CO Report - Solidfury7

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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by driecg36 » 03 Aug 2017, 11:02

Only logs I can find about directly removing the CO from Josen and the RO:

[11:53:45]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles: At no time did I advocate his removal.
[11:54:00]SAY: Lother Jones/x: YeaH, HE dIdn't sahY anyThi'ng 'abuut THRowin'G Uut the cu.

HOWEVER, the CMO himself DID directly say the CO should be removed:

[11:45:23]SAY: Ox McMurtry/x: If it's not, I suggest the MPs remove the CO.
[11:46:10]SAY: Ox McMurtry/x: I question the CO. I'm a civilian. If this is a "Drill" then I'd say to pull him out of command.

It's very possible Solid and Edge got these people confused, and just pinned the talk of removing the CO on Keelin.

I'll look a little more on this later, but I doubt I'll find anything spoony hasn't.
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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by solidfury7 » 03 Aug 2017, 12:48

driecg36 wrote:Only logs I can find about directly removing the CO from Josen and the RO:

[11:53:45]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles: At no time did I advocate his removal.
[11:54:00]SAY: Lother Jones/x: YeaH, HE dIdn't sahY anyThi'ng 'abuut THRowin'G Uut the cu.

HOWEVER, the CMO himself DID directly say the CO should be removed:

[11:45:23]SAY: Ox McMurtry/x: If it's not, I suggest the MPs remove the CO.
[11:46:10]SAY: Ox McMurtry/x: I question the CO. I'm a civilian. If this is a "Drill" then I'd say to pull him out of command.

It's very possible Solid and Edge got these people confused, and just pinned the talk of removing the CO on Keelin.

I'll look a little more on this later, but I doubt I'll find anything spoony hasn't.
There was a specific phrase where cargo advocated the arrest. This is why I find it unlikely that I mixed up the CMO and Cargo.

As I said. I know it's easy to miss things in the logs and it's especially tedious but I'm almost certain cargo was advocating my removal and they said this over comms.

Edit: The style of the log was something ROUGHLY along the lines of "Two of us in Cargo something something arrest the CO" (It's been a few days so the exact quote is lost on me)
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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by driecg36 » 03 Aug 2017, 13:10

These are the only mentions of both the RO and the CT with arrest in the same sentence:

[11:56:53]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : Both RO staff are being arrested for calling the CO an asshat for running fake drills and endangering the lives of marines.
[11:59:16]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : He's had the CMO arrested near-permanently for calling him out.
[11:59:23]SAY: Josen 'Flex' Keelin/Chaznoodles : And is trying to have myself and the RO arrested for the same.

Me and spoony have looked through EVERYTHING Chaz had said that round MULTIPLE times, and we can't find this one sentence you keep mentioning.
I'm sorry, but at this point the most likely scenario is simply that you misheard/misremember a sentence.
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Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by solidfury7 » 03 Aug 2017, 13:34

I'm almost sure about this but I'll trust you chaps. No one is immune from faults i suppose. Evidently I must have misheard someone or something due to the situation occurring.

Thanks for looking for it anyway dude.
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Byond: TheDonkified

Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by TheDonkified » 03 Aug 2017, 23:12

I was the RO Lother Jones that round, and I can attest to Josen not advocating for mutiny. He was criticizing command and the CO over comms (general and command as far as I remember) for putting the ship on red alert for threats that weren't present on the ship and for the drills that the CO was having all the departments run. He insulted them, but in no way did he say that he thought command should step down or be removed, both in comms and out of comms.

Towards the end of the round, the CO comes in unarmed asking for sentries. I tell him we don't have the points, and then Josen comes out of the autolathe area in req. The CO spots him, and then he takes out his mateba and starts trying to shoot Josen, but he misses all his shots. The time between Josen coming out and the CO opening fire might have involved an exchange of words, but I don't remember 100% about what happened. The CO exits the autolathe area and takes out his smartgun, and I assume he is prepared to gun down Josen. In response, I build a chair in the doorway and sit down to block the CO's line of fire and protect Josen. Later on, others arrive, including the MP Julian Ortega, who throws a flashbang. Then, I am unbuckled and the CO decapitates Josen by shooting him in the head with the mateba.

It seems most of the things I've said here have either already been said or confirmed by the other people, but I just want to act as another witness to what happened.
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Byond: Feweh

Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by Feweh » 04 Aug 2017, 11:56

So I'm resolving this since Apop is super busy lately.

Solidfury7 has received a HEAVY warning about battlefield executions.
Chaz needs to chill the fuck out.

Theres a couple of issues I have from both parties in regards to this.

1. It's EXTREMELY low RP for any member (especially non command staff) to protest red alert drills or practice behavior. Chaz constantly refusing and complaining over the radio about Command running a drill is very stupid and would NEVER happen in a real situation. Chaz is also well known for this behavior and has a history of opposing anything he doesnt agree with.

2. It's EXTREMELY shitty for Solid to go out of his way to execute Chaz when he could of easily ordered him arrested. Yes Chaz was refusing to follow orders and subtlety stirring up trouble in the background, but it wasn't anything worth going all the way to cargo for to execute him and I don't buy the BS of Solid conveniently going to cargo to get a sentry. (Had he been his SO/XO it would of been fine).

3. BOTH of you have this huge meta-grudge against eachother due to a previous report. It's clear you both don't like eachother and purposely rub eachother the wrong way because of this.
This grudge ends here and in the future I want to see you both cooperate.

So you're both getting warnings and next time something similar to this comes up you'll face the full wrath of punishment.

This is resolved and will be locked in 24hours.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: CO Report - Solidfury7

Post by apophis775 » 05 Aug 2017, 15:49

What Feweh said.

People need to fucking understand that "Battlefield Executions" are meant to be an RP tool, not a meta-grudge tool.

Don't use it if you have alternatives unless you are trying to make an RP point.
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