What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by solidfury7 » 12 Mar 2018, 10:08

It's a common one but...

I was SL. I had a really grest squad in Charlie. They didn't complain about telecoms duty, they roleplayed. A lot of new faces were acting competent and roleplaying exeedingly well. After about 40 minutes we were sent to the frontlines, to flank the hostiles.

Just before we reach the hostie hive, a new PFC who is clearing weeds with his shotgun raised blows my head clean off with a slug at point blank.

The aliens used the moments after to attack my confused squad and nearly wiped them, only saved by taking the elevator I ordered fixed moments before I was killed.

I was dissapointed but mistakes happen.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by ExGame » 14 Mar 2018, 08:32

I was the Alpha SL on Big Red. We were sent out to be scouting out the SW caves by the XO. It went okay, we had some encounters and made a few kills here and there with minimal FF, suddenly two Deltas come running at us like refugees, yelling how their entire squad has been captured at the entrance of Lambda. So we and the two Deltas make our way to the Lambda entrance and we've faced the actual hive. Our push stagnated but we slowly pushed them back, I then saw a carrier and began to move infront to shoot some lead into that bitch.

Suddenly, a sniper round hits me in the back of my head out of nowhere. It was my Specialist, I was immediately decapped. The entire squad goes apeshit about how the SL just lost his head, screaming into the radio. Everyone runs around in a panic trying to fall back, but it was too late as at that point the xenos have encircled them and 5 minutes later Alpha got slaughtered with a single survivor, the fucking Sniper Spec.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Evilkyle24 » 15 Mar 2018, 03:00

Hit by boiler acid, set myself and the squad on fire while blind, one of the squadmembers threw a grenade into the middle of the group and a ravager stabbed me right as it went off.

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Dolth » 15 Mar 2018, 06:29

Also I recall dying because I was drinking from a bottle. Like, 10 seconds of inattention.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Recounted » 15 Mar 2018, 21:22

Charged into marines as crusher with the boiler gas in hydro was destroying the fuck out of marines then one of them closed the plasteel barricade and got fucked
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by MauroVega » 16 Mar 2018, 13:13


What could go wrong?


Goes up the ladder, both instantly hit by neuro toxin and acid sprays, both slashed down without firing a shot

10/10 would follow Brooks again

Lesson of the day: Check your ladders kids
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Sambalu » 16 Mar 2018, 14:28

Can confirm the above. When I climbed up the ladders, the entire hive was present and instantly killed me.

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Heckenshutze » 19 Mar 2018, 09:41

Marine clearing weeds wielding rifle, misfires, all the burst goes to my head, insta-kill.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Wubs4Scrubs » 31 Mar 2018, 01:04

I dropped dead from toxin damage. I genuinely have no idea what the fuck did it, I was a medical doctor on board the Sulaco and all of a sudden I started throwing up and dying rapidly. I thought the SM leaked however scans showed no radiation and russian red didn't do anything to help. I died within a minute from massive toxin damage, I ahelped about it and even the mod was like "I have no idea wtf happened to you."

So yeah, it was pretty funny to ghost and see the next person come into medbay to see vomit everywhere and follow the trail into the storage room where I was dead.

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Sulaboy » 31 Mar 2018, 01:14

Wubs4Scrubs wrote:
31 Mar 2018, 01:04
I dropped dead from toxin damage. I genuinely have no idea what the fuck did it, I was a medical doctor on board the Sulaco and all of a sudden I started throwing up and dying rapidly. I thought the SM leaked however scans showed no radiation and russian red didn't do anything to help. I died within a minute from massive toxin damage, I ahelped about it and even the mod was like "I have no idea wtf happened to you."

So yeah, it was pretty funny to ghost and see the next person come into medbay to see vomit everywhere and follow the trail into the storage room where I was dead.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Dolth » 31 Mar 2018, 08:03

Heckenshutze wrote:
19 Mar 2018, 09:41
Marine clearing weeds wielding rifle, misfires, all the burst goes to my head, insta-kill.
Thats how I FF. Clearing weeds with gyro rifle then suddenly I get pushed. PEWPEWPEW!

Now I just swap to single fire so eh less dangerous.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Weaselburg » 03 Apr 2018, 14:14

GenericUsername wrote:
10 Mar 2018, 18:31
Did this happen on the PO bunks escape pods? Because if so, I was there too as the CL. At least I ghosted before dying though
He was at Alpha Prep pods, but I was there. You were overzealous and forgot to CLOSE THE DAMNED DOOR! I just shoved myself into a sleeper after a bit of time trying to fiddle with the controls and told myself there was a internal air supply. I then ghosted.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Bobalobdob » 16 Apr 2018, 11:57

Was playing CE one round. Xenos invaded just like any good ol round of LV highpop. My good thought? Nab a combat shot, meds, space suit, and space myself. Plan worked out alright, didnt lose any limbs in disposals and it was lookin like i was in the green. "But bobalobdob how did you die then?"

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Adralimas » 16 Apr 2018, 21:52

So i have another character i rarely play opposed to broccoli, Joseph 'EMP' Jhonson.
The most absurd way i've died was by disassembling the lower almayer SMES's until there was one left.
Just as i went to finish the last step on it, It exploded with an EMP Blast that killed me instantly and fucked up the entire lower almayer power grid so badly an admin coulden't fix it.
It had about a charge of 70%ish still innit, I didn't know that if you bypassed the safeties with there still being a massive charge in it that it would well, Explode. I do now.
I was the only casualty and i was revived and even spent the rest of the round trying to fix the problem with my limited engineering knowledge as a stupid MT, It ended in the round ending with me solving little to nothing other than getting myself killed AGAIN.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by TheRedMenace » 20 Apr 2018, 09:37

During a special event (someone detonated SM just because, either Feweh or Apop had to put it into lore of round somehow... they did), went back to ship.
Land in hangar.
Door opens.
Gust of wind knocks you down!
Got flown into middle of obliterated Sulaco.
Died of asphyxiation.

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Casany » 20 Apr 2018, 10:10

Killed a predator and stole all its gear, was fully armored with heavy pred armor

Got point blanked by white phosphorus while fighting a queen one v one

Survived, walked back, got hit by a sniper incen round and went into hardcrit

Got hit by an HE SADAR shot and finally died, gibbing
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by HKO20006 » 20 Apr 2018, 11:22

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Kerek » 22 Apr 2018, 23:25

I got shot once and my lungs popped. And then I was left behind.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Ms.Degrasse » 23 Apr 2018, 01:53

- By old Sulaco's bridge, as an officer, I heard some chat about a problem in supermatter reactor and the CE having to eject the core.
A little after that, when firing at an orbital bombardment beacon, the entire bridge explodes.
Supermatter core actually orbited around the planet and came back at us.
But for adding insult to injury, some guys thought I somehow OBed the bridge in dead chat, until an admin clarified the situation.

- Again in old server, I was happy digging and building a very detailed lair by the planet.
Then suddenly everything turned into ashes and my character got instakilled.
You guessed...
The ejected supermatter just exploded by the planet.

- We invaded Sulaco and everything was going right. We took the engineering and made it our nest.
Then a engineer went out of a locker and ran towards the airlock, shooting back at us.
Her gunfire exploded a fuel tank, and it made nearby phoron tanks leak, causing a raging fire in engineering that killed every xeno there saving for the queen.
(A very clever trap... Very well done actually.)


- As the commander, in old Sulaco, I was prepping and getting ready for briefing.
Was playing as a character that was all about melee, so I was going to leave the pistol and took the sword out of the locker.
Then I tossed the sword at nearby table, for freeing my hand for a while.
Only I clicked at the wall after it instead.
Sword bounced on the wall, came flying back at my char and embedded in, causing crippling paincrit and lethal injuries.
Still, she survived it, called for help, and we won the round.

- As a hunter xeno, I was going to pass close to a landmine.
Only there was a predator by that position, that I inadvertently pushed into it or something.
Marines swarmed in shooting, but the pred got peppered and cornered while I escaped alive.

- As a marine engineer I placed a landmine by a fuel-tank, expecting the combined explosion to heavily damage a xeno.
Only I had to pick up something close to the fuel tank.
Runner rushed in, got exploded and my engie was caught by the fuel-tank blast (but he survived).

- As a corporate liaison, I decided to put my id inside a fancy wallet I found by the planet.
Only didn't noticed a turret nearby.
The second I grabbed the ID, the turret bathed my char in hot lead. Still, she survived the incident.

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by fatalityfun » 25 Apr 2018, 18:25

After spending the majority of my round so far nested, I broke out and was chased down by a young runner
beat its head in with a shovel, but took heavy head damage and was barely making it back to LZ1 on LV
I arrive and fall down, ask for someone to drag me onto the DS before I burst
the baldy had been on harm with his pulse rifle and bayonetted my head clean off

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by AccointNaim » 25 Apr 2018, 21:41

Mowing down tens of marines with a minigun, only to get killed by a Smartgun, -Yours Truly, Clone Theta.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Martzin » 26 Jun 2018, 21:50

Drinking a cup of phoron mistaking it for a bloody mary. My heart exploded. 2nd contender, being eaten by a xeno and yelling at my friends to shoot it until it gibbed and i died of acid burns. Real lovely shit.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Nantei » 26 Jun 2018, 22:08

Swirlied to death by a warrior.

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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Whiteflicker » 28 Jun 2018, 16:55

One time, I was playing standard marine on LV. This was WAYYY back then, but still Almayer era.

I am moving up towards T-fort alongside other deltas, until a stray M41A shot from somewhere behind me hits me.

I was completely undamaged, AND i was wearing a helmet.

That SINGLE stray shot beheaded me. I fucking died from that single bullet, and I still can't understand what the fuck just happened to this day.
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Re: What's the MOST ABSURD WAY you've died?

Post by Kerek » 28 Jun 2018, 18:53

I got shot once

I couldn't breathe

I fell down

I got left behind
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