I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
- Jroinc1
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- Posts: 995
- Joined: 10 May 2016, 22:32
- Location: Changes too rapidly
- Byond: Jroinc1
I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Welcome, welcome! I'm Angelo Pearsall, erstwhile MT on the Sulaco, and I've got a few things here that'll give all you other MT's (and even the occasional CE) something to do once you've set the engine and are just sitting around... lurking.
"This'll hold them"
Right. Making fortifications isn't our job, but as most squad engi's are too busy to bother to write anything down, I'm just putting these out there so all you new squad engis can know "what does metal do".
Your core materials-
Glass- Clear material, can be reinforced w/ rods for reinforced glass.
Metal- Your basic material. Can be made into many things.
Sandstone- You can plate walls with it, and it's easy to plate quickly. Also can make shitty doors.
Gold, Silver, Diamond- You can plate walls with them, make doors, and make the RSR cry. Why would you do this? I dunno.
Phoron, Uranium- Same as gold/silver, but also has side effects, such as giving off rads/SPILLING FLAMMABLE PHORON IF WELDED. DON'T DO THIS.
Your "advanced" material-
Plasteel- Really only used for "Metal" barricades.
Your basic defense. Comes in 2 flavors, regular and reinforced. Regular costs 2 metal sheets to make, reinforced is made by using 4 metal rods on the set of table parts you made. Use them in hand to build a table, then step to the side and flip it to make a barrier. For reinforced tables, you have to weld EACH TABLE IN THE LINE you wanna flip to weaken them, flip it, then re-weld them to strengthen them. Tables block some projectiles from the side they're facing, but can be destroyed by sustained fire. Reinforced tables can take more hits.
Girders, Walls, and Hidden Doors
To make a wall, you must first make a girder from metal. Girders cannot be walked through, obviously. Once you have a girder made, you can do 2 things with it, namely reinforce it with 2 sheets of most materials to make a wall, or pry it with a crowbar to make it moveable. If you've pried up a girder into a displaced girder, you can drag it around, wrench it to turn it back into a fixed girder, or apply 2 sheets of most materials to make a hidden door.
Girders and walls take damage, and will be destroyed by gunshots or... other projectiles., but hidden doors DO NOT TAKE PROJECTILE DAMAGE, due to their counterbalanced structure.
In order to get through a wall, weld it once with your welder to remove the plating (2 sheets returned, 100% efficient), then crowbar and move the girder, or wrench it to deconstruct it (returning 1 sheet, 25% efficient, move it instead).
There are 2 types of special wall, Spaceship Hull, which is identical to a regular wall, but MASSIVELY resistant to projectiles, due to the high-strength alloys it was made with, and Reinforced Walls, which are a pain in the ASS to get through. To do so, use all your tools in THIS order- wirecutters, screwdriver, welder, crowbar, wrench, welder, crowbar, screwdriver, wirecutters, and FINALLY wrench. Takes FREAKING FOREVER. These 2 special walls cannot be made by us, as they require shipyard-grade machinery/industrial reinforcing respectively.
"Metal" Barricades
Actually made out of plasteel, misleading name. 5 sheets and standing sill for a while gets you a real robust barrier that can NEVER be moved. Be careful where you put it. You can build it with a table over it for extra strength too. Weld it and add plasteel if needed to repair it.
"... the hell IS this?" "SCIENCE!"
These right here, are the bread and butter of MT equipment, and can be STUPIDLY strong if used properly.
PACMAN-type portable generator
Okay, I lied, this is the shittiest genny we have. It'll output 5KW when given a stack of solid phoron, wrenched down, and turned on. Did I mention, that due to INCREDIBLY poor design, the genny NEEDS an external power supply from the room to start? Yeah. It's one redeeming quality is that when wrenched down, it blocks bullets without being damaged, due to the high-strength steel it's made with.
Portable Air Scrubbers
Turn on, drag into a sealed room with a phoron spill, screwdriver and change battery occasionally. Pretty basic.
Portable Air Pump
FILL IT FIRST using atmospherics, then it works just like a air canister. Just use a canister instead.
Emergency Shield Generator
Okay. This bad boy creates a SPHERICAL shield when wrenched down and toggled on, covering SPACE AREAS AND ONLY SPACE, NOT THE HALLWAY YOU PUT IT IN. Useless for blocking boarders, except as a wrenched down barricade.
The good stuff. An industrial grade laser with shitty (but robust) optics, so not a broadside cannon or PD beam, but it has it's uses. We charge the SM with it after every jump, and if we're boarded... well... to MOVE a secured emitter, weld, then wrench it. Find a spot you want it. Run wire from the spot to a POWERED wire in the Sulaco powernet. Drag the emitter to the spot, point it how you want it, and wrench, then weld it in. Switch it on. It's a LASER, so it'll go through glass, so feel free to armor it with reinforced glass barriers, though the robust optics make it mostly immune to projectiles. The beam will go almost 20 meters before de-cohering into harmless light, and will tunnel through WALLS, given time, so be careful where you put it.
Shield Generator(s)
The BEST stuff. Projectors, that when linked to each other, shoot an IMPENETRABLE shield. NOTHING gets through it.
To set up, find a choke-point. You got 4 projectors, so 2 barriers. The 2 points I find are best are lower engi,in the autolathe room (dismantle 2 racks and weld 2 walls, aand you got a setup where the gennys CAN'T BE HIT from outside), and juust to the right of the main ladders (put them on the chairs in that area, and the gennys can't be touched from the ladders). To set up the gennys, run wire to them, wrench them in position, yell at the CE to come unlock them with his ID, and then activate them. If you put one in a public corridor that CAN'T BE REACHED from one side, stay by it and let people through.
Addendum to that last part about letting people through. A time-honored tradition of the military is the watch, where one or more people are given a duty to carry out for a specified period of time, and cannot leave their post while they have the watch. When you set up one of these gennys in a public place, assign someone the watch, or if no-one's available, take it yourself. While on watch, you DO NOT LEAVE your post for ANY reason, without getting a replacement. Your only job, is to let friendlies through, and prevent hostiles from passing your post.
You're hungry? Get a relief, or go without.
The boarders are approaching, and there's a pitched battle happening in briefing? Take cover, hell, even return fire, but STAY AT YOUR POST.
Someone got hit right outside your position? Well, shit. If you can get him without leaving your post, and without getting shot, drag him in, then get someone to take him to med, otherwise, he's SOL.
The ENTIRE other side of the ship's been taken by hostiles? Well, shit. Lock the shield genny, your watch is suspended (no need for it, no more friendlies are passing through), and get to the fallback point.
Coming from an actual US Navy sailor, this is one of the FEW (maybe the only) instances of ACTUAL military RP that can happen on the server. You have an important job, it may not be as glamorous as RP'ing yourself to be big, strong, meta-rine #47 who aint gonna take no shit from no xeno and tries to murder the RO 5 min into the mission, or sprinting out of the FOB to chase a drone, and letting the doc you were defending be killed, or seeing a pred, meta-ing the honor mechanics, and going to fanboy over it for a duel till it facepalms, but like countless sailors before you, you WILL do your job, come hell or high water.
Man the watch.
Doors. Those magical giant metal things that scan your badge and open for you, or flash disapprovingly, telling you to GTFO before the MP's start asking questions. Well, if you're a MT, these doors can be made to be your playthings. First, the most obvious thing that you can do is to pull out that welder, and weld the sucker shut. Works great against enemies without a welder, as you can't get the door open, even with a hydraulic ram, if you had one. Quick to do, too.
But wait, there's MORE! Using a screwdriver, you can open a maintenance panel with ALL SORTS of wires inside, which can be cut, or pulsed, to trigger many different things. Most borderworld colonies don't have a standard wiring scheme, yet, which isn't normally an issue for us. Unfortunately, as a "security" precaution that I haven't been able to disable... yet, the ship's AI uses our airlock's electronic's re-programmable interface to switch up the wires after EVERY outsystem translation to match those of the target colony. Makes long-term repair work a BITCH when the wires you have clipped off to hold the door shut change on ya before you have the project finished, and it gets worse the more translations we make. Anyway, there are some simple rules to find which wires do what, that I'll list down below.
If you cut/pulse a wire, note what happens from this list, and you'll be able to identify the wire.
Bolt wire- Cutting will drop the bolts, mending will do nothing. Pulsing will toggle bolts. Bolt lights on the door show this.
Main power- Cutting will disable power for a few seconds, mending it will shock you without gloves. Pulsing will disable power for much longer. The test light will show power being out.
Backup power- Cutting/pulsing will disable backup power, which makes the door stay de-powered for longer if the main power's out. Same as main power.
Electrifying wire- Cutting permanently shocks the door, pulsing shocks it for 30 seconds. Sparks from the door indicate this being active.
Door Safeties and Door Timing- Cutting disables these, and pulsing toggles these. Both the Check Wiring light and the Check Timing light show this.
These can save you or kill you.
Air- 21% O2, 79% N2. Enough O2 to breathe, with N2 to raise the pressure to be livable and prevent fires from burning outta control.
O2- Used for breathing. Minimum needed pressure is 16 KPA. It'll only let you breath at those pressures, though, there's so little pressure that it'll be painful. Allows burning of any combustible. In the presence of a charged SM, it will produce Phoron.
N2- Inert. Has a high specific heat capacity, and is a good heat-transfer medium. You can't breathe it in alone, though. Also, in the presence of charged SM, it will produce O2.
N2O- Sleeping gas. Found in storage, and in medical tanks. Having more than a few percent in the air will drop you, but is harmless if there's O2 in the air.
C02- Toxic. Will drop you, then kill at more than a few percent. The only place this is stored is in a sealed tank in atmos, which should only be accessed by station-side personnel during refits.
Phoron- Toxic and flammable. Will burn in airmix, while poisoning you at the same time. Has more than 20 times the heat capacity of N2, but can cause nasty flash-fires in the engine, so don't use it there. Really only good for flamer fuel.
Go look here. This better cover everything.
Basic Difficulty
Hack The Vendors
"Ooh! Free drugs!"
Marines don't like access restrictions. Hack every vendor you can reach to remove access restrictions AND unlock the hidden inventory.
-No risk. Even the MP's don't care.
Due to "Budget cuts", all-access wires have been removed.
Due to massive backlash, all-access wires have been re-instated.
Marine Autolathe
"Ooh! Free flashlights!"
Pretty simple. The' rines want like 20 flashlights apiece. Autolathes make flashlights. You have an autolathe board. Haul that puppy out, get 3 matter bins and a micro-manip from research, throw em together, and fill it up! Yay! You're useful!
-No risk, though you could place one surface-side...
Set Atmos
"No one EVER notices atmos, till it's needed"
You know the pipe maze in that room above the SM? It DOES have a use. Head up there and look at the MIXED AIR TANK computer. Click on it, and click on "Toggle Output Power" and "Set Output Pressure". Then, trace the pipe that leads to distro. It's the one with the manual valve on it. There should be a pump on that line. Click it and set power to max. Then, go down to lower atmos, and set the air output pump pressure to max. Congrats!
Now, WHEN a'rine stupidly shoots out a window because guns is all they is know hostile boarder C-4's a wall and the DAMMED self-sealing hull HEROIC MTs BRAVE SPACE TO SEAL IT, the room will actually re-pressurize so the brave defenders don't all choke to death, if they weren't stupid enough to weld all the vents...
-No risk. One optimization for upper atmos is to re-arrange piping to dump the main O2 tank into the feed, so people can survive in a room at lower pressure. Or you could be PREETY nasty... later on...actually no added against better judgement.
Moderate Difficulty
Breach Drill
This is more for the CE's here, but occasionally, if it's a slow day, and my fellow MT's are bored, we'll head down to EVA and one of us'll set up a breach drill by welding the vents, cutting power, and opening it to space. Once it's drained, cut 1-3 holes in the hull or floor and announce the drill. I grade my crew on showing up with proper gear, cordoning off the area, rigging a temp lock to hold pressure, entering safely, finding and sealing the breaches in darkness, and re-pressurizing the room. Be sure to set up a pressure boundary OUTSIDE the drill area, so WHEN you fuckup, it doesn't spill all of escape's air, and have the guy who set it up standing by inside suited up as the safety man, in case someone drops their air bottle.
-Minimal risk, as long as you have a safety-man, and actually helpful for training new MT's to deal with pressure changes and safely transiting them. Bonus points, convince the CL or a MP to pretend to be a casualty in a suit and get medical in on it too!
Additional breach info and basic training- If a shutter is down, it's due to a pressure difference. DO NOT JUST RUSH IN. YOU WILL GET BLOWN AROUND, HURT, MAY PUNCTURE YOUR SUIT, WILL VENT THE COMPARTMENT YOU'RE IN, AND WILL INJURE OTHERS.
Step ONE- Is it a FIRE or a BREACH? These require different precautions.
Assuming it's a breach, first thing is to weld ALL doors leading into the affected area. You can't rescue survivors in time, and people trying to do so just make themselves casualties and depressurize other rooms. Don't be that guy.
Area sealed? Check. Suit up. You'll want a full space suit, internals an analyzer, and a box of inflatable barriers. Once you got these, pick your point of entry and unweld it. Plop an inflatable door down outside it, and step in. Close the door on yourself, then pry/open the door and step through, putting another inflatable door as you step through.
Check for survivors. I know, I said no survivors, but I mean people who got inside a sealed area when the shutters came down. If they don't need immediate attention, leave them for now. Additionally, any time you open a shutter, seal it with an inflatable wall FIRST, so you don't vent a group of survivors to hard vacuum.
Find the breach. Usually the lazy admins self-sealing hull has taken care of it, but most times, it just spawns a few walls and leaves GLARING holes to space. Patch these up.
Re-pressurize the area. You set atmos, right? If you did, it'll automatically refill.
If you DIDN'T, drag canisters in, one AT A TIME, until the area's at nominal pressure, and the shutters drop. You're a REAL engi now, yay!
For non-engi's. In case of a breach, get internals IMMEDIATELY. Do NOT try to leave the area by rushing until you have internals, number 1 cause of death among standards trying to get out of a breach is asphyxiation.
Number 2? BLUNT TRAUMA. Pressure drops, 'rines panic, someone opens a shutter to get out, aand EERYONE gets slammed into a wall and stunned. If it's just you, and you have no supplies, try to find a chair that you can drag, pick up, or make next to an airlock. Strap in, and open it. This'll hold you in place against the wind. When you can move, unbuckle and step through.
If you're in a group, die b/c 'rines can't follow orders take charge, and get them through in this manner one at a time.
In case of fire, most of the same steps apply, but you need to wear a FIRESUIT, FIRE HELMET, and a GAS MASK w/ internals. Do this, and you're immune to heat.
Fires are unfixable with our atmos setup... so... yeah. Follow the procedures and enter, seal the area off, find survivors... ect. Then, once the area is FULLY SEALED, cut the hull open to space. Strap in to a chair first. Wait for the sealed area to fully vent to space. Once it's vented, wall up the breach spend 30 min answering admin questions from people who don't know how to firefight and re-pressurize the area as you would with a breach.
Telecomms Backup
"CO, the power's out in tcomms." "Then why can I hear everyone?"
We've all been there. One moment, everything's fine, routine drop against insurgents, the next comms don't work, MP's are hauling a guy with far too many grenade out of tcomms, half the room's slagged, and command's making announcements for SL's to use runners, or some stupid shit like that. You CAN fix it, but wouldn't it be better if you never had to? Well, back when I was in shipyard, working design, before I was asked to join the USCM as a technical specialist, I wasn't able to get a dedicated tcomms backup in the plans. I WAS however, able to get enough redundancy into the network that you can gut the room, WITHOUT impairing tcomms, AND build a full backup network.
So. A word of warning. Do NOTHING OTHER THAN WHAT I SAY WHILE IN THE TCOMMS MACHINE ROOM, UNLESS YOU ARE A CERTIFIED TCOMMS TECH. I'm certified, helped design the system we use shipside, was part of the design team of the 3rd gen subspace comm installations that've been standard for the last 8 years on stations and WY colonies, AND did a year-long tour as CE of an upgrade team handling refitting the old comms on LV-600 through 700 to the new standard. You? I don't know, so just follow the formula. Minimum required knowledge is the ability to link machines via multitool.
First, gain access to the tcomms machine room. I usually false-wall into the monitoring room, raise the monitoring windows, and unfasten one. This'll cause a pressure shift, but you set atmos so it'll refill, Right?
Next, go to processor unit ONE. Use your multitool the machine and add the machine to the multitool buffer. Go to busses TWO, THREE, and FOUR. Use your multitool to link those 3 busses to processor ONE. This'll cause processor ONE to take up the slack when you turn off and dissasemble processors TWO, THREE, and FOUR.
Next, head over to the Broadcasters and Recievers. These suckers are paired and designed to be auctioneering, so if one goes down, the other jumps in immediately. Yay for overengineering! Take your multitool, and go to a Reciever, either one works. Clear ALL filters on that one, the other's your spare.
Next, go look at the Relays in the room. There are 2 of them, used for connecting the backbone nets of the Sulaco to any other Constitution-class ship or 3rd gen-refit shipyard's network. Great for software updates and downloading... files... illicitly. See any ships or shipyards around? No? Welp. Spare parts.
Once you've completed the above steps, DISASSEMBLE the following components AND ONLY THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS: PROCESSORS TWO,THREE, and FOUR, BOTH SUBSPACE RELAYS, ONE BROADCASTER (either will work), and the RECEIVER that you DID NOT CLEAR THE FILTERS FROM.
Crate up as much as you can carry, you're done in that room. Drag this stuff back to lower engineering. Take the TELECOMMS HUB board from storage there, and use assorted boards to build a TRANSMITTER, BUS, HUB, PROCESSOR, and RECEIVER. Multitool all 5 machines. Set the IDENTIFICATION STRING of each to something quick, and set the network to tcommsat. Once this is done, link the BUS to everything, then link the HUB to everything. Save the HUB connection on your multitool.
You now got a functioning net on the lower Sulaco deck. But that's not all.
Get bridge access, via CE (or maybe you ARE the CE...) there's a Relay on the bottom of the bridge. Link it with the Hub you set up. Now the WHOLE SULACO has backup comms. BUT WE'RE NOT DONE YET!
Grab the parts needed to make a Relay. Head down to the FOB. Build Relay in powered area, link it to Hub you built, head back to tcomms room, shut off power, test the backup comms that it works. You got a full tcomms backup now, just... be sure to put it back the way it was while everyone else is in cryo, we don't want shipyard to find out.
Oh. If you ever get boarded by a... hostile group, for instance Russians, or one of the other fringe intelligent races, and they try to coopt the Sulaco's comms... yeah no. MY SHIP, MY COMMS. If you're comms-certified, and can get one of their headsets, read the frequency off of it and throw in a filter of that frequency on the broadcaster. Teach them to FEAR the qualified MT. Hell, if you wanna go further, the tcomms nets are buggy and will often make links to any ship in the area after an in-system translation. We got good firewalls, so they can't mess with OUR comms, and it makes our job almost automatic, but... security holes, much? Waltz in and disconnect the relays and hub from the offending ship. Be careful, though, and only do this in an emergency, because once you cut those links, you gotta manually re-connect them, which may be impossible.
-Minimal risk, PROVIDED you follow the formula EXACTLY while in the TCOMMS room. Risk caused by the single trip to the FoB needed, as well as the risk of anyone else not understanding and trying to brig you. Anti-boarders strats have moderate risk, unless you know what you're doing.
Supplementary link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQGbXmkSArs
This should be you.
Considered powergaming by apop, don't touch tcomms.Atmos Bombs
"But... I didn't activate the OB yet..."
What has the power and delay of a round from the Sulaco's main cannons, but can be hidden in a backpack AND makes NO NOISE when triggered? Atmos Bombs!
Did you know that the waste tank in upper atmos can be turned into a burn tank? All you gotta do is remove the phoron filter, and wrench in a connector.
These suckers are pretty unstable, so I'm NOT giving an exact formula, just rough guidelines and stumbling blocks to prevent you removing rooms that you shouldn't be.
Oh, and additionally, don't try these unless you're gonna put in the time. A good atmos bomb takes a MINIMUM of 25-30 min, if everything goes your way, there are no stumbling blocks, no unplanned breaches caused by jarheads, you get the TTVs from research, someone else sets the SM, and so on. Usually, you won't have them done for a good hour.
I've seen many MT's that start trying to make them, mess up atmos, and leave, leaving me to fix the suckers. Annoying.
-DO NOT store these prior to going into intersystem translation. Unstable, and I don't want to deal with emergency repairs 3 light-years from the nearest star.
-You need HOT phoron in the tank of the bomb. Cold O2 is optional.
-The burn chamber needs an ignition source.
-The burn chamber starts filled with air, which'll skew ratios.
-You need tank-transfer valves. Research has 6. Ask first.
-You only have 2 phoron canisters. Ideal burnmix for a vacuum is 2 parts phoron to 1 part O2. Consider only using one canister and half an O2 Canister.
-Once the burn starts, NEVER OPEN THAT CHAMBER AGAIN. Ditto for any loaded canisters of heated gas, just also never let those go out of your sight.
-If the mix has more that 5-6% O2, it's bad. Add more phoron to the chamber and re-light it.
-As long as the ending mix has less than 5-6% O2 and is hotter than 20,000 degrees, it's good. 50,000 degrees and no O2 (inert mix) is optimal. Phoron does NOT need to be present in the mix, just hot gas, as filling a phoron tank that contains phoron will heat it up.
-When filling ANY PHORON TANK with hot gas and a suboptimal mix, go to EVA. Suit up, head out of the ship with the canister and tank. Fill it OUTSIDE. That way, if you fucked up and have an O2 tainted mix outside of spec, the blast won't breach. Additionally if you run ONCE you start filling it, the blast won't kill you. Safety first!
-These things CAN AND WILL BREACH THE HULL. ONLY USE PLANETSIDE. No, really. Even if you're stupid enough to try and suicide-bomb some boarders, there is no situation that cannot be made worse by a hull breach.
-You CAN mix ANY gasses cold. You CANNOT mix HOT phoron and COLD O2 (boom), OR HOT O2 and COLD Phoron (Phoron heats up, fizzle that'll still crack the hull and kill you). All other gasses CAN be mixed hot.
-Always test one outside the airlock. Nothing's more embarrassing than an atmos dud. Build a lattice out of rods as a testbed.
-ONLY give these to competent individuals. I use SL's or Squad Engi's, or hand-carry them. You never want to hear the announcement that you gotta suit up, briefing is GONE, 15+ casualties.
-Remind these "competent" individuals that these are NOT grenades and to not use them as such. They got a 8-10 meter radius, and will gib anyone within a 2-3 tile radius. A squad engi I knew and told that it wasn't a grenade... used it as a grenade RIGHT outside the Vindicator when engaging hostile forces at close range. The pod came back up with SIX bodies, and smears of blood and gibs. We had to back him up from cloning, issue him a new set of gear, and sit him through DEMO 101 again.
-Drain the waste tank to space before outsystem translation, so the guy on midwatch 2 days out doesn't accidentally... THE WHOLE SHIP while trying to change the CO2 scrubbers.
-DO NOT lob the extras out the airlock as fireworks before heading outsystem without telling the CO and CE so they can watch. Sorry, CE.
Moderate risk. Follow the guidelines I put up, and do ANYTHING INVOLVING TRANSFERRING HOT GAS outside the airlock. Please don't do anything that will require the CE to sign off on replacing... anything. Additionally, if you wanna know the standard bombcap formula for atmos bombs, I'm willing to teach any MT or CE who want's to learn, just PM me and I'll do it IC.
ADVANCED INFO- There is a formula out there for a catalyzed phoron weapon, that can be built with only a heater and cooler. The basic design uses heated, or "warm" phoron in one tank to trigger a blast from a phoron/oxygen mix in another tank. I do not use these, as you don't get as large a blast, but they're real quick to make, if you sacrifice power.
No longer allowed, straight from apop.
Planetside Cloner
"Sonova... I just KILLED that guy, how's he BACK ALREADY?"
Being a 'rine's a dangerous. Many die in the line of duty, though luckily the Sulaco is equipped with a second FIRST RATE cloning and cryo facility to return as many KIA's to life as possible. We also have a shitty component fabber research lab onboard that can make replacement parts, all the way up to full machines.
Additonally, MD's will go to the FoB on occasion, so if one's down there, he may want a little help.
If you've never worked with cloners, the lowdown is that the main machine scans the body genetically and produces an imperfect copy with the same mind-state as the old one had at death. This copy is then injected with a tube of clone-fix (full of awesome healing chemicals that I can't name), then dragged off by the docs to be thrown into a cryotube to fix the imperfections left by the cloner. Morbid, but a damm sight better than being dead.
Now, while we may have lost the authorization for mech fabbers, sleepers, and cryotubes due to corporate interference, we DO have the licensing to produce full "replacement" cloners. So grab dat researcher and get him to fab up a full set of "spare" parts and the boards to go with them, and head to medical. Let em know what you're gonna do, and ask them for "cryogenic chemicals". I dunno HOW they work, but there are 2 types, cryox and clonex, and one of 'em's 3 times better than the other, forget which. Anyway, once you get at least one of these, head planetside.
Once you get there, you need to coordinate with the doc and find SOMEPLACE with a source of cold, hopefully defended. Some worlds have naturally cold climates, others may have cryotubes in their own medical facilities, but one trick that'll work almost anywhere is finding a shower and setting it as cold as it'll go with your wrench. Once you got that set, grab your parts and assemble the cloner. Should be fairly simple, just fit the parts together. Pass the cryo chems over to the astonished doc, and you got yourself a planetside cloner. Now 'rines can be cloned easily firsthand.
Minimal risk. One trip down, hand off a beaker, wrench a shower, and assemble a machine. Easy, right? You need a competent doc/medic to work with you, AND you need to have a doc whip you up sufficient cryochems, which is why it's not seen much.
Protip- Squad medics CAN use the cloner, AND can manage ghetto cryo, so there's no need for a doc, but it goes smoother with one.
GHETTO CLONING BASICS for MEDICAL roles. Once the body is cloned, it comes out at about 30%/40% health, has sleep toxins, and is taking constant toxin damage that WILL kill him if not treated. Additionally, ghetto shower treatment causes burns and is like 10 times less efficient in use of cryochems.
Once they pop out, give them an antitox pill, then a clone-fix shot, then a kelotane pill, and give them 5-10u of clonex or like 30u of cryox (REAL inefficient, like I said), and drag them under the shower.
Watch them constantly. If the kelotane runs out, they'll heal much slower as the cryochems prioritize the burns. If the cryochems run out, they'll stop healing. If BOTH run out, they'll start taking damage and eventually die. It's NOT a cryotube, you can't just leave them in until you feel like letting them out, you gotta watch your lashed-up monstrosity of science all the time.
Also, cryochems MUST be made, no vendor for you. Ideally, you'll make 120u or so of clonex on the ship, that'll be good enough for 10 or so patients, AND you can make synthmeat for the cloner. If you CAN'T do this, or run out, there is a chem dispenser in planetside research that can make cryox no prob, but clonex needs plasma, and you don't have anything to filter the plasma out.
Clone-fix fixes GENETIC DAMAGE (tourettes, hulk, blindness) and BRAIN DAMAGE. It does NOT fix CELLULAR DAMAGE (60%-70% of the patient's health missing after cloning).
W-Y freaking pulled our cloner licenses. If you stasis bag 'em within a few hours, however, they should keep till we reach a civvie station that still has permits.
Secondary Engine
"Why is lower engi giving off radiation?" "Don't worry about it"
Supermatter's cheap. I worked at a SM production facility in orbit over LV-137 for 3 years before joining the USCM's shipyard crews around Sol, we used micro-singularity generators to charge up those hunks of glowing rock. Took 3 WEEKS of output from the main generators for each one, that's why we had 12 production lines with independent generators running at once. We'd churn out 4 a week, and the only really hard part would be getting the suckers packed in their form-fitting crates, and the energy-absorbent lining evenly spread. We'd dust like 4-5 crates for every one we got in place. Dangerous work too, we were one of the only civvie stations with a cloning lab, AND the only one I've ever seen that took the backup scans seriously, and despite the precautions, some newbie'd dust himself every month like clockwork, and need to be cloned from backup. I never dusted myself, but a lot of that's due to excessive caution.
ANYWAY, the point of that ramble, was to say that SM's cheap, thanks to people like me, and if you REALLY know what you're doing, and are qualified to handle SM, those atmos tanks on the lower decks... would make an IDEAL place for a second engine. You got a space vent, you got air injectors and vents (if you cut out the middle wall), if you set atmos, all the air that WAS in the tank will be in the pipes,which'll let you cut in, drag a SM crate in, open and seal it, and hit it with an emitter. Get cargo to give you some rad collectors, re-route atmos to grant cooling via coolers that research'll help you build, and voila! SECOND ENGINE. Take that glorified battery of a SMES offline and power the lower deck with TRUE ENGINEERING!
High risk. You're working with SM. ADDITIONALLY, If you fuck up and make the SM go boom, you lose THE HANGAR. Like, ALL OF IT. DO NOT ATTEMPT UNLESS YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH SM. I'm not talking setting the engine, I'm talking "Has dragged a charged SM to space to save the ship, and lived to tell the tale, rad burns and all". OTHERWISE, DO NOT ATTEMPT.
Considered powergaming, do not do. Again, straight from apop.
"Cut through lower engineering, comrades, we'll flank the 'rines!" "Uh, sir, I don't think we can do that..."
Fire. Fire is one of the most terrifying enemies on a spacecraft, worse than hostile boarders, incoming weapons fire, or a hull breach. At worst, those other things can kill you, and then be sealed off. But fire, fire spreads and consumes, leaving superheated air in compartments that'll kill anyone who opens it with no warning AND fill the compartment that they were coming from with MORE superheated air. There's no way to clean out a fire, or the remains of one without flaying the hull open and venting the contaminated and superheated atmos to space, then refilling it with reserve air from the storage tanks. Fire's bad.
So, pretty much everyone fears fire, and it's a bitch to clean up after. How can we use this to our advantage as engineers? I've been in a few boarding situations, and usually we have a few minutes warning before the enemy shuttles hit. Oftentimes, the boarders have a rough map of the ship due to LIDAR scans and hull mapping on the way in, and lower engi's a tempting target (No defenses, maybe a few welded doors, easy access to the engine, I mean, come on, it's a juicy target).
Run, DO NOT WALK, to lower engi with a box of inflatable barriers. You know that 3 meter wide hallway? Head there. The spare generators in the hallway are made of high-strength steel, and do a good job of stopping bullets, so drag 3 into a barrier and wrench em in place.Then, use your inflatable barricades to set up a wall right behind them across the whole corridor. It'll look ugly and be dripping sealant, but don't worry about that. Next, go grab yourself a prox sensor and igniter, attach em, set the radius, and activate it. Throw it so it'll trigger if someone steps where the inflatable wall is. Set up inflatable walls on the other side, being sure to enclose the floor air scrubber (otherwise it's a BITCH to clean up afterwards) and to leave yourself a hole to get into and out of, drag a phoron canister in, seal off the last hole, and open that sucker.
You now have a little pocket of phoron gas that's sealed off from the hangar, blocks ALL access to lower engi, is bulletproof and can only be breached intentionally, is REAL obvious that breaching it would be a BAD idea, aand renders the lower deck LIFELESS if breached. It CAN be drained given time and a competent engi, but the 'rines should have pushed the boarders off by then.
High risk. If set up as described here, it's perfectly safe, BARRING OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE. If some illiterate merc/russian is stupid enough to unwrench the genny, drag it out of the way, and poke a hole in the wall... the lower deck dies. ALL of it.
Additionally, this method IS TECHNICALLY rules-legal (does NOT lag the server (regardless of what some people who've never worked with phoron fires think), no more "dickish" than using any other weapon, and the opposing force has to KNOWINGLY trigger it, not griefing (I'm NOT releasing phoron, in fact I'm taking precautions to keep it from leaking out unless intended), and not metagaming as a MT or CE (possibly RD).
If you think this is OP, yap at staff to get off their asses and pass this viewtopic.php?f=59&t=9295&p=97789#p97789
Due to said rule change getting in, this is NO LONGER a legit strategy. Do it, and you'll get banned. Left in for archival purposes only.
Two-Stage, Sub-Kiloton Yield SM Delamination Weapon
"We need to nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure"
So. My little ramble about SM being cheap above applies to this baby here too. I've done some "theoretical" work on this weapon, and it's really pretty simple.
A common terrorist weapon by some of the better-equipped separatist factions on rebellious border worlds, the SM mini-nuke, as it's affectionately known, will utterly DESTROY anything in a 40-50 meter radius, while rad-burning anyone unfortunate enough to be within 3-5 miles of it, depending on drive-core potency. If that wasn't enough, most humans also suffer temporary hallucinations due to the damage to their CNS, AND the rads tend to damage or destroy sensitive equipment. That said, it's a cheap source of RELATIVELY low-power boom (relative to the megaton-yield weapon sitting in the armory), AND it bypasses High Command codes. On the gripping hand, however, they'll probably be PISSED when they hear about it, so have a good reason for going over their heads.
The basic design involves a conventional primary, so make an atmos bomb, remote triggered. If you can do THAT safely and properly, you can probably handle this, so that's your threshold. You could TRY using a bunch of remote-triggered grenades, but that's... uncertain to work. The secondary is obviously your SM, so... acquire one from cargo. DO NOT OPEN THE CRATE, the packaging is one-use only. Now, this sucker needs to be hand-carried into position, and I'm not gonna trust ANYONE ELSE with it, so you're going planetside as a "Heavy Ordinance Tech", bring mesons, the SM crate, the primary charge, and the detonator. If you've been communicating, the CO should have assigned you a squad and a target. Drag the crate there.
DEPLOYING THE WEAPON. Wear the mesons. Place the crate where you want it. Drop the primary next to it. Unlock the crate. Tell EVERYBODY to run. Open the crate. RUN. When you think you're clear, RUN MORE. Use the remote detonator. Wait 10-15 seconds for the double BOOM. Watch as the 'rines fall over vomiting and shooting at things only they can see CHARGE GLORIOUSLY INTO THE CRATER because they each took a russian red and antitox pill that the medic gave out, right? I mean, command DID tell everyone, correct?
On another note, DO NOT BUILD THESE without CO permission. Mt's can get away with a lot, but this is past the limit, you NEED higher authority to sign off on this one. They're nasty pieces of work, inert, and DEFINITELY DO NOT DEPLOY THESE without CO permission. I mean, no one likes an IMPROMPTU TACNUKE in the middle of the FoB.
EXTREME RISK- You're working WITH supermatter, enough said. AND you're trying to detonate it.
MASSIVE BLAST. Like, will level ALL of the nexus.
Cheap. You can get 4 for 1 sentry.
MASSIVE BLAST. Will probably kill like 2-4 marines who don't listen to command ALL OF BRAVO AND CHARLIE, because 'rines usually ignore command.
RADS, RADS EERYWHERE. Pass out the russian red and antitox.
High command's gonna be PISSED.
I think I like writing IC guides.
"This'll hold them"
Right. Making fortifications isn't our job, but as most squad engi's are too busy to bother to write anything down, I'm just putting these out there so all you new squad engis can know "what does metal do".
Your core materials-
Glass- Clear material, can be reinforced w/ rods for reinforced glass.
Metal- Your basic material. Can be made into many things.
Sandstone- You can plate walls with it, and it's easy to plate quickly. Also can make shitty doors.
Gold, Silver, Diamond- You can plate walls with them, make doors, and make the RSR cry. Why would you do this? I dunno.
Phoron, Uranium- Same as gold/silver, but also has side effects, such as giving off rads/SPILLING FLAMMABLE PHORON IF WELDED. DON'T DO THIS.
Your "advanced" material-
Plasteel- Really only used for "Metal" barricades.
Your basic defense. Comes in 2 flavors, regular and reinforced. Regular costs 2 metal sheets to make, reinforced is made by using 4 metal rods on the set of table parts you made. Use them in hand to build a table, then step to the side and flip it to make a barrier. For reinforced tables, you have to weld EACH TABLE IN THE LINE you wanna flip to weaken them, flip it, then re-weld them to strengthen them. Tables block some projectiles from the side they're facing, but can be destroyed by sustained fire. Reinforced tables can take more hits.
Girders, Walls, and Hidden Doors
To make a wall, you must first make a girder from metal. Girders cannot be walked through, obviously. Once you have a girder made, you can do 2 things with it, namely reinforce it with 2 sheets of most materials to make a wall, or pry it with a crowbar to make it moveable. If you've pried up a girder into a displaced girder, you can drag it around, wrench it to turn it back into a fixed girder, or apply 2 sheets of most materials to make a hidden door.
Girders and walls take damage, and will be destroyed by gunshots or... other projectiles., but hidden doors DO NOT TAKE PROJECTILE DAMAGE, due to their counterbalanced structure.
In order to get through a wall, weld it once with your welder to remove the plating (2 sheets returned, 100% efficient), then crowbar and move the girder, or wrench it to deconstruct it (returning 1 sheet, 25% efficient, move it instead).
There are 2 types of special wall, Spaceship Hull, which is identical to a regular wall, but MASSIVELY resistant to projectiles, due to the high-strength alloys it was made with, and Reinforced Walls, which are a pain in the ASS to get through. To do so, use all your tools in THIS order- wirecutters, screwdriver, welder, crowbar, wrench, welder, crowbar, screwdriver, wirecutters, and FINALLY wrench. Takes FREAKING FOREVER. These 2 special walls cannot be made by us, as they require shipyard-grade machinery/industrial reinforcing respectively.
"Metal" Barricades
Actually made out of plasteel, misleading name. 5 sheets and standing sill for a while gets you a real robust barrier that can NEVER be moved. Be careful where you put it. You can build it with a table over it for extra strength too. Weld it and add plasteel if needed to repair it.
"... the hell IS this?" "SCIENCE!"
These right here, are the bread and butter of MT equipment, and can be STUPIDLY strong if used properly.
PACMAN-type portable generator
Okay, I lied, this is the shittiest genny we have. It'll output 5KW when given a stack of solid phoron, wrenched down, and turned on. Did I mention, that due to INCREDIBLY poor design, the genny NEEDS an external power supply from the room to start? Yeah. It's one redeeming quality is that when wrenched down, it blocks bullets without being damaged, due to the high-strength steel it's made with.
Portable Air Scrubbers
Turn on, drag into a sealed room with a phoron spill, screwdriver and change battery occasionally. Pretty basic.
Portable Air Pump
FILL IT FIRST using atmospherics, then it works just like a air canister. Just use a canister instead.
Emergency Shield Generator
Okay. This bad boy creates a SPHERICAL shield when wrenched down and toggled on, covering SPACE AREAS AND ONLY SPACE, NOT THE HALLWAY YOU PUT IT IN. Useless for blocking boarders, except as a wrenched down barricade.
The good stuff. An industrial grade laser with shitty (but robust) optics, so not a broadside cannon or PD beam, but it has it's uses. We charge the SM with it after every jump, and if we're boarded... well... to MOVE a secured emitter, weld, then wrench it. Find a spot you want it. Run wire from the spot to a POWERED wire in the Sulaco powernet. Drag the emitter to the spot, point it how you want it, and wrench, then weld it in. Switch it on. It's a LASER, so it'll go through glass, so feel free to armor it with reinforced glass barriers, though the robust optics make it mostly immune to projectiles. The beam will go almost 20 meters before de-cohering into harmless light, and will tunnel through WALLS, given time, so be careful where you put it.
Shield Generator(s)
The BEST stuff. Projectors, that when linked to each other, shoot an IMPENETRABLE shield. NOTHING gets through it.
To set up, find a choke-point. You got 4 projectors, so 2 barriers. The 2 points I find are best are lower engi,in the autolathe room (dismantle 2 racks and weld 2 walls, aand you got a setup where the gennys CAN'T BE HIT from outside), and juust to the right of the main ladders (put them on the chairs in that area, and the gennys can't be touched from the ladders). To set up the gennys, run wire to them, wrench them in position, yell at the CE to come unlock them with his ID, and then activate them. If you put one in a public corridor that CAN'T BE REACHED from one side, stay by it and let people through.
Addendum to that last part about letting people through. A time-honored tradition of the military is the watch, where one or more people are given a duty to carry out for a specified period of time, and cannot leave their post while they have the watch. When you set up one of these gennys in a public place, assign someone the watch, or if no-one's available, take it yourself. While on watch, you DO NOT LEAVE your post for ANY reason, without getting a replacement. Your only job, is to let friendlies through, and prevent hostiles from passing your post.
You're hungry? Get a relief, or go without.
The boarders are approaching, and there's a pitched battle happening in briefing? Take cover, hell, even return fire, but STAY AT YOUR POST.
Someone got hit right outside your position? Well, shit. If you can get him without leaving your post, and without getting shot, drag him in, then get someone to take him to med, otherwise, he's SOL.
The ENTIRE other side of the ship's been taken by hostiles? Well, shit. Lock the shield genny, your watch is suspended (no need for it, no more friendlies are passing through), and get to the fallback point.
Coming from an actual US Navy sailor, this is one of the FEW (maybe the only) instances of ACTUAL military RP that can happen on the server. You have an important job, it may not be as glamorous as RP'ing yourself to be big, strong, meta-rine #47 who aint gonna take no shit from no xeno and tries to murder the RO 5 min into the mission, or sprinting out of the FOB to chase a drone, and letting the doc you were defending be killed, or seeing a pred, meta-ing the honor mechanics, and going to fanboy over it for a duel till it facepalms, but like countless sailors before you, you WILL do your job, come hell or high water.
Man the watch.
Doors. Those magical giant metal things that scan your badge and open for you, or flash disapprovingly, telling you to GTFO before the MP's start asking questions. Well, if you're a MT, these doors can be made to be your playthings. First, the most obvious thing that you can do is to pull out that welder, and weld the sucker shut. Works great against enemies without a welder, as you can't get the door open, even with a hydraulic ram, if you had one. Quick to do, too.
But wait, there's MORE! Using a screwdriver, you can open a maintenance panel with ALL SORTS of wires inside, which can be cut, or pulsed, to trigger many different things. Most borderworld colonies don't have a standard wiring scheme, yet, which isn't normally an issue for us. Unfortunately, as a "security" precaution that I haven't been able to disable... yet, the ship's AI uses our airlock's electronic's re-programmable interface to switch up the wires after EVERY outsystem translation to match those of the target colony. Makes long-term repair work a BITCH when the wires you have clipped off to hold the door shut change on ya before you have the project finished, and it gets worse the more translations we make. Anyway, there are some simple rules to find which wires do what, that I'll list down below.
If you cut/pulse a wire, note what happens from this list, and you'll be able to identify the wire.
Bolt wire- Cutting will drop the bolts, mending will do nothing. Pulsing will toggle bolts. Bolt lights on the door show this.
Main power- Cutting will disable power for a few seconds, mending it will shock you without gloves. Pulsing will disable power for much longer. The test light will show power being out.
Backup power- Cutting/pulsing will disable backup power, which makes the door stay de-powered for longer if the main power's out. Same as main power.
Electrifying wire- Cutting permanently shocks the door, pulsing shocks it for 30 seconds. Sparks from the door indicate this being active.
Door Safeties and Door Timing- Cutting disables these, and pulsing toggles these. Both the Check Wiring light and the Check Timing light show this.
These can save you or kill you.
Air- 21% O2, 79% N2. Enough O2 to breathe, with N2 to raise the pressure to be livable and prevent fires from burning outta control.
O2- Used for breathing. Minimum needed pressure is 16 KPA. It'll only let you breath at those pressures, though, there's so little pressure that it'll be painful. Allows burning of any combustible. In the presence of a charged SM, it will produce Phoron.
N2- Inert. Has a high specific heat capacity, and is a good heat-transfer medium. You can't breathe it in alone, though. Also, in the presence of charged SM, it will produce O2.
N2O- Sleeping gas. Found in storage, and in medical tanks. Having more than a few percent in the air will drop you, but is harmless if there's O2 in the air.
C02- Toxic. Will drop you, then kill at more than a few percent. The only place this is stored is in a sealed tank in atmos, which should only be accessed by station-side personnel during refits.
Phoron- Toxic and flammable. Will burn in airmix, while poisoning you at the same time. Has more than 20 times the heat capacity of N2, but can cause nasty flash-fires in the engine, so don't use it there. Really only good for flamer fuel.
Go look here. This better cover everything.
Basic Difficulty
Hack The Vendors
"Ooh! Free drugs!"
Marines don't like access restrictions. Hack every vendor you can reach to remove access restrictions AND unlock the hidden inventory.
-No risk. Even the MP's don't care.
Due to "Budget cuts", all-access wires have been removed.
Due to massive backlash, all-access wires have been re-instated.
Marine Autolathe
"Ooh! Free flashlights!"
Pretty simple. The' rines want like 20 flashlights apiece. Autolathes make flashlights. You have an autolathe board. Haul that puppy out, get 3 matter bins and a micro-manip from research, throw em together, and fill it up! Yay! You're useful!
-No risk, though you could place one surface-side...
Set Atmos
"No one EVER notices atmos, till it's needed"
You know the pipe maze in that room above the SM? It DOES have a use. Head up there and look at the MIXED AIR TANK computer. Click on it, and click on "Toggle Output Power" and "Set Output Pressure". Then, trace the pipe that leads to distro. It's the one with the manual valve on it. There should be a pump on that line. Click it and set power to max. Then, go down to lower atmos, and set the air output pump pressure to max. Congrats!
Now, WHEN a'rine stupidly shoots out a window because guns is all they is know hostile boarder C-4's a wall and the DAMMED self-sealing hull HEROIC MTs BRAVE SPACE TO SEAL IT, the room will actually re-pressurize so the brave defenders don't all choke to death, if they weren't stupid enough to weld all the vents...
-No risk. One optimization for upper atmos is to re-arrange piping to dump the main O2 tank into the feed, so people can survive in a room at lower pressure. Or you could be PREETY nasty... later on...actually no added against better judgement.
Moderate Difficulty
Breach Drill
This is more for the CE's here, but occasionally, if it's a slow day, and my fellow MT's are bored, we'll head down to EVA and one of us'll set up a breach drill by welding the vents, cutting power, and opening it to space. Once it's drained, cut 1-3 holes in the hull or floor and announce the drill. I grade my crew on showing up with proper gear, cordoning off the area, rigging a temp lock to hold pressure, entering safely, finding and sealing the breaches in darkness, and re-pressurizing the room. Be sure to set up a pressure boundary OUTSIDE the drill area, so WHEN you fuckup, it doesn't spill all of escape's air, and have the guy who set it up standing by inside suited up as the safety man, in case someone drops their air bottle.
-Minimal risk, as long as you have a safety-man, and actually helpful for training new MT's to deal with pressure changes and safely transiting them. Bonus points, convince the CL or a MP to pretend to be a casualty in a suit and get medical in on it too!
Additional breach info and basic training- If a shutter is down, it's due to a pressure difference. DO NOT JUST RUSH IN. YOU WILL GET BLOWN AROUND, HURT, MAY PUNCTURE YOUR SUIT, WILL VENT THE COMPARTMENT YOU'RE IN, AND WILL INJURE OTHERS.
Step ONE- Is it a FIRE or a BREACH? These require different precautions.
Assuming it's a breach, first thing is to weld ALL doors leading into the affected area. You can't rescue survivors in time, and people trying to do so just make themselves casualties and depressurize other rooms. Don't be that guy.
Area sealed? Check. Suit up. You'll want a full space suit, internals an analyzer, and a box of inflatable barriers. Once you got these, pick your point of entry and unweld it. Plop an inflatable door down outside it, and step in. Close the door on yourself, then pry/open the door and step through, putting another inflatable door as you step through.
Check for survivors. I know, I said no survivors, but I mean people who got inside a sealed area when the shutters came down. If they don't need immediate attention, leave them for now. Additionally, any time you open a shutter, seal it with an inflatable wall FIRST, so you don't vent a group of survivors to hard vacuum.
Find the breach. Usually the lazy admins self-sealing hull has taken care of it, but most times, it just spawns a few walls and leaves GLARING holes to space. Patch these up.
Re-pressurize the area. You set atmos, right? If you did, it'll automatically refill.
If you DIDN'T, drag canisters in, one AT A TIME, until the area's at nominal pressure, and the shutters drop. You're a REAL engi now, yay!
For non-engi's. In case of a breach, get internals IMMEDIATELY. Do NOT try to leave the area by rushing until you have internals, number 1 cause of death among standards trying to get out of a breach is asphyxiation.
Number 2? BLUNT TRAUMA. Pressure drops, 'rines panic, someone opens a shutter to get out, aand EERYONE gets slammed into a wall and stunned. If it's just you, and you have no supplies, try to find a chair that you can drag, pick up, or make next to an airlock. Strap in, and open it. This'll hold you in place against the wind. When you can move, unbuckle and step through.
If you're in a group, die b/c 'rines can't follow orders take charge, and get them through in this manner one at a time.
In case of fire, most of the same steps apply, but you need to wear a FIRESUIT, FIRE HELMET, and a GAS MASK w/ internals. Do this, and you're immune to heat.
Fires are unfixable with our atmos setup... so... yeah. Follow the procedures and enter, seal the area off, find survivors... ect. Then, once the area is FULLY SEALED, cut the hull open to space. Strap in to a chair first. Wait for the sealed area to fully vent to space. Once it's vented, wall up the breach spend 30 min answering admin questions from people who don't know how to firefight and re-pressurize the area as you would with a breach.
Telecomms Backup
"CO, the power's out in tcomms." "Then why can I hear everyone?"
We've all been there. One moment, everything's fine, routine drop against insurgents, the next comms don't work, MP's are hauling a guy with far too many grenade out of tcomms, half the room's slagged, and command's making announcements for SL's to use runners, or some stupid shit like that. You CAN fix it, but wouldn't it be better if you never had to? Well, back when I was in shipyard, working design, before I was asked to join the USCM as a technical specialist, I wasn't able to get a dedicated tcomms backup in the plans. I WAS however, able to get enough redundancy into the network that you can gut the room, WITHOUT impairing tcomms, AND build a full backup network.
So. A word of warning. Do NOTHING OTHER THAN WHAT I SAY WHILE IN THE TCOMMS MACHINE ROOM, UNLESS YOU ARE A CERTIFIED TCOMMS TECH. I'm certified, helped design the system we use shipside, was part of the design team of the 3rd gen subspace comm installations that've been standard for the last 8 years on stations and WY colonies, AND did a year-long tour as CE of an upgrade team handling refitting the old comms on LV-600 through 700 to the new standard. You? I don't know, so just follow the formula. Minimum required knowledge is the ability to link machines via multitool.
First, gain access to the tcomms machine room. I usually false-wall into the monitoring room, raise the monitoring windows, and unfasten one. This'll cause a pressure shift, but you set atmos so it'll refill, Right?
Next, go to processor unit ONE. Use your multitool the machine and add the machine to the multitool buffer. Go to busses TWO, THREE, and FOUR. Use your multitool to link those 3 busses to processor ONE. This'll cause processor ONE to take up the slack when you turn off and dissasemble processors TWO, THREE, and FOUR.
Next, head over to the Broadcasters and Recievers. These suckers are paired and designed to be auctioneering, so if one goes down, the other jumps in immediately. Yay for overengineering! Take your multitool, and go to a Reciever, either one works. Clear ALL filters on that one, the other's your spare.
Next, go look at the Relays in the room. There are 2 of them, used for connecting the backbone nets of the Sulaco to any other Constitution-class ship or 3rd gen-refit shipyard's network. Great for software updates and downloading... files... illicitly. See any ships or shipyards around? No? Welp. Spare parts.
Once you've completed the above steps, DISASSEMBLE the following components AND ONLY THE FOLLOWING COMPONENTS: PROCESSORS TWO,THREE, and FOUR, BOTH SUBSPACE RELAYS, ONE BROADCASTER (either will work), and the RECEIVER that you DID NOT CLEAR THE FILTERS FROM.
Crate up as much as you can carry, you're done in that room. Drag this stuff back to lower engineering. Take the TELECOMMS HUB board from storage there, and use assorted boards to build a TRANSMITTER, BUS, HUB, PROCESSOR, and RECEIVER. Multitool all 5 machines. Set the IDENTIFICATION STRING of each to something quick, and set the network to tcommsat. Once this is done, link the BUS to everything, then link the HUB to everything. Save the HUB connection on your multitool.
You now got a functioning net on the lower Sulaco deck. But that's not all.
Get bridge access, via CE (or maybe you ARE the CE...) there's a Relay on the bottom of the bridge. Link it with the Hub you set up. Now the WHOLE SULACO has backup comms. BUT WE'RE NOT DONE YET!
Grab the parts needed to make a Relay. Head down to the FOB. Build Relay in powered area, link it to Hub you built, head back to tcomms room, shut off power, test the backup comms that it works. You got a full tcomms backup now, just... be sure to put it back the way it was while everyone else is in cryo, we don't want shipyard to find out.
Oh. If you ever get boarded by a... hostile group, for instance Russians, or one of the other fringe intelligent races, and they try to coopt the Sulaco's comms... yeah no. MY SHIP, MY COMMS. If you're comms-certified, and can get one of their headsets, read the frequency off of it and throw in a filter of that frequency on the broadcaster. Teach them to FEAR the qualified MT. Hell, if you wanna go further, the tcomms nets are buggy and will often make links to any ship in the area after an in-system translation. We got good firewalls, so they can't mess with OUR comms, and it makes our job almost automatic, but... security holes, much? Waltz in and disconnect the relays and hub from the offending ship. Be careful, though, and only do this in an emergency, because once you cut those links, you gotta manually re-connect them, which may be impossible.
-Minimal risk, PROVIDED you follow the formula EXACTLY while in the TCOMMS room. Risk caused by the single trip to the FoB needed, as well as the risk of anyone else not understanding and trying to brig you. Anti-boarders strats have moderate risk, unless you know what you're doing.
Supplementary link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQGbXmkSArs
This should be you.
Considered powergaming by apop, don't touch tcomms.Atmos Bombs
"But... I didn't activate the OB yet..."
What has the power and delay of a round from the Sulaco's main cannons, but can be hidden in a backpack AND makes NO NOISE when triggered? Atmos Bombs!
Did you know that the waste tank in upper atmos can be turned into a burn tank? All you gotta do is remove the phoron filter, and wrench in a connector.
These suckers are pretty unstable, so I'm NOT giving an exact formula, just rough guidelines and stumbling blocks to prevent you removing rooms that you shouldn't be.
Oh, and additionally, don't try these unless you're gonna put in the time. A good atmos bomb takes a MINIMUM of 25-30 min, if everything goes your way, there are no stumbling blocks, no unplanned breaches caused by jarheads, you get the TTVs from research, someone else sets the SM, and so on. Usually, you won't have them done for a good hour.
I've seen many MT's that start trying to make them, mess up atmos, and leave, leaving me to fix the suckers. Annoying.
-DO NOT store these prior to going into intersystem translation. Unstable, and I don't want to deal with emergency repairs 3 light-years from the nearest star.
-You need HOT phoron in the tank of the bomb. Cold O2 is optional.
-The burn chamber needs an ignition source.
-The burn chamber starts filled with air, which'll skew ratios.
-You need tank-transfer valves. Research has 6. Ask first.
-You only have 2 phoron canisters. Ideal burnmix for a vacuum is 2 parts phoron to 1 part O2. Consider only using one canister and half an O2 Canister.
-Once the burn starts, NEVER OPEN THAT CHAMBER AGAIN. Ditto for any loaded canisters of heated gas, just also never let those go out of your sight.
-If the mix has more that 5-6% O2, it's bad. Add more phoron to the chamber and re-light it.
-As long as the ending mix has less than 5-6% O2 and is hotter than 20,000 degrees, it's good. 50,000 degrees and no O2 (inert mix) is optimal. Phoron does NOT need to be present in the mix, just hot gas, as filling a phoron tank that contains phoron will heat it up.
-When filling ANY PHORON TANK with hot gas and a suboptimal mix, go to EVA. Suit up, head out of the ship with the canister and tank. Fill it OUTSIDE. That way, if you fucked up and have an O2 tainted mix outside of spec, the blast won't breach. Additionally if you run ONCE you start filling it, the blast won't kill you. Safety first!
-These things CAN AND WILL BREACH THE HULL. ONLY USE PLANETSIDE. No, really. Even if you're stupid enough to try and suicide-bomb some boarders, there is no situation that cannot be made worse by a hull breach.
-You CAN mix ANY gasses cold. You CANNOT mix HOT phoron and COLD O2 (boom), OR HOT O2 and COLD Phoron (Phoron heats up, fizzle that'll still crack the hull and kill you). All other gasses CAN be mixed hot.
-Always test one outside the airlock. Nothing's more embarrassing than an atmos dud. Build a lattice out of rods as a testbed.
-ONLY give these to competent individuals. I use SL's or Squad Engi's, or hand-carry them. You never want to hear the announcement that you gotta suit up, briefing is GONE, 15+ casualties.
-Remind these "competent" individuals that these are NOT grenades and to not use them as such. They got a 8-10 meter radius, and will gib anyone within a 2-3 tile radius. A squad engi I knew and told that it wasn't a grenade... used it as a grenade RIGHT outside the Vindicator when engaging hostile forces at close range. The pod came back up with SIX bodies, and smears of blood and gibs. We had to back him up from cloning, issue him a new set of gear, and sit him through DEMO 101 again.
-Drain the waste tank to space before outsystem translation, so the guy on midwatch 2 days out doesn't accidentally... THE WHOLE SHIP while trying to change the CO2 scrubbers.
-DO NOT lob the extras out the airlock as fireworks before heading outsystem without telling the CO and CE so they can watch. Sorry, CE.
Moderate risk. Follow the guidelines I put up, and do ANYTHING INVOLVING TRANSFERRING HOT GAS outside the airlock. Please don't do anything that will require the CE to sign off on replacing... anything. Additionally, if you wanna know the standard bombcap formula for atmos bombs, I'm willing to teach any MT or CE who want's to learn, just PM me and I'll do it IC.
ADVANCED INFO- There is a formula out there for a catalyzed phoron weapon, that can be built with only a heater and cooler. The basic design uses heated, or "warm" phoron in one tank to trigger a blast from a phoron/oxygen mix in another tank. I do not use these, as you don't get as large a blast, but they're real quick to make, if you sacrifice power.
No longer allowed, straight from apop.
Planetside Cloner
"Sonova... I just KILLED that guy, how's he BACK ALREADY?"
Being a 'rine's a dangerous. Many die in the line of duty, though luckily the Sulaco is equipped with a second FIRST RATE cloning and cryo facility to return as many KIA's to life as possible. We also have a shitty component fabber research lab onboard that can make replacement parts, all the way up to full machines.
Additonally, MD's will go to the FoB on occasion, so if one's down there, he may want a little help.
If you've never worked with cloners, the lowdown is that the main machine scans the body genetically and produces an imperfect copy with the same mind-state as the old one had at death. This copy is then injected with a tube of clone-fix (full of awesome healing chemicals that I can't name), then dragged off by the docs to be thrown into a cryotube to fix the imperfections left by the cloner. Morbid, but a damm sight better than being dead.
Now, while we may have lost the authorization for mech fabbers, sleepers, and cryotubes due to corporate interference, we DO have the licensing to produce full "replacement" cloners. So grab dat researcher and get him to fab up a full set of "spare" parts and the boards to go with them, and head to medical. Let em know what you're gonna do, and ask them for "cryogenic chemicals". I dunno HOW they work, but there are 2 types, cryox and clonex, and one of 'em's 3 times better than the other, forget which. Anyway, once you get at least one of these, head planetside.
Once you get there, you need to coordinate with the doc and find SOMEPLACE with a source of cold, hopefully defended. Some worlds have naturally cold climates, others may have cryotubes in their own medical facilities, but one trick that'll work almost anywhere is finding a shower and setting it as cold as it'll go with your wrench. Once you got that set, grab your parts and assemble the cloner. Should be fairly simple, just fit the parts together. Pass the cryo chems over to the astonished doc, and you got yourself a planetside cloner. Now 'rines can be cloned easily firsthand.
Minimal risk. One trip down, hand off a beaker, wrench a shower, and assemble a machine. Easy, right? You need a competent doc/medic to work with you, AND you need to have a doc whip you up sufficient cryochems, which is why it's not seen much.
Protip- Squad medics CAN use the cloner, AND can manage ghetto cryo, so there's no need for a doc, but it goes smoother with one.
GHETTO CLONING BASICS for MEDICAL roles. Once the body is cloned, it comes out at about 30%/40% health, has sleep toxins, and is taking constant toxin damage that WILL kill him if not treated. Additionally, ghetto shower treatment causes burns and is like 10 times less efficient in use of cryochems.
Once they pop out, give them an antitox pill, then a clone-fix shot, then a kelotane pill, and give them 5-10u of clonex or like 30u of cryox (REAL inefficient, like I said), and drag them under the shower.
Watch them constantly. If the kelotane runs out, they'll heal much slower as the cryochems prioritize the burns. If the cryochems run out, they'll stop healing. If BOTH run out, they'll start taking damage and eventually die. It's NOT a cryotube, you can't just leave them in until you feel like letting them out, you gotta watch your lashed-up monstrosity of science all the time.
Also, cryochems MUST be made, no vendor for you. Ideally, you'll make 120u or so of clonex on the ship, that'll be good enough for 10 or so patients, AND you can make synthmeat for the cloner. If you CAN'T do this, or run out, there is a chem dispenser in planetside research that can make cryox no prob, but clonex needs plasma, and you don't have anything to filter the plasma out.
Clone-fix fixes GENETIC DAMAGE (tourettes, hulk, blindness) and BRAIN DAMAGE. It does NOT fix CELLULAR DAMAGE (60%-70% of the patient's health missing after cloning).
W-Y freaking pulled our cloner licenses. If you stasis bag 'em within a few hours, however, they should keep till we reach a civvie station that still has permits.
Secondary Engine
"Why is lower engi giving off radiation?" "Don't worry about it"
Supermatter's cheap. I worked at a SM production facility in orbit over LV-137 for 3 years before joining the USCM's shipyard crews around Sol, we used micro-singularity generators to charge up those hunks of glowing rock. Took 3 WEEKS of output from the main generators for each one, that's why we had 12 production lines with independent generators running at once. We'd churn out 4 a week, and the only really hard part would be getting the suckers packed in their form-fitting crates, and the energy-absorbent lining evenly spread. We'd dust like 4-5 crates for every one we got in place. Dangerous work too, we were one of the only civvie stations with a cloning lab, AND the only one I've ever seen that took the backup scans seriously, and despite the precautions, some newbie'd dust himself every month like clockwork, and need to be cloned from backup. I never dusted myself, but a lot of that's due to excessive caution.
ANYWAY, the point of that ramble, was to say that SM's cheap, thanks to people like me, and if you REALLY know what you're doing, and are qualified to handle SM, those atmos tanks on the lower decks... would make an IDEAL place for a second engine. You got a space vent, you got air injectors and vents (if you cut out the middle wall), if you set atmos, all the air that WAS in the tank will be in the pipes,which'll let you cut in, drag a SM crate in, open and seal it, and hit it with an emitter. Get cargo to give you some rad collectors, re-route atmos to grant cooling via coolers that research'll help you build, and voila! SECOND ENGINE. Take that glorified battery of a SMES offline and power the lower deck with TRUE ENGINEERING!
High risk. You're working with SM. ADDITIONALLY, If you fuck up and make the SM go boom, you lose THE HANGAR. Like, ALL OF IT. DO NOT ATTEMPT UNLESS YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE WORKING WITH SM. I'm not talking setting the engine, I'm talking "Has dragged a charged SM to space to save the ship, and lived to tell the tale, rad burns and all". OTHERWISE, DO NOT ATTEMPT.
Considered powergaming, do not do. Again, straight from apop.
"Cut through lower engineering, comrades, we'll flank the 'rines!" "Uh, sir, I don't think we can do that..."
Fire. Fire is one of the most terrifying enemies on a spacecraft, worse than hostile boarders, incoming weapons fire, or a hull breach. At worst, those other things can kill you, and then be sealed off. But fire, fire spreads and consumes, leaving superheated air in compartments that'll kill anyone who opens it with no warning AND fill the compartment that they were coming from with MORE superheated air. There's no way to clean out a fire, or the remains of one without flaying the hull open and venting the contaminated and superheated atmos to space, then refilling it with reserve air from the storage tanks. Fire's bad.
So, pretty much everyone fears fire, and it's a bitch to clean up after. How can we use this to our advantage as engineers? I've been in a few boarding situations, and usually we have a few minutes warning before the enemy shuttles hit. Oftentimes, the boarders have a rough map of the ship due to LIDAR scans and hull mapping on the way in, and lower engi's a tempting target (No defenses, maybe a few welded doors, easy access to the engine, I mean, come on, it's a juicy target).
Run, DO NOT WALK, to lower engi with a box of inflatable barriers. You know that 3 meter wide hallway? Head there. The spare generators in the hallway are made of high-strength steel, and do a good job of stopping bullets, so drag 3 into a barrier and wrench em in place.Then, use your inflatable barricades to set up a wall right behind them across the whole corridor. It'll look ugly and be dripping sealant, but don't worry about that. Next, go grab yourself a prox sensor and igniter, attach em, set the radius, and activate it. Throw it so it'll trigger if someone steps where the inflatable wall is. Set up inflatable walls on the other side, being sure to enclose the floor air scrubber (otherwise it's a BITCH to clean up afterwards) and to leave yourself a hole to get into and out of, drag a phoron canister in, seal off the last hole, and open that sucker.
You now have a little pocket of phoron gas that's sealed off from the hangar, blocks ALL access to lower engi, is bulletproof and can only be breached intentionally, is REAL obvious that breaching it would be a BAD idea, aand renders the lower deck LIFELESS if breached. It CAN be drained given time and a competent engi, but the 'rines should have pushed the boarders off by then.
High risk. If set up as described here, it's perfectly safe, BARRING OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE. If some illiterate merc/russian is stupid enough to unwrench the genny, drag it out of the way, and poke a hole in the wall... the lower deck dies. ALL of it.
Additionally, this method IS TECHNICALLY rules-legal (does NOT lag the server (regardless of what some people who've never worked with phoron fires think), no more "dickish" than using any other weapon, and the opposing force has to KNOWINGLY trigger it, not griefing (I'm NOT releasing phoron, in fact I'm taking precautions to keep it from leaking out unless intended), and not metagaming as a MT or CE (possibly RD).
If you think this is OP, yap at staff to get off their asses and pass this viewtopic.php?f=59&t=9295&p=97789#p97789
Due to said rule change getting in, this is NO LONGER a legit strategy. Do it, and you'll get banned. Left in for archival purposes only.
Two-Stage, Sub-Kiloton Yield SM Delamination Weapon
"We need to nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure"
So. My little ramble about SM being cheap above applies to this baby here too. I've done some "theoretical" work on this weapon, and it's really pretty simple.
A common terrorist weapon by some of the better-equipped separatist factions on rebellious border worlds, the SM mini-nuke, as it's affectionately known, will utterly DESTROY anything in a 40-50 meter radius, while rad-burning anyone unfortunate enough to be within 3-5 miles of it, depending on drive-core potency. If that wasn't enough, most humans also suffer temporary hallucinations due to the damage to their CNS, AND the rads tend to damage or destroy sensitive equipment. That said, it's a cheap source of RELATIVELY low-power boom (relative to the megaton-yield weapon sitting in the armory), AND it bypasses High Command codes. On the gripping hand, however, they'll probably be PISSED when they hear about it, so have a good reason for going over their heads.
The basic design involves a conventional primary, so make an atmos bomb, remote triggered. If you can do THAT safely and properly, you can probably handle this, so that's your threshold. You could TRY using a bunch of remote-triggered grenades, but that's... uncertain to work. The secondary is obviously your SM, so... acquire one from cargo. DO NOT OPEN THE CRATE, the packaging is one-use only. Now, this sucker needs to be hand-carried into position, and I'm not gonna trust ANYONE ELSE with it, so you're going planetside as a "Heavy Ordinance Tech", bring mesons, the SM crate, the primary charge, and the detonator. If you've been communicating, the CO should have assigned you a squad and a target. Drag the crate there.
DEPLOYING THE WEAPON. Wear the mesons. Place the crate where you want it. Drop the primary next to it. Unlock the crate. Tell EVERYBODY to run. Open the crate. RUN. When you think you're clear, RUN MORE. Use the remote detonator. Wait 10-15 seconds for the double BOOM. Watch as the 'rines fall over vomiting and shooting at things only they can see CHARGE GLORIOUSLY INTO THE CRATER because they each took a russian red and antitox pill that the medic gave out, right? I mean, command DID tell everyone, correct?
On another note, DO NOT BUILD THESE without CO permission. Mt's can get away with a lot, but this is past the limit, you NEED higher authority to sign off on this one. They're nasty pieces of work, inert, and DEFINITELY DO NOT DEPLOY THESE without CO permission. I mean, no one likes an IMPROMPTU TACNUKE in the middle of the FoB.
EXTREME RISK- You're working WITH supermatter, enough said. AND you're trying to detonate it.
MASSIVE BLAST. Like, will level ALL of the nexus.
Cheap. You can get 4 for 1 sentry.
MASSIVE BLAST. Will probably kill like 2-4 marines who don't listen to command ALL OF BRAVO AND CHARLIE, because 'rines usually ignore command.
RADS, RADS EERYWHERE. Pass out the russian red and antitox.
High command's gonna be PISSED.
I think I like writing IC guides.
Last edited by Jroinc1 on 14 Mar 2017, 19:50, edited 25 times in total.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- Jeser
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- Joined: 04 Mar 2015, 00:47
- Location: Donetsk, Ukraine
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Hey, man! Nice guide, though I didn't read it. Don't have time. You have a double words here:
- Jroinc1
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- Byond: Jroinc1
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
aaaaJeser wrote:Hey, man! Nice guide, though I didn't read it. Don't have time. You have a double words here:
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- Jroinc1
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- Location: Changes too rapidly
- Byond: Jroinc1
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Added section on planetside cloner and ghetto cloning for medical roles.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- Jay Burns
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Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Hmm, could i get research to make a remote nade, then blow it next to the SM crate, will it cause the SM to delaminate?
- Jroinc1
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- Location: Changes too rapidly
- Byond: Jroinc1
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Unknown, but unlikely. Obviously, I haven't been able to TEST this on the server, and we have our own custom grenade code.Jay Burns wrote:Hmm, could i get research to make a remote nade, then blow it next to the SM crate, will it cause the SM to delaminate?
My gut feeling is that a single 'nade outside an unopened crate won't do shit, but if you open the crate first, and have a grenade cluster (backpack filled w/ 7 remote-grenades, all on same frequency) ready to go, it'll work.
Honestly, even the atmos bomb working is a guess, but as it's much more powerful, it should either delaminate the SM OR delete it, probably delaminate.
The only thing I "know" will work is massed gunfire. So if you gotta make a nuke, and it doesn't work, remember- Shoot the SHIT out of it. Worst case, eeryone dies. Best case... I guess someone wrestles you to the ground, cuffs you, and gives you over to the MP's for psychiatric counseling.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- Jay Burns
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- Posts: 409
- Joined: 01 Jun 2016, 13:17
- Location: Some place on earth
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Hmmm I'm quite interested in using the SM as a mini nuke, might check with feweh or TR to see if that's viable
- Jroinc1
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Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
"Viable" as in possible? Yeah. It won't breach the planet, it CAN be remotely triggered, and it WILL utterly wreck anything within a 2-3 screen RADIUS.Jay Burns wrote:Hmmm I'm quite interested in using the SM as a mini nuke, might check with feweh or TR to see if that's viable
"Viable" as in practical? HELL NO. Large amounts of rad damage (treatable), hallucinations (NOT treatable), and you probably just gibbed bravo AND charlie squad when they didn't listen to break off contact because they thought you were just RP'ing a nuke. ADDITIONALLY, it's real obvious to any xeno worth it's salt what you're doing, and the nuke primary IS acidable.
"Viable" as in allowed by the rules? Well... you aren't being a "dick" or a "griefer" if you get command approval (it IS a legit, though unconventional, weapon), and theoretically, with the WHOLE server in on this, it could be deployed without killing any marines. It's NOT powergaming (as defined by the rules) if you're a RSR, CE, or MT, as you have knowledge of both SM and explosives. It's NOT metagaming, as long as someone actually tells you that there ARE hostiles. It will NOT breach the planet, so that's not a concern.
RSR-specific- Handing out super-deadly lethal grenades that damage the Sulaco or LAG THE SERVER may result in a job ban. This WILL lag the server. That said, I could see it being approved if adminhelped, or just ignored, same as atmos bombs are ignored at present. Personally, clear it with command, THEN adminhelp it. I'd personally hope for it to be allowed, and THEN have the admins dump all KINDS of IC shit on us. "Sulaco, this is HIGH COMMAND, WHY and HOW did you detonate a nuclear weapon planetside without our authorizarion codes?"
In all honesty, why do you want to make it? It's a TERRIBLE idea, with crippling drawbacks, and I came up with it.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- Jay Burns
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- Posts: 409
- Joined: 01 Jun 2016, 13:17
- Location: Some place on earth
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
True, but I would never use it because of all the shit I would get into.
- Jroinc1
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- Location: Changes too rapidly
- Byond: Jroinc1
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Smart of you.Jay Burns wrote:True, but I would never use it because of all the shit I would get into.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- Viveret
- Registered user
- Posts: 13
- Joined: 06 May 2016, 11:00
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
You should make a solars guide.

- Jroinc1
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Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
I could, but it's inefficient, requires a hull breach, takes FOREVER, requires cargo to spend points, and really isn't needed/does not help the marine team.Viveret wrote:You should make a solars guide.
Not included for the same reason that building space habitats isn't- You'll get PM'd and noted.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- NoahKirchner
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- Location: Sea of Tranquility, Luna
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Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Nah dude, I've built solars before and admins helped me cuz I was bad. Won't get noted.JPR wrote: I could, but it's inefficient, requires a hull breach, takes FOREVER, requires cargo to spend points, and really isn't needed/does not help the marine team.
Not included for the same reason that building space habitats isn't- You'll get PM'd and noted.
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- Jroinc1
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Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Yeah, fuck that. I ain't touchin space or slc97's gonna ban me.NoahKirchner wrote: Nah dude, I've built solars before and admins helped me cuz I was bad. Won't get noted.
As for solars, they are POSSIBLE, but the holes you gotta cut in the hull open up so many accidental breach possibilities, for no benefit, that they're not worth it to me.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- NoahKirchner
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- Location: Sea of Tranquility, Luna
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Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
There is a simple solution to that, build stuffs in space when slc isn't online Try building them from EVA so you don't have to breach.JPR wrote: Yeah, fuck that. I ain't touchin space or slc97's gonna ban me.
As for solars, they are POSSIBLE, but the holes you gotta cut in the hull open up so many accidental breach possibilities, for no benefit, that they're not worth it to me.
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- Jroinc1
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- Location: Changes too rapidly
- Byond: Jroinc1
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Possible, and I've done that, but a SM blast'll kill them anyway.NoahKirchner wrote: There is a simple solution to that, build stuffs in space when slc isn't online Try building them from EVA so you don't have to breach.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- NoahKirchner
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- Location: Sea of Tranquility, Luna
- Byond: NoahKirchner
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Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Then eject the SM 'fore it 'splodes. :3JPR wrote: Possible, and I've done that, but a SM blast'll kill them anyway.
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- LordLoko
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- Posts: 830
- Joined: 16 Oct 2014, 13:35
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Could you port this guide to the wiki?
My name is Ulysses Skyfall, but people call me "Meat".
Check out my dossier page



I don't play CM, currently in a break.
Check out my dossier page



I don't play CM, currently in a break.
- Jroinc1
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- Posts: 995
- Joined: 10 May 2016, 22:32
- Location: Changes too rapidly
- Byond: Jroinc1
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Additional info added-
High risk- Firewall
Breach drill updated with standard anti-breach tactics
High risk- Firewall
Breach drill updated with standard anti-breach tactics
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- Registered user
- Posts: 97
- Joined: 11 Jul 2016, 13:36
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Where can you actually find tank transfer valves? Can't seem to find them anywhere in research.
Kirra Morales - Medic
- Jroinc1
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- Posts: 995
- Joined: 10 May 2016, 22:32
- Location: Changes too rapidly
- Byond: Jroinc1
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Research vendor has 6. The planetside one in the research dome also has another 6.Ranged66 wrote:Where can you actually find tank transfer valves? Can't seem to find them anywhere in research.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- NoahKirchner
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- Location: Sea of Tranquility, Luna
- Byond: NoahKirchner
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Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
MT's/CE's can get them from pipe dispensers in both of the atmos rooms.JPR wrote: Research vendor has 6. The planetside one in the research dome also has another 6.
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- Jroinc1
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- Posts: 995
- Joined: 10 May 2016, 22:32
- Location: Changes too rapidly
- Byond: Jroinc1
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Upon hearing this, I checked it.NoahKirchner wrote: MT's/CE's can get them from pipe dispensers in both of the atmos rooms.
False. The pipe dispensers do NOT have TTV's.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
- NoahKirchner
- Registered user
- Posts: 1738
- Joined: 02 Aug 2016, 15:58
- Location: Sea of Tranquility, Luna
- Byond: NoahKirchner
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Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
Yah sure? They have the thingies on them with the red valve, but I think it's a valve like the one you turn to set up atmos on the top side of the shipJPR wrote: Upon hearing this, I checked it.
False. The pipe dispensers do NOT have TTV's.
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- Jroinc1
- Registered user
- Posts: 995
- Joined: 10 May 2016, 22:32
- Location: Changes too rapidly
- Byond: Jroinc1
Re: I can MT and so can you! A guide to basic and advanced projects.
They do, but you can't use them as TTV's.NoahKirchner wrote: Yah sure? They have the thingies on them with the red valve, but I think it's a valve like the one you turn to set up atmos on the top side of the ship
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17
Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp ACCIDENTALLY- 2
Engine SMs de-laminated on my watch- 0
Upper deck engines made-1
Lower deck engines made-1
Total kills with SM- 6
Most surgeries done at once- 3
Most anesthetic tanks used in a round- 3
Most surgeries done using only personal supplies- 37
Most perdiox made w/in 5 min of roundstart- 540u