Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Martzin » 12 Feb 2017, 14:40

Murdoch, seeing another fellow walk into the maintenance closet for the definitely useful tools, decides to accompany him hoping he could get good loot out of it.
C - Risk getting into the maintenance closet for the items.
The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Gorglol » 12 Feb 2017, 15:17

Kane comes running in after the others and after catching his breath for a few moments he glances over the shoulders of the others already at the maintenance closet and says "Make sure to get that multitool and crowbar at the least, we might need to bust through a few doors on our way out of here".
C - Risk getting into the maintenance closet for the items.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Jackie Estegado » 12 Feb 2017, 15:24

Perkins sees that nobody is in the security checkpoint trying to figure out a way to open the main doors, so he gives the security checkpoint a try.
A - Try and find a way into the security checkpoint, and open the main doors.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Karmac » 12 Feb 2017, 17:25

A - Try to be useful and progress the story
Garth takes a quick scan at all the people rummaging for supplies, hopes one of them finds a toolbox, and begins to search for some way into the security checkpoint.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by louisloftcraft » 12 Feb 2017, 18:00

Poloski heads towards the security check point to find a way to open the main doors, who knows maybe there would be something useful inside he said out loud.
A - Try and find a way into the security checkpoint, and open the main doors.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by DeadLantern » 12 Feb 2017, 18:19

Kazimov being Kazimov, takes a right.

Rob606 wrote:Please refrain from posting if you are not involved in this game, use the OOC thread: viewtopic.php?f=129&t=11241&p=119125#p119125

A - Head down the corridor on your right.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by DeadLantern » 12 Feb 2017, 18:22

Also do option c, go into maints and find stuff.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Casany » 12 Feb 2017, 20:19

August, looking at the two digging through the luggage, decides to get on the task at hand and attempts to open the security checkpoint
A - Try and find a way into the security checkpoint, and open the main doors.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Biolock » 13 Feb 2017, 00:42

Alex Crossman, watching everyone scurry around the room, avoiding the obvious obstacle in the room decides that he needs to be the one with some balls. Before he can make his way over to the door, another man blows past him and begins attempting to make his way into the maintenance closet; Crossman decides he can, at the minimum, provide medical aid should the need arrise.
Rob606 wrote: C -Risk getting into the maintenance closet for the items.
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by MrJJJ » 13 Feb 2017, 02:16

Alexeiy decides to go into maintenance closet for the items, hopefully he can get something good before everyone loots it all
C -Risk getting into the maintenance closet for the items.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Jay Burns » 13 Feb 2017, 03:05

Jay sees not many people looking for stuff in arrivals , if he was to get any good loot for himself he must look there.
B - Rummage through the arrivals room for anything useful.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Imperator_Titan » 13 Feb 2017, 12:23

Ed decides to accompany Jay with searching through the arrivals room.
Rob606 wrote: B - Rummage through the arrivals room for anything useful.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Jaketeaking » 14 Feb 2017, 11:33

james sees there are many bags, and decides to help search them as others try for the locker

Rob606 wrote: B - Rummage through the arrivals room for anything useful.
The man known as James 'patch' Alfonse. also gets called hotdog and "lemon.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by crono23 » 14 Feb 2017, 17:03

Alaina stares longingly at the first aid kit and tries to think of a way to retrieve it.
C - Risk getting into the maintenance closet for the items.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by LarryOrtega » 15 Feb 2017, 13:35

Riggle needs good stuff, so he proceed to risk his life trying to get things out of maintenance closet
C - Risk getting into the maintenance closet for the items.
"In 100 years more we will be a story.In 200 years an epic period.In 500 years a medieval tale.
In 1,000 years a relic. In 5,000 years archaeological remains. In 10,000 years an ancient mystery.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Rob606 » 17 Feb 2017, 10:46

Arrivals Lobby
Having a moment to breathe, the group splits up to try and salvage equipment, whilst a few other ones intelligently realise that it's no good grabbing gear if you're locked in here.
A - Try and find a way into the security checkpoint, and open the main doors.
Garth, August, Ivan and Jackie approach the closed door and soon find it's bolts have not been lowered. With brute strength, the four of them easily manage to pull it open. Ivan immediately notices a dead security guard, someone he recognised and knew, possibly - it was hard to tell, the guy's face had been mangled to smithereens. Ivan pulls a pistol from the body's holster. The other three start trying to figure out the console's settings in this room, and find that it has limited enough power to unlock the main doors into the shopping area. Said doors open with a hiss.
B - Rummage through the arrivals room for anything useful.
James, Jack, Ed, Jay and Nathan begin searching through the abandoned cargo crates and bags that litter the lobby. BPRS was a fairly high-traffic destination, so when shit hit the fan there must have been two dozen people waiting in this lobby, who scattered back to their ships as soon as they could - lucky.
James' choice of cargo turns out to be full of cloths, likely for one of the shops. Useless.
Jack finds a flashlight inside a satchel bag, fully powered too.
Ed finds a pouch of flares strapped to a side of a crate.
Jay finds someone's luggage case, including their underwear. Smells like their on-board laundry system had shut down...
Nathan discovers a crate that begins beeping when he opens it. The high pitched whine sets everyone on alert as he backs away from the crate.
C - Risk getting into the maintenance closet for the items.
A lot of the group went to the dangerously sparking maintenance closet, lured by the prospect of the gear inside. Elliot, Persh, Alaina, Alex, Alexeiy, Kane, Kazimov and Murdoch clumped together by the door. One by one, they took turns leaning in and grabbing the first thing they could before leaping back.
Elliot quickly grasps a crowbar, and leaps back safely.
Persh deftly grabs a flashlight before a spark nearly catches him.
Alaina clutches the first-aid kit and whoops with delight.
Alex leans in to get a hold of another crowbar, before leaping back and yelping when a shock from the door sears through him. Landing backwards, dazed, at least he is still holding the crowbar. (-1HP)
Alexeiy ignores fallen Alex, and swiftly takes the multitool.
Kane, in his eagerness to grab the blowtorch kit, places a hand on the door to allow him to reach in further. The shock of the electricity jumps through his system and sends him flying back empty-handed, his hair standing on end. (-1HP)
Seeing his fellow survivor's mistake, Kazimov inches his way into the room until he can grab the heavy blowtorch kit, backing up carefully and flinching every time the door sparked.
With very little left in range of arms reach, Murdoch grabs a hold of something on a higher shelf that he can't see. As he pulls back he catches himself on the door, ZAP! At least he's holding a flashlight for his troubles. (-1HP)

The group rallies at the door to the shopping district, the beeping from the crate that Nathan disturbed grows steadily faster. They run into the dark district and soon hear an explosion behind them. The lobby's doors shutter down with a slam, but if it had triggered an alarm it isn't heard.

The shopping district is dark, only illuminated by the red of the flashing warning lights. Unnecessary areas like this in the station are the first to lose power in an emergency. As the group stalks carefully through the dark, the few members with flashlights try and light the way. Nearly all the shops have their net shutters lowered. Ahead, there is an open-air diner, and there's a horrible fleshy sound coming from it. Behind you, back towards the lobby, you hear a crash. Something definitely moves in the vents back there, it's loud enough to place where it came from, high above you all.

The road splits up ahead where it meets the little open-air diner. To the left leads towards the station's premier restaurant, 'Nebula' - it is nearly pitch black inside, but a flash of light suggests that some sort of light is on. The door to get in, however, is closed. To the right leads into an open area that is the food court proper. Lots of tables, lots of darkness. The stench of death permeates the air as you approach the center of this junction.

A - Head left, to the restaurant Nebula. [Crowbar][Multitool][Flashlight][Flares]
B - Head right, to the food court. [Flashlight][Flares]
C - Investigate the little diner. [Weapon][Flashlight][Flares]

(If you choose to activate an item, when you make your quote, be sure to use the [tag] of the item you wish to use.)


* Carmac - Garth Powalski (3HP)
* Jaketeaking - James Alfonse (3HP)
* LarryOrtega - Elliot Riggle (3HP) Crowbar
* CoronelJones - Jack Knight (3HP) Flashlight
* Imperator_Titan - Ed Trevor (3HP) Flares [II uses]
* Jay Burns - Jay Burns (3HP)
* Halinder - Persh Aggley (3HP) Flashlight
* Crono23 - Alaina Koepple (3HP) First-Aid Kit [III Uses]
* Casany - August Walker (3HP)
* Louisloftcraft - Ivan Poloski (3HP) Side-arm [II Uses]
* Biolock - Alex Crossman (2HP) Crowbar
* RedsPro - Sam Greene (3HP)
* MrJJJ - Alexeiy Wolf (3HP) Multitool
* Gorglol - Kane Sato (2HP)
* Natorix - Nathan Weathers (3HP)
* DeadLantern - Kazimov Karamov (3HP) Blowtorch Kit [II uses]
* Martzin - Murdoch 'Mack' Machowic (2HP) Flashlight
* Jackie Estegado - Arnie Perkins (3HP)
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Jaketeaking » 17 Feb 2017, 11:05

Rob606 wrote: B - Head right, to the food court.
James looks around, and seeing he has nothing to open the door with, and wishes to avoid the fleshy sound, heads right, to the food court.
The man known as James 'patch' Alfonse. also gets called hotdog and "lemon.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by LarryOrtega » 17 Feb 2017, 11:08

Elliot, considering that he has a crowbar, rush to the restaurant to open the doors.
A - Head left, to the restaurant Nebula. [Crowbar]
"In 100 years more we will be a story.In 200 years an epic period.In 500 years a medieval tale.
In 1,000 years a relic. In 5,000 years archaeological remains. In 10,000 years an ancient mystery.
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Imperator_Titan » 17 Feb 2017, 12:32

Ed watches as James heads to the food court and he decides that since he has the flares and the place is in total darkness and that going with someone is better than going alone, decides to head with James.
Rob606 wrote: B - Head right, to the food court.[Flares]

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Natorix » 17 Feb 2017, 13:45

"Lucky we weren't any closer to that blast" gasps Nathan as he catches up with the others. After looking around for a while, he spots the light in the restaurant, and heads towards it.
A - Head left, to the restaurant Nebula.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by coroneljones » 17 Feb 2017, 14:01

Jack sees the choices of the dark open foodcourt, the fleshy soundy probably flesh being rended diner, or the restaurant with lights,possibly, and a closeable door, and decides to head there, saving his flashlight for later
Rob606 wrote: A - Head left, to the restaurant Nebula.
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by crono23 » 17 Feb 2017, 17:10

Alaina hands some ointment to Crossman, then heads toward the restaurant, feeling her services might soon be required there.
A - Head left, to the restaurant Nebula. [First-Aid Kit]?
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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Martzin » 17 Feb 2017, 18:33

Murdoch, seeing Alaina head into the restaurant, goes in as well hoping he could get a chance to heal up...
A - Head left to the restaurant 'Nebula'.
The dude who plays Murdoch Machowicz, whoever he is.

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Karmac » 17 Feb 2017, 18:41

B - Head right, to the Food Court
Feeling hungry and getting worry-some that the large number of people at the Nebula might attract 'unwanted attention', Garth follows James and Ed over to the Food Court.
Garth Pawolski, or is it Powalski?

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Re: Escape the Station! The forum game - IC Thread

Post by Casany » 17 Feb 2017, 21:53

August, a little upset that she didnt get the pistol even though she was the first to get into the sec checkpoint, goes right mumbling about something
B - Head left, to the food court
Last edited by Casany on 20 Feb 2017, 15:38, edited 1 time in total.
"He killed me with a SADAR and it was bullshit. We should ban him for ERP because of how VIOLENTLY HE FUCKED ME" - Biolock, Saturday 15 October 2016

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