kept you waiting, huh?
good sprites as always
PFC Rex Lombardi shouts, "Boys if you jump out of the dropship you are guarenteed a pass into the paratroopers regiment!"Philby0 wrote: They're so white they can colonise anything at will
Alright, just don't get run over out there.Weaselburg wrote: ↑07 Apr 2018, 03:22Hey man, can I have a weasel in military uniform, preferably with a to-scale weapon? I mean I declare myself lowest priority over anyone that comes next, but if you got it done that would be great!
There's three bosses now, you'll have to fight someday.Cry of Wolves wrote: ↑07 Apr 2018, 03:29That MGS pic is just way too good. Could you please do one for Sif Magnus in this pose.
Sif is below in my signature for refs. Being covered in blood is his usual state.► Show Spoiler
Thank you again for making amazing art.
Sure thing man.Imperator_Titan wrote: ↑12 Apr 2018, 19:01https://gyazo.com/0ecd48db121964d987c4a90442243330
Think ya could draw my dude? Thanks in advance!
PFC Rex Lombardi shouts, "Boys if you jump out of the dropship you are guarenteed a pass into the paratroopers regiment!"Philby0 wrote: They're so white they can colonise anything at will
Don't smoke too much.Elcheba wrote: ↑13 Apr 2018, 04:25Can you draw my character? im looking for his face in the dark while he lits a cigarette. (if you dont know what i mean or if its too much of a hassle just draw him however you want.)
here are some images of my character:
and heres his flavour text if it helps:
Skinny fellow standing at 5'7".
He is 20 years old, His messy hair and an unkempt apperance make him look older than he actually is.
He is almost always seen wearing his lucky cap.
Two Cs are etched into his radio headset.
Thank you in advance <3
What if you were on the other side of the wall?begad wrote: ↑13 Apr 2018, 16:19Mind drawing little old Dickie for me?I would like to see him leaning against the wall in the dark smoking a cigar and wearing his shades with a green beret and wearing a military coat of some sort And maybe holding an m16 with one of his hands.
Images of my character:
He has long black hair with a full beard
I believe you are one of the first big bois.TheDonkified wrote: ↑13 Apr 2018, 16:24Draw fat albert as Lother. Pictures as reference:► Show Spoiler
I draw with only a mouse.
only real nibbas know what kind of swords these are and the realest nibbas know the swords' names.
Sure no problem man. If you need anything else let me know.
I wanna say those're keyblades, Specifically Oathkeeper and Oblivion?TehSpoderman wrote: ↑17 Apr 2018, 16:44only real nibbas know what kind of swords these are and the realest nibbas know the swords' names.
realest nibba right hereadralimas wrote: ↑18 Apr 2018, 11:16I wanna say those're keyblades, Specifically Oathkeeper and Oblivion?
I didn't play enough of kingdom hearts to be absolutely sure but i am a huge nerd so there's that, Good series though! Still gotta beat the second one and eventually work my way towards getting a PS4 for whenever the hell the release the third.
Also damn fine work as per usual Mane! o7