The most robust thing you've ever done

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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Heckenshutze » 30 Oct 2017, 15:45

HR171 wrote:
30 Oct 2017, 13:22
i thought synths werent allowed to be violent (or is that just no violence against humans)?
We can defend ourselves or other humans from harm, but always acting in a defensive posture
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by taketheshot56 » 30 Oct 2017, 18:05

Robust thing ever, get tired of command being incompetent, grab mac 15 from closet as CL, walk downstairs and slaughter queen hiding in bathroom.
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Blade2000Br » 30 Oct 2017, 18:29

taketheshot56 wrote:
30 Oct 2017, 18:05
Robust thing ever, get tired of command being incompetent, grab mac 15 from closet as CL, walk downstairs and slaughter queen hiding in bathroom.
...CL have a mac-15? thought was a 88mod.
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Solarmare » 30 Oct 2017, 18:47

Cargo probably got them one from the black market crate.
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Gandalf » 30 Oct 2017, 18:55

In a shitty standoff where muhreens were hiding behind barricades while the ayys were picking dudes off one by one, I leaped over to grab a guy in crit and found myself face-to-face with the fucking queen.

Managed to get her into crit by dodging around and point-blank buckshooting. Then a praetorian shot me and I died and the queen slept for a bit and got up because nobody was fucking pushing.

Still tho I'm happy with it.

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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by taketheshot56 » 30 Oct 2017, 19:03

BladeBr wrote:
30 Oct 2017, 18:29
...CL have a mac-15? thought was a 88mod.
I procured....a mac 15.
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Blade2000Br » 30 Oct 2017, 19:28

taketheshot56 wrote:
30 Oct 2017, 19:03
I procured....a mac 15.
SnooPING AS usual I see.
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by contactdenied » 30 Oct 2017, 23:51

First time as CMP, I get reports that an MP is breaking cargo's shit so I go over and find a baldie MP with a crowbar. He tries to run as I talk to him so I tase him, and I brought him back to the brig. He's so new he doesn't know how to talk before I tell him in LOOC. I decided that I would teach him the basics of being an MP and some essential game mechanics like shooting and reloading and gave him advice to go marine standard. Teaching him took up most of my time as a CMP so when I was done with the basics the aliens were on the ship. I tell him to grab a gun from the armory and we head out to research where all the aliens are. The marines blew a hole into the wall for easy access and I see two ayys harassing Crimson inside a research cell, for some reason they didn't attack immediately as I came in so I slugged both of them and killed them, saving him. My apprentice actually managed to fire a shot into an alien and I was very proud of him, we go out and I try to teach him the basic medical system and targeting body parts but the round ended shortly after research was cleared.

i still can't remember my boy's and that disappoints me
Phillip Driver, jack of all trades, reliable in some. Your typical jumpy flamer PFC or ammo fumbling CPL, always has a pair of ballistic goggles on him for unknown reasons. Will probably die mid sentence, because he talks (and gets bullied) too much for his own good. He has his moments though.

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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Kesserline » 31 Oct 2017, 04:18

Leading Delta a week ago. (One of the quickest round I ever played and one of the quickest rounds I could observe too)

We came to Help some Bravos/Charlies at the front (south) entrance of Lambda labs. Saw that this was a killzone.

Spec offers to flank. Okay. Grabbing all the deltas around, and going on the West Entrance. We got in. Spec set C4 on a wall.

We saw fucking tons of larvas. I let my boys fire in like crazy. Stepping back 3 meters and going south in a small corner to plant an OB.

At the moment I came back, Queen is angry. Fucking all of the Delta around with a mighty ayys push. A crusher slaughter Tracee Parker Medic and I. I wake up, 15 meters N-E from my OB. Asking CO to fire the OB with N-E offset.

Killing all 8 infected Deltas + some aliens + some more larvas.

The only thing I regret is not being able to say : "USCM OU-RAH" just before the impact. But yet, it was a good pretty good flank !

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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by contactdenied » 01 Nov 2017, 00:21

Purge round, "LT Two Plus Two is" is my name. Pretty uneventful, until we challenge the xenos to a basketball match, we, of course, lost because the queen wasn't counting my 6 dunks I made. We get dragged to briefing for a rage cage, and I have to fight a fresh out of cryo, naked marine. I almost get knocked into pain crit because of him, but I end up beating him to death after knocking him down a few times. I sneak in a Tricord injector to speed up my healing process, and I watch as a zombie tries to duel a crusher. I later try to escape, and I almost make it to Requisitions before a ravager charges me and swallows me. I still had my shotgun, pistol, and boot knife I looted off a marine on me, so I landed at least 10 strikes while inside it, and then launched it into crit after shooting it with my shotgun. I finished it off with a few pistol bullets right before self destruct happened.
Phillip Driver, jack of all trades, reliable in some. Your typical jumpy flamer PFC or ammo fumbling CPL, always has a pair of ballistic goggles on him for unknown reasons. Will probably die mid sentence, because he talks (and gets bullied) too much for his own good. He has his moments though.

Jim, a Gen 2 Synthetic. Has a tendency to get melted to bits when planet side, and that's when he's behind barricades. Despite that, he's vigilant and always ready to drag you out of danger, even if it damages him in the process.

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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Redikalzip » 01 Nov 2017, 07:07

We did push aliuns to faces, my delta squard was North of Sandtemple, we start slowly push into caves to their hive.
Couse I was SADAR I did preload AT rocket and I was prepared to Queeen's screech.
I was near queen, when she did that OK screech on us. Aiming, Carrier, queen and prae was stunned by my AT rocket. Nice.
Then B18 just did nade spamm = Minus Carrier, prae, queen and small young hunter.
After I saw shittons of larvaes inside one room. PHR. Fire. All larvas just burnt out. Heh. -11 larvas by one big rocket.
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Arbs » 06 Nov 2017, 20:19

Today. I blocked a crusher in a single-line cave entrance east of T-Fort only by using an ore crate.

The engineer had enough time to build a wall to block it off completely.
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by caleeb101 » 06 Nov 2017, 22:01

The time I survived 4 Screeches from a Queen and 3 Rav charges because 'Your armor absorbs the blow!'.

Then I got decapped by the queen after yet ANOTHER screech after bragging to Ed Trevor about my achievements. Good times.
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by AccointNaim » 09 Nov 2017, 00:53

Killing everyone in a Predator Tournament Event, but then dying to the final battle, a Predator.
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Arbs » 10 Nov 2017, 16:03

Point-blanked a predator with an HE SADAR rocket only for said predator to be mobbed to death by the delta marines
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Kesserline » 10 Nov 2017, 16:41

Was there.

It was quite funny : he roars, you SARDAR.

Then, 75% of the delta got caught in the nuke =D

It would have been so good if you just had the time to say : "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND !"

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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by contactdenied » 11 Nov 2017, 00:08

I have Charlie as my preferred squad, but for some reason it put me on Delta. I got spec though, and ended up with the SADAR. We deploy, and as soon as the river clears we end up in combat. This was my first time ever using a sadar, but I manage to land an AP missile right into the queen, downing them and I watched as the marines stampeded over the corpse. But wait, there's more. I find a machete on the ground near the western caves, and I replace my revolver with it. I push in with my Sl and a few marines, and we meet a spitter. I chase it down and land many strikes on it until it ends up gibbing. I then meet the second queen, and I fire a rocket into them, hurting the charlie SL in the process. The second queen tried to escape until I charged at it with my machete, and I ended up landing the killing blow. Charlie SL was fine with me almost killing him, it was only a light graze. My final kill was a mature drone, we noticed it hiding in a corner with no escape, so I pull out my machete again and start slashing it, trapping it in the corner in the process. We trade many blows until I'm near pain crit, but my final strike kills it and gibs it. The exchange went something like this.
► Show Spoiler
I think attacking it head on wasn't that smart, but I ended up winning, so yeah.
► Show Spoiler
Phillip Driver, jack of all trades, reliable in some. Your typical jumpy flamer PFC or ammo fumbling CPL, always has a pair of ballistic goggles on him for unknown reasons. Will probably die mid sentence, because he talks (and gets bullied) too much for his own good. He has his moments though.

Jim, a Gen 2 Synthetic. Has a tendency to get melted to bits when planet side, and that's when he's behind barricades. Despite that, he's vigilant and always ready to drag you out of danger, even if it damages him in the process.

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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Feeltheburnandslams » 11 Nov 2017, 14:36

In the recent zombo round, I went on a berserker rampage and felled 5 zombies with my bare hands, or the claws I found in a closet in charlie prep. I was going ham, mano a mano with zombies biting, clawing, and generally kicking ass till I got hit with buckshot that pretty much put me down for good from all the damage.

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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Wood_jablomi » 17 Nov 2017, 13:35

Survived a whole round without going to medbay.

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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by 4thsurviver » 18 Nov 2017, 03:39

During my MP round we had UPP guests. They were a pretty friendly bunch and wanting to avoid any diplomatic nightmares I mostly just followed them around instead of hassling them. They left the ship to preform their own mission and eventually came back up to try and use our comms to ask for a ride home. When they got to CIC to ask XO for help he refused until they explained their mission. They avoided the question so XO wanted them brigged. Well the UPP didn't like that and opened fire. I was able to tase and cuff 3 out of 4 of the UPPs as they shot me up in close quarters. But they still managed to kill XO and the one SO on the bridge leaving me and CMP to deal with the problem.

It was probably my single most robust combat action I've ever preformed and then I kind of ruined it. Being so thoroughly shot up I was limping around coughing up blood and gasping for air. I knew I couldn't keep stun locking them until help arrived. So when the Chief decided to shoot the cuffed UPP I joined in and emptied my pistol into one of their faces instead of stop him. It was that course of action that led to the UPP boarding the ship and killing more people.

So I held my own in combat robustly but some poor decisions made things worse and caused the incident I was really hoping to prevent. Funnily enough I sent USCM a fax of our side of events to let them know the UPP was lying and somehow knew about what happened on the ship despite having no clear way of doing so and USCM High Command still complied with UPP demands. So I learned that High Command are cowards.
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by jalen earl » 19 Nov 2017, 17:33

Happened a few days ago.

Pretty much solo killed the queen and a few t1,t2 with a gyro shotgun as medic. Hydro dome was falling and we had been flanked from medical and fitness. I was dragging a wounded patient out myself being burned up badly from a boiler bombard. Just began on the road towards nexus when i saw the queen enter the lower hydro dome to screech. I turned around boxed her in with a barrage of buckshot dropping a spitter and drone that ran to her aid. So stoked i didnt care that i got murdered horribly 5 mins later by a ravager
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by JennerH » 19 Nov 2017, 20:41

2nd time SL, led the retreat from hydro, turned around halfway back, and yelled "charge!". 10 minutes later we had pushed them to the caves, brought them down to 3, and I had killed 4 or 5 either singlehandedly or with some help, once from a predator who got pissed at the queen and grenaded her. I ended up dying after 30 minutes of robusting the space Jamaican because he cheated with a speargun. I'm glad I've started keeping throwing knives in my helmet because the preds don't like those much
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Monoo » 19 Nov 2017, 20:51

Not trying to brag or anything, but I built a wooden barricade once
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Skimmy2 » 19 Nov 2017, 22:00

Monoo wrote:
19 Nov 2017, 20:51
Not trying to brag or anything, but I built a wooden barricade once
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Re: The most robust thing you've ever done

Post by Comrade » 21 Nov 2017, 15:47

Gonna flex on you beeta males, so prepare yourselves.
One time while playing SO, I managed to step on 4 resin holes, and avoided every single face hugger that emerged while all the marines behind me suffered for my sins.
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