The HPR. Is it really worth it?

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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Madventurer » 26 Aug 2018, 11:43

As someone who plays xeno a lot, the HPR is really not all that intimidating unless it's a small group of xenos against a medium-or-larger group of marines.

In which case it's only somewhat more threatening than a marine with a pulse rifle.

Probably not worth.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by FGRSentinel » 26 Aug 2018, 18:25

Yeah, in all honesty the only advantage I can come up with for the HPR over the pulse rife is the larger clip/mag size... And even then the only way I can properly phrase it is "you're more likely to still be using that first mag of ammo for the HPR when you die than you are for the pulse rifle."
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by nekcy » 26 Aug 2018, 19:21

I think the HPR is good for defending or shooting down walls, supressing fire or just to make a marine morale up for a big unga
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by misto » 26 Aug 2018, 20:15

if the HPR were used similarly to how the m56 emplacement is, by filling chokepoints with loads of sustained gunfire to convince fuckers to back off, with the bonus of not needing set-up time, and the advantage over regular rifles of not needing to reload nearly as often, you might see better use out of it, but people just treat it like a normal rifle with a fatter magazine, so they die uselessly like 99% of normal rifle users

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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Sora9567 » 26 Aug 2018, 20:26

Like the others say, the HPR's good for locking down a position with sustained fire keeping xenos from rushing you when you would normally have to reload. When I was the only combat effective marine defending LZ1 in an LV round against a lurker and a spitter, I had newfound appreciation for being able to spit out rounds to keep those damn bugs off of my lawn.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by taketheshot56 » 26 Aug 2018, 21:09

The HPR is better via the one perk of making a bigger noise, loud noise scare been-y beno.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Xennith » 26 Aug 2018, 21:32

It's a squad automatic weapon, of course the point of it is to provide sustained, suppressing fire.

Anyone who uses an HPR like it's a normal rifle is silly, and missing the point of it.

The HPR thrives most when it's essentially the middle component of a firing line of 3-4 marines, advancing on an enemy position or holding a chokepoint.
Xenos tend not to (correctly) just run into active gunfire unless they're a Crusher, which is a good survival instinct because even big benos can die very quickly to sustained fire from multiple sources.
As the HPR automatic rifleman your job is to continuously fire as your squad engages, while the adjacent marines in your formation hold fire.
You provide continuous aggression, which gives you some degree of initiative. If a xeno rounds a corner or starts advancing on you, the squad has the benefit of not only the damage it can provide, but also potentially the immediate feedback of hearing the rounds connect with a target- even offscreen. This kind of information is undervalued in discussion.

Essentially all you have to do is keep shooting and if a target presents itself, your flanking marines can open fire, using stuff like AP rounds which they can otherwise conserve because you're continuously suppressing.

Only Elder+ Warriors and Mature+ Crushers can safely run out into a line of actively engaging marines without having to worry about getting put into crit from 5-8 bursts, which three marines can EASILY accomplish if they're actually paying attention, and especially not if they're using AP.

Obviously the one flaw in this plan is that it requires squad cohesion, and marines are notorious for being unga dunga meatheads.

In that case, the best way you can position an HPR is to essentially take a 45 degree flank with your squad, taking up position on the lateral edge of your formation, and consistently providing a crossfire (ideally with partial cover from an adjacent wall) against any advancing targets. This makes you a lot harder to just pick off, and you can lay down a lot of fire on any available targets.

Problem is these options just aren't worth 60+ supply points.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Skysoldier » 26 Aug 2018, 21:41

HPR was never worth it.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Steelpoint » 26 Aug 2018, 22:44

The HPR looks cooler when you have it on your back or if its in your hands.

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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Arbs » 27 Aug 2018, 08:22

Most players use the HPR as they would use the standard rifle. Which is not the case.

From my experience I will say this.

The HPR is a suppresive weapon. Your intention should be to keep bullets flowing at the xenos, just spray them all with it. You are going to be your squad’s support gunner. They’ll do the work as you keep the xenos at bay.

Chances are you are not going to score many kills, but you are going to land some hits on xenos and continuous fire can and will keep them at bay. And that is exactly what you should be doing.
Keep the xenos at bay to make it easier for your squad mates to advance or go in for the kill. Position yourself accordingly.

Obviously once xenos get hit once they are put off a bit or in best case scenario they eat a 4-round burst from the HPR they go back to heal.

Now you have to understand that the HPR is a slow weapon. Reaction time and fire rate is slower than with the standard rifle. It is not ideal for up-close combat and you should avoid tight quarters with it.

What this means is that this weapon should be used from medium range in burst fire. It has a default 4-round burst that you need to make use of. Covering an area from range is where this weapon shines in.

Putting a QF on it will only give you something like a slow mod88 with 300 rounds.

The attachment combos I would recommend are:
1. RDS V-Grip

(BC is optional if you feel that sacrificing ROF for damage may fit you better. Works better with the BFA for maximum damage output of charged 6-round bursts.)

Since you are going to be using this weapon from a certain range an accuracy attachment like the RDS is necessary.

A V-Grip will make your groups tighter and help accuracy as well. Alternatively a BFA will increase your damage output to the price of extra scatter. Its a matter of preference.

So, is it worth it? Yes. Can it be effective? Yes. But only in the right hands of someone who knows what they’re doing and doesnt simply like it cause its cool or just for the heck of it.

It simply needs a certain playstyle of its own which differs than the things you would normally do. As again, its a support weapon more so than a killing weapon. Even its bullets do not hurt more than the standard rifle’s.

The sound, the longer bursts, the magazine capacity will make you cocky and youll have some fake confidence to rambo it. Do NOT do that. It’s going to doom you. You will expose yourself openly and do trust me that xenos will cut your round short if you do that.

As an RO, ordering one is not the issue, as you can spare the points sometimes. But finding someone to put it to good use like that is the hard part. And thats what doesn’t make the HPR worth it, because most of the time it’s wasted by someone doing the rambo exactly as described above.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by kooarbiter » 27 Aug 2018, 09:33

lol why do we even have smartgunners
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by KingPhilipIII » 27 Aug 2018, 14:32

Another thing, when I fit someone with an HPR, I almost always give them one of those surplus crates of bullets to strap to their back. It costs twenty points and it gives them an extra 600 bullets, two more magazines worth right on their back. I do this so I can tell them 'Don't lay off on the trigger, just never stop shooting' because when you're carrying as much ammunition as a smartgun nest you might not worry 'Are my shots even hitting anything?' because you've got so much ammunition. I would hope if I place this in someone's hands and tell them 'You're there to support, suppressive fire' that they might actually do it.

On average this means me fitting a marine with an HPR totals at 80 points, not including attachments.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by solidfury7 » 27 Aug 2018, 15:48

HPR should be added as a smart gunner choice or SL choice imo.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Sora9567 » 28 Aug 2018, 00:27

That actually sounds like an interesting choice: Trade IFF for slightly more damage/easily accessible ammo. Maybe tie the useful stuff to the loadout: The SG loadout gets you the Smartgun, Nightvision Goggles and the Powerpack, or the HPR loadout with only normal armor and only one mag for the HPR to balance things out.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Steelpoint » 28 Aug 2018, 01:15

I don't think the HPR and Smartgun are in the same league. The IFF of the Smartgun is too useful to pass up let alone the mini-NVG it gets.

A SL weapon would be more viable since it could cut into the points for what other items the SL has to buy.

Or make a entirely new job that uses it, maybe a Ammo Carrier who gets the HPR for fancy reasons.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Avalanchee » 28 Aug 2018, 01:51

It's the perfect weapon
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by simonset55 » 28 Aug 2018, 02:37

Better off buying more BCs and AP for robust marines, HPR is rather trash with a slow rate of fire and meager damage. It is indeed, a waste of points.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by caleeb101 » 30 Aug 2018, 10:23

hpr shoots the same bullets as the M41A

hpr accuracy feels shit

hpr fire rate feels worse than the M41A's

bad, not worth the points

good, more points for AP

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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by CABAL » 31 Aug 2018, 02:58

Ghetto HPR: Take two Pulse rifles with you. One in armor, one in hand. Use one with attachements for combat, and second for suppresing fire.
> 0 cost for Req.
> Every marine can have it.
> 80 caseless bullets with slight delay after shooting 40 of them.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Loco52 » 31 Aug 2018, 04:43

HPR cost me a lot. It's a trap, don't buy.

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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Mister Jeether » 04 Sep 2018, 16:19

the HPR is the best gun you can get as a marine. High Ammo pool, high damage, works like AP, it's on par with most spec loadouts, and best of all, any marine can use it.

It's reliable and attachments can turn it into a man-portable M56D. It really depends on who's using it, though. Don't give it to a thirsty PFC.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by caleeb101 » 12 Sep 2018, 12:42

Mister Jeether wrote:
04 Sep 2018, 16:19
the HPR is the best gun you can get as a marine. High Ammo pool, high damage, works like AP, it's on par with most spec loadouts, and best of all, any marine can use it.

It's reliable and attachments can turn it into a man-portable M56D. It really depends on who's using it, though. Don't give it to a thirsty PFC.
this is all false except the high ammo pool

it literally shoots the same bullets as the standard M41A and they're not AP

this is why we have people still using the HPR.. cause of misconceptions
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Gnorse » 13 Sep 2018, 10:58

HPR's a good weapon but it sure as hell isn't worth 60 points,
maybe 25 points, 30 at most.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Carnolus » 13 Sep 2018, 11:34

Agreed. It’s a solid weapon, just not worth the prices. I’ve seen em around a little, but generally those guys are just regular marines, as in, suppressive fire isnt in their wheelhouse.
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Re: The HPR. Is it really worth it?

Post by Tetrino » 13 Sep 2018, 23:26

i will always ask for a HPR as the B18 spec and you can't stop me
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