How do you become a good Queen?

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Fortport » 03 May 2017, 21:25

NoahKirchner wrote:Yup, you hit the nail on the head. I think really the #1 rule of being the queen should be "Don't be a dick to your underlings", cuz a lot of queens rule with an iron fist.
The queen is, in my opinion, supposed to be motherly and compassionate towards her offspring and soldiers. Rather than ruling with an iron fist, they should encourage ingenuity as well rather than dictating everything. This can help prevent a round from going sour if you're not so sure what to do, but the experienced aliens on the frontline are making reasonable suggestions.

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 04 May 2017, 00:28

Never stop laying eggs. Yes I know you think that one room you made is good enough, it isn't. Leave the hive building to drones, if you have spare plasma, lay an egg, if your plasma is full, lay an egg. LAY EGGS ALWAYS.

The only time you should stop laying eggs is when you are regaining plasma in order to screech.
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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 09 May 2017, 08:39

I made a half-complete guide on queens in tbe guide section of this website. It has some tips that have given me a very high winrate. (Smthn like 70-80%)

But as for a summary? A few dot points:

N E V E R say as queen 'evolve as you wish'. This just leads to 40 spitters and nothing else. Always in every single order you have 'no slient-evolves' or something similar. Make a composition of castes! My personal favourite is a ratio of drones (D) to sents (S) to runners (R) which is 1/2/2 but in a 30-player hive this brcomes something like 1/12/17. Then, have a composition for what playstyle you prefer. For me, personally, its early aggression and expansion, so hivelords, carriers and crushers as available.

When people say 'don't be on the frontlines', ignore them. You are the mother of all beasts in combat and can change the course of a battle in an instant. But if your children need to die to keep you alive, so be it. It's their purpose.

Never stop talking. Ever. Always be communicating even if what you're saying isn't useful. Being present makes you more approachable and promotes coordination. Overtalk morr than undertalk.
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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Nick123q23 » 26 May 2017, 04:11

Currently there is no drawback to battle queens besides increased risk of death.

When the war gets tough, support your children. Lay eggs in forward nests, screech like you're being touched inappropriately.

But YOU are the most important xeno. You're essential to the hive, the hivemind, and the well-being of every single one of your children. So don't die.
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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 26 May 2017, 06:41

Nick123q23 wrote:Currently there is no drawback to battle queens besides increased risk of death.
Eh... there IS a minor drawback.

That being, you take any damage, and you lose plasma production, which means no eggs until you heal. Furthermore, you may also miss out on chances to fortify or make nests if youre busy stalking the frontline waiting for the right time to screech.

But its better than hiding on the other side of the map while everyone dies.
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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 26 May 2017, 10:32

Battle Queen = No eggs

Anyways I find that nowadays egg fields are much less useful. Queens should be encouraged to spread out their eggs now as opposed to making a huge field. Just plop them out everywhere.

Edit: Infection = Distance to carrier or egg. So laying eggs spread out all around the map lowers that distance no matter where a host is caught. So spread out eggs, like mines.
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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Nick123q23 » 29 May 2017, 22:40

Just everywhere you go, lay an egg.
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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Tristan63 » 30 May 2017, 08:55

Here are 3 tips on being a good queen.

1. Listen to you're underlings, they might be dumber than you but without them you would be cheese.

2. Stay back, don't go into the fight unless you have to, only aid from the sidelines with the occasional screech and making cover since you have more HP than drones/hivelords.

3. Try to control your hive. Most of the time hunters and the likes will be happy to murder people, but ensure they try to get every living host to you or a drone in any way possible, always go for a "If hes not dead hes mine" policy, that way you can get more aliens and thus, more T3s+T2s.

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Barent » 30 May 2017, 17:55

Just lay a lot of eggs, preferably in sneaky spots. You'd be surprised how many marines will just walk into them haphazardly.

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Liran343 » 15 Jun 2017, 08:32

Barent wrote:Just lay a lot of eggs, preferably in sneaky spots. You'd be surprised how many marines will just walk into them haphazardly.

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Drawsstuff » 18 Jun 2017, 15:09

I see this neglected quite often by queens, and by every other alien caste really, but don't forget, aliens can transfer plasma!. Instead of waiting for enough plasma to restore, ask a nearby alien for some plasma and you'll find yourself ready to lay again in no time.
In the early games, runners who return with hosts likely have plasma. You know full well they're not fighting so why hesitate? Early eggs are extremely valuable!
The best person by far to leech plasma from comes from a under-used, unlikely source, the hivelord. What many people consider to be useless, as drones practically do everything they do, are forgetting one important thing, the greatly increased plasma generation. In my personal experience, a good hivelord can cover THREE TIMES the amount of ground a drone can, or inversely, build just as much as 3 dedicated drones. If you happen to have a hivelord that for whatever reason isn't fortifying everything to kingdom come, then you are making an incredible mistake not to ask for their plasma. By the time you've laid all the eggs you can from what they transfer'd to you, you'll be shocked to find they regenerated almost, if not all it back!

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by misto » 18 Jun 2017, 23:44

boss the kids around a bit, remind them to work together and break lights and acid things, demand that they evolve into good castes like ravager, boiler, crusher before letting any become hivelords/carriers, pay attention to the queen mother's senses before launching your counterattack with stolen shuttle so you dont jump the gun a bit and land in the midst of 60 marines

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Reuben Owen » 19 Jun 2017, 15:19

Drawsstuff wrote: In the early games, runners who return with hosts likely have plasma. You know full well they're not fighting so why hesitate? Early eggs are extremely valuable!
Runners don't like to give plasma because they get so little per tick, meaning if they give it away there's a good chance they won't be able to get a T2 spot when the moment arrives, which happens pretty quickly.
Also eggs have little value to Runners.
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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by SpaceFarer » 19 Jun 2017, 19:08

Only the weak and unrobust will tell you not to be a battle queen. If you are weak and unrobust, listen to them. If you have ever killed a T3 alien with a knife, ignore them. A robust battle queen is unstoppable unless there are 2+ skilled specs focusing on her.

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by DrPng » 19 Jun 2017, 19:13

The thing is, queens are extremely SLOW, even though in the movies, the queen is charging at the speed of a friggin crusher, almost like a mini crusher so it's very hard to be a robust battle queen. I've seen plenty of tactics though, one were a queen was down to literally 2 other xenos and the marines constantly charged in groups of 5, the queen screeched, quickly grabbed huggers and infected most of the marines. They made a comeback and won the round, it was glorious.
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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Mr.Smooooth » 20 Jun 2017, 12:19

SpaceFarer wrote:Only the weak and unrobust will tell you not to be a battle queen. If you are weak and unrobust, listen to them. If you have ever killed a T3 alien with a knife, ignore them. A robust battle queen is unstoppable unless there are 2+ skilled specs focusing on her.
I solo'd a queen with a scalpel and circular saw once. Robustness can work for both sides.

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by MrFuzzy » 26 Jun 2017, 13:14

You must first learn to dance.

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Mook476 » 26 Jun 2017, 18:59

Being a robust queen is pretty dope, and being on top of the Xenos with good orders as well Xenos work really well as a team so use that to your advantage
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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by PreacherCini » 26 Jun 2017, 22:42

As long as you are kind, even if you don't lead the best, your aliums will help lead you to victory. I've seen many a queen lose due to their attitude towards the hive. Please and thanks yous go a long way man.
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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Aestel » 29 Jul 2017, 14:12

SpaceFarer wrote:A robust battle queen is unstoppable unless there are 2+ skilled specs focusing on her.
Or a firing line of UGLs.
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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by Steven Sneider » 31 Jul 2017, 17:00

Shit eggs, lots of eggs. make the hivelord or boiler give you plasma and just pop those eggs everywhere.

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by misto » 04 Aug 2017, 10:00

avoid tunnel vision

for example, don't charge and screech into the same front over and over, because they will expect you there and will defend hardest there

don't obsess with breaking the briefing room defenders while the SD room ticks down

you know, that sort of thing

and dont go onto the ds when its still full of humans, theyll catch you with the shutters and kill you

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Re: How do you become a good Queen?

Post by MrFuzzy » 04 Aug 2017, 20:56


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