[Alpha] Different gamemodes

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by UnKuT » 03 Aug 2015, 20:04

Aliens vs. Predator round: This is a standard gamemode already, the dev team surely knows more about this than me, so I won't discuss this one further.

Alien Isolation round:
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Basically everything that is in the quote, however with one other feature that escaped me: malf synthetics, or basically any other type of minor antag faction, simply because in a server with 110+ players it would be almost impossible to make the alien capable of taking on all these, no matter how buffed he was. Personally I think that said antag faction shouldn't pose as much of a threat as the alien but still enough to make the players distract themselves from the xenomorph by trying to avoid or survive said antag faction. I think the only problem I see about this is the ranks; would all players automatically be random scientists and researchers, and would just make up their own character stories and jobs themselves? Maybe only add a few specific ranks, like the director of the colony, head researcher, etc. If this can't be possible then one can just go with my original idea of having the round start after the creature already broke loose and everything is disorganized and chaotic, and whereas ranks are no longer cared about. EDIT: I think there should be no such thing such as a radio frequency that broadcasts to everybody except the alien. Besides making no sense (you wouldn't see that even in the lore), it would basically be a way to say "alien/synthetic/bad guy is over here! Quick! Everybody rush here and let's overpower him!". Other than that, it would add to the horror value.

Predator (Isolation?) round/Predator round: Since both of these were very vague and confusing, I think we should adopt steelpoint and Mr. Penguin's idea. Their ideas and mine are in this post (WALL OF TEXT INSIDE):
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So keep in mind that this idea is VERY recent, literally days ago recent, so I personally only have the bare essentials of the idea, while Steelpoint probably has a very good grip on everything. But in my opinion we could take Penguin's idea of starting the round normally, much like the normal gamemode we have right now, gearing up, briefing, etc, and then when all the marines are on the shuttles being sent to the planet it shakes, a text pops up saying the drop ship/ drop pod is being hit. Now what would be really good is making it so that all the marine players on said dropship or drop pod land at random parts of the planet on parachutes or any other similar manner, so they all scatter and become disorganized, and in the meantime a group of invisible Predators are also scattered around the planet and could be hunting anybody at any given time. The tension and entertainment would be high.

After that I guess it could be like the normal gamemode, but with one catch: given that the shuttles were destroyed, new marine players who had missed the first trip to the planet would have another method of heading down there, but it would have to force them to, again, land on a random part of the planet; maybe some kind of shuttle that heads into the planet atmosphere but still forces the marines to jump in parachutes? This way it would prevent metagaming and players camping in one place knowing reinforcements would eventually arrive there, plus it would be extremely fun to lose the organization factor that marines have, all of the squads going scattered and in the meantime starting to be hunted by Predators, and having to eventually find each other and work out a solution off the planet. Maybe their comms could malfunction too, seeing as how constantly being in contact with one another would take out the tension considerably, while losing it would add to the isolation and hopelessness feel.

Speaking of a way off the planet, with the drop ships out of the equation, I think their way off the planet should be based off random objectives, much like the Alien: Isolation round. Something like setting up a LZ and lighting up the area for an emergency drop ship to land, etc in one around, while in another the marines need to find an abandoned spaceship, or the Predator's spaceship, while in another it is about straight up heading to their temple and retrieve an item of theirs? Then a timer would begin and the marines would need to survive until evac. It should be something difficult to do, and require multiple trips across the planet. If this is too much trouble to do, however, then there is always a much simpler solution: either the marines kill the predators, or the predators kill the marines.

Finally there is the issue of too many marine players and too few predator players, so again the Synthetic idea from Alien: Isolation could be done, or if that doesn't make much sense, then in these types of rounds there could be mobs on the planet, you know like spiders or even those animals from the Predators film. However so that they could not be OP or even more threatening than the Predators, they could only incapacitate a marine and not exactly kill or even hurt them too much. Just a random thought, however I think adding a suitable minor enemy faction is not too difficult and only requires some thought. EDIT: An idea I had was to make the hound animals that the Predators used in the 2010 Predators film a thing, as it could be a practical solution to the minor antag faction problem. Maybe even make dead players able to spawn as them once or twice if the marine numbers were too high, as long as they aren't too OP.

Syndicate/Rebels/Pirates/Mutiny/etc round:
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This has been done a million times as events, and imo is extremely easy to do, and there are literally DOZENS of ways to do this. The round begins as normal, the players gear up, get briefed, get on the drop ship/pod, head down to the planet. Then instead of aliens or predators or monsters, they find terrorists, rebels, or my favorite combat synthetics. In fact probably my idea would be Combat Synthetics that were sent there by Weyland Yutani to silence the facility after they found out too much, or to retrieve something. If combat synthetics are not an option, then a team of mercenaries would do as well.

Necromorph round:
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Again another seemingly "normal" type of round, the marines gear up, get briefed, head down to the planet. However this time they don't find aliens or predators, they find the mutants with said virus. I don't know exactly how this virus is transmitted, again I haven't seen Prometheus, but it would be cool if after killing a human they would soon revive with said virus and have to kill the remaining humans.

If that's too non-canon, however, a different approach would have to be taken. I still think the virus would have to be transmittable somehow. My idea stands, however.

Synthetic idea
Steelpoint wrote:One random idea I thought off was that there is a small chance a random person, a marine or support personal, is a weyland--yutani synthetic. This synthetic would have secret orders to accomplish such as bringing a live alien facehugger back or taking several pictures of facehugged humans.
I thought I should add this one because of how great it looked to me. In fact this could happen in any round at all imo, and have a random chance to occur. It would essentially be a classic take on the "Traitor" gamemode from other servers, except it would be canon and much more interesting.

I think this is all, if I haven't missed something; however seeing as how ideas for gamemodes are always being created by players this list is bound to grow in the future.

EDIT: Also I forgot to mention that most of these rounds (with the exception of Isolation), imo should begin with the current approach of "gearing up, getting briefed, heading down to the planet" because this way the players would never know what to expect in their mission. They would never know what they were going to find and this way it would both prevent metagaming and keep players interested and on suspense.
Last edited by UnKuT on 10 Aug 2015, 22:48, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by Kukeke11 » 05 Aug 2015, 16:10

This is a good idea but I think only Alien Isolation and Predator round will be better suited and more similar to what we have now.
I feel that rounds like AvP would feel too different and this server is famous because of the scary but bad ass feel you get as marine, at least for me.In AvP round everyone
would be a badass and there wouldn't be those screaming shit in pants moments like you have with marines or survivors.

Anything that doesn't go too far from current formula will do. We could also have a round where predators are sent on a human station for X reasons but this mode would be better suited for vanilla SS13.We could have a extra map for instance a big big station where aliens have nested, and predator group round would fit there since everyone could spawn as survivors.

Well all these ideas need more discussion and designing before they can be implemented anyway.

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by UnKuT » 06 Aug 2015, 13:43

What are you even talking about, AvP rounds are often a standard gamemode already. There's even Predator whitelists and everything.
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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by Kukeke11 » 06 Aug 2015, 16:36

UnKuT wrote:What are you even talking about, AvP rounds are often a standard gamemode already. There's even Predator whitelists and everything.
By AVP I mean that half players are alien and half predators.

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by xywenx00 » 06 Aug 2015, 16:46

Kukeke11 wrote: By AVP I mean that half players are alien and half predators.
That wouldn't really fit with the lore, since predators only hunt in packs of 1-3. Normal rounds are pretty much AvP.

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by Kukeke11 » 06 Aug 2015, 16:49

xywenx00 wrote: That wouldn't really fit with the lore, since predators only hunt in packs of 1-3. Normal rounds are pretty much AvP.
And that is exactly what I said in my post since that is what I thought he meant ... -.-

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by xywenx00 » 06 Aug 2015, 17:06

Kukeke11 wrote: And that is exactly what I said in my post since that is what I thought he meant ... -.-
Alright, I just read the last message. Don't get angry at me :P

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by UnKuT » 06 Aug 2015, 17:16

Yes, a normal AvP round is like, 5 to 10 Predators depending on the 100+ players in the server.
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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by Desolane900 » 07 Aug 2015, 22:49

All these nerds thinking we should do BayStation 12 antag rounds. Psh I say! Psh!

CM should have a defense type game mode! The power goes off after a certain amount of time, opening the blast doors to a colony building and letting the Xenomorphs inside to wreck shit or be beaten back!

There could be a game type where certain weapons are not permitted. See Aliens(movie)? They set off a thermonuclear explosion by firing the M41A rifles inside the atmospheric processor's cooling section causing a melt down. CM should have something like that. "Flamers and sidearms only."

There could be another ship, much like the beginning of the game Colonial Marines, where the ship is infested with xenomorphs and USMC Marines were sent in to investigate.

Gamemode idea 4, get something important from Lazerous' Landing. ie: Documents. A high ranking official of the company, or something on him like an I.D. or some high value intel folders. One of those safes you see in the compound. This one would require much less work and would be a nice change to the usual go in, shoot stuff, get victory.

Following the normal canon Alien vs Predator universe, Marines could be sent in knowing about the xenomorphs and told to capture one or several of them for study on the Sulaco. Maybe WY(Weyland Yutani) makes their own version of the xenomorph that is a different color and releases that brood on the planet, which in turn fights with the pure black original brood. (See Alien vs Predator Extinction)

Just some thoughts. Some are hard to implement and would take time, I'm sure, but a few would be easy and could be done right now.
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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by dark lord derpy » 08 Aug 2015, 15:19

I would love to see some more variety in game modes, I especially like the thought of Wayland-Yutani with their own mission and the retrieve intel missions.

Although I cant think of a way to fit this into the aliens verse, a game mode where the marines are in conflict with high tech enemies could be interesting, with energy weapons and teleporters or something.

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by UnKuT » 13 Aug 2015, 08:59

A little idea that I had was to make the rules about grieving practically non existant in the Alien Isolation rounds, seeing as how the entire colony itself is supposed to be a very chaotic, disorganized place, where social life has perished and everyone is out only for themselves. That way all the players would be running around scared for their lives, given how they couldn't trust anybody and even when they did, most likely by meeting up with a static name they've known for a while, they would still be looking over their shoulders.

Still some rules should still be enforced of course, such as John Doe going around saying stuff like "Lol gais i know whos controlin the alium hes ooc name is Pedro43 lmaobox"
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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by MrJJJ » 16 Aug 2015, 02:56

That is all i can say i want XD
+1 btw, we really need more variety, having to keep killing and dying to the same and same and same enemies can get boring after a while...

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by Kinrany » 16 Aug 2015, 06:38

I think marines should start on Sulaco no matter the gamemode. Bonus: there would actually be a point in listening to commander's bubble during briefing.

Isolation: dozens of small stations on different z-levels; some of them are chosen for survivors and aliens to spawn. Survivor activates a distress beacon, marines board the station.

Escort: marines have to escort a huge bomb. There's a road through the forest and a couple of buildings that can be used as FOBs. Monkeys constantly spawn in the forest, so that aliens can kill marines for once.

Revolt: colonists are scared and want to escape the colony (they have their own ship), marines have to stop the ship from leaving and protect the colony from alien attack.

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by UnKuT » 16 Aug 2015, 20:56

Kinrany wrote:Isolation: dozens of small stations on different z-levels; some of them are chosen for survivors and aliens to spawn. Survivor activates a distress beacon, marines board the station.
That sounds too complicated. Besides straying away from the whole different type of gamemode, even if several z-levels were mapped specifically for this, what would the marines be doing until the survivors activate the distress beacon? Just sit around, being bored? Plus it would eventually just become the standard gamemode we have right now, defeating the purpose.
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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by Dreviore » 17 Aug 2015, 00:06

What I'd like to see is the occasional event where a group of marines are given the objective to just overthrow command, and reconnect their communications consoles to Weyland Yutani, where they're given different objectives, such as...

"Any infected marines are to be contained in cryo"
"Keep the marines from wiping out the infestation"

etc etc. Basically give them goals to better Weyland Yutani's goals, weaponizing the xenomorph.

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by UnKuT » 17 Aug 2015, 11:31

Dreviore wrote:What I'd like to see is the occasional event where a group of marines are given the objective to just overthrow command, and reconnect their communications consoles to Weyland Yutani, where they're given different objectives, such as...

"Any infected marines are to be contained in cryo"
"Keep the marines from wiping out the infestation"

etc etc. Basically give them goals to better Weyland Yutani's goals, weaponizing the xenomorph.
That's not a bad idea actually.
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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by LordeKilly » 17 Aug 2015, 12:24

As i said in the old thread, changeling marines among the ranks.

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by UnKuT » 17 Aug 2015, 13:05

I wouldn't mind that at all and I think that would be a pretty good idea, but it's really up to Apop and the devs whether or not they want to add Changelings.

But yes I definitely like that.
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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by UnKuT » 18 Aug 2015, 00:36

So with Opposing Force being among my favorite games I don't know why this type of idea had not occurred to me before, but I'm glad it did anyway.

Basically, there could be a random chance of a round later developing into a "cover-up" situation of sorts, where Weyland Yutani somehow uses their Corporate expertise to manipulate the higher ups into covering up the entire incident down on their facility. What this means is that they wouldn't want any witnesses getting out alive and spilling the beans about what they were doing down there, unethically experimenting on the vicious, deadly Xenomorphs and using innocent human lives for this purpose.

So what does this mean gameplay-wise? Basically, Weyland Yutani/the higher ups would send a Black Ops team down to the planet to "silence" any witnesses, including the marines. Hopefully dead players in general could fill in these roles systematically, with the code prompting a pop up text stating "Do you wish to be a part of the Black Ops team?" much like how the HIT worked back on the Pre-Alpha.

I don't think there should be a need for the admins to prompt this event to happen, it should be, code-wise, be understood as a different gamemode overall, with a chance of occurring. Central Command would send a message to the higher ups (and only them) basically stating "We are ordering the containment of this incident. A Black Ops team will shortly be deployed" or something.

This would be fun seeing as how the marines would basically be stuck between surviving against the aliens, and the black ops. The latter would also have to deal with both the marines and the aliens trying to kill them. And if Predators join in on the fun, well, it becomes an entirely epic experience altogether.

EDIT: Either way all parties would have an objective. Marines would need to survive the Black Ops and get back to the Sulaco, after that proceeding to spread the message or anything similar. If no SLs or anybody were able to pilot the dropship/pod then they'd have to kill all the Black Ops so that CO would have a window to send them back.

Black Ops would need to silence any witnesses and head back home; depending on the admins they could also be given other objectives such as retrieving a live specimen or something.

Aliens and Predators would have the normal objective of killing everybody pretty much.
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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by SASoperative » 22 Aug 2015, 19:33

+1 still

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by Expired Torpedo » 24 Aug 2015, 07:54

UnKuT wrote:So with Opposing Force being among my favorite games I don't know why this type of idea had not occurred to me before, but I'm glad it did anyway.

Basically, there could be a random chance of a round later developing into a "cover-up" situation of sorts, where Weyland Yutani somehow uses their Corporate expertise to manipulate the higher ups into covering up the entire incident down on their facility. What this means is that they wouldn't want any witnesses getting out alive and spilling the beans about what they were doing down there, unethically experimenting on the vicious, deadly Xenomorphs and using innocent human lives for this purpose.

So what does this mean gameplay-wise? Basically, Weyland Yutani/the higher ups would send a Black Ops team down to the planet to "silence" any witnesses, including the marines. Hopefully dead players in general could fill in these roles systematically, with the code prompting a pop up text stating "Do you wish to be a part of the Black Ops team?" much like how the HIT worked back on the Pre-Alpha.

I don't think there should be a need for the admins to prompt this event to happen, it should be, code-wise, be understood as a different gamemode overall, with a chance of occurring. Central Command would send a message to the higher ups (and only them) basically stating "We are ordering the containment of this incident. A Black Ops team will shortly be deployed" or something.

This would be fun seeing as how the marines would basically be stuck between surviving against the aliens, and the black ops. The latter would also have to deal with both the marines and the aliens trying to kill them. And if Predators join in on the fun, well, it becomes an entirely epic experience altogether.

EDIT: Either way all parties would have an objective. Marines would need to survive the Black Ops and get back to the Sulaco, after that proceeding to spread the message or anything similar. If no SLs or anybody were able to pilot the dropship/pod then they'd have to kill all the Black Ops so that CO would have a window to send them back.

Black Ops would need to silence any witnesses and head back home; depending on the admins they could also be given other objectives such as retrieving a live specimen or something.

Aliens and Predators would have the normal objective of killing everybody pretty much.
the whole idea of it sounds like some kind of event. would love to see it happen though

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by UnKuT » 24 Aug 2015, 15:04

I don't think so, but even if it does, players usually love events to a point where they crave them, turning an event idea into a normal gamemode wouldn't be such a bad thought.
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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by Jeser » 28 Aug 2015, 15:01

BTW, aliens wars can be really epic (Red vs Black hives). Two hives, fights for monkeys and so on. Maybe few survivors just 4 lulz.
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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by Kitty2.0 » 05 Sep 2015, 18:14

i dont like the idea of new modes personally new maps however those would be widely appriciated

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Re: [Alpha] Different gamemodes

Post by Gamerofthegame » 05 Sep 2015, 19:44

You can do both at once!
