Spheretech - Damavik

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Jakkkk » 07 Jul 2018, 19:24

Well, after reviewing everyones comments, the application itself, and my own experiences with you, I would not like to see you as a predator, as I don't think you can handle the responsibility to deliver marines a fun and balanced experience.

Everyone has already said it and I'm beating a dead horse, but you are a notorious powergamer. Join the game, get the best shit you can and kill as much as you can. You don't really go out of your way to talk people, barely talk in squad comms besides "CONTACT EAST", and while I hadn't put much thought into it previously, I have noticed whenever there is a pred, you go out of your way to hunt them to the ends of the earth.

As for the application, the story is pretty uninteresting. It gives some clan backstory which is cool, but other than that it is pretty unoriginal. I understand at this point in the predator whitelist everything has been done before more or less, but there are still better ways to go about this than just a simple hunt story. Also, your character said xenomorph, and I'm not entirely sure if predators refer to them as that. Serpents is the primary, but please correct me if they do call them Xenomorphs.

From what vibes I get, you didn't put a lot of effort into this application because you're a well known person. Not well known for the best reasons though.

ON HOW TO FIX IT: Make a story that will be original in some way, but also not too absurd for the lore of preds. The biggest issue here is in your OOC personality of just going kill hungry, if you can keep it up for a couple of months with actively RPing, then by all means, I will +1 the shit out this.

Until then, -1.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by spheretech » 07 Jul 2018, 19:59

Alright well this app now has 76 replies and 4 pages. I think almost everything has been talked about and it actually seems to be big either big big -1s or big +1s.
To summarize:
I am not an active or heavy roleplayer, and I will not actively RP if I can fight instead just so I could try for pred again. Fighting is much more fun and in my opinion, the is actual heart of CM.
I am not the perfect predator RPer some want. But saying that I have to point out I am absolutely not incapable of quality roleplay. I simply choose not to do it.
Everyone has their opinions on me, and everyone knows me ICly. Some appreciate my playstyle and some do not.
My playstyle will appeal more to the combat type of marine, which is most of the server. I will give a fight, and it will be a fight without OP weaponry players despise.
Not to be cheesy but actions speak louder than words, and even more so for predators (another language, doh).
The vast majority of my pred encounters have been backstabs, kills of my friends and dishonorable deaths.
I want to be an actual good fight for those that want it, and step away from the things players hate about predators.

Congrats to Jamie if he can actually read this whole thread. It's up to him now and I honestly don't know the outcome at this point.

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Byond: Symbiosis

Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Symbiosis » 07 Jul 2018, 20:30

spheretech wrote:
07 Jul 2018, 17:51
Proud and arrogant.
My concern with this is you finishing off dishonorable marines.

Take the round I captured you recently. The fight we had meant you were dishonorable in my eyes - beneath mention. It’s why I left you bleeding out (rather than decap you) so you’d have a chance for retrieval.

You later chased me down with a flamethrower and killed me with it. Should I have let you live? OOCly no, I knew you’d try to find me, it’s your typical MO. ICly I decided you were beneath taking a trophy from. I’m concerned you’re going to just kill anyone who falls beneath honorable.

I wouldn’t mind if Predator had their armor nerfed/made weaker and were encouraged to hunt as many trophies as possible. Right now you’d be too good. You have to let yourself be vulnerable as a Predator to really die. The story as a Pred is often as much about the other players as it is you.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by ThePiachu » 07 Jul 2018, 21:36

Symbiosis wrote:
07 Jul 2018, 20:30
My concern with this is you finishing off dishonorable marines.

Take the round I captured you recently. The fight we had meant you were dishonorable in my eyes - beneath mention. It’s why I left you bleeding out (rather than decap you) so you’d have a chance for retrieval.

You later chased me down with a flamethrower and killed me with it. Should I have let you live? OOCly no, I knew you’d try to find me, it’s your typical MO. ICly I decided you were beneath taking a trophy from. I’m concerned you’re going to just kill anyone who falls beneath honorable.

I wouldn’t mind if Predator had their armor nerfed/made weaker and were encouraged to hunt as many trophies as possible. Right now you’d be too good. You have to let yourself be vulnerable as a Predator to really die. The story as a Pred is often as much about the other players as it is you.
Wait, are you talking about the LV round where that one predator got captured and later rescued from the hive? I think I've seen that go down. A predator was fighting a queen, then got lit up by Hotshot, and then that predator shot back. Then after round-end I think I saw Hotshot or someone else fight another predator. That round made me make this post - viewtopic.php?f=64&t=17873 .

While I can't speak to spheretech's action in general, I wouldn't consider that particular round with those two engagements, at least from what I've seen, as "dishonorable" - you weren't having an honour duel, you were hunting, different rules apply. Maybe I've missed some things, maybe they were seeking you out and otherwise have fallen to "dishonourable" category, but otherwise I would be complaining about what the Preds were doing late round.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Symbiosis » 07 Jul 2018, 21:38

ThePiachu wrote:
07 Jul 2018, 21:36
Wait, are you talking about the LV round where that one predator got captured and later rescued from the hive? I think I've seen that go down. A predator was fighting a queen, then got lit up by Hotshot, and then that predator shot back. Then after round-end I think I saw Hotshot or someone else fight another predator. That round made me make this post - viewtopic.php?f=64&t=17873 .

While I can't speak to spheretech's action in general, I wouldn't consider that particular round with those two engagements, at least from what I've seen, as "dishonorable" - you weren't having an honour duel, you were hunting, different rules apply. Maybe I've missed some things, maybe they were seeking you out and otherwise have fallen to "dishonourable" category, but otherwise I would be complaining about what the Preds were doing late round.

No. I play Thwei Kv’var.

I know what honorable hunting is as a Predator and when it comes to Marines I generally capture them smoothly and remove them from the fighting. If I mention a fight with a Marine it is done in a controlled environment.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by NescauComToddy » 08 Jul 2018, 01:40

To start, I was likely to provide spheretech a +1 because I was curious to see his reaction on how unsettled his vision is of the role and because I additionally trusted him, despite remembering the powergaming and toxic past of the player at the end of 2016 until the middle of 2017.

Every background for *me* has a certain importance in an application, after all, it is where I try to identify the characteristics that make up the personality of the character that a player intends to create, and the knowledge of the lore of such. Honestly, your first hunt being against humans is not something that affects your app in my eyes. I only need the applicant to show fundamental and essential lore knowledge, even though I prefer those who understand the lore deeply. I conclude that your background is decent, even though it is neither good nor bad. Anyway, I see little importance in a background to decide the vote that I intend to provide, though.

The way you intend to play in no way is unfeasible, but you will perceive that predators, in pure genuineness, are unmistakably strong mobs, but not with the 'strength' you believe they have, especially nowadays. This comes from someone who has already dealt with and survived against numerous swarms, and an immense amount of marines, even though I have experienced the role for a period of only 7 months.

What Reno recently brought to light makes me deem that you may still have some of the essence of who you were in the past, plus that I have enough insight into what I read to state that, however much the context of what 'was It' has not been clarified, you do not have our limitations fully in mind. Not that you will break them, but rather that you do not understand our role, partially. About the "essence", you have to dismiss it unless there is a misunderstanding on my part, which is plausible.

You want to introduce to players a new and fun experience in the battles that you intend to make. Something completely conceivable. However, the point is that to initiate a confrontation, RP is required. Some of us prefer to try to frighten the Marines with the atmosphere, others intend to disturb them and harass them, others like to directly or indirectly indicate a possible hunt, in short, we each have a way to start a conflict, a hunt against an individual who deserves such, an individual who stands out among others for accomplishments that we observe such claim.

I would like, if feasible, that you present me with an example of how you would initiate a 'conflict', how you would interact in this regard with the Marines or Xenos.

For now, I remain neutral, towards -1, as I did not like how you counter-argued Reno and other comments on your part. Unfortunately, due to your past history, I can not ignore the fact that it is credible you still have 'some' of the powergaming you had in the past, which I hope you understand.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by x31stOverlord » 08 Jul 2018, 05:00

Whewie. This has got to be the most responded to pred app in history.

Firstly, a disclosure to you Sphere.

Everyone has their own opinions on everything, to some, a fighting predator is the best option, for others they prefer interacting and RPing, it really does depend on the player in question. As such, everyone has their own preferences in a Pred app.

I will gloss over the story, it was good and well written, was it amazingly stand out? No, not for me atleast. But it won't detract from the app overall, stories aren't too important and are just an indicator of how much someone is willing to work for a predator whitelist.

Onto the main gripe and point of most of the negatives and positives:

Your attitude and behaviour, you have a reputation as one of the most "powergaming" people on the server, everything you do is to 'win' you will kill marines without a second thought even if it means taking them out the round permenantly by husking or gibbing to get a xeno kill. You will not RP at all, chase down anything that moves that isn't a marine, you have in the past ruined and interrupted my RP as a Pred because you run in gunning at me because you want to loot the shiny armour and weapons to gain any and all edges you can against the xenos to 'win'. You are infact on my list of marines I will avoid, not because I fear dying, but because you will give nothing to a situation and ruin any interactions that will be had because you want to win.

I don't know if I can possibly give you a plus 1 because I don't feel confident in believing that you as a pred would not just try as hard as possible to massacre almost anything that moves to get as many trophies as possible because that will be your 'win' condition. Regardless of the other players involved and I have never seen you RP at all, like ever at all. I don't know if I can trust your word to just begin RPing when you have shown no indication of doing so in the past.

For these reasons, I will not be giving a +1. As above, I don't see any evidence of ability to fulfill a very controversial role within the community to the extent that you believe the hatred comes from deliberate pred actions.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Renomaki » 11 Jul 2018, 21:53

You know, I just realized something...

While predators aren't always interacting between each other, the odd conversation is still bound to happen. Considering how rarely you talk in game, how will you interact with your fellow predators?

It is one thing to be a total mute towards your prey, but to your fellow hunters? I hope that won't be the case if you are chosen to join the ranks.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Dolth » 12 Jul 2018, 11:25

Renomaki wrote:
11 Jul 2018, 21:53
You know, I just realized something...

While predators aren't always interacting between each other, the odd conversation is still bound to happen. Considering how rarely you talk in game, how will you interact with your fellow predators?

It is one thing to be a total mute towards your prey, but to your fellow hunters? I hope that won't be the case if you are chosen to join the ranks.
RP as a marine is not mandatory or at least is bound to medium (Which is one theory. We both know it's from far lower than that).
So unless you're in the mood or you -want- to RP, you don't -HAVE- to as a marine.

Which isn't the same as predator, as a predator you -HAVE- to show a high tier RP, and right now, you're assuming Sphere cannot RP because you didn't witness it personally.
Whatever you're using as a proof shows that Sphere doesn't initiate much RP, doesn't mean they will NOT AT ALL do any when required to.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Sailor Dave » 12 Jul 2018, 16:38

I'm going to give this a +1 not because of the story elements, but because I'm interested in seeing how you, as a player, perform in a role like this. Everyone's given their input already, you know where you stand with your reputation. Some of it is negative, some of it is positive. You've got a very divided reaction. I'll give my piece on your style.

I also love melee fighting, and I've been called out as the predator punchman myself, because I thought I had a reputation of being robust xeno melee combat mans killer of predator, and that I could handle stooping to that level without risk. My first application draft was very much like yours: I focused almost exclusively on what I thought were the most honorable melee weapons - or even just my fists - to the exclusion of every other tool at my disposal. I thought, "Predators are tough as heck, I hate it when I fight a predator that uses these things! I don't need them." I changed my tune pretty quickly, because it was creatively very limiting when it came to writing an application based around just that.

In practice, you'll find it a lot harder than it sounds. I know it sounds ridiculous from what you've seen, but Predators can be tough in some situations and weak as paper in many others, especially in the positions you intend to put yourself. In the cases where you can pull it off, you will get called out on things like 'boxing with marines' or 'intentionally trying to get yourself infected.'

Very specific, I know, because I've had it happen to me. I very rarely kill the people that I fight, and I still try fight this way whenever I can get away with it because I find it more enjoyable for me and my opponents, but you'll face a lot of criticism even though you think you're doing the fun, honorable thing.

Even if it all works out for you, I'd encourage you to practice restraint. You're coming at this from the other side of the coin, wanting to give people what you think they really want when they see a predator. Try to keep that - and them - in mind if you do get accepted.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Renomaki » 12 Jul 2018, 23:01

Dolth wrote:
12 Jul 2018, 11:25
RP as a marine is not mandatory or at least is bound to medium (Which is one theory. We both know it's from far lower than that).
So unless you're in the mood or you -want- to RP, you don't -HAVE- to as a marine.

Which isn't the same as predator, as a predator you -HAVE- to show a high tier RP, and right now, you're assuming Sphere cannot RP because you didn't witness it personally.
Whatever you're using as a proof shows that Sphere doesn't initiate much RP, doesn't mean they will NOT AT ALL do any when required to.
Marine RP is much simpler than you think, really. You don't have to go /me often or make a lot of purple prose. Rather, just.. Add spice to your writing is all. I'm not sure how much you interact with Lisa, but you seem to be very quick to come to their defense when they are questioned on that.

The funner marines are the ones with personality after all, and the same goes for predators as well. I admit again, predators aren't always social, often going about doing their own hunts. But when there are moments when predator interaction comes into play, how they'll engage with them verbally can say a lot about their passion to entertain the dead (who are often our BIGGEST audience)

I, like Dave here, very much want to see how they'll take on the role, and if they might even learn to enjoy the more theatrical elements of it when it comes to that.

In the end, it is up to the head staff to decide, as we here are but a vast sea of opinions.

... If I may suggest one thing, however, it is that I wouldn't mind if Lisa took up some less combat focused roles to test them in more RP intensive fields (such as MT or SO, to name two). Might be a good test to see how they'll handle downtime between combat and hunting.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Dolth » 13 Jul 2018, 19:10

Renomaki wrote:
12 Jul 2018, 23:01
Marine RP is much simpler than you think, really. You don't have to go /me often or make a lot of purple prose. Rather, just.. Add spice to your writing is all. I'm not sure how much you interact with Lisa, but you seem to be very quick to come to their defense when they are questioned on that.

The funner marines are the ones with personality after all, and the same goes for predators as well. I admit again, predators aren't always social, often going about doing their own hunts. But when there are moments when predator interaction comes into play, how they'll engage with them verbally can say a lot about their passion to entertain the dead (who are often our BIGGEST audience)

I, like Dave here, very much want to see how they'll take on the role, and if they might even learn to enjoy the more theatrical elements of it when it comes to that.

In the end, it is up to the head staff to decide, as we here are but a vast sea of opinions.

... If I may suggest one thing, however, it is that I wouldn't mind if Lisa took up some less combat focused roles to test them in more RP intensive fields (such as MT or SO, to name two). Might be a good test to see how they'll handle downtime between combat and hunting.
Believe me I've been roleplaying for long enough to know that, and that's exactly why you don't see my character doing long ass /me & else.

My point is just the following; Lisa exclusively play combat roles, and as it's a medium RP server if they decide to NOT be much of a roleplayer then she's in her rights, that does NOT prove anything regarding RP.
On another hand (And that fucking sadden me to agree with you), if Sphere could do less combat focused roles you would have your 'view' of her roleplay but again, that's a dick request. Sphere doesn't owe you any explaination imo.

Oh and, I don't really interact with Lisa. You don't seem to understand what I said almost twice. You can't judge someone's RP based on a situation where they are NOT required to roleplay as much as you need to evaluate them. That sticks to strictly every players, not just Lisa.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Okand37 » 14 Jul 2018, 02:43

Whether or not someone roleplays in a situation in which they aren't required, but have the possibility to, is a good way to determine if they'll do the same in a role where they realistically keep that choice.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Dolth » 14 Jul 2018, 07:11

Okand37 wrote:
14 Jul 2018, 02:43
Whether or not someone roleplays in a situation in which they aren't required, but have the possibility to, is a good way to determine if they'll do the same in a role where they realistically keep that choice.
No. Because as I said the huge majority of players will NOT answer to your roleplay attempts and that -CAN- be a real pain in the ass to make up a background around your character where no one reacts to it or just barely RP properly with a weak /me around. You can NOT judge someone RP level from what you see in a role whereas they does NOT necessary NEED to roleplay. Though you're obviously still free to -1, but I am staying solid on this opinion.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Okand37 » 14 Jul 2018, 07:49

Dolth wrote:
14 Jul 2018, 07:11
No. Because as I said the huge majority of players will NOT answer to your roleplay attempts and that -CAN- be a real pain in the ass to make up a background around your character where no one reacts to it or just barely RP properly with a weak /me around. You can NOT judge someone RP level from what you see in a role whereas they does NOT necessary NEED to roleplay. Though you're obviously still free to -1, but I am staying solid on this opinion.
I roleplay ingame just fine, planetside or shipside, and when deployed, without obstructing myself or my team. You have to realize that a lot of the best roleplaying moments involve taking the initiative, even if it means you may infact die, lose, or simply not get the outcome you wanted. I don't need to roleplay as a marine, but I do, which can have an encouraging affect on the people around me. Spheretech has a rather opposite reputation, which means people will-understandably-be weary and nervous when it comes to trying to take the chance to roleplay with them, and it shows they have a much higher chance of passing up opportunities because they may carry risk towards jeopardizing their round.

You should consider that, in a roleplay role, it is vital that the individual actively partakes in roleplaying with a visible passion that inspires or encourages those around them to join in. Part of the entire point of a predator, ideally, is to try to open the window of opportunity to create meaningful interactions with others. You can infact judge someone on a roleplay level from what is seen in a role where they don't need to roleplay, because of the very verdict that it isn't necessary; they have to make an active choice to do so, and that shows if they're someone who will or will not take that first step towards trying to create something memorable.

I'd like to see how spheretech themselves would react to recent criticism as opposed to you doing it for them, however.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Bath Salts Addict » 14 Jul 2018, 09:37

A lot of Spheretech's answers revolve around marines, about how they'll host tournaments with marines and give them cool stuff if they can prove their robustness, how they won't ever use most of the Predator's arsenal because it'd be unfair to marines (although granted majority of those can be difficult for xenos to combat as well) or how you want to shy away from ending marine rounds with the self-destruct gauntlet.

However, xenos are players too. While they may not be the easiest to interact with as a Predator in comparison to Marines, they are still capable of RP and they don't like dying enough to fear the big green headhunter and not attack him on sight. What kind of interactions will you provide Xenos aside from murderizing them into the ground? In your eyes, is there a substantial difference between, say, an elite Ravager who's spent majority of the round fighting and progressing his way to elite as a tier three, something that takes an ungodly amount of time, and your average Marine? Do the same things that would make you hesitant to kill a marine also make you hesitant to kill said Ravager?

Furthermore, if you saw a Xeno (say, the elite Ravager from the prior example) that you would consider worthy prey, what would you do and how would you go about hunting it?

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Aceluke123 » 15 Jul 2018, 18:06

x31stOverlord wrote:
08 Jul 2018, 05:00
Whewie. This has got to be the most responded to pred app in history.

Firstly, a disclosure to you Sphere.

Everyone has their own opinions on everything, to some, a fighting predator is the best option, for others they prefer interacting and RPing, it really does depend on the player in question. As such, everyone has their own preferences in a Pred app.

I will gloss over the story, it was good and well written, was it amazingly stand out? No, not for me atleast. But it won't detract from the app overall, stories aren't too important and are just an indicator of how much someone is willing to work for a predator whitelist.

Onto the main gripe and point of most of the negatives and positives:

Your attitude and behaviour, you have a reputation as one of the most "powergaming" people on the server, everything you do is to 'win' you will kill marines without a second thought even if it means taking them out the round permenantly by husking or gibbing to get a xeno kill. You will not RP at all, chase down anything that moves that isn't a marine, you have in the past ruined and interrupted my RP as a Pred because you run in gunning at me because you want to loot the shiny armour and weapons to gain any and all edges you can against the xenos to 'win'. You are infact on my list of marines I will avoid, not because I fear dying, but because you will give nothing to a situation and ruin any interactions that will be had because you want to win.

I don't know if I can possibly give you a plus 1 because I don't feel confident in believing that you as a pred would not just try as hard as possible to massacre almost anything that moves to get as many trophies as possible because that will be your 'win' condition. Regardless of the other players involved and I have never seen you RP at all, like ever at all. I don't know if I can trust your word to just begin RPing when you have shown no indication of doing so in the past.

For these reasons, I will not be giving a +1. As above, I don't see any evidence of ability to fulfill a very controversial role within the community to the extent that you believe the hatred comes from deliberate pred actions.

I'm sorry, but these are almost exactly the same concerns from me which leads me to give you a -1.

I want a predator player who chooses to roleplay over trying to get kills. I cannot in good faith give someone who has a large controversy over their roleplay attitude and admits to wanting to go into combat over roleplay as a whitelist role that is specifically about roleplaying more than just combat.

Try to get yourself more known for roleplay rather than fighting and combat. Also, you should probably pick a more focused approach to roleplaying your marine so we get a good idea for how well you -do- roleplay in the game in the future.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Renomaki » 15 Jul 2018, 21:41

Recently, there was a strange round where Lisa happened to spawn on world, decked out in heavy armor and kitted to kill. This, no doubt, was part of an experiment by staff to determine how they would behave on a planet with predators roaming about.

At some point, we (me and Dave) managed to stumble upon a campsite that belonged to them in the far corner of the map, and at this moment, I decided to engage in the spooks.

What followed afterwards was a moderately amusing interaction that didn't involve people killing one another, but rather one of peaceful socialization, world building and eventually resulting in them getting gifted by Dave (mainly because they killed an alien earlier and proved capable). Sadly, in the end, they died trying to get through a large alien swarm to their comrades.

While I disagree with the idea of giving them a bunch of heavy weapons and armor, I suppose it was a preventative measure in the event a predator (or xeno) attacks them... But at the same time could have been a test of character to see if they would just murder the first predator that comes into their sight with their heavy incendiary rounds. In the end, they were willing to perform basic theatrics that no doubt amused the ghosts that were watching, as well as allowed us to show a side of the Yautja that too few ever get to see.

My only gripe was, when a xeno came nearby, I couldn't help but notice how they would suddenly break off and chase after it for a bit, almost as if they are too eager to unleash their firepower upon a hostile lifeform. But for the most part they provided an amusing interaction for me and Dave.

I'm still on the fence, however, this being a more controlled setting, but nontheless I still offer my blessing to them.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Symbiosis » 15 Jul 2018, 21:56

Let’s be real.

If you’re afraid of Lisa as a Predator due to her/him murderboning the simple fact is they can go Xeno and do it without a single bit of concern.

If they’re that robust as a Marine, they’ll slaughter as a Xeno.

Here’s the good part of it - if they go full Unga and decide to wipe out a bunch of players in dishonorable ways there’s clearly not going to be much wiggle room because of their reputation.

Like I said, I’m neutral. I just think that the argument that they’re going to murderbone is a bad argument that we should all move away from (I believe that was one of my initial concerns, not sure if I vocalized it). They can do it easier as a Xeno or a kitted our Marine/TC without any risk of getting in trouble.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Omicega » 18 Jul 2018, 13:29

I can only echo what Dave said, and what Symbi added is true too.

My only concern is your admitted flat-out distaste for roleplay, and I have never been one to buy the "I can but I just don't want to" excuse. To me, it sounds like bullshit, plain and simple, but you're more than welcome to prove me wrong.

I'll throw you a +1 because ultimately I think you could be a good predator with the guidelines/honour code/whatever there to keep you in line. If not, well, the problem will probably sort itself out.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Renomaki » 07 Aug 2018, 21:57

You know, I don't like bumping predator applications, but I really think this has gone on for long enough.

I been eagerly awaiting the outcome of this for some time now, and while deep down I am still on the fence, I would like to see this accepted, considering previous events with them.

That is up for the staff to consider in the end, of course.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 07 Aug 2018, 22:13

So after playing and application wise, I know there was some controversy with spheretech being a murderbone predator after the tank incident awhile back. But watching them play, I think they can do it
I'll throw my +1 for them.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by oprayx73 » 17 Aug 2018, 20:34

Pretty mint application. Spheretech has put alot of time into this community and i'm really looking forward to what gameplay and roleplay opportunities they can provide
all of the players on the server within the role as a predator. I've got a really good feeling they could pull something off nice. Judging from the application also alone, there's nice effort
put into it that sets it apart from the run-of-the-mill less-than-adequate apps. Nice job. +1
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Aracino » 26 Aug 2018, 17:08

Spheretech from my time knowing them has made themselves known as a powergamer. It's been said many times, and my personal experience was their abuse of recon cloak + sadar+ HPR to kill xenos from stealth. I personally don't want to see spheretech in a predator role for the sake of everyone else's enjoyment. I don't find value in arguments about "if they abuse it, they'll be removed." I don't find that reasoning sound, I believe that you should have better hopes for someone you want to be on the whitelist.

As said previously I've never heard anything but things like "Contact west" or "North under attack" from Lisa. I don't know anything about the character Lisa "Hotshot" Taylor as the rp is minimal. I don't know you personally, and I don't think I've actually chatted with you out of game before. However actions speak louder than words.

This doesn't mean I won't ever change my mind on you Spheretech, I try not to hold grudges for anything. I've stopped caring about any of my own personal bias against you a long time ago. If this is ever resubmited I'd hope to see more character in your predator, their thought process, their methods.

Overall I'll have to give this a -1 based on Spheretech's powergaming history. It's a bit too deep seeded for me to overlook, as predators aren't only needed to be robust, but also to bring something that isn't killing very good, as you've no doubt proven in your time on CM.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Avalanchee » 27 Aug 2018, 04:35

Aracino wrote:
26 Aug 2018, 17:08
Spheretech from my time knowing them has made themselves known as a powergamer. It's been said many times, and my personal experience was their abuse of recon cloak + sadar+ HPR to kill xenos from stealth. I personally don't want to see spheretech in a predator role for the sake of everyone else's enjoyment. I don't find value in arguments about "if they abuse it, they'll be removed." I don't find that reasoning sound, I believe that you should have better hopes for someone you want to be on the whitelist.
will you say 'Harry Cowper has a powergaming history by using NVGs in a tank therefor he shouldn't be allowed to play as a whitelisted role' when he applies for something?
or 'Phillip Murray was often seen carrying Smartgunner gear to gain a speed advantage as a Standard, he is a filthy powergamer and for the sake of everyone else's enjoyment he shouldn't be allowed to play Synthetic' ?
Judging someone because they ''abused'' the game mechanics a long time ago when they were broken is ew.
It's not abuse and this complaint has no validity.
They are weapons and tools that the player is and was allowed to use. If anything, it's an over-sight on our part to limit what the cloak can and cannot use.

Will be nerfing the cloak over-time most likely to balance it.

No idea why you thought this warranted a report at all.


Edit: To clarify, this is just a prime example of "Why we can't have nice things" and it's unfortunate select players force our hand to nerf shit like this.
It is shameful that Spheretech went so hard to push the boundaries to win but he was using tools at his disposal.
This is what Feweh said about it and I think this is just your own hate towards Spheretech.

Aracino wrote:
26 Aug 2018, 17:08
As said previously I've never heard anything but things like "Contact west" or "North under attack" from Lisa. I don't know anything about the character Lisa "Hotshot" Taylor as the rp is minimal. I don't know you personally, and I don't think I've actually chatted with you out of game before. However actions speak louder than words.
Let me get it clear,
as someone who mains Delta and plays with Lisa alot, she speaks and communicates with us - mostly pre-deployment since she is busy outrobusting everyone when we get in a firefight, basically like Murry.
but yeah, the average level of RP is there.
Phillip 'Avalanche' Murray
They are actually very balanced. The difference is ya get marines who think they can rambo a xeno and when they die, they get all salty about it.Mizari 10/12/2018, Xeno mutators
Expert at friendly fire, girls and weapons.
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