-learned!)

TheSpoonyCroy wrote:1) Toroic is right with all he posted but I want to add a few things to this.

1a) to Toroic's #5 he is a tad vague on how to set them to cold, in order to do that you would require to use the wrench the shower once believe to set it to cold (suggesting testing it first since tossing in a critical patient into a hot shower will kill them....)
1b) Continuation to #5 Don't have them strapped to a roller bed, oddly causes issue with the shower not affecting the marines temp (for some reason)
Interesting... so it'd require a bit of management.
TheSpoonyCroy wrote: 2) Make demands to the marines, to give you a proper operating suite, request a nanomed (there are 2 in the medical dome) this will help keep you stocked on resources (ie autoinjectors and tramakits)
The nanomed, I assume is the machine which vends supplies. I've seen some people dragging those, didn't even know you could drag those things. I'll make sure to be more straight with the marines when it comes to what I need in the future.
TheSpoonyCroy wrote: 3) This one is exclusive to ice colony but prep a extra batch of cryomix (30 clone, 20 cryo, 5 rye, 5 perxi is barebones but a simple mix to make, but 120u is always preferable) since the there is a cryocell on that planet, that is one of the only maps where you can set up a proper cloning facility on site (which rarely every happens anyway).
I've... never played Ice Colony, ever. I haven't even seen the map. I don't really understand a lot of the chemistry, as I haven't delved in to it. I can make bicardine and peri if I follow the recipe, that's about it... and I barely think of dosage control with that... I just keep under OD limits. I think I'll have to explore chems more in the future.
TheSpoonyCroy wrote: 4) Extract blood from the dead if there is no chance at defibbing them especially to O- cadavers, since that stuff will come in handy (note you can use any kind of container on a IV so you can get really ghetto and use a coke can for blood or buckets which are located in hydro)
Two things I didn't know! Extracting blood from the dead, does this affect how they clone? Furthermore ANY container (within some reason) full of blood can be hooked to an IV? Wow!
TheSpoonyCroy wrote: 5) Haven't tried this one but there is a chem machine on LV ---, the doctor isn't allowed to leave the FOB but there is nothing against having a personal runner make you glorious drugs if you tell them how to make said glorious drugs but you will need to be willing to find a marine willing to do such menial tasks
Sounds like bad RP grey area... unless I can get admin confirmation that that would be okay... I don't want to get banned, heh. That'll be handy to know though... maybe the chem machine can be moved?
TheSpoonyCroy wrote: 6) Keep in contact with standard medical, and request drugs and supplies that are needed over medical comms
Do medical comms still work on-planet?
TheSpoonyCroy wrote: 7) This one is for your own personal sanity and it is to bring earmuff with you since trusting the words from an injured marines mouth is very unwise since they like to exaggerate their injuries to be treated quicker. You are given alot of clues what is wrong with someone without a single word from them
Earmuffs sound VERY good. Do I have to request these from Cargo? This would make my work WAY easier to do.
TheSpoonyCroy wrote: 8) highly suggesting bringing space cleaner and refilling it when you have a chance (or have your runner do it) since I have done testing and I believe you can have a 1.5 space cleaner for each 8.5u of water added (in easier terms keep it at around 15% SC and you won't slip on your ass) to quote myself from a thread about adding SC dispenser to medical I spent around an hour and half just looking into this to get this "A standard bottle of space cleaner has 250u of space cleaner in it, that would be around 25 spritzes default which can easily be extended to 166 (this was with .15% sc in the bottle) spritzes which would cover 666 Tiles (the range of a spray bottle is around 4 tiles if I remember) before you have to actually put space cleaner back into it." I however was incorrect since a spray bottle has 50 spritzes default that extend to 200+ spritzes when diluting it with water which only reaches 3 tiles so you only cover 600+ tiles at maximum BUT you are mostly spraying yourself, so pointless numbers, yeah!

Okay, you lost me at percentiles and math. So if I run out of space cleaner, use soap or water to clean the gloves? Though on a serious note I'll have to do a few chem rounds to get a hang of handling chemical ratios while mixing. It's going to be an essential skill that I don't yet have.

Thank you both of you for your tips. They're all very helpful (the earmuff part is also a welcome part, please get back to me on where I can find those) and I hope the tips keep coming if anyone has some to share!

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Re: Doctor - Field Surgery tips?

Post by Jroinc1 » 08 Sep 2016, 10:12

I saw you that round, and you did decent as a FoB doc with little prep. I remember advising you LOOC to get the tools and blood, and to your credit, you were already doing that, as the other set of tools was just LEFT aboard, then watching you groundside. As for stuff you could bring, I've written MULTIPLE long posts on how to be a fully prepped FoB doc.

So, let's copy/paste the most relevant one. This is general fastchem knowlege, then my full FoB doc loadout (takes me 25 min to fully prep), then how to deploy, then triage examples (Not really that relevant).


Personally, I have 4 labeled hypos on me at all times, loaded as listed.

Healmix-20u bicard, 20u tricord, 10u dex+, 10u tramadol- Basically the optimal mix for our server, and absurdly powerful at stabilizing due to the dex+, though in most cases, you gotta piledrive at least half the hypo before they have enough to deal with more than scratch damage (but REAL good at dosing controls, and designed that dumping 30u into an untreated 'rine, OR one with a single tricord hypo won't cause an overdose, so safe to use!). The most difficult to make, but can be made RELATIVELY simply in 300u batches.
1. Borrow/steal the bluespace beaker. Dump in 2 bottles of inaprov and one of anti-tox. Add 60u carbon. Place in backpack.
2. Run and get 2 dex pills. Add 20u carbon, and 20u iron to a REGULAR, 60u beaker, then dump both pills into the beaker. Due to 60u beaker limit, you'll be left with 60u if dex+. Dump it into the bluespace beaker.
3. Make 6 bottles with 50u each, proportions as given up top, except no tramadol.
4. Get a bottle of tramadol pills, dissolve one in each bottle.
360u done, and only uses 10 power and requires 4 steps. The most difficult part is honestly making the 6 bottles due to chemmaster limits (Can only store 120u in buffer, get ready to press buttons repeatedly).

*Fill your hypo, head to the Rasputin, amaze everyone by dealing with the 6 critical marines before they can even be dragged off to medbay.*

Burnmix- 30u dermaline, 30u kelotane- Marginal utility, but there are 3 main damage types, and easy to prepare, so... yeah.
1. Grab a 120u beaker, fill it with 20u phosphorous, and 20u oxygen.
2. Grab a kelotane pill bottle, dissolve pills till the bottle's full.
Makes 120u (2 bottles), costs 4 power and 2 steps. Simple, not much to say, deliberately does not contain tricord for ease of prep, and my healmix has tricord.

*Fill and label a hypo, forget about it till the boiler comes knocking.*

Antitox+ -40u antitox, 20u spacacillin- A staple against toxic wounds and for surgery. Give EVERYONE you do surgery on 2-3 jabs, and you never need to worry about infection. Be careful with abusing it, though, as spaceacillin stays around for a while (Safe, unless someone else is dropping pills down his throat). Also criminally easy to make.
1. Grab the bluespace beaker. Dump 2 antitox bottles in.
2. Grab a antibiotic pill bottle, dump 60u worth of pills in. You're done.
Makes 180u (3 bottles), costs ZERO power, and 2 steps. Literally free, and pretty self-descriptive. Also deliberately does not contain tricord, same reasons.

*Fill your hypo, forget about it till you run out after like 12 surgeries, realize it's the silent hero.*

Perdiox- 60u perdiox (PREETY SIMPLE, RIGHT?)- Yeah. With the previous recipe, you should have enough to give ANYONE a single jab if they have damage, before they mention anything. A staple of the FOB doctor, as scanning facilities and surgery time are very limited down there.
Recipe restated for clarity, and idiot-proofing with larger number of steps.
1. Get the bluespace beaker, 2 dex pills, 20u of water from the sink, 20u oxygen from the dispenser, and 60u sodium from the dispenser. Combine.
2. Remove excess dexalin via chemmaster.
3. Grind plasma into bluespace beaker (2 sheets if possible, but you can get by with one). Put bluespace beaker in backpack.
4. Mix 120u bicard in a REGULAR large beaker from a 60u inaprov bottle, and 60u carbon .
5. Dump the REGULAR beaker INTO the bluespace beaker.
Makes 120u (2 bottles), costs 14 power, slightly larger step list for clarity. Hit ANYONE with broken bones/ UNEXPLAINED DAMAGE with a single jab.

*Run into medbay as the other guys are struggling to deal with 14 casualties with broken chests, treat ALL the organ damage within 20 seconds and 2 refills.*

If you make ONE batch of each of this list, that'll cost you 28 power and make 13 bottles. A CLB can hold 21 items. Personally, I put all the bottles in my CLB (Label them using either a labeler or the chemmaster, and put the lids on all of the spare ones, so you only have 4 open bottles at any one time, for ease-of-use), then add 5 quick-clots (I DON'T hypo those b/c I want to know how many I have left, they're the most important tool you can have), then add 2 advanced trauma packs and an advanced burn pack. That fills my CLB. Make another batch of perdiox for the other docs (Watch them ignore it... EVEN WHEN TOLD...).

My standard loadout is this, and it's HEAVILY biased for a FOB doc, as you can treat anything pretty much optimally and instantly.
Standard surgery outfit (mask, gloves, ect...)
Eyes- Medhud. ALWAYS HAVE ONE. MOST IMPORTANT THING. Without this, you're just guessing.
Belt- CLB, loaded as listed.
Pockets- "Healmix" hypospray and flashlight (Ease of access, as most commonly used items)
Suit storage- Health scanner (Ease of access)
Backpack (7 items)
----- "Burnmix" and "Antitox+" hyposprays (Moderate ease of access, but not as essential)
----- Surgery mask and Anesthetic tank (Moderate ease of access, and only real place they fit)
----- An advanced first aid kit. (7 items) Label it SOMETHING like "Surgical Tools" to keep it from being taken.
---------- All surgical tools except the DRILL (useless), the Nanopaste (VERY marginal), and the FIx-o-vein (in another box).
----- A regular first aid kit. (7 items) Label it SOMETHING like "Surgical Supplies" to keep it from being taken.
---------- The "Perdiox" hypo (Usually unneeded unless you're going to do surgery), 3 O- blood bags (Medbay got plenty, and when you need it, YOU NEED IT), the Fix-o-vein (Marginal, but brain surgery uses it), the stethoscope (WHERE YOU'RE GOING, THERE ARE NO ADVANCED BODY SCANNERS!... but really just for show), and soap (can clean anything, never runs out, use when possible).
----- And FREE SLOT! Bring whatever you want here. I usually bring a spare anesthetic tank, as after a dozen or so surgeries, the tank runs dry, OR another first-aid kit loaded with advanced bruise kits and quick-clot, as those are important and you run through them fast.
Suit slots- M1911 and ONE magazine. You don't fight. This is for EITHER supressive fire at the FoB, OR killing facehuggers. Don't be COMBATDOC, you have more important things.
Hands- Carry a folded roller bed (for surgery).
Pull- Pull an IV for the blood you're carrying.

Deployment- Unfold bed, park the IV next to you, drop the mask and tank, and put one of your surgery kits on either side of you. You now have access to ALL tools of a full surgery by drag-clicking the kits, AND you have perdiox with you, AND you have your standard medical arsenal as WELL! You are actually better equipped than roundstart medical! Additionally, Yakety-saxing out when a runner says hi takes like 5-10 seconds (Grab the 4 items, fold the bed, and pull the IV)

Standard triage. The dropship has just arrived, wounded inbound. You're outside the pad.
It arrives, first thing you see is 3 guys, one is blinking red, another is dark-red, another is light-yellow with a missing leg.
Sprint in. Get past all the other people trying to drag them off to medbay, and jab each of them with a healmix shot, 2 if you can swing it.
Let "them" pull the patients off, while re-filling your hypo.
Did either of their health bars jump up massively? That's indicative of organ damage, get your perdiox hypo and give-em a jab. Hell, give ALL of them a jab as they're being brought to medbay.

YOU WILL NOTE you haven't used your health scanner yet, because you DIDN'T need it, and it takes up those critical seconds. Healmix fixes everything, and perdiox is good practice.

NOW, scan them. I'm gonna assume there's another decent doc, and a baldie.

Hand the one with the missing leg to the baldie. It's relatively easy to do, and he's not in critical danger, BUT be sure to check up on him, and scan him before he leaves. NEXT.

The dark-red one has 60-ish brute damage, a broken chest, and no organ damage. Only chems present are a trace of tramadol from the healmix previously. Pass him to the experienced doc, and optionally pile-drive your whole heal-mix hypo into him. Won't hurt. NEXT.

The blinking-red one has broken ribs, a collapsed lung, 80 brute to the chest and an infection, no organ damage (remember the perdiox...), internal bleeding, a 40% blood level, AND a broken head with no damage. No chems except a trace of tramadol. Overall health is about -85. Ouch.
Totally fixable, but work fast. Hit him with more healmix (Optionally, swear at the medic). The dex+ will keep popping him out of crit, and the healing effect's good. Quick-clot him, THEN advance-trauma-kit the chest. Get him on an IV as soon as possible, this one NEEDS that blood you got in the kit. Jab him 3 times with the antitox+, then take him to surger... OH WAIT, BOTH ARE IN USE! No problem, you're prepped for surgery outside! Unpack your kit, and give him a taste of ACTUAL doctoring. Fix his chest, THEN hit him with perdiox for the lung, then get his head. Scan him, take your stuff off him, load back up, THEN check on the other two. The baldie probably replaced the wrong leg, while the experienced one's probably finishing up. Assist as needed, and wait for the next wave.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17

Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0

Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1

Total kills with SM- 6

Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u

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Re: Doctor - Field Surgery tips?

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 08 Sep 2016, 10:41

Nightcaper wrote:-snip-
"Err... what's Doctor's Delight? Juices... this sounds like a thread I may have bookmarked..."
2 part cream, 1 part lime juice, 1 part tomato juice, 1 part orange juice, 1 part tricordrazine

"Soap AND space cleaner?! Man, I have a long way to go before I'm a pro surgeon..."
Actually its more of a "or" statement since in ss13 logic, germs barely exist... as long as you don't have blood on your gloves, using a sterile mask, and I think you need a surgical cap (haven't confirmed this but I feel it decreases infection rates, again still have to research this more), you should be fine

"The nanomed, I assume is the machine which vends supplies."
Yep those can be moved around and due to a "bug/feature" you can use them (when their cover has been removed with a screwdriver) to restock supplies like spent autoinjectors, due to the way it keeps track of its stock instead of keeping count of all the chemicals in the autoinjectors when you put in an autoinjector of a distinct name it ends up deleting the one you put in and just spawning in a completely full autoinjector in its stead so it doesn't have keep track of how much its inventory has been spent (or this is how I understand how this bug works).

"Two things I didn't know! Extracting blood from the dead, does this affect how they clone? Furthermore ANY container (within some reason) full of blood can be hooked to an IV? Wow!"
I believe extracting blood from a dead marine has no ill effects for cloning but that might require more extensive testing, honestly the thing you should worry about is hearing a pissed off marine complaining about you screwing with their corpse, you should only extract blood if the rasp or pod (which is the mainly being used to transport marines) aren't on the ground, if they are just load up the corpses on the rasp and have medical deal with them but Part 2 of your statement is correct, you can use anything in an iv as long as its classes as a container ie beakers (60u or 120u variants), a flask, buckets (120u), , cola can, and etc...

"Sounds like bad RP grey area... unless I can get admin confirmation that that would be okay... I don't want to get banned, heh. That'll be handy to know though... maybe the chem machine can be moved?"
Yep that is the wisest advice for anything of nature (ie on the fence of the rules) If unsure on something relating to the rules always ask first and you might have to ask each time since each mod/admin has their own interpretation of some rules, and if you are told to stop doing it from an admin/mod, its just best to stop, don't argue about it.

Currently the only place where you can get them is the firing range on the hangar floor. There are only 2 of them but marines aren't allowed to carry earmuffs into battle since mods will class it as trying to metagame/powergame against the queen, just find a bro marine to help you open the firing range and you should be all good

"Do medical comms still work on-planet?"
Yep, the only channel that doesn't transfer to the ground to the ship is general comms and the reverse is true, sualco's general comms can't reach the planet but department channels work fine (however many medics/field surgeons forget this)

"I'll have to do a few chem rounds to get a hang of handling chemical ratios while mixing. It's going to be an essential skill that I don't yet have."
Yep, its a skill all doctors on this server need but only a few ever pick it up, honestly its one of the only places where you can literally spend hours on a spreadsheet trying to formulate your evil(technically good in this case) as efficiently as possible of proof this happening...(note this really isn't as efficent since I use that step by step to start of the round which ends up allowing me to make several bottles of Perxi+ (perxi + Dex+))

Note to any aspiring chemists to this server: NEVER USE ALK, it only treats genetic brain damage (which is rare on this server). So why never use it, well because in the simplest cases it does absolutely nothing for the patient, at worst it has bug related to it which ends up failing the remove bone chips step of brain surgery since it infinity spawns bone chips...

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Byond: Boba_Fett12

Re: Doctor - Field Surgery tips?

Post by BobaFett07 » 03 Dec 2016, 18:56

I'm beggining to be a surgeon, I find it really hard but know I see that starting on a role like that is hard, thanks for the help

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