How to Survive a CM round [WIP]

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Byond: Krab_Spider

How to Survive a CM round [WIP]

Post by Crab_Spider » 04 Oct 2016, 17:23

Hello, I am John Rhodes, that unrobust shit MP you probably will see here and there. Daily I suffer the same problem over and over, "i sux @ killing de ayyliums n cant lve 2 kll a shitine", but after I started playing smart, I realized I can survive to the end round and so can you! Today I'm gonna let you guys in a little secret or two that will get you through a round of Colonial Marines;

Marines (in general)
  • Using AP rounds will most likely not only be cause extra damage to both Marines and Xenos, but you are killing your Marine brothers through FF. Stop using AP rounds on first deployment, if you need an extra kick use the M37A Pump Shotgun with either slugs or buckshot shells.
  • Stop aiming for the fucking head! Unless you are in a shootout with the Iron Bears or the Death Squad you are doing nothing but causing problems in the event you accidentally FF!!
  • You know that Hot Food Vendor in the Canteen (or Cafeteria)? Yeah, that's your saving grace. Nutrients should be your biggest concern as hunger (scarlet coloring above the cheeseburger icon) will slow you down ALOT. When you are done getting your gear (attachments, helmet, ammo rig, uniform and backpack included) you should consider taking a few seconds vending an EAT bar and packaged burrito out of that vendor and storing it in YOUR HELMET. You might live up to the final ground assault and you WILL be in a state of hunger.
  • If there is a mutiny everyone is your enemy and you must go crazy. Don't worry about the PMCs, they threatened to rape your mother, light em up too!
  • When you go into hydroponics, take the Plant B-Gone spray bottles and trays. The weedkiller can't be scanned, but the recipe can be forged in an RP fashion through 3 minutes of monologuing and fucking shit up.
  • Teach that meddling hunter a lesson for knocking out that light bulb by asking for liquid phoron and injecting it into light tubes! Just don't stand next to a light fixture. (I am not responsible for any deaths/injuries you have caused. This will also get you banned for power-meta for the most obvious reason I can think of (phoron is lethal to everyone. You, as a marine, don't understand its effects or how it'd cause an explosion, therefore you are acting on knowledge NO ONE BUT THE RESEARCHER SHOULD KNOW).
  • Carry around bandages and a syringe in the event things are turning south. If there are pre-filled beakers in medkits, you can use them regardless. Don't treat this as a green light to make your own remedies.
  • Marines and doctors alike, if there is a long line of patients, then ask yourself what should be a priority "brain damage or the dead guy on the floor". Brain damage can be fixed alkysine, death can be treated via cloning (which takes 6 minutes total to complete). If a patient dead is have the MPs bring them to cloning, and the researcher clone the bodies. And marines, if you shoot someone, tell them to remove themselves from the field, and have the medic treat them.
  • Your helmets get one hug, and mommy has to break it up. No dating! (the moment your helmet is ripped off, try to retreat from the battlefield. Take out a handgun/revolver/submachine gun and immediately run back. Avoid tables, crates, or wasting time, the runners saw what occurred and if be scouting to finish you off.
  • Remember that bayonet you store in your boots? Yeah, never take that out. The moment you get nested, you are fucked beyond all help, keep your weapon in storage, use a sidearm (pistol or revolver) to clear away the that horrifying resin door, and just go to town. Don't expect an awesome escape like an action movie protagonist, because that runner saw what he did, and he's telling mom. Run motherfucker! (jokes aside, don't shoot the xenos; period. Doing so will remove your status as a carrier of the larvae since IC wise, you appear to have resisted the infection, and therefore are too dangerous to the hive since you serve no purpose in there.)
  • If you are familiar with the alkali elements, then it probably wouldn't be metagaming to make chemnades, planetside. Just fuck up MULTIPLE TIMES AND GET YOURSELF KILLED! Little tip; ask the researcher if he can give you grenades. It helps ALOT.
  • ROs and Cargo Techs , when you are done giving the marines attachments, take a hand labeler and label a supply crate as "Empty Mags!". Marines keep your empty magazines of ammo , this will allow Requisitions to refill them, easily obtain points and order more things that should be ordered.
  • Combat Engineers, this is a very important bit of information. You can fix the Flood Lights, with one of your tools within a span of 7 seconds.
  • If you are in a scrap and have to disarm that shitty MP who is abusing they're power ; disarm, don't harm. By providing them an injury you are making anything you are going to say less credible. Aim for the arms and hands and pick up whatever they were holding and throw it as far away from where you'll be running to, and do not engage combat with anyone. But moment they try to attack (attack as in, HARM) aim for the legs with disarm intent and keep clicking until you get a push. Remember, this is for MPs, the people who lack lethal weapons (a stun is worse than a bullet, remember that) if you kill an MP or injure them, you will be creating a problem for both yourself and medbay.
  • Keep your intent on HELP if you are with a group of people, they have to escape as well, and pushing each other around isn't helping anyone but that crusher who is now teaching you a lesson for trying to escape through that 1 tile door like the retards you are.
  • Always try and grab a syringe and some gauze out of a first aid vendor. Sometimes it'll be a life and death difference when you can stop the bleeding until a real medic can attend to you.
  • Pay attention to the population of xenos planetside. If they are in the 20s and Marines are in the 60s, then do not retreat. Just stay there, wait for supplies, and go off for the hunt
  • Xenos, if a host escapes, just remember: they found their way back, and know where to lead the other hosts for an assalt. Send THREE RUNNERS to find them QUICKLY and have him dispatched. If the host has harmed the runners fataly, then let them kill the host.
  • If you have T3s or T2s beyond the lake, you are more likely to win the round. But just as likely to lose the round. Queen, this was your doing, and you must be punished with death (thanks Marines!)
  • It isn't metagaming if you RP out the situation first (this isn't completely true, for example; pushing across the river isn't something you can just RP, your character does not know what is beyond there, and there are no scans to show it's safe on the other side. But you can make grenades, just ask the researcher for the recipe and you're good to go)
  • So you've been face-raped and now you need to escape, but there's a sea of matured eggs outside those doors? Just run through, the facehuggers will only attach to those who haven't been impregnated, so it's safe to pass. If you see a Xeno, just run, killing or injuring them will alert the rest of the hive and they will remove your status.
  • If you are new to Colonial Marines, take a long look at the job list, and think to yourself "will this fuck up the round?". If you don't know what is important to the round (like Commander or Executive Officer, or hey, Pilot Officer) DON'T FUCKING PICK IT!
  • For a more serious tidbit of info, use common sense, but don't be too skeptical and don't be an imbecile. Your character is how you set them up. Prove their personality through your actions, don't just expect people to know. In fact, just look at Tanya Hernandez, Noah Kirchner, Ray Dubi, Xur Dragon, and James Wanderer. They change their jobs alot but you can tell alot about them through what they do. They're competent, silly, and most of all, make an impact on the crew through what they do.
  • Sulaco staff, word of advice, just have as much fun as possible. Roleplay the most silly situations and dialogue, you can think of. Yes, you are a military ship, and yes, you have standards, but remember, you don't know what it feels like to be in these situations so you can't relate to your characters accurately. SS13 was built upon as many memes and pop culture as possible. Do you think CM is any different? No, it's not. So just unwind, relax, and have fun.
  • Plasma cutters don't like the way they do in Dead Space. What you see in the attack logs are customized actions, they are just you hitting a mob in the fashion of a blunt weapon.

  • Make three 60 unit bottles of Clone-X and store two of the three in the chemical storage. Transfer all of the contents of the third into a large beaker and get a large beaker (which holds 50% more units than the three beakers containing the Clone-X) and with the dead corpse of whoever was unfortunate enough to die hooked up to an IV. Get a body bag and pick up the synthetic meat that's lying on the ground. This will be used as biomass for cloning
  • Wear a HealthHUD at all times to perform a triage (ruling out what isn't the most important for what costs the most priority. Anyone in critical condition but no fractures is to be put into the sleepers.
  • Alien larvae are not hostile, but a drone, sentinel, and runner are. Larvae have 2 minutes before they mature, and 5 seconds to truly evolve. This is vital to understand because once that timer is up, you are going to be the target of that xenomorph, so be quick to speak, weld the vents in medbay, and be ready to kill that xenomorph.
  • Researcher, do your work quickly but diligently. Give med bay 4 laser scalpels.
  • Use the sleeper if a patient is in critical condition and has no fractures
  • You know those dexalin pills inside the emergency oxygen kit? Those can be grinded into a liquid, and used for cryoxedone, saving time and energy to make clonexedone.
  • There isn't much you can create out of gold, so focus on obtaining silver and uranium (silver can be used to create a multitude of weapons, and uranium can be used to make machines that pack a big punch
  • Researchers can give you telekinesis through genetics! Now you can choke the ever living hell outta that MP who beat you to death while SSD (Handford) And as a side note; you will be executed for murder, so force the researcher to make soporific grenades, phoron gas grenades, and mindbreaker toxin gas grenades, and gas those Jews pigs to escape the execution. Be sure to kill the Researcher afterwards so he won't tell the MPs on the radio, and kill the doctors too so they can't check on the Researcher.
  • Medical staff are restricted to one service pistol (the Researcher can use his chemsprayer, and his grenades)
  • Researchers, you have the most knowledge about xenomorphs through your autopsies. But because you don't have a LIVE SUBJECT, you can't say what will and won't work on xenomorphs besides bullets and explosives. Meaning you shouldn't bother giving the marines a phoron gas grenade (phoron is toxic even in small amounts, explosive, and ridiculously flammable) or a gas grenade of any kind.
  • You want to maximize as much progress as possible. Doing so will involve: making 2 more cloners, analyzing as many different materials in as little time as possible (what you can find on the ship or planetside is valuable for the tech trees), making biomass for the cloners (Clone-X-done + Blood. Put a beaker full of Clone-X inside an IV unit and set it too inject, find a dead body and now you have as much biomass it needs to clone 11 people) and create 200 units of Peri+, Cryo-X, Tramadol, and Imitolozine .
  • Your job is a mixture of chemistry, robotics, medicinal healing, combat systems, and also engineering, you have the most overall knowledge of just about any situation that involves these things.
Last edited by Crab_Spider on 27 Oct 2016, 13:27, edited 12 times in total.
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.

I am John "Buckshot" Rhodes, the Tactical Snowflake Hunter

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Re: Tips to surviving a round on CM, by an unrobust MPig [WIP]

Post by InterroLouis » 04 Oct 2016, 17:35

Whoa mate. Alkysine only fixes GENETIC brain damage. To fix physical brain damage you need either surgery or peridaxon. Also, every pixel of hair on your marine lowers your armor rating and your gun's damage.

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Re: Tips to surviving a round on CM, by an unrobust MPig [WIP]

Post by Warnipple » 04 Oct 2016, 18:04

Pretty good tips.

I would add: Always try and grab a syringe and some gauze out of a first aid vendor. Sometimes it'll be a life and death difference when you can stop the bleeding until a real medic can attend to you.
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Re: Tips to surviving a round on CM, by an unrobust MPig [WIP]

Post by NoahKirchner » 05 Oct 2016, 01:17

I... guess
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Re: Tips to surviving a round on CM, by an unrobust MPig [WIP]

Post by Aracino » 05 Oct 2016, 10:16

Bruh. Hide in the closet where the chain of command is. NO ONE EVER GOES THERE!...Also turn your light off if you want to avoid a robust xeno that knows that they can toggle darksight

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Byond: Krab_Spider

Re: Tips to surviving a round on CM, by an unrobust MPig [WIP]

Post by Crab_Spider » 05 Oct 2016, 15:40

InterroLouis wrote:Whoa mate. Alkysine only fixes GENETIC brain damage. To fix physical brain damage you need either surgery or peridaxon. Also, every pixel of hair on your marine lowers your armor rating and your gun's damage.
For any of you that actually tried this, you wholeheartedly deserve the title of "Baldy".
You will never be as bad as the baldie who picked up a tactical shotgun while a hunter was pouncing on top of a CMO for 4 seconds, with his only response being to pace around before being decap'd by said hunter. You are not Brett Kimple, and you never will be. You are not the reason why I regular MP.

I am John "Buckshot" Rhodes, the Tactical Snowflake Hunter

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Re: Tips to surviving a round on CM, by an unrobust MPig [WIP]

Post by InterroLouis » 05 Oct 2016, 15:54

Whoa mate. I prefer the title "Baldie". Also, just get to the RO first and ask for a mag harness, gyro, and barrel charger, hope the RO doesn't notice you're a bald PFC, and stick all that on a shotgun loaded with buckshot. Then you just take all the riot shields and you're good to go. Also shave your head to 100% baldness.

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